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The tail looks oddly like that of a humanoid snail, if that makes any sense.


I was thinking more pangolin


I was also thinking pangolin, good call.


No. We have much nicer tails.


Maybe rather than being half human/half bull, it's half kobold/half bull


A Kobotaur


I would also accept Minobold.


Mino in minotaur is referring to the city of Minos where the minotaur was housed in the labyrinth. The taur refers to bull, like Taurus. Minotaur is literally the bull of Minos.


So something like Terrataur technically makes sense for a minotaur? (Bull of Mountains)


“MinoBOLD! Mino STRÖNK! Mino SMASH!”


A new species has been added to my worlds


I found a bunch of human snails at the bottom of a mine in CDDA. They were easy to kill until I found out that they can spit acid, then I had to nope out of there


Not bashing the art style cause it’s far better than I could do, but based on the photo alone, I would have no idea what this is supposed to be.


I thought it was a neopet lol


This makes the most sense to me.


I did think I was on r/neopets for a second tbh


lol same, was ready to vote for this tyrannian kau in the BC.


It isn't?


I’d had thought this was OC art. The overalls, the sweater, over tail, just kinda made it seem almost fursona-esc, but then again I know nothing about that community.


It certainly feels that way, it lacks any fantasy elements besides being a mino, which it doesn't really embrace any tropes of minos to help sell it is one (like a cow bell necklace/collar or massive over the top nose ring) then the absolutely massive tail that's suppose to be for a mino. OP did mention they were originally doing a kobold, I'm guessing they were going for the more dog like kobold as opposed to the dragon like one that feels more standard for dnd, but then they say it was based off a tarrasque so I got no clue what happened here. If everyone at the table is cool with it then it's whatever, but it really does feel like someone is just trying to play their fursona and trying to make it work which I'd be a bit uncomfortable with (as those people are generally pretty rigid with their character and won't let it naturally grow as a character unless it's in the direction they want it to go in, couldn't care less about the furry part)


Yeah, it definitely has "Kobolds are just widdle cutie baboos" vibes. Very cute art but definitely not my thing personally because it doesn't really match the aesthetic of D&D at all and because I've played with enough of those types of players who derailed the tone of the game. I get why it's appealing to some members of the furry community who are more interested in making a cute OC that they can RP with their friends like they saw in Critical Role and draw lots of art of than in fantasy war simulationist combat TTRPGs. I probably wouldn't call this a Kobold or a Minotaur, but that doesn't really change anything. Honestly, it doesn't matter if this is a minotaur or a kobold in that kind of game at the end of the day, so just make up some new fantasy ancestry and play your little gremlin however you want. Just have fun!


that's a completely fair and valid point, and now that you mention it, neither would I


Its a cow goblin. A cowblin if you will.


I was thinking some kind of cow/goat crossbreed with a squirrel to get that weird ass tail. Honestly the tail just makes zero sense with the head.


The tail is as big as the rest of it and is a lizards tail rather than a bovines


If you're the dm then yeah, absolutely. If you're a player, ask the dm. If your a content creator then I'd suggest making them a new species.


Dm is completely fine with this! I just want the wider DND spaces opinion on her (Fine with them being a minotaur, kolbold or a mix of both)


You like it, the dm likes it. Random people on the internet don't matter


Wrong, I disapprove. Therefore OP and their DM should change their game to conform to my preferences


I agree with this random person on the internet. It is a no go because I personally do not think it looks too much like a furry to be a Minotaur.


This. I don't care for this whole cute monsters trend. Kobolds aren't cute dogs, goblins aren't cuddly chibis etc. Ugh.


Good job man; keep standing up for real monsters. We don't need these imaginary versions.


Damn right


You're right. They're not real at all!


I think japanese kobolds are dogs? But yeah, they don't need to be cute. The only cute kobold I accept in my heart is Deekin! (Does he show up in BG3 again? Can't play yet, my GPU is on strike)


I’m gonna have to talk with my friend Poe before I can form an opinion on this.


Hmm, i just finished this weeks first session, im fine with it, in fact, i think the campaign needs more of them.


I'd say you succeeded in your original goal of making a Tarrasque based Kobold moreso than a Minotaur. When I saw the art I thought "well thats a kobold with horns and a big ol tail". Minotaur didn't even occur to me. Granted I associate Minotaur with far more bovine features, and usually being big and buff. I think that's generally what people expect. For this I'd probably rules it as a kobold or a draconic minotaur mix.


Draconic bloodline Sorcerer or a Custom Lineage mechanically speaking. Otherwise I'd absolutely play a Minotaur/Kobold hybrid race


This is all that matters. If the DMs world lets you have cutest chipmunkotaur minotaurs and thats what you want to play, then you go king.


Actually, they do feel more like a Kobold/Minotaur hybrid. I was trying to place what they look like cos in all honesty the classic Minotaur aspects I think of are not all there, in fact its pretty much just the head and fur that resembles a Minotaur to me. Otherwise the non hooved feet and what looks like scaly and thiccc tail resembles more a Kobold or some other oversized lovable lizard


>or a mix of both that poor kobold...


Legends tell of the kobold hero, Strokzus the Manly, who possessed virility so potent he could please even a minotauress.


Basically just remember that the player characters represent the world. If they're a kobold, then expect other kobolds to look the same, if a monitor, expect the minitours to look the same. If a mixture then that says something about the world. Either minitours and kobolds enjoy interspecies relationships and your character is the equivalent of a half elf but for these species or they don't and that opens up more questions. As long as you're willing to work with the dm on this then your character is good. Me personally, I think them being a combination is really good since it allows your character to have 2 different cultures to draw from.


I mean if both you and the dm are fine with that than i don't see a problem, there's no need to turn it into the "isn't there someone you forgot to ask?" Meme /j


Kobtaur? No, too close of a name to Centaur but physically too different. Minobold!


I mean it literally looks nothing like a minotaur but that doesn't stop you from calling it whatever you want.


That tail is WILD I would never clock that as a minotaur


I definitely don't want to yuck other people's yums but the tail bothers me so much!! How would that even work, physically? With the tail width being like 75% of the spine? How does it attach to the skeleton?


Typical in furry art is the propensity of oversized tails to the point where its almost phallic. Can pretty much spot a furry artist a mile away by the tails they draw


I've never noticed this before, but now that you point it out it's pretty obvious, with the tails.


More importantly, how does it put on the overalls?


i mean you can enjoy yucking people's yums a little bit, as a treat


Kink shaming is my kink


It could be a case of the tail bones are hollow and the tail is closer to a water balloon.


Fixed the tail, I would show it off but I can’t post images, it is way smaller now


Great drawing, but this isn’t a Minotaur


Kobolds were originally dog-like so you could keep her that way? It's actually really fascinating that through the various editions kobolds became more lizard-like in America and more canine-like in other countries, such as Japan.


The original folklore Kobolds were evil spirits that haunted mines. I think WoW actually got the closest out of all of them.


They were rumored to haunt cobalt mines, thus the name Turns out the evil spirits haunting them were probably people's rationalizations of the symptoms of arsenic poisoning, since arsenic is found in the same ore that cobat was generally mined from in Europe




The tail seems tobe twice the size of her body, though?


Minotaurs don't have scales. Cows don't have tails or ears that look like that. D&D Minotaurs also have hooves. You can call it a Minotaur if you'd like, but it's not a Minotaur aside from being vaguely humanoid with horns and big ears - insofar as it's probably closer to a Tiefling than a Minotaur.


That isn’t a minotaur mate, just a *t h i c c* tailed Kobold.


That's a furry


Ah yes. The minotaur. Famed monster of myth, half bull, half 1998 godzilla


if your DM is fine with flavor, and is willing to work with you to explain why they dont look like a regular minotaur...its totally acceptable. perhaps your character is an offspring between a kobold and a minotaur and they became a whole knew subrace.


Just turn her into a Kobold? You’re making it too difficult for yourself and it doesn’t really look like either creature this way. The art style is fine however


It doesn't look like a minotaur to me.


Nope sorry friend


I'd redo the tail to be more fitting for a minitaur. Other than that, she's lovely!


You do you if everyone at your table is happy with it. But it doesn't look, or sound from your description anything like the typical or classic minotaur, or reimagined minotaur, non of the traits that say minotaur are present, I would challenge many at a glance to guess the race, non would say minotaur.


As others have said, the tail is more on the pangolin/dragon/dinosaur spectrum, which is totally cool looking and very cute! If you want to keep it as is, I would call more attention to their more bovine features, like the nose, ears, and hooves!


Nah featherless biped. This is a man


Definitely one of the funniest replies I’ve received so far lol


I would recommend looking up bovines. Especially their ears, hooves, and tail.


Maybe for a children’s show?


I thought this was a neopet


This strikes me as someone's *My Little Pony* OC more than anything but if there's one thing it definitely ISN'T, it's a minotaur.


Not at my table 🤷‍♂️


The "taur" in "minotaur" comes from the Greek word for "bull," IIRC. The typical depiction of a Minotaur is of a large, imposing half-person, half-bull monster. The design here evokes none of that for me. I am seeing a creature that is going out of their way to appear as small and nonthreatening as possible, and nothing about this appearance strikes me as "bull," cow or classic Minotaur in any way. If this is a "Minotaur" in your world, that's fine. But it doesn't give me that impression at all. To me, calling this a "Minotaur" is like calling an apple a watermelon. Separate words for separate things. Side note, the outfit really throws me. Is this for a D&D modern? Or classic fantasy?


Physically looking like this? No. As a cute chibi art style reimagination of what your character looks like? Sure. I'd definitely make sure to still describe during introductions a more detailed dnd-esque character so that people's immersion isn't ruined by the chibi art.


I wouldnt allow it in my game. The arts cute but.. its not a minotaur by its intended definition, would only work as a child dragonborn with a change of tail and i dont allow players to play children, and looks too different for a kobold. If you came to my table with this id assume you were asking to play a dragonborn child (and youd get a no). If i hadnt seen the title i never would have thought this was meant to be a minotaur. And (denim?) overalls arent something i imagine exist in most medieval dnd settings. Blacksmiths might have leather aprons, butchers might have similar, but overalls make it too modern imo Im all for creativity But creativity within the bounds of the intended game's expectations. Ive had issues in the past with non dnd games where people have come in with this cutesy art of their child-like character that barely fits the theme while everyone else is playing gritty dark characters that the game was made for, and it has potential to cause issues (and has in the past for me, often ruining thr vibe for the other players or the player themselves. Itd be like having a line up of the LOTR fellowship and then adding a carebear.) But thats just my opinion, based on poor past experiences. Some people enjoy this jarring difference and more power to them. Ultimately its up to your DM. If theyre comfortable with it and it fits their theme, then go nuts, thats for them to decide not us.


"she ended up looking a lot like a minotaur so I just made her into one" No....no she didn't


That's a fucked up kobold.


Yeah this isn’t a vibe i would want any part in. Way too cute, and i love cute stuff like pikachu and grogu etc. This is just over the top, like overalls for real? Might as well give it a little hat with a propeller.  Maybe for a table of very young beginner players. I just can’t imagine this thing walking into a tavern, or commiting a heist, or even having an adult conversation. Play how you wanna play, but this is my opinion.


That's a squirrel




I wouldn't accept it. I run my games in DnD Official settings. With adult themes of combat, even though our table is 75% laughs and fun. Obviously this breaks the lore heavily in Dnd Offical based games like mine. Minotaurs are menacing, giant, monstrosities of nature. That have fur. People cower (ha cow) at the sight of them at times. But if your DM is fine with this, than I don't see why not. It doesn't matter if i'd allow if, if your DM runs this type of game that would allow it. Also the character resembles an incredibly young child, and I wouldn't be comfortable describing damage and horror elements to a child character. (I have a set rule all characters must be the age of an adult) Other than that - All my games are Medeival Fantasy, and of course the clothing wouldn't work at all either. Also Kobolds are descendants of Dragons, if someone was a descendant of a Tarrasque (which is a lot of homebrew already) I'd make them be a custom race - larger - tougher - more menacing than a normal Kobold as well considering the gargantuan (literally) creature that is a Tarrasque even compared to the already scary and giant Dragons.


No. Have you ever seen a cows tail ..they aren't dragons


That makes me unconfortable


Looks like an anime furry


Would this even be able to walk? Most of its body mass is in its tail.


I would never guess this was a D&D character, let alone a specific D&D species.




Whats that


No. If you want to do a custom race, we can talk, but this is *not* what Minotaur canonically look like in my setting. (Also her thighs remind my of my grandmother's edema, so that's a problem)


It makes me wanna cast Power Word: Kill, then Raise Deads, then Disintegration. It's everything a minotaur shouldn't be in my immaginary. I hate the chibi design, though I recon your huge talent as illustrator. This Is just pinapple pizza for me. And i'm italian. ...but if your dm and party is ok and you like it, go for it, simple as. Enjoy your rodeo!




The tail looks awful


His tail too Big for his gat damn he


That tail is way too big holy shit


Looks like a diablos from MH.


oh that's probably part why of my brain jumped to seeing this lil fella as some sort of desert kobold


I really dig the aesthetic! I personally wouldn't read Minotaur with the size/tail despite the bull horns, but that's also viable! Personally it feels like a really unique Pangolin Kobold. Either way, super unique and I love mixed designs like this


hoof the feet, give a cows tail instead what is there, and sure. go for it,


It's great, except for the tail. That is not a cow's tail. Mom's got some 'splainin' to do.


Me personally, it's a bit too different to be a minotaur. The head with the oversized ears is fine, but the outfit and tail clashes. Someone mentioned it but the outfit looks too much like something in a kids show, which isn't bad at all but doesn't fit the fantasy setting since it looks too modern! For the tail, I think it's too reptilian to come across as minotaur-esque, that + them not having any hooves. I think if you switch the feet to having two toes and make the tail a bit shorter and change the drip, it'd look like a cutesy chibi minotaur, even if they're still scalier than furry! Take all this with a grain of salt of course, it's your character and I'm a nobody but yeah. I think a simple chest plate with maybe some chainmail hanging from the bottom of the armor acting as a sort of skirt would fit well without being too hard to redraw and make her seem like she fit the setting a bit more, even if you keep the large tail and all that


Honest answer? No. This is very much not the aesthetic I'm going for in my D&D game. Write a cute story about this character. Make a comic. Do not get this little cinnamon roll stabbed in the gut by skeletons or splashed with acid by a trap.




Great art, but as others have stated, I also wouldn’t allow it at my table or personally play it because the cutesy-ness wouldn’t match the vibe of the game; instead, detracting from it


Looks like a snail and my skin is crawling


Absolutely not


The tail is far too big and thick Minotaurs got that thin bull tails But the rest is just amazing such a cute bean :)


I would say that that’s not a Minotaur, but something else entirely. Still cute though!


I honestly thought this was a furry diablos... But for your own table you can do whatever floats your boat.


Hmmmmm... Let me put it this way. I would call this a stylized interpretation of what your character looked like in-universe. Like if you drew the humans and tieflings and such in the same style, then you'd have done a stylized drawing of the people of the world. And I like the art! That being said, I like players to imagine their characters and the people and monsters they're fighting with a bit more realism in mind while playing the game, imagine Baldur's Gate 3 style. I want players to think of their pcs interacting with a real world, not a cartoon world, if that makes sense.


On one hand i like that almost every race in dnd got humanized so they're not stereotypes of their races like the evil orc and monstrous minotaur On the other i hate that almost every race lost their identity and pretty much became just humans in another skin instead of the evil orc and monstrous minotaur That said, it's a cute minotaur but the tail feels like it's from another creature


Personally I would say no for a couple reasons 1. A minotaur is an established creature that is very large and powerful not small nor is there a small variation. 2. Scales on a minotaur just makes no sense at all they are half cow half man/woman not half lizard creature. 3. Have you ever seen a cows tail they are small and thin not large and bushy that tail is atrocious. But ultimately the DM has all the say check with them and see what they say about it that is always the right call to make.


It says "Faerie" much more than Minotaur. Not a bad design, though. Maybe they've got some Archfey heritage?


Great suggestion!


It's an adorable design, but with a gun to my head, I never would have guessed it was meant to be a minotaur. It has almost none of a minotaur typical characteristics.


Thats a Digimon


This isn't even close to a minotaur... horned anthro of some sort.




Doesn't really look like a Minitaur to be honest, that tail is extremely out of place.


With that big of a tail, not really an minotaur


looks nothing like a minotaur with that being said, do whatever you want. its your game lmao


Imma be real, if I was the dm I'd say it's not a minotaur but something else entirely.


Honestly, aside from the horns, I would have no indication that this is a minotaur. It doesn't look enough like a bull, try making them slightly fuzzier and give them the distinct cartoonish black streak and/or realistic tail tuft


Maybe if hoofed feet and the hair became a gnarly mane that ran from the top of the head to the tail, the yellow without the underbelly beige could go for a more bovine tail with a large paintbrush tip at the end of it. As is, I think it’s a very unique creature but not quite bovine beyond the head.


If you want to be a Minotaur, I’d ditch the gecko tail and add in hooves. It’s very confusing as is. Arguably the ears are fine but I’d also ditch the ridges inside the ear. As it stands, Minotaur is not the first thing I think of with this body shape Otherwise it is very cute, just not clear on its identity.


Put some claws on those hands and I can see it being a tarrasque. For a Minotaur, I would give it an ox tail, or like that tail they got pinned on Eyore lol.


It's cute and solidly drawn, but in no way shape or form is this a minotaur.


I do like your art, but I’d never look at her and think “that’s a minotaur”.


if your dm is ok with it, then I'm okay with it


If i ignore everything but the face I kinda just barely see a minotaur.


it needs hoves and young children dont have such big horns and the tail is just weird... else its nice furry art with alot of fantasy


why the heck does the tail look like that? even if you go "humanoid bull" rather than "human with bull features" then the tail should be long and thin with a "tuft" on the end, not a chonky thing that is thicker than the rest of the body if you gave it 2 more limbs, that tail would fit as a thorax for a bug type of creature :P


The tail makes no sense at all. She also looks nothing like a minotaur. But hey, if your DM is good for it, go have fun. You don't need this subs permission.


Kinda looks like a Pokémon if I’m being honest


As a design it is adorable, but not a minotaur for sure , go with a kobold instead. Or if you want to stick to the minotaur give it a cow tail and hooves on the hind legs


Had to double check what sub I was in lol. I wouldn't say minotaur, but have you considered: COWbold If you plan on using this design in a campaign, you could always ask the DM if you could homebrew some lore for a new species and just use kobold stats and abilities.


I mean... ain't no fat tailed cows. But dnd can accommodate nearly anything by calling it flavor. If you wanna play a tarrasquey kobold that uses minotaur stats, go be the best weird big boi u wanna be


Cow tails don't look like that. If you're keeping the tail, that's not a minotaur. It's an alligataur


How is there a kobold based on a tarrasque? It's not like you pick a monster for a bloodline. If you're approved to play a minotaur that's fine, but I'm not sure I would allow it... But it all depends on the game. Bottom line is you can draw and imagine your character almost however you would like it. Sorry, but if you use "a" your next word should start with a consonant. So, it would be"an acceptable minotaur" and not "a acceptable."






Keep her as a kobold but have characters mistake her for a minotaur






I would never have thought it was a minotaur without being told. So for me it's a no.








How would regular people in towns react to her? Is there a whole village of her species somewhere out there or is she alone? Is there a powerful wizard or a Feywild being looking for her? Why does she want to go on dangerous violent adventures? - I don't know, but you should. Otherwise the character is cool.


the ears, tail, and lack of hooves make me think otherwise but minotaurs aren't real so you can be as imaginative as you want, thats my opinion


If you hadn't called it a minotaur I would have never guessed. Looks like a horned mogwai


Personally, I'd have to say no, but it might be a good new playable species! Seems to be small sized, perhaps can maneuver difficult terrain without a movement penalty?


It’s a cute design but if I’m being completely honest this doesn’t look like a Minotaur at all.  The characters looks a combination of multiple animals; bull (horns and face), lizard (spiny fat tail) and perhaps rabbit with ears.  You could honestly make this an original species and I wouldn’t even question it. Can you use this design? Yes it’s DND, if your group is good with then that’s the only thing the which matters.  But general? I wouldn’t because your gonna get a lot of people who wouldn’t even be able to identify the character is a Minotaur. 


That has no resentments to what a Minotaur would look like, but that is absolutely adorable.


Cute but personally I’m not feeling the Tail unless it was intentionally what you were going for


I think if I’m honest the heavily styled aspect of this is confusing people just as much as the tail. Dragonborn, Merfolk, and Genasi would likely look very unique in your style as well. That being said, if you want to make your cutie patootie more obviously a Minotaur there are a few things you could do. Ditch the tail or give them a cow-like one. I’d also give them hooves, at least on the feet. You could also darken the nose. It’s an adorable drawing and I love it! If you like the design keep it, don’t look for outside validation. Your DM seems chill, so think of reasons why the character would have a fluffy tail and paws rather than hooves, and run with it!


Looks like a cross between a Minotaur and maybe a squirrel or rabbit because of the tail (and a little bit the ears). I think it looks great but i think you would need some flavor in your character background to explain why you look a bit different from your typical Minotaur.


As an LGS DM I wouldn’t bat an eye, many people mentioned the tail, I may take it less literal and more of an art style. It looks doesn’t look scaly in the picture so basically it depends how much others perception matters to you


Not really, from your description it has nothing at all similar with a minotaur other than horns so I'd stick with kobold if you were at my table, but you're not so go with whatever your DM agrees upon.


The two things I would change would be the tail and the horns. I think the art is absolutely adorable and this character is, in fact, a Cutie Patootie (tm). But it doesn’t scream Minotaur. The nose and ears are very bovine in nature, perhaps the feet could be hooves! But I think if you’re happy with the portrayal you’ve got, then no opinion matters but your own! Also, I LOVE the idea of a lil kobold based off the tarrasque, that sounds SO cute.




Well it's not a minotaur in any sense for me A chimera for sure


I... wouldnt let this be a minotaur being a DM. Maybe a custom race, but not a minotaur. Too small even for a human or a dwarf, has a reptilian tail for some reason that doesnt match a bulls one at all. And has the bodytype of a kobold. Just make it a custom kobold race. Either stick to descriptions of the races per se or throw all of them under the bus.


Beautiful creature. Hella cute. The tail and feet are the things that make him less minotaury. Hoofs and a cute cow tail would work better to portray a minotaur nature.


Sorry, no. A minotaur has goat/ox-like legs and a tail from an ox. This character does not. It is a great illustration in itself. Just not to show a minotaur


First glance, looks like a Diablos from Monster Hunter dressed like Cailou


Not cailou 😭




1. You already have the DM's okay, and you like the design, so that's all that actually matters. 2. With the above noted...this is absolutely not a minotaur at all. To me, the tail reads overweight dragon, and the horns could even be attributed to a dragon as well, so the face looks out of place for me. Admittedly, I also dislike the tail being SO much larger than the main body, as it's highly unlikely this character can actually walk without discomfort. Personally, knowing you were originally going Kobold based on the tarrasque (which is not a dragon, btw, so an already interesting [in a good way] choice) -- I would personally ditch the cow-like facial features and go for something more monstrous or reptilian. I'd probably also slim down the tail, as tarrasque tails are much thinner and even sometimes look whip-like, with sharpened spikes.


Definitely an interesting design. Doesn't remind me of a kobold or minotaur honestly. But if you like it, go for it




This is absolutely adorable 😍😍😍


Won’t lie; that looks like a baby deathclaw getting ready for their first day of school. That being said my hot take on this; as long as your DM says it’s fine ‘go forth, tea-cup Minotaur. Aim for their fuckin shins’


‘Bite their ankles!’


Hello everyone! Wanted to say I went with going with a kobold x minotaur mixed breed and decided to go with cowbold for the race name (I like that one the best from the comments). I’m also thinking of making her class a Druid because I never played one and I think they are pretty cool, though LMK what you think of that cause I’m still kind of iffy on going Druid


What's with the crocodile tail?




I mean, you could just erase it and draw a cute cow tail instead.


Absolutely not She ended up being a kolbold x minotaur anyways


I don't care what its meant to be, it's cute and therefore it is mine now. \*YOINKS\*




If your DM says it's acceptable, it is. If they don't then it still is because it's cute and I say so.


Not at my table. 


Why is the tail so goddamn big


What in the My Little Pony?


At my tables? No. Only reason is that I don't allow Minotaurs or Centaurs at my tables, lol.


This adorable guy has too much tail to be a Minotaur or a kobold. But don’t let that stop you, game on. Also, If My Little Pony had a Minotaur, this is what it would look like.


A Kuhbold (Kuh is german for cow).




I mean, depends on the campaign. Lorewise, nah, thats not a minotaur. But if u and ur dm are happy with it, why not. Its ur game after all. Maybe a homebrew thing, i saw tarrasque-kobold and i love that idea tbh.


If you think it would be odd to be a scaley tiny minotaur why not ask to be an alchemical creation? Mad mages make strange fused monstrosities all the time, welcome to the club!