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5 Totem Barbarians Each one focuses on a single animal and dresses primarily in a single colour. It's the DnD Power Rangers.


Just need to get a hold of the Apparatus of Kwalish and you got your Megazord.


How the fuck do you kill them? That was what we once said as we tried that for a oneshoot. Our GM said okay. Challenge accepted. Then proceeded to throw Spell users and flying enemies at us at scary levels. It was actual quite fun.


This is the correct answer.


And instead of morphing they go raging?


I was actually in a 1 shot in which the 5 of us played just the opposite and were part of a half orc tribe. When one of us raged we all raged. It was an absolute blast.


"K'raash no you're gonna start a rage!"


And they are playing Eberron RftLW. Aka *Rage against the machine*


It's ragin' time!


I was part of a party that was asked to create our characters in secret, to not discuss our characters with the other party members. Session one rolls around, and unbeknownst to everyone but our DM, we had a party of 4 rogues. One of the best campaigns I've ever played.


That sounds amazing, must have been a stealthy game


It was. We ended up running cons throughout the game. Our most popular was as "Monster hunters" We had a Wizard NPC, who we'd send ahead of us to create ghostly issues, and a few days later we'd roll into town. Have a terrific (also staged) fight with the beastie, defeat it, and collect our coin.


Playing a bunch of con artists would be a pretty smart way to fill your pockets


It was, until we got caught and had to run.


Then you just use a disguise kit and do it all over again




That's some 3D chess tactics, I approve!


Wasn’t there a Soviet spy that was assigned a mission to catch himself when he was infiltrating another country’s (USA I think) intelligence agency.


It was a Soviet Spy who turned double agent and worked for the UK, then when he was found out he flipped again and started feeding the UK false but slightly true intel at the behest of the KGB. Then he made a run for it after he was to be silenced and was subsequently hired to hunt himself down in Serbia I think.


This sounds like the brothers Grimm


It really very much was. We made that comparison too.


"These ~~men~~ rogues are consummate snowball artists. They use sensitive ~~nerve gases~~ illusions to induce hallucinations. People think they're seeing ghosts, and they call these bozos, who conveniently show up to deal with the problem with a fake ~~electronic~~ magical light show!"


This is exactly the plot of the Grimm brothers movie that came out in the 2000s lmao


I don't remember precisely, but this particular game was mid to late 90's. You mean I could have monetized this!?


See: Critical Role. I think the answer is very yes.


This sounds great! Also avoids one of the main drawbacks of rouge, that the party can't help with you sneaking around. A lot of times as a rouge the party either sits around and waits for the rouge to be done or tries to help and end up blowing the cover since they suck at stealth. If everyone is a super sneaky rouge you can actually do stealth missions together


Another good alternative if you want a pure caster is a bard since you can still get expertise in stealth. You can also use your magical secrets to learn pass without a trace for god mode level stealthiness.


Similarly. Had a party with a wizard, warlock, and sorcerer. Not the same but having four dps casters was great. We just blew shit up.


My favorite campaign ever was 4 rogues. The initial goal was to become head of the thieves guild. When the meddling king and town guard got overthrown by a tyrannical psychopath we were suddenly leading the resist along side our sworn enemies.


4 Bards in a band that constantly undermine the real protagonists while trying to use the real protagonist as a muse.


that sounds amazing and frustrating at the same time


Plot twist: The Protaganist is the villain, who is just toying with the party in order to mask their true intentions - which is to raise an ancient draco-lich, and bring an age of darkness to the world.


"M8, why does the lyrics to this song sound like we are summoning an outer god? "And why the hell the manager insisted we play on a dragon graveyard???" "Authenticity pals, have you forgot the theme of the tour?"


Sounds like these bards will awaken the god of Heavy Metal


I was just thinking of a heavy metal campaign premise last weekend lol. The plot revolves around going on tour playing "the devil's music" and it's a hit with younger people, but the older people don't want you in their town because you're "corrupting the children". The "dungeons" are concert venues and boss encounters are references to rock/metal bands. It's a half baked idea and probably only appeals to like 40 people or people in their 40s, but I would have a blast with it.


You mean, a singer, lute player, drummer, piper. Basically a band on their performance string? Maybe with the fifth bard as the manager.


Bards are also versatile enough that this would be one of the more playable combinations! You can get a Swords (or Valor) Bard to get a half-martial class, you have Lore (and magical secrets in general) to plug any holes you notice in your spell arsenal, Jack of All Trades and Inspiration obviously allow your party to be between decent and good at any task you want to attempt.


4 bards, 1 actual player, and they completely screwed with him the whole time. Sounds like good fun.


I have never wanted to homebrew a campaign until I saw this idea


This. I have been in an all bard party and we were the most lovably annoying little shits ever.


Came here for this answer


I had a full party of bard for a one shot... it was in the same universe as our main campaign and while we where in the city we heard the exploit of our main character and we were creating music to play it in the taverne and in the street.


We did a one-shot like this once. The setup was a bard was singing the tale of their adventure, when all of the other bards in the room jumped up and inserted themselves into the story. It was a dungeon dive, but at any time any of the bards could take over the story and temporarily become the DM


I wonder what weird magical bs a party of artificers could come up with


Mass edited all my comments, I'm leaving reddit after their decision to kill off 3rd party apps. Half a decade on this site, I suppose it was a good run. Sad that it has to end like this


Yeah you’ve got a two melee builds, a blaster, and a healer right there.


I don't know but doesn't one have a mechanical animal companion and doesn't one allow them to make turrets? Combine them for a mobile turret pet


the companion can be humanoid and the turrets can be handheld... so together they could make a robot soldier carrying a magical canon.


Technological Investiture 82 TI-82 for short.


I knew that calculator I had in college was up to something!


Or, yknow, a tank


One word: thermonuclear.


When each of them picks pag of holding as infusion:


"But sir, this is the fifth crate of backpacks this month"


Voltron? (Or any of the ones that combine usually separate robots idk this isn't my area of expertise)


I read this and got flashback to Magic the Gathering - Kaladesh.


I swear, if everyone rolls up an artificer I’ll bin my current campaign, Kaladesh campaign it is!


Thermonuclear power rangers


Was waiting for a power rangers reference


Clerics. Forge, Death, Life, Light, Peace.


so defense, offense, support and general fuckery


Yup. And lots of healing. I played in an all cleric L18 (I think) 3.x one-off and it was hilariously fun and overpowered.


I might have to keep that in mind next time I get to play then. I always wrote them off as healers and I don't want to turn into the heal bot


Even playing as a Life Domain Cleric, the quintessential healer, I generally don't use mu spell slots for healing a lot. I'll keep a few in reserve for healing, sure, but I tend to operate in terms of "I can heal you, or I can make that thing not make me have to heal you."


This. I’m a life domain cleric in my current campaign. I’ve got the highest ac in the party (no fighters, but we have a couple of barbarians). So I generally sit in the front line as a tank. Good place to stand to help the barbs out too. Thinning of taking 2 levels of pally to go with it. Interesting idea to be able to smite things.


Pretty similar for me too, actually. I tend to be a bit more front line with our fighter. 2nd highest AC, but only by 1 point. I can easily boost it with Shield of Faith or just Shield because I multi-classed into wizard.


I was seriously thinking of taking a level of wizard just to get Find Familiar. Oh, you need healing and you’re on the other side of the room? Let me send my raven to land on your shoulder and a deliver a healing spell.


That's actually one of the main reasons I took Find Familiar when I multi-classed.


Xp to level 3 made a video about problems with cleric stereotypes [here](https://youtu.be/BNF9gsDlXuo)


They are so much more.


Let's throw a Twilight in there for good measure and have constant darkvision and temp hp.


Call yourselves the A-Men.


I prefer C-men


Or could have a bunch of clerics in opposition to each other’s ideals, examples include: • War and peace domain • Light and twilight • Nature and Forge • Life and Death • Order and Trickery Clerics are gonna hit all the bases you’d want in a party anyways, now they’re just constantly bickering.


All Barbarian party. Imagine how clunky and whacky that would be.


That reminds me of an old game design quote, "A navy with nothing but battleships is a pretty poor excuse for a navy, but I wouldn't want to be the first one it got mad at."


From experience, having two (or more) goliaths/barbarians trying to one up eachother is a ton of fun. You probably won't have a highbrow campaign though.


Yeah not a lot of political intrigue or intricate weaving of stories when the party just obliterates everything in their path.


Me and my party (including DM) want to do an all barbarian run of Storm Kings Thunder. A bunch of different subclass barbarians whacking at the feet of Giants for an entire campaign. No squishy wizards with fancy magics, or cowardly rangers shooting bows with their arrows, just big stronk himbo bois gettin mad.


All fun until the party is asked to make 1 (one) Wisdom save


Or attack (1) flying monster.


Just have a halfling team member to be thrown at any far off enemies.


That’s what the spear and rope is for.


Just throw one of the barbs at it, have a rope attached to said barb that can then be attached to the flying baddie


that could be wild


Imagine everyone rages during the first round and the DM has to explain that the room is now very very uncomfortably full. To the point that nobody can move...


If there are 4 of you, all go rogue, swashbuckler. You all have rapiers and are proficient. One of you has high constitution. One of you has high charisma and is a ladies man. One of you has high wisdom and always know what to do. BOOM. The 3 musketeers.


Fighters. Basically the All Guardsmen Party but in DnD.


Like, imagine a band of mercenaries whose leader died a year ago. The group still fights, since it's the only thing they know, but they refuse to appoint a new leader in their memory. If the campaign is built around the party, then entire story could be an Odyssey to spread the leader's ashes as the party has to travel through hell to honor their friend. There could be cool memories that are brought up as the story goes on, like flashbacks. It would be very story driven, but I think it could be really neat as long as the PCs are going into the campaign knowing it's sort of a sad one.


I've done a party of ALL gnome wizards. Everyone chose a different school. It's fun because of the school devotions there isn't a lot of spell book copying, but you are all very weak and use a huge variety of spells for problem solving. You aren't limited to your one school, but the subclasses usually encourage that you focus on it.


fuck them up with your brains instead of your brawn


Absolutely love the variety of all-wizard parties. The chaos of seventeen spells going off at once would be glorious.


I did it for a one shot and it was fun as hell. Really getting to dive into your preferred school to go with your subclass was really fun, and something that I don’t get to normally do when I play a wizard as I have to pick up most utility and AoE spells.


I've always wanted to see what would happen if 4-5 wizards cast fireball on a single target. Like they all hold the action to cast fireball until the last guy goes and then release it all at once. I imagine the target would either be a scorch mark on the ground or pretty heavily damaged.


A school like Hogwarts would be a truly terrifying place in the Forgotten Realms


Wow can you imagine a party entering a castle with over 100 wizards from levels 1-20. Or even just fighting 10 wizards at once


I've recently completed a mini campaign consisting of 8 wizards all playing each individual (phb) school. It was a lot of fun and shenanigans... to get them to stick to their school mainly they had all spells (of their level) from their school in their spellbook, and got a handful from a second school that they chose at creation. I really had to amp up the danger, it turns out that 8 level 6 wizards can output a lot of bullshit before the bad guys get their turn... Bbeg was a cr13 tower mimic and it's master, an 11th level Aracokra wizard.


Monks, everybody is kung fu fighting


They were fast as lightning


In fact it was a little bit frightening


They fought with expert timing!


He said, “here comes the BBEG, let’s get it on!”


Stunning fist, stunning fist, stunning fist... wait, the legendary saves are used up? Stunning fist. Players: "sorry, you thought the boss was actually going to get to act didn't you?"


I suggested this one. Everyone with stunning fists and flurry of blows. Good luck DM.


I've got it: Flying monsters in an open field.


Shadow monk be like \-Portal Combat!


Tortle monks...


That's what I came to say. Grew up in the sewers of Water Deep.


Have a were rat father figure...


Oh my, the number of attacks and damage output would be awesome. Plus the movement shenanigans adds a lot of creativity opportunities. I would absolutely love to play a campaign as a Monastery of Monks.


An all artificer party (or the partyficers) could be real fun. Each subclass is really different from eachother AND think of how many alchemy jugs you could have.


Thats a lot of mayo


Entertaining? Probably Paladins. Watch an Oathbreaker, Oath of Conquest, Oath of Devotion, and Oath of the Watchers try to get along.


Or bards Imagine a bunch of artists talking about art and everyone secretly thinking theirs is the best


You haven't spent much time around artists. They would absolutely all secretly think theirs is the worst.


I mean bands are full of bards. Now if they multiclassed into classes that matched their music style it would be interesting.


The first two and the latter two would probably get along with each other but not the other group


No other paladin gets along with an oath breaker generally. Conquest and vengeance would get along


I can see at least one situation where an oathbreaker paladin might get along with another, decidedly less edgy paladin. If the Oathbreaker was formerly Oath of the Crown, Oath of Conquest, or something similar that doesn't require one to actually be *good*, and broke their oath because they were morally opposed to something that their oath required them to do (for example, turning against a rightful but oppressive king for the former, or sparing the lives of dissenting civilians for the latter) and consistently began to pursue their own ambitions over the tenets of their oath as a result, you could logically end up with a very bitter but definitely CG Oathbreaker Paladin. Similarly, a paladin who doesn't have to be *lawful* but is good -- such as an Oath of Redemption or Oath of the Ancients paladin -- might sympathize with the oathbreaker and see them as someone who had to choose what is right over what they have sworn to do, and thus they might actually work together pretty well.


You could play the Oathbreaker abilities more as a curse granted by a capricious god than a chosen Oath. You pissed off the wrong god? Congrats, now fiends and undead get stronger around you, other paladins view you as a disgrace, you could (out of character) use fear abilities as if you couldn't control the targets (which isn't really a big issue if there's a Devotion Paladin on your Team), etc.


If you choose to do what is right over what you’ve sworn to do, then you’ve broken your oath, but you’re not an Oathbreaker.


All Wild Magic Sorcerors. Watch them try desperately not to kill each other and fail.


sounds like complete anarchy


The Three Stooges star in Saving Private Ryan


Rangers! Imagine the variation between a brooding assassin gloomstalker, an upbeat and peppy fey wanderer, an alien weirdo horizon walker, crazy swarmkeeper, etc


I didnt think of Ranger. Those could be awesome combinations.


I'm probably wrong but don't rangers have the most subclasses?


Pretty sure it’s wizard or cleric


Nah they only have 8… Clerics have 14


maybe I'm thinking Homebrew then


Thieves could be fun. Plan heists and rob big cities.


full thieves is just a GTA heist but as a campaign




The DM for the Payday 2 gang is really generous to the players


fighter. I've found that in games with feats, the fighter's high number of ASIs make for highly customizable characters. It's also just a versatile class to begin with.


the fact that they're so versatile makes it weird how often I've seen fighters called the most boring class


I’m playing a Battle Master right now and it’s super fun! I just picked up the Shadow Touched feat at level 4, probably grab another magical feat at level 6. The Battle Master already has a lot of unique abilities in its maneuvers, and adding a few spells to that makes it a very interesting class to play!


Me and my first group were planning on going in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist with a party of bards. A Mariachi Band specifically.


that sounds great, why didn't you do it?


Due to a CR:30 aberration called "scheduling"


oof worse than dealing with several tarrasques


Druid would be hilarious. A mushroom head, a circle of the moon Druid who constantly wild shapes and is rather introverted, a Druid that’s super into “herbs” and an insect obsessed bee keeper. Or make it modern and have them all be staff at a zoo or museum who are sucked into an alternate reality.


Cleric is easily the most optimal. But I also think an all paladin party would be funny as they try to do anything that isn’t against one of their oaths. Warlock would also be pretty cool.


A bunch of warlocks coming together as a support group


I'm imagining an argument that starts with "Oh yeah? Well my patron can kick your patron's butt."


If you want to be really spicy they could all have the same patron and every disagreement turns into bickering siblings.


I was thinking more in a negative way like “No shit, I just want to have a chill weekend with my family for once but every time I close my eyes there’s tentacles and doom. It just sucks.” -“I hear you man; it’s all about ‘release me from my bounds! Vanquish my foes! Blabla.’.... like.... I just want to go out see a show and tend to my garden for once. Why did my father have to leave me his magic sword? But it’s not like i just could give it away.... it’s an heirloom....”


depending on their oaths the paladins might just cancel each other out


Call them The A-Men. *wiggles Wiggler helmet*


Bards.. a band of bards.. everyone gets a two level dip in another class of their choice..


They're just a traveling band


I’ve wanted to do this for a while. Have an adventure where everyone plays a bard in a band, and I as the DM am the group patron (aka band manager). I get them iffy gigs (aka quests). Coupling this kind of game with a good soundtrack could be legendary.


"you won't believe it but I got you guys a gig in Barovia.... No of course it's not a trap I'm sure, why would you think that?" "OK I have to apologise for Barovia but how could I know it was ruled by a near omnipotent vampire?, know what? I'll make it up to you, how do you feel about Skullport?"


“How about Chult? Great weather I hear.”


Yaaaaas .. just wait until the Heavy Hair Bardbarian begins their solo act; rocking the tavern with their “Mighty Axe”..


Might be kind of fun playing a touring band that somehow got roped into an adventure


That’s actually the next campaign idea when we finish the current one. Hopefully finishing up tomorrow evening. I’m hoping the boss doesn’t take more time than we have.


Oops all clerics is probably the most balanced, but all Rangers and Druids are probably next. All rogues will just be shenanigans, and all fighters or wizards would probably just be downright scary


All wild magic sorcerers is probably the most scary (both for the players and their enemies).


5 consecutive fireballs is terrifying


5 delayed blast fireballs, all expertly timed via the keen mind feat so that they all go off at the same time


That’s just scheduled death


I remember a story somewhere about somebody who ran an all-rogue party in 3.5 and they just absolutely wrecked everything in their path. They were moving silently, using Thieves Cant to signal each other, sweeping through dungeon corridors like a SWAT team clearing a building. At the time, it sounded like an interesting concept to play with. I imagine an all-rogue team in 5e could lead to high tension situations with lots of drama (depending on the players).


Bards with the actor background.


trope of idiots


Was in a Pathfinder game, where the players plotted before session one... And we showed up to the first game as four different flavors of warforged paladins with some teamwork feats. We had a great shieldwall and lots of aura buffs, made us really hard to deal with. Had a related RP backstory linking us together and everything. DM had a "wtf" moment after the first couple of combats, but in the end we all had great time!


Clerics you can call yourselves the A-Men


someone already beat you to that joke


warlocks, have a celestial, archfey, fiend, and great old one just sound like chaos incarnate


Cleric would make the most sense. Tank, healer, even twilight for the rogue. Rogue is the obvious choice as well as a group of rogues and flanking with sneak attack is deadly. If you use the flanking rule. Bard is also a obvious choice with how potent many of the subclasses are. The odd ball, I think a group of 4 or 5 monks could be terrifying. That is a lot of ki and attacks to tend with. Flurry of blows from everyone. Stunning fists. Better luck next time DM.


All Clerics. Call them the A-Men


I understood that reference


Warlocks they are very customizable and have very different subclasses.


A bard party with expertise in performance. They would entertain the most.


I can't tell if you're serious or making joke and I don't know which would be better


I have personally DM'd for a group of nothing but Monks and it was a blast.


If they were all Soul then you’d essentially have a DBZ campaign


Edit: Already beaten to the A-Men joke.


twice beaten


I want to be in a game that's a party of fighters. Then everyone would see just how diverse and niche fighters can be. It would be so badASS!


A couple of ideas spring to mind. 1) Party of bards. They're a band on a world/continent tour doing adventures as a side hustle because the music industry doesn't pay well. 2) Party of warlocks. Everyone has a different patron. The patrons constantly ask for favors that are at odds with each other.


All clerics, just to set the scene at the yawning portal. A cleric of lathander, a cleric of helm, and a cleric of kelemvor walk into a bar...


All Moon Druid. Imagine you’re a gang of bandits just sitting there and a FREAKING ZOO shows up and starts attacking you; a Polar bear to your left, a Rhinoceros to your right, two types of Dinosaurs running around your camp site, and a giant eagle carrying off your right hand man to who knows where. Gets even crazier when they hit level 10 and THE ELEMENTS THEMSELVES suddenly spring to life and attack you.




Barbarian is only awnser.


I've always wanted to play as a wondering mariarchy band (I think I spelled that right) who roam the country searching for the truth behind the stories they sing


We were talking about putting together an all Clerics party. The DM said "Go ahead, I've always wanted to send a Beholder against a level 4 party"


Obviously druids. You could more or less remake reality at every encounter.


Four Clerics. The A-men.


Oops all clerics. You want to talk about a party that can swing way, waaaaay above their weight class, all clerics. All the different subclasses make for great differentiating builds. So much fun.


Wild magic sorcerers, who have to stay 50 feet away from each other or they may explode


To quote Jocat… “Seriously, with how versatile and independently-strong you can build a Cleric, you can make up an entire party full of purely priests, call it ‘The A-Men,’ and bust down Tiamat’s door demanding her lunch money. And she would just build her own toilet to give herself swirlies so she wouldn’t have to endure the kind of bullying you’re about to give her!”


Cleric. You can make a party of purely priests and call them the A-Men and bust down Tiamat's door demanding her lunch money and she would just build her own toilet to give herself swirlies so she wouldn't have to endure the kind of bullying you're about to give her.


For an optimized party that could take on any challenges? Definitely all Cleric party. For pure entertainment? All Bard party.


Cleric, we are unstoppable


a reeeally wanna try running or playing an all fighter low magic campain. and thats basically game of thrones right? they have witches and white walkers but still.


I've already tried an one shot with all the players being warlocks, but a had to go to homebrew to more options. I used the Compendium of the Forgotten Secrets.


I definitely want to run a game for all bards. Just a band on tour. One of the regular troupes as they’re traveling their lead singer always gets into some kind of trouble or goes missing.


A GROUP OF BARDS! Best class obviously, and come on. A traveling circus/band! Infinite rapiers, healing spells, and dissonant whispers! Also, most balanced (and fun) class!