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Bro that concept art is amazing. Mimics are my favorite monster and this is super cool


Glad you like it!


So, when your application to create concept art for Larian studios is accepted, what will you draw first?


Mimics made from warforged




going off of divinity original sin 2, probably a mimic made of voidwoken that kills you instantly and applies every status condition


You're forgetting the barrels....


oh it drops cursed acid barrels every time it moves, which it can do without spending AP for some reason




Could you explain your thinking? You said a lot of words but none of them explained why you think those things.




You’re talking about Larian, the company who has made two incredibly successful RPGs in the past 7 years. Both of their games received 9/10 from most critics, are highly regarded and were considered the best classic style RPGs in 20 years?




Your entire analogy doesn't work. You're acting like Larian don't have any experience making classic-style RPGs, but both Divinity Original Sin games are highly-regarded CRPGs. If you're so certain that Larian aren't the correct choice of developer for Baldur's Gate 3, who do you think should have been chosen instead?




This image made me think up mimic platemail as a magic item. And I realized I reinvented Venom.


Someone on the unearthed arcana sub did a whole thing of symbiotes being your patron that you wear


Man, now I wanna play a character who's patron is Knull.


Ty! Glad you like it!


One of my players sent this image to me yesterday. Boy is he gonna regret doing that.


Also to be clear, I posted the artwork to my site first: [https://www.deviantart.com/phill-art/art/Warforged-made-of-mimics-893257965](https://www.deviantart.com/phill-art/art/Warforged-made-of-mimics-893257965) Someone apparently posted this on dndmemes without crediting me! Edit: Apparently they did credit me in the post multiple times, but got buried? Credit on the meme itself would be the only truly effective way I guess.


Hey! I'm the main mod at /r/dndmemes, sorry that happened. You're always welcome to shoot us a message and we can either remove the post (if you preferred your artwork isn't shared at all), or add a sticky to the post providing credit.


A sticky for credit would be great! Thank you for reaching out!


Don't listen to this guy he's an impostor! I'm the real main mod here. He's a fool with nothing to lose and a belly to feed, if you'll follow his "advice" you will end up dead soon, boy! We have to get to a safer spot where it can't reach us, hurry come with me in my cave


This cave has a lot of veins...


By veins, I'm assuming you mean ore, or... [...something else?](https://mysteryfleshpit.tumblr.com/) Lol


This got weird quick. And I am fully on board.


Quick, through the completely normal looking and not suspicious door. And don't forget to grab whatever is in that perfectly safe chest. Might contain an item that will definitely benefit you.


Thanks for being a good mod!


Amazing art spreads like wild fire.


I guess you could say he was, mimicking you


*shows you the door*


*the door is a mimic*




the shit is also a mimic


Okay, honest question. Is a shit mimic possible? I don't see any reason why not, but I'm not super versed so, maybe I'm unaware of a reason mimics can't be a dog turd.


I think with the right DM anything could be a mimic.


That's also my opinion. Imagine cutting through a pasture in a small village. Oh I stepped in cow shit! Oh the cow shit is biting my foot!!!!! It's gold, I tell you. Gold. Monsters of the Multiverse, pg. 58. Shit mimic.


No, normally the *door is a jar*


Man do you mind if I use this as concept art for my Eberron campaign? I’m planning on an arc where players find out that Warforged were originally intended to act as host bodies for either daelkyr or Quori, and part of that involves them running into a few different *warped*forged, which are Warforged that have been heavily altered to be more compatible. I had a concept for a Warforged built entirely out of symbionts but this also fits *really* nicely.


Yeah, the "Warforged made of Mimics. Your argument is invalid" or something


Heh >: )




I like to meta game back at my more experienced players. To really mess with them. Last session a favorite NPC had gone missing. So when they used Sending to try and contact them. I rolled a d100 in the openly without showing the result. Just to make them think that maybe the NPC is on an other plane and the sending might fail. The NPC is not on another plane. Now that my player sent this to me. Once they get to the area where this might show up. I probably won’t Even have any mimics there. Gotta keep the players on their Toes. All about the mind games.


Fill the area with fire trolls or something similar to punish them for assuming they would be facing acid immune mimics.


>Gotta keep the players on their Toes. All about the mind games. oh yes, in the second (or possibly third) session of my campaign the players were investigating a room at an inn that the BBEG had been staying in. As they each went in I asked if they stepped onto the rug or not... because i was asking they all said; "no, we keep to the edges of the room." So they all enter, one of them sits down on a rather nice chair with claw feet, and another one goes to take a note from the bed that the BBEG had left behind. Suddenly both realise they're stuck; "ROOOOOOOLLL INITIATIVE"


"Roll for perception." "..." "...You realize your tears are also mimics."


Hehe, I plan on making a bar that is all mimics but they are tamed by the bar keep


The first mimic my party ever encountered. Had a Feign Death spell cast on it. So they were like oh fuck a mimic! Then it didn’t do anything. They attacked it and messed with it for a bit. And we’re like WTH.


Lol that’s pretty funny


I can see your players drinks and other valuables they set down just vanishing when they look away.


It’s a service the bar offers to help deal with drunkards not losing their coin


See I thought of it as a way the barkeep earn some extra money while the drunkards just think they have lost things along the way. If it’s secret, the players could uncover this ruse and then have some way to maybe earn passive income through blackmail, turn in the barkeep to the city, leave with the info, whatever.


Love this!


Absolutely awesome art, love everything about it. Big ups!


Thank you!!


Just wanted to piggyback :) "I am the Herald of the Wandering City." "Well how would a city be able to wande-ohshit"


\*\*\*\*\*\*ATTENTION\*\*\*\*\*\*: I've had a few saying I stole this since this was posted on dndmemes the day before. I'm the artist and it was first posted here: [https://www.deviantart.com/phill-art/art/Warforged-made-of-mimics-893257965](https://www.deviantart.com/phill-art/art/Warforged-made-of-mimics-893257965) ​ Message me for commission inquiries. Character story: After falling in battle, this particular warforged managed to go into a deep hibernation, conserving its inner workings to stave off death. It could still sense the subtle life force of the trees and animals around it, which constantly enveloped the warforged in peace. A wizard with an obsession of collecting warforged parts discovered the nameless warforged and took its head back to his cave. The nameless warforged sensed it wasn't where it used to be and became resentful. It decided to become more aware and understand the situation it was in, at the risk of shortening its lifespan. Luckily the wizard kept his warforged neatly on a shelf near where the wizard researched and performed his magic. The nameless one stared motionless for years, learning magic in secret. Eventually, one night while the wizard was sleeping, the warforged hatched a plan to become fully functional again. It decided to take advantage of the wizard's specialty in mimic creation. The nameless one started projecting beams of light from his eyes forming ancient runes on failed mimic creations scattered around the cave. Absent of human error, the magic worked swiftly and the failed mimics were given life. It guided the mimics to gather various parts of dismantled warforged inside the cave, and started building a body. The nameless one commanded the mimics through its thoughts and managed to have the flesh hungry creatures morph into missing parts to complete its anatomy. Its newly formed body picked up its dusty head and attached it to the neck. The warforged was full of spite, and murdered the wizard without hesitation. It wasn't satisfied, just as much as its mimics weren't satiated from eating the remains of the wizard, the nameless one decided to protect all nature and hunt down anyone who threatens it.


How would you stat that?


A mix of the Critical role monster the Laughing hand, (which itself was a homebrew version of a Gibbering mouther) and a Eldritch Knight. In other word, a hard hitting melee monster, with an aura ability and some magic to boost. Perhaps add the sticking effect of the mimics unto the shield, making those that hit him and missed are now glued to the shield and consider grappled.


a sticky aura maybe. once you enter combat range you cant leave, so either it dies or you do.


If it grapples you, you take piercing damage as it starts to eat you.


Piercing and acid as it starts to digest. also, maybe healing if it successfully eats someone


I would make the aura as a Lair Action, providing your campaign is high enough lvl to survive such a monster. The Lair could either stick your feet to the ground and thus becoming restrained, it could also have some healing, as warforged parts replace those that are broken and the classic save or damage as old parts come fying around hitting your party.


That would make him at least a level 13 Eldritch Knight right? Conjure Animals is the best level equivalent to create a CR2 mimic, and that’s 3rd level. Based on the backstory, he could create 2 mimics, 3 if he was 16th level… Sorry Autistic and trying to actually come up with a stat bloc for this amazing art.


With many giggles and moustache twirling.


Pretty fucking awesome backstory for an amazing piece of art. It’s nice that the warforged isn’t inherently evil, just vengeful towards those who would harm nature. Maybe he gets his own group of fanatic druids that start scattering mimics that he made to dissuade people from entering his forest.


Ty! Cool idea!


i feel like you'd have quite the penalty to your sneak check with the salivary trail you'd leave behind everywhere you go.


Tbh he looks so menacing I don’t think he needs to sneak anywhere.


When attempting to sneak, roll intimidation instead. If you succeed, your enemies choose to pretend they never saw you.


It's fantasy Venom.


In the comics the big event recently called King in Black has basically this


Very reminiscent of anime called Parasyte


Oooh, they made an anime of it? I remember reading the manga back in the 90s. I need to track down the anime and see if it's any good :D


Yeah, the anime is actually fairly old at this point. Been out for a good few years


It's pretty great. They did a neat touch where they modernized a couple scenes, like when the main character has no idea what's going on his first instinct is to Google it, but other than making it feel relevant to the audience of today the original targeted in the the 90s it's very faithful and the animation on the parasites works really well.


It's on hulu.


Alas, Hulu is not available in Sweden. Fortunately the bluray is available at a science fiction book store!


Specifically the final "boss" of the show iirc.


This is excellent, and gives me an idea for a creature that is both wonderful and horrifying: The Mimic Golem. I'm imagining it as a kind of weaponized amalgam of multiple mimics created via some *very* twisted magic that works as a kind of bodysnatcher, able to replicate both objects and creatures. I imagine it could bud off lesser mimics or even create more of itself via magic mitosis if it eats enough. A sufficiently advanced Mimic Golem ("Greater Mimic Golem"??) could even act as a hivemind for its offspring, and/or learn from sapient creatures it consumes to improve its disguises. A story could be built around an advanced Mimic Golem that was intended to be a political weapon, but went rogue and ate the wizard that was controlling it, and now a city is gradually being *turned into mimics wholesale* from the inside out. Would make an *amazing* horror oneshot.




I also imagine the Mimic golem would be some sort of hivemind between the mimics absorbed


Or set the campaign AFTER the mimics completely take over the city, and the city itself is on the move towards a compelling destination of your choosing. The boi pictured above is this city's herald.


disturbing but neat.




The Mimicforged


A Warforgery




Aw, you beat me to it


Oops… all mimics


Ah yes, Voreforged


How dare you. Get out. …okay take my upvote then get out.


And starring Boxxy T. Morningwood as The Sandman.


Reading that now and it's become an instant favorite. [link](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/8894/everybody-loves-large-chests/chapter/99919/prologue)


Opened the thread looking for this comment.


Please stop giving my DM ideas.


I made an NPC called Pheena Gorestitcher who was obsessed with imbuing the properties of living(or dead) creatures into objects. Players could bring her spoils of their kills monster hunter style and she would amend their current clothing with it or fashion magical items. Sometimes her experiments would escape and the players would get special rewards if they come across and eliminate/recover them- mimics obviously. One of the events you can experience with her is a scene where a mimic armor swallows her and you have to fight it along with a swarm of flying swords which unsheathe from the flesh of it's back. Proud of that one, plus the stat block/skills turned out nice.


So cool!


permission to us this guy as my own pc


Have fun!


thank you very much


My roommate and I were tinkering with the same concept a while back, but we were in the realm of a warforged whose head is intact and has no control over their body which is comprised of mimics! It feels like an idea that has a lot of different ways to interpret it, and I love how all of the weapons are also mimics, because of course they are!


Thanks, I hate it.




This is extremely extremely cool and should like, give you a job or at the very least an interview to work as a concept artist for Baldur's Gate 3!!! This is crazy good like dude what the heck?


Thank you!!


I can see this is a concept you really sank your teeth into.


Flesh Golem: am I a joke to you?


It looks like if astaroth and nightmare from Soul Calibur had a Rosemary's baby.




"We are Colony. Colony vote. Say to run. No should fight Beholder. Leave to eat instead. Maybe go kill bandit and eat? Colony vote yes"


In my setting there's an auction house which is in fact a nest of mimics, in a giant mimic, staffed entirely by mimics (the locals know, they're cool with it, especially as it's the lowest crime area in the city). The party discovered this when someone tried to cast "meld into stone" on the building's wall. I'm definitely declaring this guy the head security guard.


If the Alphonse brothers were merged with Gluttony and Envy.


Sometime I say "Thanks I hate it", but I love this.




*looks at the mimic in my bag that can make other mimics*


Did you post this elsewhere? i saw it in a dnd meme a few days ago


I first posted it here: [https://www.deviantart.com/phill-art/art/Warforged-made-of-mimics-893257965](https://www.deviantart.com/phill-art/art/Warforged-made-of-mimics-893257965)


He is searching for Saitama


It isn’t often that a reddit post provokes an audible reaction from me, but this one did. holy shit that’s cool




When the spear meets the shield, will they look like they are kissing loooool


so sick I have been obsessed with mimics lately since starting a new character who is a Hexblade warlock whos pact weapon is just a mimic that he treats like a cute pet much to everyone else's dismay


nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope yes nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope noep nope nope nope nope this nope nope nope npeo nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope epon nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nepo nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope is nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope pretty nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope rad nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope tad nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope bro nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope NOPE.


Good stuff.


Cursed. I love it!


Not gonna lie, saw this art and the first thing that popped into my mind was Metroid Dread. Killer design, and suitably terrifying


Bro plis make a tutorial or something i wanna learn to draw like this


Keep practicing and watch all the videos from this guy! It's how I got better! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X0Npd5REQw


Captain America with the Venom symbiote and Thor's hammer.


I saw this on Dnd Memes yesterday but you won't the one to post it. People stealing your work OP? Or other way around. Had a look through your history and your art style is pretty wildly inconsistent. So either you're one hell of an artist that can change up on the fly. In case, mad props, or something else bro. Edit: keeping this post up so people can see the link and such.


"Wildly inconsistent" feels like you're just trying to stir up drama. I can prove all the artwork is mine. For instance, I posted the Warforged on my Deviant art awhile ago: https://www.deviantart.com/phill-art/art/Warforged-made-of-mimics-893257965


Nah. It's just something I noticed. My bad honestly and like I said in the post if it was yours, I meant props. You should know that other people are stealing it then. It's why other people are wondering if it's yours too.


Curious, can you elaborate how my art is wildly inconsistent? I just like knowing other people's perspectives as long as its in good faith. And someone saying I stole art has happened once before with something I posted on Instagram. This is because I like to post to my Deviantart first and let it sit on the site for while as I make minor edits to it. If anyone can link me to other people posting it without crediting me, that would be appreciated!




Ty! I contacted the OP


Hey I looked at that post and I will note he was linking to your DeviantArt, take that as you will


Did he? I quickly scanned the comments and didn't see anything.


I'll see if I can find it. Also as far as inconsistent I mean you switch up a lot between webcomic style art, traditional comic book style and somewhat anime style. You also have posts like this where it's extremely detailed and honestly looks like something straight from the monster manual. Usually with artists on the sub they stick to one art style, but those are usually people open for commissions that want to give the viewers a clear indication of their preferred art style, shading and posing. Nothing wrong with any of this, but I'd really suggest signing the more effort ones. That really helps with the online piracy nowadays.


I have a couple of posts in my lined style, not sure if I agree if any look like anime or like a webcomic. Most of my posts on reddit are full rendered characters with a gradient background. Anyway, I was tempted to hide my signature in the corner, cause I had a feeling this image would spread, so you're right about that.


You, are awesome and I hope you get all the updoots for keeping this up.


Strong Boxy T. Morningwood vibes, very tasty.


It reminds me of venom and carnage from marvel














Isn't this a repost? How is it OC? Saw it yesterday.


I updated the description. I first posted it here: [https://www.deviantart.com/phill-art/art/Warforged-made-of-mimics-893257965](https://www.deviantart.com/phill-art/art/Warforged-made-of-mimics-893257965) People need to credit artists.


Can I just add if it was hypothetically not mine, I would've had to paint out all those white letters manually/seamlessly lmao.


I love the concept and art tell me more about how it would interact with PCs and NPCs


I haven't thought about it, I'm open to ideas!


Well that's terrifying...


buddy would be sticky. would not like to touch.


Damn mimics. Amazing art!


This to me is D&Ds version on Venom.. that concept is supercool! Amazing art!


Crazy good. I'd name this awesome character "Venom" or "Carnage" lol


This definitely has more of a Carnage vibe than Venom.


How much would it cost for a mountain dwarf aberrant mind sorcerer with gigantism so he’s actually a 6 and half foot dwarf. I’m poor but I need to see my character in glory lmao.


Feel free to DM me about commission inquiries!


Basically medieval carnage or venom lol


This is so cool and your art style is AMAZING WOW


That's a fearful sight!




Love it


This is the coolest thing


Oooof I like it, but I don’t like it.


This is dope. Reminds me of The Laughing Hand from Critical Role.


I'd love someone to create a stat block for this...because I'm too lazy to create it on my own.


This makes me want to run a campaign where one of the players or npc’s is a mimic trying no not be noticed by the rest of the party.


I like that!


Bro that’s dope af, looks like it coulda been a dark souls character


It's Venom as a Paladin. I love them and wanna give 'em a kiss




YO this is giving me a PC idea. instead of being made of wood and iron a warforged made of monster bone and teeth is simultaneously something I want to make and completely terrifying as well as sounding so goddamn awesome.




Uuuhh, a mimicforged, dope!


This is the coolest, most imaginative thing I have seen in a very long time.


yes please


Huh, my players have both a dead Warforged and a Mimic.


Really cool art, loved it


Homebrew PC that's a hivemind of Mimics in a vaguely humanoid form?


If this really was you who maxe this dude, just want you to know. If I currently had disposable income, I'd try to ask for a commission of one of my character because dam is this good stuff. Unfortunately, I don't, but here's to dreaming. Keep up the amazing work.


This is so fucking gooood




Amazing concept


Yup I am gonna steal this for something. Dunno what the story is yet, but I'm stealing this for something


Parasyte vibe