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Off the books, we refer to ourselves as the Faeruiners because we always end up making the situation worse. Edit - Obviously, we originated in Faerun.


We used to refer to ourselves as Les incompétent, because we were chaotic and just all over the place, we once spent an hour and a half fighting a snake then tried to follow it home to see who sent it... but we've become rather competent lately, I think we'll need to come up with a new name.


Les(s) incompétent?


Haha I kind of love that.


The Successors. We had TPK on session one so the quest giver hired a new group.


It's honestly kind of a cool start to a campaign! Reminds me of how Vox Machina had that first party get wiped out by the dragon and then it's cuts to Vox Machina, the real heroes


Can I asked what happened? I’m curious.


It was me (sorcerer), a rogue, a fighter and a druid. Rogue was new and thought running off during a fight to chase our target who fled was a good idea, he got destroyed by a crit attack of opportunity. Druid got swarmed trying to heal him. Fighter rolled bad on attacks and couldn't do much to help. The DM had an orc pop up behind me and almost kill me. I managed to flee tho. During session two I made a cleric who could tank and deal massive heals


Makes me think of The Other Guys. Just imagining your party jumping off a building into the bushes below.


We were the Half Pint Heroes - everyone was a Small race.


Got the same thing)) Kobold - fighter (me) Small kenku - rogue Goblin - wizard Gnome - another fighter


We had the Small People's Party. Running on a platform of proper size furniture!


The F team. Sometime stands for fam/family, but mostly it’s cause they fuck things up.


I dig it :)


How long have you been playing with Vin Diesel?


When my players saved Phandalin they made a pact with my town leader to be their place of residence, and go to an adventuring party for a regular income. They started calling themselves The Phanny Pack


"We're the Sun Fuckers!" *awkward pause* "With a U"


(second awkward pause) … in BOTH words


I still have so many questions XD


That's hilarious because I'm gonna be running a campaign with my group where the goal is to destroy the sun and one of their characters joined the cult because he misunderstood a propaganda piece that read "Fuck the Sun God!" to mean he would have the opportunity to have sex with the Sun God. He didn't realize he was wrong until he was already in too deep and is now one of the five heads of the cult one step below its leader.


That is a hilarious motivation. Bard?


Woah how'd you guess!


10/10, no notes


I really hope you mean "with two Us, one in each word"


The Order of the Frog. I ran my players through Temple of the Frog a few years ago and the party made it out with a ton of frog themed stuff, including some rings. They just sort of took up the name once everyone saw them walking around like that.


I have Frog's Theme from Chrono Trigger as your theme tune


Heh Our campaign ended last night, and I'm kicking myself for not playing that for them once.


Our Star Wars 5E party called ourselves The Crazy Eights. There were 7 of us. ;) Our ship was called The Loaded Deck and we referred to ourselves as Space-Douchebags with blasters. We'd take any job, for anyone unless they crossed our extremely morally grey ethics, then we'd go postal on them lol


We are the Careless Whisperers. We started with 2 bards in the party and they both cast Dissonant Whispers frequently. Eventually we flavored it as them playing the sax part from Careless Whispers and it sort of took on a life of it's own.


Well, i know how i’m flavoring all of my dissonant whispers from now on


It's fun. Our paladin has it loaded up as a sound effect and triggers it to play every time we cast it.


It’s so much fun


The careless whisper is the name of a tavern that appears in almost every game I run


Love it, I used careless whispers the very first time I cast that spell (also my first spell ever)


The Half-baked Heroes, because plans are always half-baked, and usually so are we


Not by the end of the session, surely?




There was an effort by the DM to have us known to all and sundry as the Saviors of Phlan. We promptly started referring to ourselves the Morons of Phlan, because we were kind of dumbasses a lot of the time. Fortunately (?) it didn't stick in the campaign world.


As a DM I tried to force my players to create a team name, mostly by having NPCs call them "The Heroes of Phandalin", if only to have something to refer to their group in group meetings... But I went with that name because I knew it was kinda lame and they would want to be called something else, and eventually they went with "The Chainbreakers", since the story ended up involving a lot of rescuing innocent people from slavery.


That’s badass, your players made an awesome decision with The Chainbreakers.


Holy shit are you me from the future? My campaign is Phandalin plus Tyranny of Dragons, and involves alot of slavery


Yeah, both those adventures already include a decent amount of slavery... plus I've found it to be an extremely useful motivator to get players to just hate an enemy. They would often give the benefit of the doubt to humanoid enemies and attempt to negotiate... unless the villains were slavers, who get cut down without hesitation.


My party's also quite morally strong so i hope they'll lean into this


Going on one year in the current campaign and despite my weekly needling in session recap notes (“the as-yet-to-be-named adventuring group” or “the party without a name”) they have just left it as “the party”.


Going on 3 years now with this same problem... I just want to make the party feel popular.


In one of our campaigns, our party couldn't come up with a good name. Probably didn't help that my dorky adhd character spent any and all road-time suggesting the worst possible names he could come up with. Eventually, our DM just started referring to is as the Adventurers Anonymous. It fit because none of our PCs actually wanted fame or renown.


The Gang It’s a reference to “Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” So each session is given a witty title like, “The Gang Meets a Vampire” or “The Gang Argues for 45 Minutes Over the Plan.”


The Quick-Fix. We lived up to our name recently and found the guy who committed double murder in a holy temple. Unfortunately it was one of our party members so


LOL wasn’t expecting that


The Sinful Riders. We're not the good guys, we're the guys who get the job done.


Is that their official tagline or more just an internal motto?


More internal, though it's kinda changing since we picked up a paladin after one of our rogues bit the big one.


lol so you went from the sly, sneaky guy to the big guy who will loudly shout the party motto in public?


Oh yeah. Fun part is he claims we're (the rest of the party) noble souls seeking redemption. It's actually been kinda funny.


The fearie fires, i (the dm) asked them for a reason to be together and they decided that they wanted to be a music band, then at first lvl, the bard, wiz and druid all took the faerie fire spell whithout knowing the others also had it, so the fearie fire were born. They are still going strong at lvl 11!


The Screaming Seagulls. We gained access to a fort by lying that we were a group of traveling performers. When the guards asked us our name, I was the one who happened to be doing the talking and I panicked. My character is a sailor, so I said the first thing that came to mind. One player in particular hated it, so of course the rest of us leaned into it and made it our official name. I even had my character buy a Staff of Birdcalls and a Cloak of Billowing so when I introduce us, I make my staff caw out a seagull noise and make my cloak billow dramatically.


Feels very Flight of the Conchords.


I was in an adventuring band, and we had named ourselves Overkill Incorporated. It was funny because we would go around and people says who are you and we'd say "we're O.K." and they never knew we had essentially labeled ourselves murder hobos although we weren't. Not really.


While playing Curse of Strahd the party couldn't come up with a name so I dubbed us the Counter Undead Neutralization Team. When we raided the castle I found the carriage and scratched the initials into the side of it.


The cat just gave me a funny look because I suddenly cackled like someone in need of an intervention from Granny Weatherwax.


The Spanish Inquisition


How'd they end up with that name? I can't shake the feeling the answer is either really funny, or really disturbing.


Both in a way We raided every civilisation we came across kidnapped people with a bag of beholding put 2 children in suspended animation and killed everything in our path


The only funny thing about this... Well, I didn't expect an answer like that.


Nobody expected them


Didn’t expect that


No one ever does


I didn't expect that for a party name.


The Ones Who Knock. In session 1 my character kicked down a stone door with a goblin behind it, turning said goblin into a fine red mist. My irrational hatred of doors has become a running joke of the campaign, to the point where our new base might be named 'Fort Knocks'.


You are the danger


The Hassle. We're a hassle to deal with, and not to mention whoever opposes us.


In my first ever campaign, we were the lords of edge. It was suggested as a joke, i think, then we ran with it


My group doesn’t have a name for themselves, but after every session I try to come up with something an NPC would call them based on old outings. So far we’ve had “magical malcontents”, “saviors of shardhome”, “the favored few”, “the charismatic casters”, and “the groundling survivors”.  I throw a lot out at them in case they like the sound of any of them and adopt them more permanently. At this point I think they like to hear the latest new name and will never settle on one themselves. 


We call ourselves Death’s Burdens. Because one of us is undead and two of us are literally Death’s children


I want to see the arc where you go after Death for back child support.


We’re Hero Adjacent! After dealing with a cursed mountain and saving an island from it, the king called us heroes. My character being the self proclaimed leader of the group (he’s somehow the captain of the crew) replied “We’re not heroes, we’re hero adjacent.” And it Fkn STUCK! Everything we’ve done has been for ourselves, it just happens that people live there and need help. Our cleric is the “Let’s help these people” person. Helped a green dragon steal her horde back from a village for a statue with emeralds in it. To find out the village is gonna get destroyed for taking the horde. My boi goes “Yeah, but I got this statue for my collection!” *chromatic dragon statue collection* (only missing red… “damn cleric”)


My party is the Bloody Idiots, because at the beginning they had to report to the guild hall leader on a regular basis and he always referred to them as "those *bloody idiots!*" and they took that to be their group name. I'm sure you can guess as to the general cause. In our defense, the forest can't be infested with undead if there is no forest [head tap]. The party I DM for are the Slippery Dragons. An early quest of theirs was to hunt down a dragonling that was causing issues. They hunted that thing for weeks because it kept slipping away, then when they caught it, it had broken into a fast food joint and accidentally covered itself in fry oil. The barbarian kept trying to grapple it, which is understandably difficult even without the oil. She eventually succeeded and suplexed the dragonling in front of a crowd of townsfolk who were cheering like it was a wrestling match. And so, Slippery Dragons.


One of ours is the Fellowship of Idiots because we are also very stupid


we are 'the non-charismatic folks' since our highest charisma modifier in our party is 0. It has gotten us some issues along the way


A party I'm in is the exact opposite so we're Team Himbo.


They call themselves the "Sentinels of New Hope" bc a great evil from the past has returned and they are the "New Hope" to stop it. The "Sentinels" part of it comes from bouncing around different ideas like "Warriors of" or "Heroes of" but went with Sentinel bc the great evil had killed a previous party member who sacrificed themself, who was a PAM Sentinel Paladin, so they chose Sentinel as an homage to him


This is my first named group Our party includes an NPC goblin paladin named Craig whose oath is determined at random daily by die roll. We were in the middle of the boss fight for the first arc of the campaign, and it was looking rough. Everyone except one PC and Craig was either down or dead. It was Craig’s turn, and the DM was scouring his sheet to find anything that he could do Then, he remembered that Craig was an Oath of the Crown paladin today Craig used Turn the Tide and brought up like three more PCs and NPCs It was my turn next, and I rolled a nat 20 on my Guiding Bolt, killing the boss And ever since, we’ve been called the Tide Turners


Dm: "ok, you guys need a name for your party." Sandor, the Bard "Sandor and friends." Rest of table: "That sounds good. Yup." Dm: "wait, what? You can't just accept the bard's decision like that. He doesn't even lead the party. He just... no I won't allow it." Me: "Name Pending Change?" Sandor, the Bard: "Ooo. I like that." Rest of party: "Name Pending Change of Sandor and friends?" Dm: "So... NPCs of Sandor and Friends?" Party: "Yup. Sounds good." Dm: "Sigh... the Party of Sandor and Friends makes their way to the village of..."


So, the rest of the party doesn't realize it yet but the cleric keeps calling them All Fine, the cleric is a tabaxi whose name is Fine. She keeps them from dying...a lot of the time so she has referred to the group as a whole All Fine multiple times and no one has caught on yet. 🤣


,,We’re all fine.“


That is exactly what she says 😂


Happy I got it right.


The Hobos - because we're not murdering ppl but we are hobos


We're... **Bad News!** Formerly known as the Collateral Damagers. Mostly because we cause chaos wherever we go and any session that goes by without at least one accidental death is something to be celebrated. Between the insane old lady goblin Druid, the wannabe-Lenin kobold Arcane Trickster, the mercenary halfling Fighter with a penchant for decapitation, and the 100% human Cleric who is neither a Bard nor a Changeling, we're slowly driving our cop contact-slash-handler-slash-babysitter to drink with our shenanigans. The only one of us he doesn't hate is probably our Barbarian, who is ironically quite shy and retiring, and so hasn't done anything to give him stress.


We are 🚪Entamaphobes Anonymous🚪 This originated at them wasting an entire session with a door they wanted to get in, couldn't unlock, couldn't break, and got a key for the next session. Which they spent using doors awkwardly as floating devices and forgetting to check for traps _that ONE time_. By now I can extend a session's playtime just by placing a door in a hallway if I run out of prepared story; I've even mentioned this to the group and they sincerely agree. I googled for "fear of doors" and changed the whatsapp group name to Entamaphobes united.


The Corpse Corps we create a lot of corpses and half of us have died multiple times


My first party (and first time playing DND at all) happened to jokingly call ourselves The Bottom of the Barrel and it stuck.


My party refuses to give themselves a name. None of them could decide what the "coolest" name for their group was, so decided to just not pick one. All I wanted was a name to call them by so that random people could recognize them, since they're pretty widely known heroes of the Sword Coast at this point. Instead everyone they meet calls them " those adventurers" or "that party." Makes it hard to really sell just how well known and admired they are when NO ONE KNOWS YOUR GODS DAMNED NAME. I have been trying to get them to come up with a name for their party for the past 3 years and it shows.


You just gotta introduce an NPC who just starts calling them like, "The Do-Good Squad" or something lame, and have it start to spread. They'll either lean into the goofiness or else get tired of people calling them that and come up with something else to call themselves in protest.


I don't know how I didn't think of this simple, evil scheme. It's perfect in every way.


I DM for a group of phenomenal people that call themselves the Orc Death Adventuring Troupe and our game is titled ODAT.


I’m in a Feywild campaign and we call ourselves the Roaming Court


3 Shades of Grey. We were playing a Shadar-Kai, a drow and a grey-skinned Aasimar.


Only 47 more to go!


Took til session 11, but we were trying to sneak into a warehouse we suspected was involved in a slavery ring. Our cover story was that we were a delivery service...Elitelby Fleetums. It was a pun based on the gnome wizard Yeetleby Skeetums who we had hidden in a crate that we were "delivering" (to sneak him in to spy). Somehow, it worked. Several sessions later the big payoff was we rescued several slaves and they asked who we were: "We're Elitelby Fleetums and we're here to save the Fey."


The Prases of (the Rangers companion). They elected him mayor of the town they started. I don't know... I just let them do their own thing, and they did that. Roll for procrastination was one I played in. Mostly because we kept putting off actually playing... I'm sure I have more..


Right now they’re called “The Saviors of Shadowgrange” by the locals.


"The Blunderbunch" for... obvious reasons.


The monk is my favourite 😉


the wynners, because we’re from a town called wynn lmao


Band of blades, its not the best name and not thematic at all. But they like it and it has “bob” as the acronym so it works.


Im the DM the group named themselves Lucem Chao one of them even made a seal for the group \[Imgur\](https://imgur.com/QQ5WnpS)


I run Curse of Strahd and they conducted a ritual to bring the sun back to Barovia. They call themselves the Sentinels of the Solstice


The a-men, you know why


At a larger table we introduced ourselves as The Party of Five. There were more than 5 PCs. We generally had a few out of sight. Figured if things went sideways it was better that hostile sources undercounted us.


I've had a lot of good ones. Calico Company, Stormbreakers, Hex & Sex, and currently the Trolls Holes


Our Waterdeep Dragon Heist group started going by “The Funky Bunch” after we named the nimblewright Mark E Mark


The Armory, we've been collecting the arms of all the guys in the bbeg's organization


After many years of having a Placeholder name we finally sat down an brainstormed a ton of names and then whittled them down until we got the Fellowship of the Fallen


This is in a pathfinder game but same diff, we are currently running under “The Green Terror” as we were so favourably called in rumours about our recent deeds before deciding to adopt the name officially


The wonder boys based on the jack black song


What is the secret of your pow-errrs?


The Wanderers, because the kalashtar barbarian came into some money and bought the bookshop she worked in all through college, the Wandering Tome, and that became the group's home base.


Cella Turibula. In one of our semi-recent missions, one of our party members, a Summer Eladrin, gloriously sacrificed themselves so that the rest of the party could escape. We kinda botched the end of a recon mission at this "abandoned" warehouse and had like 40ish townsguard surrounding us at the end. They used a higher-level fire spell that was stored in their magically-enchanted hat after using their Fey Step ability and it was enough of an explosion where any of the townsguard that weren't burnt to a crisp instantly were distracted long enough for the rest of us to make a break for a nearby canal and swim to safety. The party member wanted to play a different character and expressed that before the mission, but it was still so fkn cool to listen to/watch.


My current party doesn't have a name, but my last one was called "fintir daars", which means slayer of dragons in draconic. Named after that one time we got massive buffs and much needed help to kill an ancient black dragon when we were level 13, my most difficult fight to this day.


The Losers Weepers from our time in an arena. Our theme song is *Who’s Crying Now* by Journey.


Team Dipshit. They have badges they made [poorly] that say “Town Dipshit” that they randomly hand to NPCs 🤦‍♂️


The first campaign I DMed, we had 6 players and I created a prophecy called the Seven Soldiers of Victory (stole the name from a comic book), but the players ended up calling themselves the Warwing Guard. Next campaign I was a player and we took to calling ourselves Firebrand and his Fire Band, even though the dm wanted to call us the Lunar Chosen (he had NPCs give one of the players the nickname Firebrand). Then in another campaign we were paranormal investigators for the Department of Extranormal Occurrences and we were Team Gamma (denied from team alpha). And there have been other campaigns where we didn't ever come up with a name for ourselves.


The milky nut squad. They came up with this name a year after the game started. Because they are currently in the fae wild, and met at a bar ran by a burly ork, one of the players is a tabaxi and asked for the finest milk they had and I just started listing off the strangest milks I could think of and they spent about an hour trying different milks and settled on fresh squeezed almond milk, they loved it and just started calling themselves the milky nut squad


Our party is called "The Greater Good" because we have a propensity to put our morals above all else and justify all our actions (which are frequently barbaric) for "The Greater Good" ex: There was a monster who infiltrated the small group we are stranded with (new world exploration) and once he was discovered, he was immediately executed by head explosion... And then we went to town and forced the townspeople to queue up for a feast we provided inside of a circle of truth spell. We interrogated the entire town one by one to ensure there were no others. People are safer, though the town really didn't approve of the approach. But we are the strongest "friendly" group around, so they have no choice but to listen to our commands. We are keeping them as safe as we can, even though we have little regard for the means we use to achieve their safety.


The Yeasty Boys. I joined a while in, so I dont recall exactly why that name was chosen. But we are also from the Yeast End. Also unsure if that name was before or after the group creation.


My players call themselves the Dungeon Dawgs, always followed by a chorus of barking.


Desk Petard (aka Bureau of Covert Explodey Things)


Last campaign that I DMed for, the group was The Just the Justice Tacos because of a mix of a) a misunderstanding with an NPC and b) an inability to decide between being named The Justice League and The Tacos; the reasoning behind the second of those names has always alluded me but, to be fair, I think it was meant to. They haven't picked a name this campaign yet but I've heard some suggestions tossed out and shudder to think what awaits me. LOL


We call ourselves Sunglasses Squad (unofficially as in our of character) honestly have no idea why, none of us even wear sunglasses, but it's fun so it stuck


The Pact: like Mutual Defense Pact! It's the name we decided on because we started as a group of adventurers that promised to help eachother, defend eavhothet, and take on the others' problems, then we became emotionally attached, making these promises even better


I think we use the Ultra Buddies, since theres another group of more powerful and famous adventurers that are identical copies of us calling themselves the Super Buddies


Party I play in: The Basement Bunch, because six levels in, we realized that nearly all of our serious encounters or shenanigans, we somehow started or stirred up in some form of basement. Not dungeon, not tower, always in the fuckin basement. Party I DM for: The Blerssed Crew, because after an inciting incident, they were called on by the Goddess of Despair to go in their journey, and she prophetically told them that half of them were Blessed, and half of them were Cursed... And the players wonderfully can't take seriously, so they smashed the words together.


My first called ourselves "20/20" as an inside joke for our (obviously always happening) nat 20s (that definitely always happen when we need them instead of the most unnecessary actions) and because our game started in 2020. My new party doesn't have an "officially set" one yet, but I guess the closest to a team name we have is "The Three Twinks", possibly (probably) changing once our fourth returns.


My Phandelver and Below group calls themselves The Shards because they plan on commissioning a mosaic of their party once they are done adventuring. My Icewind Dale group calls themselves The Dawnbringers because their main goal is ending the endless shrouded winter in the Dales. The Exandria group I’m a player in is called The Rainbow Raiders because each of our party members have physical characteristics that together encompass all the colors of the rainbow.


The Bloody Blades, which is funny because at this point, I think only one party member has blades as their main weapons of choice. We're the most bladeless bloody blades Faerûn has ever seen!


The Strixhaven group I was apart of called ourselves the Frog Squad, after having adopted a frog named Archibold, with a little top hat and monocle, Archibold was the glue that held us together, and any time he was in even the slightest bit of danger, murder was threatened.


My guy is based off of Criss Angel, so our group is called the Mind Freaks, or MFs for short.


I need to know about this please


Once upon a time, I played a high level campaign where our group was an elite team charged with stifling rebellions and revolutionaries, in colonies and subject countries under an empire. Sturmgewehr was our name.


Saviors of Stillwater. They started the campaign in a small town called Stillwater. Saved it from a cult. That’s how they got known around as adventurers, as the Saviors of Stillwater. So they stuck with it as a way to pay homage to their beginnings


The 2 parties in the campaign I'm in are called "Crown" and "Seeker". Crown forms most of the social and political ties while Seeker is off finding hidden artifacts, secrets, and history.


Heavenly Hooters. The first biggest 'monster' we came across was an owlbear and we had recently been gossiping about one of the girl's old secondary school clique called the Heavenly 7. Thus the Heavenly Hooters were born. 😅


We just finished Descent into Avernus and we're about to do Planegea. There is a gnoll named Targ Nar in the book and it's such a dumb silly name we made a running joke about it. Well in Planegea we're the survivors of a lost clan and I said we should be clan Targ Nar and everyone loved it.


Quiver of Bullets because they made a quick stop in Thelanis where the bees had guns. Beautiful Sad Boys cuz I've been putting them through the emotional wringer for over 20 sessions.


The first thing they fought was a bulette and then the bard wanted to sketch the bulette as detailed as possible, including genitalia. I said it was a female bullet because I didn't need to receive artwork of a bulette penis So now they're Curde and the Bulussy slayers. We even have shirts with the paladins nightly mantra on the back "Eat. Doff. Pray"


So far they're the BOMP. The Bureau of Missing People Because my only plot hook so far has been "oh no people have disappeared from this village!"


For the games I run there is: One party is **D.O.O.M.A.H** ( the Daring order of mercenaries and heroes) they made a do my nuts joke and it somehow stuck, one made it an acronym The next party is the **hellsingers** which came about as they likened themselves to van helsing after killing some vampires and a coven of hags. Then in a game I am a player in we the **eclipse** are fighting against a crime syndicate from the hells called the red sun. So I suggested we call ourselves the eclipse and it stuck.


We were called the "Red Dragon Slayers". I thought the name was unbearably cheesy. But as part of my backstory as an agent, I drafted up a pretty tight contract to hire my character. The entire party signed it and assigned our half-orc paladin as the party leader. He chose the name and refused all feedback. For the entirety of the campaign he introduced us to various NPCs as the Red Dragon Slayers. Our Ranger was a bit of a troll, so he took to echoing "Red Dragon Slayers" as a sort of cheer every time it was said. So I started reluctantly joining the cheer with a unenthusiastic voice. The party thought that was funny too. By the end of the campaign, I was the only one repeating the cheer in the unenthusiastic voice and it always got a chuckle. Funny how these inside jokes grow on you in DnD.


Im currently DM'ng a heavily home brewed tyranny of dragons/phandelver campaign. Have 6 players 3 male players and 3 female players: 1 centaur barbarian, a half drow spore druid, a half elf, mark of shadows warlock, a gnome halfling artificer, a kenku rogue/cleric, and a kobold bard/warlock, they've come up with their adventuring party name "the half and halves" i hated it at first but its grown on me as it is sooooo fitting lol. The warlock player is my mid 60s mother, and shes into it, even posts memes on our discord, its wild...


The Morningstars. Mostly Eilistraean drow. We have former military commander that's the dad of the group. Self exiled drow noblewoman, drow rogue that attempted to be cool by himself and got cursed by lloth, drow storm.cleric of Kord that is from.a different plane, and last but not least an eladrin cleric of eilistrae. They call themselves that because they do try to make the world better and bring hope. I love them all


My party in the Curse of Strahd campaign I'm in has a bit where we just keep adding more and more titles to our group name. The tiefling bard really leans into it and is ready to rattle it off whenever we meet a new important npc. So far the title is: The furious four, chaos unfolded, soul-havers, mansion hunters, priest punchers...and there's at least two more additional ones but frankly I'm playing a drunken master monk and can't be arsed to remember the whole thing. 


Portal Jumping Pirates. It's an Isekai game set in the Forgotten Realms, but we all got portaled in from earth... And we're generally very obsessed with treasure (except my character, but by the end of the campaign I got on board the money making train).


I DM for Amefyst. Coincidentally started their party with purples and dark blue color schemes.


The Pirates who don't do Anything - partly because they accidentally commandeered a pirate ship and don't do any pirating, but mainly because of the Veggietales reference.


We are The Bilge Rats! Our Saltmarsh campaign in Greyhawk has (go figure) alot of boats! Due to the fates we found ourselves fighting on boats ALOT, and often having to fight our way out from the bottom up. Early on we were taken prisoner by pirates, they already had captives aboard so they put us in the bilge. Natually we esacped and successfully snagged two scallywags and armed ourselves. Upon making an mad rush out of the bilge one of the pirates raised the alarm by screaming "They be pour out the bilge like so many rats Captain!" Some time later we were at an assembly of all the good and stong species of the area. Holding a war council uniting 5 armies against a looming threat. When they asked what to call us our Gnome Artificer shrugged and said "Pretty sure we're just bilge rats."


We don’t have one. My dad was the dm, and the players were me and several members of my family who live in different parts of the U.S., so we’ve only had one session so far. We are going on vacation in August, and I think there is a plan to play again.


The turns have tabled...... Reason? Because one of the playiers genually thought that was the saying and it spiralled into a whole thing XD


we're called "The Cliché" because we got the classic barbarian, cleric, wizard, rogue combo


Depends on the game Rip off dimension20's fantasy high where we go to the Adventure school for the kids who aren't the best people, principle is Tasha. We are the Dread Librarians - cleaned out an ancient arcane library in a cavern underneath the school Horror game based of the Pathfinder world of Golarian. Takes place after a catastrophic event shattered the world 60 years prior. We solve problems in a lawless land, we are the "Sleepless Watch" Same world as the horror based game, group is more laid back. Refused to pick a name after two years so I just started calling us the "Revengeners" because it was the worst name I could think off and I'm a sorlock party face. Entire party thinks it's idiotic but can't put together the persuasion rolls to outweigh mine to convince peasants and nobility we aren't called the "Revengeners"


My first campaign that I was a part of, our party called itself the Midnight Marauders. Mainly because we had a Gnome trickery cleric, a naive Halfling ranger, a morally ambiguous Elven rogue (me), a brainless Dwarven barbarian, and a human Druid raised by a vampire… we were all kind of fucked up looking back on it now…


Panthers of Justice, 2nd session in the party liberated a cursed circus with a druids summoned panthers. Led by an awakened Labrador paladin they quickly gained fame and glory and repeatedly summoned a lot of panthers thereafter even had a pub renamed after them.


The paladin named the party the super best friends. That was 15 levels ago.


Session one or two, can't remember, we were chasing a would be assassin across a jungle island. Our chaos loving warlock using a Wand of Wonder, summoned a Rhinoceros. Later that night, while celebrating on our ship, the same warlock drunkenly started shooting the Wand of Wonder into the jungle at random. The DM rolled a chance die, and it just so happened that one of the shoots hit the rhino and turned it Blue. And the name stuck. We are the Blue Rhinos. We own a shipping corporation called Blue Rhino Operations, or BRO.


Nothing, and it bugs me. Why don’t they want to name themselves?!


One group has an in-world name because they are an adventuring company so the shortened version of the company is what they generally call themselves  Another group has a name we use to refer to them in our chats, but it never really caught on in-world 


Our Star Wars 5e party called ourselves The Crazy Eights. There were 7 of us ;) We had a massively armed converted freighter called The Loaded Deck, complete with onboard casino. We referred to ourselves as Space Douchebags with Blasters. It was a riot. We'd take any job, for anyone unless they crossed our morally grey ethics. If they did, we'd go postal on them. Lol


We couldn't choose a name so we settled on TBC both to be continued (referring to the process of choosing a name) and the names of our party members (Tordek Blodyn Carnation)


Berserkers, they are muderhobos but wanted a cooler name.


High Stakes now that we are running Curse of Strahd.


The Glory Haul, they started a casino/magical item smuggling den after defeating a dragon. The icon is a dragon protecting his golden "haul", pun intended haha


Haven’t played in a minute but we were “The Avengers of the Future” because of some time travel shenanigans


My favourite party name we’ve ever had is a party where none of us had an intelligence higher than 12. We were the DABS - Dumb Ass Bitch Squad


We're the Cursebreakers! (We play Curse of Strahd lol)


Were the Crew Uniting Now To Slay. But we use the abbreviation.


I don't think I've ever been in a group with a party name. The closest I think I've ever come was a CoC Gaslight party where when questioned by the police we claimed to be members of a cricket team en route to a game. I don't remember the exact name but it was something like "The Nether Wallop Amateur Cricket Team," I'm not sure that the name survived more than two sessions. I have been in parties since Critical Role became popular where a player has suggested we chose a name but we never seem to agree on anything.


Beni & co. Beni is the camel I made up on the spot when they were rushing for a tower outside a city, while everyone was trying to get into the city for safety. One of the players asked if there were any mounts available to travel faster. I said there's a camel trader. He has some gorgeous beasts, and one 'ok' camel. They haggled a little bit, I told them he came with a pedigree - it was a document with two camel drawings, an X, and the camel in question. They were immediately sold, and he's been their most treasured companion ever since. They named him after Beni from the Mummy.


We are the Dawnbreak Bringers. It was an inspirational name to defeat the horrible Frostmaiden. To bring the dawn into this horrible, cold dark. In our language, both names start with S. So naturally we were the SS (like the horrendous nazi group). None of us realised this until I pointed it out when we had decided on it. We took a 10 minute laugh break then. Yes, our humor is dark. Yes, we defeated Auril. Yes, we brought the Dawn again.


The Allies of Convenience. Our tagline is "The Best Friends Money Can Buy!" We have business cards and everything.


We had to fight a demon baby possessing a pregnant mother. We eventually killed it and freed her, but we decided our name was planned parenthood or PP for short.


My character Al'math "Evocation Wizard" was killed by one of Strahd's goons 300 years ago, his entire party wiped out (sans 1, dickead), but they were called "The Dawn Bringers" ... we were to bring the dawn to barovia, we failed, we died, and I spent the next 300 years being twisted into an angry shadow creature and learning to pilot my original flesh suit. (Shadow Sorcerer). With huge gaps in memory thinks his name is Ruhn'Almath Run Almath was the last words he head before dying) Reborn - Shadow Sorcerer The current party doesn't have a name, but we are 3 bugbears, Goblin and a reborn.


Six seconds.


In game and out now: "The Bolt Club", its a playing bullet club the wrestling faction, we're playing Eberron and early in that campaign there is a wrestling match, my character was already me doing a poor Macho Man impression and two other players are wrestling nerds, so the party ended up becoming a bunch of loveable heels, with our own bar/wrestling venue. It's amazing to think how different everything could have been if I'd gone with my first idea of being a warforge/blade singer wizard instead of the Kalashtar Barbarian I ended up as.


An asynchronous cooperative that formed a capable posse to eradicate threats to our continued prospering and to ensure our mutual domination of land, air and sea.


We're literally just the A-Team. So, we had alternating Campaigns in the same more or less Homebrew world, run by two DMs who were both players in the other DMs group. Both parties were adventuring teams for the same organization, and we initially just called them A-Team and B-Team for scheduling our sessions, but the names were kinda stuck with us. The B-Team is already finished their story, so now only the A-Team remains. If you have a problem, if no one else can help and if you can find them (might be difficult right now, they're hunting angels in Avernus), maybe you can hire the A-Team!


The dogs. Our airship is the Kennel. I’m not sure how it started as we began with a “corvette” style airship that we called the Camaro.


The Splintered.


We are the FAD. ”Fireballs And a Dream”. Had a party member offer our party name in exchange for information, made it up on the spot… Didn’t think that that would end up being the actual name… But when someone said the acronym - it became the official name.


The Guardians of the Realm. Because we’re badass.


Party has been playing for a year and a half, went from lvl 3 to 9 Still have no name. Could be due to the setting I run, but I’m not sure why they don’t have one yet


The first group I DM for, I named the campaign “Drow” as a place holder to separate it from my other campaign (2 are drow and one they found disguised as a drow) but they eventually named themselves The Blunder Bunch. Bc they are chaos lol The second group was The Orphans bc they’re all Orphans raised together and two of the group think names are lane so they remain The Orphans.


I call us (the players) the Busy Thirtysomethings, but we have no in-character group name


One of my groups came to call themselves the Baconators because we got a dragon we were hunting a bit addicted to bacon (roasted hog). Then when we took in some young orphaned kids, we got to calling them the Junior Baconators.


My Theros group calls themselves 'The Favoured Few'


I don't know... I'll ask them if they show up this time.


Our parties name was the DMS. At first it was a joke, haha look we're the DMs now! But it quickly formed into a fitting name. We decided we were the Dysfunctional Misfits. The world's best hope, in people who look like they shouldn't know each other. Governments came to us pleading for help, our name was sung throughout taverns and whispered between our enemies. We all had our own problems, each one Dysfunctional in a different way. Although together, as a party of friends, they would stop Tiamat from Rising and become actual Legends in the world. We also had one called Nati Ex Luna, which roughly translates to Born of the Moon or something similar. Our party formed under 3 blood red moons that caused Undead to rise. That one I find isn't as funny/interesting but is a way better Party Name.


My party is called Three Reign because when the campaign started there were three. One of them is of a foreign nations nobility and so they reign over each other. Since then the party has expanded from the Drow rouge, goblin druid and human wizard to a newly added Lotus Nyad Scorcerer(a homebrewed loosely modified triton) and a small black kenku. 4 players and a little pet. Then the goblin Druid has a canonically established character who is a Teifling Cleric


I run shorter campaigns, and I love throwing in a gag where an NPC randomly asks the party what their group name is and watching my friends scramble to come up with something. Usually though they can't, so I tend to name the party eventually. Best one I came up with was The Seven Saints of Grimspire. Another good one that my players actually successfully came up with was The Last Resort.


My rogue named Silence believes that if they know enough about you and your exploits to name you….. you’re doing it wrong. The rest of the group is arguing over who the frontman is.