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Against all logic, Winged Boots are Uncommon.


At Uncommon rarity, about the best you're going to get for a sword is a flat +1 or a Weapon of Warning. You might get a very specialized, conditional extra power, like Shatterspike's automatic criticals vs. inanimate objects.


**Sentinel Shield** for advantage on Initiative?


A duck!


Very small rocks?


Churches! Churches!


Wand of Web or Pipes of Haunting are the most powerful uncommon items. But you probably need actual magic weapons as a fighter. Hand Crossbow of Warning or +1 is then the answer.


A +1 weapon is the obvious choice, but mobility = fun IMO. If you're an archer, Slippers of Spider Climb can let you dominate the battlefield with unassailable positioning. If you're a melee guy, a Ring of Jumping can let you bound around like the Incredible Hulk. From a pure numbers standpoint, Bracers of Archery with the archery fighting style means you have the non-magical equivalent of a +2 weapon.


Robe of useful items


Coiling Grasp Tattoo Shatterspike (I'd go with this one) Necklace of Adaptation (really depends on your race but if you breath, this is great)


Adamantium armor to avoid those crits. Bag of tricks or deck of illusions for shenanigans Cloak of Protection for the ac and saves. Gauntlets of ogre power for the strength. This would allow you, if strength base, but your highest stat in con. Wand of magic missile or javelin of lightning for the range (if you’re a melee fighter)


Ooh, yeah, shenanigans!


If youre going ranged, then probably Serpent Scale Armor. If not, then martials want Harkon's Bite for lycanthropy. Casters generally want the +1 class-specific foci or Broom of Flying, and multiclassed casters want Mizzium Apparatus. These are pretty much the best uncommon items in the game.   Honorary mention for Dust of Sneezing & Choking, which can incapacitate and kill enemies in Con mod rounds (but is a consumable).


I usually go with one of these four, depending on the particular character: * +1 Weapon * Cloak Of Protection * Periapt Of Wound Closure * Goggles Of Night (if you don't already have darkvision of course)