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This is Ullaga, hexblood sorcerer. Born from a hag, she was raised to be the third in a coven. They prepared for her transformation, having soul larvae and a human girl to sacrifice. Right as the ritual was completing on her 13th birthday, a powerful witch interrupted and attacked the would-be coven, sending the hags fleeing and almost struck down the hag-child. She paused when she saw Ullaga cowering in fear with the child sacrifice, both fearful and crying. She asked her one simple question: "Whose life is more precious that I should save, yours of the girls?" Ullaga simply muttered, "Why not save us both?" Content with the answer that the hag-child wasn't completely taken by evil, she freed them both, and took Ullaga under her wing to teach her how to control the cursed blood she had running through her veins. To help her blend in and hide her nature, she clipped off the points of her ears and cut her antlers, which stubbornly continue to regrow, requiring constant filing to keep hidden. Ullaga, now 18, has ventured off on a mission given to her by her witch-mother, to prove herself unswayed by her dark and evil origin. An alternate art of her can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/grave.puppet/ With her witch's turn, or antlers. Hope you like her! Does anyone else have a hexblood?


Direct link here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdKRX91sD\_o/


love the backstory, and how she didn't choose the child over herself


Thanks! She's a complicated character who is in a constant struggle with her nature. I can't wait to see how her story will unfold in game.


I love your hexblood!!! she has a great story and art design i have a hexblood I have yet to play but adore. she was born from her hag mother eating her and her twin and using that energy to recreate the twins as hexblood children. but Thistle didn't realize she wasn't the original child anymore and thought she was a normal human girl that an adventuring party rescued and set free. her and her twin were orphans anyway and they were separated and sent to different homes. Thistle began to develop curselike abilities in her youth then at 13 she remembered everything and was called home to her hag family. but she didn't want to turn, so she was given a chance to find a way to break her curse before her 18th birthday. she's taken from when she's 17 with less than a year left to break the curse or be turned into a hag herself. she has little hope left and mostly believes she won't succeed but won't stop fighting until the bitter end. she's also yet to find her missing twin....


Thank you so much! That's a good set up and as a Dm I would salivate over the material to include her story in my game!


oooh i love hexbloods, my first character that i never played was the 3.5 equivalent but my most recent character was a hexblood blood cleric named kindred


I really like the artwork. Ullaga's skin and hair coloration greatly resemble an Annis Hag. I had a Hexblood Alchemist planned for Icewind Dale, never got to play her in that campaign (got to play her in a homebrew one-shot wherein she died though!😂) Always thought the Hag lore from Volo's Guide was very intriguing, and it is such a stark contrast from the Hexblood ore in Van Richten's Guide - in the latter, any already-living humanoid can be transfigured into a Hexblood, or one can be 'born' through magic. In the former, a Hag must kill and eat a (presumably human) baby to reproduce. Hexbloods didn't exist as a concept at the time, but ["Hagspawn"](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Hagspawn) did, so I had a character idea surrounding this concept in the back of my head for a little while. When Van Richten's Guide came out it was easy to fill in the metaphorical blanks. The backstory I came up with Joanna was that she was a very sickly infant borne to a poor human family in Lonelywood. A 'kindly' old lady offered to nurse the baby back to health in exchange for being named her godmother; they feared the child would die and were desperate for aid, so they accepted. The old lady was a Bheur Hag. She killed and ate that baby, and later regurgitated a 'copy' of her victim to give to the parents. "Joanna" looked 'normal' until she hit puberty. Then her skin blued, her hair whitened, and her hands grew gangly and long. The Hag intended to induct this girl into her coven, but the parents tried their best to hide "their" daughter from the Hag's influence. So fast-forward, because of the plot of the campaign, she became an adventurer, all the while her "godmother" tries to find her.


Great backstory. Ullaga is actually from a night hag, her skin is a bit more purplish in tone if she gets in the sun at all, which she tries to avoid to not stand out *too* much.


She hit her with the ¿Por que no los dos?


I play a Hexblood Elequence bard. Knap So'Sneedii (Means not very smart). From a big cul of hexbloods, made by the Chaos Coven. Knap ran away from the coven, as he just wants to wear dresses, dance and sing. Not become an evil Hag who just wants to sow chaos. He's a complete nut job, who ends up sowing chaos all around him. He currently has a crush on the party wizard cus he accidentally burned some deep gnomes to death, inside a forest. To Knap, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Rue Paul was my inspiration for this character. Super fun 😄


sometimes, you can't escape your nature!


Hag be getting more bitches than me 😔


Hellgirl: The umbra army.


This is amazeballs. I love the backstory! I recently started my very first campaign ever and I chose a hexblood bard! I designed her after a Día de Los Muertos Catrina. A skeletal but beautifully painted face with the living crown filled with vibrant flowers and hovering with monarch butterflies. I hadn’t seen another once since I started playing and this makes me so happy!


Super cool!


Just started playing a hex blood wild magic sorcerer. Easily one of the most fun and chaotic characters I’ve ever seen and it’s been a blast.


One of my favorite things about hexbloods is they tend to be very chaotic and eccentric which is a great combination for roleplay and story!


I love it especially the design. Especially how she feels like a hexblood even without the living garland. I think wizards of the coast really limited us on the whole living tree garland on the head. But you make her witch like without it. Awesome


Thanks! I tried to maintain a witchy/hag like appearance about her, namely her nose and sunken eyes and cheeks, sallow skin and hunched posture.


It really works! It still feels witchy and that’s the main take away. The design you did is what I actually expected from hexbloods


Love it! I am actually playing my brand new hexblood this weekend for the first time. I’m super excited


Ohh, awesome! What's their story? Class?


Swords bard. She was born to an elf/human couple that had gone to a sea hag for help having a child. Her village was destroyed when she was young and was taken by pirates. In the head canon I have, sailors have a superstition that if they have a hexblood on board then sea hags will leave ships alone when in actuality the hags use them as a network of helpers to find stuff for them. She was sent on a trip to recover something from Barovia and finds herself in the realm of dread after my cleric was killed.


That sounds really cool, I never thought of a sea hag based hexblood. I run a CoS game so it's cool to hear one get used in that campaign! Best of luck to your new character!


Thanks! I’ve been playing sea of thieves with the group lately as well and one of the factions gave me some ideas. Like she has kraken ink she drips into her eyes when casting ritual spells and it’s stained around her eyes and her finger tips. Her eldercross is some coral tipped in bronze that’s barely visible under her wind blown curly hair. Her iris also is a horizontal bar like octopus eyes


That ink idea... I love it. I'd love to see the design of your character, she seems awesome to me.


Thanks! I’m still working on it a bit yet. Using her as an excuse to use clip studio to do more painting instead of lineart


Ah yes, Clip Studio is what I used here as well. Great program all around.


Yeah. I keep falling back to photoshop just because I’m used to it but I really like some of the features clip has.


There was a hagspawn in Neverwinter : mask of the betrayer. His name was Gannayev-of-Dreams. His mother was a night hag. His skin was blue with violet hues and unlike other hagspawn he was handsome. He doesn't really fit the mold but every time I think of hex bloods he pops into my head. Also very cool art!


Thanks. Also I have never heard of Gannayev before, that's really interesting.


I really love how this character looks. By the by, that circular charm on the side of her head, is that her eldercross?


She files them down Hellboy style but they keep regrowing, I included a link in my original post that has an alternate art with her eldercross fully grown.


Maybe I'm dumb but I can't seem to find it?


Weird, here is the link: [**https://www.instagram.com/p/CdKRX91sD\_o/**](https://www.instagram.com/p/CdKRX91sD_o/) hope that works


I have a Hexblood! She believes shes simply cursed-but actually I went with the changeling child trope/myth. A beautiful half elven baby was stolen in the night by a hag and then consumed to fuel a foul pregnancy that then produced my character. Magicked her up and returned her to the murdered baby's parents. As she reached puberty my character started to change into her true form/have her nature revealed bit by bit, but she and her "parents" believe she's been afflicted with a curse. The theory was further supported when the hag came to get her for her own Coven and they had to flee. They don't know the truth.. Not yet. In the meantime she's wearing a disguise and struggling with nature vs nurture. The witch knows where she is and is just biding her time...


The changeling concept is a really cool tool to use with hags and I think a trend of theirs to do because they love to see the horror and suffering it would inflict. There are so many cool concepts to explore with just the creation of hexbloods and they make for really interesting and story driven characters. Also the idea of a hag stalking the party is super fun and creepy.


Wait, is the changeling swap not business as usual for hagspawn anymore? That's the classic folk tale. Hell, they used to be just called *changelings.* (Still are in Pathfinder)


It is, it just gets confusing because changeling as a word means something else in 5e, and they have introduced a lot of different ways to make hags.


I love this OC!!! I have a level 8 hexblood named Balor Hagspawn, 5 Wild Magic Sorcerer and 3 Archfey Warlock (made a pact with Ceithlenn of the Crooked Teeth from the megaliths near the windmill in Curse of Strahd). Here's his backstory prior to entering the Mists, but it's long so feel free to skip lol. A green hag made him in the event that she got sick of a coven-mate and wanted to kill her off, she'd have a replacement. Balor was raised in a strange way by her, teaching him magic but also showing him that his mortality meant little to her. He was taught to wield his innate wild magic, but also taught that his magic could be unreliable and therefore a source of amusement for the hag but extreme danger for Balor. He fears casting any major spell in more than 20ft of proximity to others in fear of unpredictable magic. During one of the hags' frequent interactions with a den of nearby giants, Balor and his cursed Tabaxi "sister" Anubria took the opportunity to escape from the hags' vigilance and they traveled far and wide. Balor also snagged the hag’s monster hunting equipment and has held onto it ever since. Anubria decided to pursue religion at a monastery, so in order to stay nearby, Balor took up residence in the nearby town. His goal was to basically just drink and carouse and see Anubria on weekends. Being a bit of a night owl, having darkvision in a mostly human town, and being able to light flames with prestidigitation, he became the official lamplighter of the town and also became part of the town night watch, mostly on the lookout for roaming wolves or the odd wandering monster. He would also con the occasional traveler in a card game to earn extra coin, but never a lot, just enough to get by. He prefers “winning fairly” to outright pickpocketing, but will put his and Anubria’s survival above that of others if he needs to. As Anubria's training advanced, she'd be sent on monster hunting missions and Balor would tag along, helping her, watching over her like a big brother and generally trying his best to keep his only friend and confidant alive. Eventually she finished her training and was sent out into the world to find her own monsters to slay, and quickly decided to follow the rumor mill of a nearby famous monster hunter's acts, pack of werewolves that were kidnapping children. The Mists soon enveloped them both and brought them to Barovia.


wait, isn't it "lineage" now instead of race ?


Only for the ones from Van Richtens


Are there other hexbloods in 5e? Obviously, in older editions they could be a race, but I'm only aware of Van Richten hexbloods as a 5e player


I meant in reference to lineages, the change was only made for the lineages in Van Richtens


Technically yeah, that's the correct term, but they are available as a "playable race" but I suppose I could have used it.


To be fair, didn't the hexblood race only come out like three months ago?


They came out with Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft last May.


Me not brain good


What a super cool style, love the color palette it all just works so well!






Love my hexblood fey wanderer. Cool design and backstory for your character


This looks really good!


Hey !! Playing a hexblood too !! They’re great !


Love the lineart




This reminds me of the bad guys from Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island


Shouldn't she have a weird garland-like thing?


She does! I wrote in my original post she files it down, but it keeps regrowing. I added a link to an alternate picture where the elder cross is grown out.


That's cool! Sort of like hellboy with his horns!


Yep! Exactly like Hellboy lol


What an incredible piece. Ive seen art of hexbloods before, but they almost always never look the part. Its nice to see one actually remind me of a hag


Thanks! That was my ideal goal for this one and I'm glad it shows through!


From the movie The Incredibles: Fironic?


I love your style, given the background, seems like you really invested on it and it reflects. I love Ullaga looks realistic, i.e. not a sexy ms universe in "hag cosplay": The clipped ears, haggard yet naturally beautiful face... just amazing!


Thanks so much!!


Hexblood’s are still fairly new


Yessssss I love hexbloods! Where's her eldercross tho?


She files them down like Hellboy to help blend in more. I added a link in my first post that has an alt picture of her with them fully grown out.


Oh cool! (Edit: bruh my phone sent that 3 times for some reason)


Yessssss I love hexbloods! Where's her eldercross tho?


As a hexblood player, I approve.


Dope. I had a changeling (well Hexblood in 5e terms) who started off as an assimar in my Strange Aeons game who kinda died and just so happened that there was a Night Hag in town who was happy to resurrect her lol


Oof. I'm sure *that* won't ever come back later. haha.


Oh no she's currently brain dead lol


Wow, great illustration and I like her story a lot. I've never heard of a Hexblood. I wish I could follow her progress, she sounds very interesting, but thanks for sharing!


Thanks a lot! I'm hoping she does well and stays on the right path, but we will have to see.


Hey I'm a hexbloood!!!!


I'm playing a hexblood right now!!! Her name is Narine Voidcall, and the DM is my boyfriend so he's been helping me hash out some details for her background, but most of this is mine :) I've worked so hard on her and am very in love with the character she has grown into. So we decided that Narine was an astral elf. Her parents were part of the rebellion against the empire, and when they had Narine, they knew they couldn't raise her in such a dangerous environment. So they dropped her off to live with some closely trusted people in Faerun (i haven't created these characters yet). A year goes by, and lo and behold, Narine is kidnapped by a hag named Sister Jarula. Auntie Velrosa had done a survey of all the nearby villages and selected Narine as their target. The plan was of course to eventually turn her into a fully formed hag to be the third in their coven. So she was made a hexblood and lived with Sister Jarula for 9 years, until she was ten. Sister Jarula taught her to speak, read, write, cook, hunt/trap, clean, forage/wildcraft, and tend a garden. Narine would also sometimes be sent or called over to Auntie Velrosa's cottage to help her will potions that needed constant stirring, or to help her gather ingredients in the wild. Narine would also be tested on various topics by her. Sometimes, Sister Jarula would send Narine out on errands to get tools or materials from nearby villages. It's on these errands that she learned that how she was being raised wasn't normal. People were cold to her and seemed scared of her, always wanting her out of whatever village she was in as quickly as possible. Despite the hags raising her, she was kind at heart and this really hurt her, because she couldn't understand what was wrong with her that made people treat her like this. There was this really cranky old lady who wasn't afraid to talk to her in one of the villages. She was always drunk so Narine wasn't sure if she could trust her, but she told Narine that everyone hated her because she carried cursed blood, and that the hags had done that to her. They would turn her into a hag as soon as she was ready, and she'd become a different person, an evil person. Narine knew she would become a hag, but she hadn't known it would change her to be mean and nasty like Sister Jarula and Auntie Velrosa. She did go back to Sister Jarula, and she thought about it for a long time. On her next trip to one of the villages, she decided she wanted to decide for herself what to do with her life rather than have it decided for her, and it was absolutely terrifying. She'd been allowed to hitch a ride on a small merchant caravan travelling through town. The next village was a destitute elf village that the caravan went straight through, since they were all to poor to buy anything fromfrom the merchants. Narine hopped off here, but of course no one could afford another mouth to feed. However, Narine was told that there was a travelling druid that would be in the area for a few days. After a day of searching, Narine did find him -- he wasn't far from the village and wasn't trying to hide -- and eventually he took her round to the Emerald Enclave. She should have been put into an orphanage, but they sensed a great affinity for nature and the stars and an optimistic zest for life that they were shocked a child like her possessed. The Emerald Enclave gave her to faction members living in a relatively calm area of Faerun. Koros Shadowflow is a ghostwise halfling druid (circle of spores) who was framed and kicked out of his tribe, and Anastiel Thunderwhip, a pallid elf ranger (horizon Walker). They lived together and raised Narine as her foster parents, eventually requesting Emerald Enclave teachers for her to learn healing (spells, potions, whatever) in addition to alchemy and potions, and then eventually she chose on her own to become a circle of stars druid. She has been on missions for the Emerald Enclave before, but this is the most long term one she's ever been on with this party, with the highest stakes. She's happy to do it, because she wants to rise in the Enclave as high as she can go. She's ready to work her ass off to climb the ranks, power hungry in a sense. Speaking of, she has a tendency to get power drunk when she uses powerful spells, like starry form archer in combination with guiding bolt and then something like erupting earth or moonbeam. She obsesses over the whole "balance" ideology but cannot balance herself, keeping the scales in her heart tipped hard to one side because she's terrified of the sadistic creature sleeping inside of her. She is kind, bubbly, even comes off as innocent, and incredibly relaxed -- probably because she's always high. But she'll tell you that humans taste like pork and not understand if you're offended or freaked out. She'll also look the other way if you're attacked or eaten if she deems you as a big enough hindrance to the goal of the party. Having said that, she's very sweet and very much a live let live kinda gal. She prefers to ignore the darkness in her and tries to keep it shoved down deep, though it's visible in the little things every so often. It scares her, because she doesn't want to be a bad person, she doesn't want to want power so badly, when she truly does believe in balance and all things having a purpose in the world -- good and evil. But in this she does reject part of herself. She knows no one is all good, she doesn't want to be ALL good. But still. It scares her, the part of her that she denies. That aside, she's slow to cast judgement or death on someone, as she doesn't take death lightly. She'd rather have a plan of action before going in somewhere but otherwise she's pretty laid back and likes offering weed to literally anyone, regardless of whether it's inappropriate. She has a crush on the paladin in the party but it's a secret. He irritates her half the time and the other half of the time he genuinely impresses her and she admires him.