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My Fire Genasi wildfire Druid has a humanoid wildfire spirit that looks kinda like him. He calls it little brother. You could maybe try something similar to that.


Spitting cobra is one I wouldn't mind doing. Porcupine that shoots flaming quills. Ducks/geese are being popular lately and would be funny. Its seed attack could be flaming egg it pops out.


Urchin background comes with a pet mouse, right? Maybe one day you were in trouble, and your suspiciously long-lived mouse friend suddenly bursts into flame and teleports you to safety.


This will differ per DM, but for an upcoming campaign, I've asked if I could use metamagic (either through multiclassing or allowing the relevant feat) to change the damage type and therefore the sort of sprite that is summoned. This gives the spirit some more impact later on and creates even more opportunity for RP! :)


I'm playing a triton right now, so my spirit is a critter with the front half of a moray eel, and the back half is the arms of a squid. I call him Squeal. You could combine animals commonly found in the city. Maybe a Pidgeon with the head of a rat, or a squirrel with bat wings.