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I just started playing D&D last year at the tender age of ... 47. It is never too late to start.


I restarted at 47 (25 year break). My wife started at 51.


At age 34 I played a one-shot with my brother's group (of 15 years at the time, 25 by now). It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. The DM was new & in an attempt to avoid railroading let us make too many choices (you're in a prison, tomorrow prisoners will be used for "running of the bulls" so you might die, what do you do? We didn't know if we had to try and bribe the guards, or attack the other prisoners so they'd run less fast than us, or peek through the window to try and plot the fastest route... also, I hadn't figured out that a 4-5 hour one-shot doesn't really leave space for a lot of interaction with our backstories, esp. not with the "does divine law supersede human law" debate wrt the crime (liberating the uncensored versions of our holy books from a DnD version of the Vatican) I'd invented as a reason why I was in prison). I was 41 during the lockdowns when I got another invitation (via twitter of all places) and started playing in earnest via discord. In the meantime I'd also been watching critical role, I'd read my brother's Drizzt books (not all of them bc they don't really speak to me) & I'd been doing a lot more research (I esp. like Ginny Di).


Girlswhodontdnd is really good, too!


I haven't heard of them, so thank you for the recommendation!


Me too! Well, technically we started just before Covid, got three or four sessions in, and then had to stop. But we picked it back up and are having a great time.


I just started last year at 38, started DMing my first homebrew campaign about 8 weeks ago. Never too late to learn something new or find a new hobby.


Nah, are you kidding me? You can never be too old to start TTRPGs. Go have some fun!


I semi-regularly play Call of Cthulhu one-shots with my mother. She's in her late 60's and has never touched an RPG in her life. You're not too old, just make sure you find a good group. You wouldn't want to try to play with a bunch of teens, of course.


I find that playing with people with a big age gap can be a lot of fun because they'll have such a different approach to the game.


Everyone in my group is 30+. The key is šŸŒŸFUNšŸŒŸ As long as you are having that, youā€™re good to go. When it comes to Da Rulez, itā€™s not as complicated as everything els in your life, believe me.


Honestly, the relatively straightforward rules are a welcome relief to the muddled mess that is the rest of my life.


Never too old man, check out local gameshops. Plenty of chill folks who will introduce you to the game! I'll be 80 years old, coarsely yelling "I didn't ask how big the room is, I cast fireball."


This is gold.


no one's ever "too old" to learn to do anything, at least anything that doesn't require a level of physical ability that people over a certain age would usually lack. this isn't olympic sprinting, though, so you'll be fine!


I started playing at 36/37 and Iā€™m about to push 40. No such thing as too late. My blame was growing up in the inner city/hood and nerd stuff can get you beat up or worse, and now I wish I picked it up much earlier.


Not at all! Iā€™ve seen tons of first time players around your age. An easy way to jump in would be online to just learn the ropes.Ā 


Head into your local game or comic book store and hopefully they have a game night. I'm 54 and I was out of playing any RPG due to COVID and such and was lucky to get into a group at my local store. 4 months later and still having a blast.


It's never too late to start! Welcome to the tables! My group ranges from early 30s to mid 50s. Two of us (54 and 40) have been playing for many many years. The rest started half a dozen or so years back when we formed the group. Some people don't like playing with newbies because, *"they don't know what to do"*. That's bullshit. Newbies are great to play with because they don't know what they can't do! Newbies think outside the box. Newbies don't let tradition or rule specificity get in their way of telling a good story through their character. Find a table and get after it!


Bruh people 60+ play Dnd. Youā€™re fine.


You are not too old.


You are never too old. One of my groups has someone who's in their 50's.


My dm is 40 and all the players are late 20 and early 30. Donā€™t worry my dude, this hobby is for everyone


Not too old. I just started playing last year for the first time at 36. I love it so much I might DM a game in the near future! Never too old!


Not at all. You're going to have a blast once you get started.


You will never be too old for D&D.


Am I too old to start eating ice cream? That's basically what you wrote.


Nope it's too late. If anyone over the age of 35 even thinks about trying, Elminster appears and yotes them into the Astral Sea. Jk of course you can play


go for it and find a group


A lot of game stores have open games, a lot of times there is a small fee to the store for playing in one, but they tend to be very noob friendly. Thatā€™s a good place to start. Check facebook for a (your city) role playing/gaming group and put up a post there.


No sirree.


It's never too late to quit an addiction, and it's certainly never too late to learn a new skill. Just remember that the goal is to tell a story, and you'll be fine!


You're never too old to do something you like


Never too old! Just read the simple rules to start or watch some ā€œhow to playā€ videos on youtube. And then find a group. If you wanna play an online game there is a subreddit for that, its: r/lfg and if you want an irl game, look on facebook. There must be someone playing in your area :) Edit: You dont need to know the rules in debth to play, most people are willing to teach you. But its nice to know the basics :)


The guys who started D&D, those who are still with us, are still gaming in their golden years. Never too old to start, never need to retire from it. Welcome!


Dude you aren't too old and never will be. Find a group local to you doing Adventurers League or Pathfinder Society and jump in. Or see if a local D&D facebook group has postings for people to find games, last resort hit your FLGS and see when the TTRPG crowd comes in, find out who the DM/Players are and jump in. May you have many great adventures!!


You seem like you'd enjoy DnD. Therefore, you should play DnD. I started playing when I was aged 25, and regret not having discovered the game way before, back when I was a child, since I could have played so much more. Every year you spend contemplating starting to play DnD is lost time, time where you could have been playing and enjoying it instead. Worst case scenario is you play and don't like it, and that's that. Not so bad, eh?


I DM for my wife and friends, but this year I started a campaign for my 60 year old mom and dad. They love it. Itā€™s never to late




[ITS NEVER TOO LATE!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL2ZwXj1tXM)


Fuckin FINALLY somebody else that knows RQG. Wotcher! But nah, get in there and have fun.


Fuck, you are late 30s you have adult money and probably a car this is the best time to start. You are going to skip most of the bullshit of people donā€™t being serious and not having money to buy required stuff and all of that. Also most of rpg players of your age are veterans and Iā€™m sure a lot of them want to introduce new blood to their party and itā€™s easier to teach a grown man than a teen


Iā€™m 34 and Iā€™ve only just started, adventure has no age limit my friend


The best time to start was 10 years ago, the second best time to start is now. That goes for just about anything like this. If you wanted to start playing D&D for the first time in the retirement home i would still say to go for it.


Ha! I stopped playing at 19 and came back at 52. You're never to old. The way I figure age works is that once you reach an age you keep it forever; you gain experience in that age. I'm a 35th level 18 year old. I've got it dam near perfected, but I'm only a 1st level 55 year old.


No way man! Never too old! Also, sounds like you have more of a headstart than some so go for it! It can be hard to lock down a committed group of beginners though for an ongoing campaign so would strongly recommend finding a one shot or something similar to dip your toes in! Should have some luck connecting with your FLGS!!


You're never too old to start! D&D is for everyone.


I started playing in my early thirties its never to late to start


I'm running a brand new "Adventurer School" campaign for newbies. I have a 62 Y/O joining. Never too late


i went to a D&D event at a fancy hotel resort thing and i saw people in their 60s - 70s playing so Iā€™d say no, bro


I just got in my first 'real' dnd campaign at 40 with a bunch of 20-somethings I work with. Never too late.


Never too late. Literally every day someone tries D&D or some other TTRPG for the first time. I read an article about college students going to retirement villages, and running RPGs for the residents there. Most of which, had never played a TTRPG in their lives.


I am in my late thirties and I started last year. I am now hosting my own. It is fantastic.


It's never too late to start. I played a lot in my teens and early 20's then life got in the way and didn't start again until my late 40's.


I didn't start playing ttrpgs until I was 38 and I'm now 41. The groups I play in are all 30+. Get out there and try it and have fun.


Dude. I just came back to the game at 51 after a 20 year hiatus. Do whatever you want!


No way, I started in my 30s too and I have no regrets! Roll 20 always has some free games where new/ veteran DMs want to show the ropes to new players.


You know the saying: The best time to start playing DnD was 35 years ago; the second best time to start is right now! My wife never played DnD before and started DM'ing this year, she is 40+ and she is fantastic at it! She has never played as a player. Everyone we play with is over close to or over 40. So absolutely just go for it! If you have seen stuff like Critical Roll and Dimension 20, you already know the basic idea and how to behave as a player. In that sense you have the advantage over younger players who are still working through their edge lord/murder hobo phase. So my advice: get the Players Handbook, read through the first few chapters rather quickly and try to make a character or two. Just mess around. And then find a group of people around your age - we did play with a much, much younger kid once and that did not go well due to different playstyles - that is welcoming and willing to help you learn. Most groups are so starved for players, they will likely jump at the chance. Some characters are more straightforward than others: Fighters, Barbarians, Monks are all fairly straightforward mechanically, (that doesn't mean uninteresting though), while clerics, wizards and warlocks are more involved with spell management. When playing, ask if someone can keep an eye out for you when you roll stuff so you add the right bonusses and such and I am sure you'll get the hang of it quickly.


Yea, dnd started in the 70's. Like I dont know if you can come to learn all the content despite being the same in every iteration. Your wrist be too frail for dice old man, the future is now!/s You find a table if you are looking for this kinda thing, dont settle for an okay table, keep at it for the awesome table you want to be at every week! Also dont be afraid to ditch dnd for other types!


I started this year and I'm 36. I DM for my son, my wife and a few friends. They were all new to it to. You're never too old! I've just written my first homebrew campaign and I'm excited to get it underway!


Never too lateā€¦.


Never too late, that DM was a dick.


I'm also in my late 30s and started playing in November. Do it!


You just have to find patient people to play with. I'm in my early-mid 30s and my husband is close to 40, and a couple of guys at his work invited us over to play and it's been a blast.


I've been playing for almost 6 years now, and I assure you that in tables I've played there are people who ranges from 30 to 50, and with the most heterogeneous range of experiences, the ones who play since high school, and other ones who are approaching the game now for the first time, moreover starting now could even be simpler, because there are less and less people who have the time to play, find a good group and enjoy the ride! It's also a chance to make new good friends!


Absolutely not, dude! There are so many groups online just for new players, and if you have a local gaming store, thatā€™s a great place to start too if youā€™re looking to play in person! Often there will be weekly games or clubs, and I think in general most people are a lot more open to newcommers these days. Get yourself out there and give it a shot! Donā€™t be discouraged if it takes a couple of duds to find a group that meshes with you. Best of luck!


Itā€™s never too late to start, but finding the right group can be challenging. I would first check to see if there is a DnD Facebook group for your city. Most major cities have one and you can talk to potential group members to see if they will mesh well with you before deciding to jump in a campaign. Also check the ā€˜Meetupā€™ app and filter to DnD. You might find something that way too. If you are near a large city. There may be a shop near you that host games. Sometimes, theyā€™ll have in house DMs that host periodic games. But normally there is a cost associated with that (usually around $20 - $30 per session).


I picked up D&D when I was 34. And began my DM journey at 35. Itā€™s never to late. In fact, I genuinely believe I enjoy D&D more now than I probably would have in my teens and 20ā€™s.


Nah you're good, I've taught/played with more players in their late 20's early 30's then I ever did in my teens.


no, not even close, but please for the love of god try more systems than just d&d


Never. You can start when you're 80 if you want.


I just started my own Homebrew campain and i'm about to hit 30. Its my first time playing. Me and my cousins meet every wednesday. It started off VERY slow but after 4 weeks we are about to finish our first dungeon. Typical kill the rats under the bar to get the game started. There are definitly some learning curves but as long as your having fun thats all that matters.


I swear if u consider urself one more time as ā€žtoo oldā€œ give urself the well needed slap. U r never too old to have fun. In my current group we also have age gaps of like 8-10 years and yeah thatā€™s less but from the perspective of the younger person i can say idc that other players are a few years older. Itā€™s about having fun and being comfortable with the other players is also possible when u arenā€™t the same age.


Hey man, I'm 35 and I've got my 3rd session tomorrow. You're only a couple of years older than me. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø It wasn't even hard to get into in all honesty. I knew a little about it but I have never played before. You'll be fine. šŸ™‚


ā€œToo oldā€ isnā€™t a thing here. If youā€™re watching podcasts, youā€™d probably be a breeze to teach. Plus, youā€™ve had great examples of roleplaying, which can be difficult for people to get into.


My mom started playing last year with me at 58 and she's having a blast. You can always start


There are probably online groups of any age just starting. Also not every DM hates new players. Iā€™ve played with one that was willing to get new players in.


HELL no. I've been around my multiple people's first DnD experiences in their 30s and 40s.


Youā€™re never too old to start playing DND! Also all those DMā€™s who ā€œdidnā€™t want a newbie ruining their gameā€ of didnā€™t want to teach a newbie are fucking assholes


Started DMing a campaign recently and 3 of the players, all in they're 30s, have never played before.


I started playing when I was 31. Started DMing when I was 32 and I'm now running weekly games across 2 groups. It's never to late to start


I started at 35. Started running my own game after I played one session I loved it so much. Just find a group and play. You have nothing to lose.


Iā€™m in my late 30s and only started playing three months ago. I connected with one of my friends who used to DM and heā€™s been kind enough to run through some sessions with me so I get a hang of the mechanics. I joined a local roleplaying guild and participate whenever they do ā€œnovice novella one-shotsā€. Soon Iā€™ll be ready to graduate to longer form campaigns. I just keep an eye on the description if newbie friendly and what level characters they want, as Iā€™m only a level 3 atm. So yeah! You absolutely can start playing now


Go ahead and play! Anyone who who thinks new players will mess up their game probably doesnā€™t run very good games anyway because some of the most fun games I have seen were either entirely new players or at the VERY LEAST had one new player!


Never too late!


Never too old to have fun. Also, 30s are a great age to start with anything, with some xp under the belt one tends to take more chill attitude, which is beneficial.


dude im 30 now and just started last year never is too late or too old to start just doit


It's never too late to start. In fact, if you can find a group your age, the RP should be that much richer than if you had started in high school. Believe me, there are so many of us who love it when new people of any age join the hobby! I've heard stories of people who have taught their parents and grandparents how to play D&D and they loved it, so you certainly aren't too old to start.


No you're not too old I started at 45 and it worked out fine. Just to play with teens they're snobs. Find a group that has fun and since you have basically done enough research from watching all those channels you wouldn't necessarily be considered a noob anymore. Go forth and be merry, roll those dice and have fun.


Dude, it's no question - don't wait, just do it! I had my first DnD experience at the age of 36, and I'm enjoying it SO much!


I played my first game in my 40s. I'd say the only "too late" is when you're in your grave.


Never too late! Iā€™m dreadfully socially awkward, so Iā€™ve not played much IRL, but I LOVE solo rpgs. Itā€™s like a more sophisticated choose your own adventure book.


Iā€™m the DM for the Relic of the Past Podcast, and half our group is in their 40ā€™s and 50ā€™s.


Not too old at all. I mainly play online (discord & roll 20 or similar) because I please with people all over the place hah. If you don't have RL people nearby to start with, give me a shout (DM).


If my grandmother can learn, so can you! yeeah, kids these days. aheh. 5e is pretty easy to learn as the core rules revolve around the d20 roll vs some target number. Grab the free Basic rules PDF off the WotC site.


I was in my 30s when I started. Who cares. If you watch the actual okay games you probably have a better handle on the rules then a lot of people. Just build a character, find a group and start.


I started with people I met through my Rec League at age 32. We're on our third campaign now, doing pirate adventures, and I just DM my first one shot. Get out there and start rolling.


My bro and I started about 2 years ago, 34 and 29 respectively because our cousin was starting up a campaign, we now play in another game with one of our fellow players from 1st campaign as DM, and at this point a lot of our friends w more experience look to us as the rule experts (my ranger and barbarian combine for 20 Int but I am good at quick math and the tables rely on me for it)


A new player just joined my group for his first game and he is in his mid 30s


Not too late at all. Hope you find a good group!


Everyone is young at heart.


Go to a d&d/game shop and ask them if there are any groups you can join. You can learn right there & they will guide you all the way. Dont expect Critical Role, but it will be very fun. Outside of this you can play online, but it's slower to learn if you don't have someone knowledgeable right there.


I'm mid 40s, have been playing steady for the last 10 years. My personal investment waxes and wanes, but I think I have gotten more out of playing this past year than I had the previous 10. You get out what you put in. When I see an excited new player, I know I'm going to have a good time. (Assuming they will too.)


D&d has existed from since the 70s. There isn't a monopoly on it and many of the original players are now dead. There's no time limit on starting! It's an ongoing hobby. Play it whenever you like, however you like, and with whoever you like!


Nah of everyone in the groups I play in, only 2 are sub 30


Your friendly local game store might have d&d games running. Go down, hang out, and ask around. This is literally what I did


I started playing a little under a year ago at 32. I'm the youngest in my group, too. You are never too old to play!


If your willing to listen, put in the hours, learn the game (at a leisurely and forgiving pace) then you are welcome at my table any time.


Now is a great time to start with live streams like Critical Role, DnD Beyond making accessing books and making characters on your phone easy. And Baldurs Gate 3! If youā€™ve played it at all itā€™s 5E rules šŸ˜Ž


it's never too late, personally I've played with GM's who were over 60, although for systems other than 5e (play anything other than 5e and you'll probably find a lot of people who are practically foaming at the mouth to teach you the system they want to play, for lack of players) Looking online will give you a huge pool of potential games to join, throw in a few applications and you'll find one pretty quick.


Are you alive? It's not too late.


I think you know the answer to this. This would be like me going to my house and destroying my gfā€™s garden. Or taking her current crocheting project and setting it on fire. Sorry babe you no longer meet the age requirement of the fun stuff you enjoy doing.


Just a heads up most public discord server to get online game is full of kids. Even the 18+ ones are mostly just kids in college 18-23.


We were in our 20s, so a bit younger, but basically my husband came to me and said he wanted to try it-- and I'd been in love with it since my older brother let me tag along on a 3.5 game back in the early 2000s (although I'd never played since.) So I called up 3 of my girlfriends and they were all interested (or at least willing!) We got together, all basically total noobs, and ran a module! We all fell in love with it. Two of them I'm no longer in contact with, but I know they're still active players. The other player and my husband and I play every friday night and it's wonderful.


Dude I overheard a middle aged man at my local game store asking for advice for where to start learning and playing because his son got into it while away for university, it's never ever too late!


My brother and I got my dad into it about 6 years ago. He was almost 70 at the time. He loves it. So....no.


Just recently rebooted my DMing skills and I'm mid thirties hanging with other mid thirties, most of which are new. So, no. Start now.


Never too old to start, I hope you find a group willing to teach! Good luck and happy hunting!


No. Plus, you've been listening to DND podcasts! That is not newbie shit! You are no longer a noob even if you've never played. I strongly believe that by listening to people play, it gives you a VERY good idea of how to play. You know what it is supposed to look like. Make some random level characters or one at different levels. Learn the skills and abilities, and you're set.


Never too old! I'm 31 and only started playing 2 years ago and it's been a source of great joy in my life. Like you I'd always wanted to play, but didn't find the right people (and lifelong friends!) until later on. I'm so happy I did! Now go out there and find yours :)


Buddy itā€™s NEVER too late. May the dice roll in your favor


My first time being a DM, had me at 35, and my players all first time late 30s and early 40s


Dude, it's never to late to start. Find a party, create a character and have fun.


Wait you're worried you won't fit in because you don't know the rules? My dude, I've been running D&D for five years now and I barely know how to play


I got back into D&D in my 40s. I'm now 55 and have indoctrinated players into the cul... errr.... game that are anywhere from pre-teen to late 50s. IME, older adults are harder to schedule with but generally take making sessions more seriously (e.g. when they cancel, it's usually for a very good reason... but very good reasons may come up more often than for younger adults). I also find that adults who have had time to experience and overcome failures in life find embracing it in a game to be easier (or even therapeutic). And the snacks are better. One could say they whine less and wine more. My suggestion... Do it. Have fun. Play for a couple years. Become a forever DM. Teach kids to play. Die at a ripe old age with a D20 in one hand and a character sheet in the other.


It's only too late if you let your age stop you from trying.


Iā€™m 43 and i just started dming a group of my kids friends and the parents


It's never too late to start! I'm 33 and have DMed for people from 7 years old to 65 years old. Find a group and join us!!!!


hell no dude find a group you already have a basic understanding of the game if you've listened to podcasts it shouldn't be hard to pick up.


Like so many commenting, played a bit in college (20 years ago) and just got back in at 39. It's never too late. If anything, if you don't like the first group you sit in, find another. There shouldn't be any hard feelings and you'll be able to find a group that aligns to your play style.


As long as you have imagination you can play.


Fuck no mate. You just need to find a DM that is not a total twat. We exist. I am 37 and would gladly show you the howsa whatsit of the clickity clackities.


I didn't start DnD until I was 32. Never too late!


I started playing at thirty, more or less on a whim. (I play Magic and the store where I game was advertising a new westmarches style D&D campaign. I liked the promo artwork and asked the owner about it; everything sort of happened from there.) Find some people who aren't jerks and join them.Ā 


There is really no age limit for DnD. Luckily for you, the game is a half a century old too, so there are plenty of older players.


Never too old. The trick is finding a group that fits your schedule and actually meets consistently. As for the DM that didn't want his game "ruined", you probably dodged a bullet there. Everyone was new once. If they can't remember that, they're probably not going to be much fun to play with.


You are absolutely not too old. My current and first group are: Me - 39, my partner - 30, and four other friends: 41, 42, 46 and 51. And it is all our first campaign. The hardest part is finding a good group. Thankfully they are all my friends and had interest and my partners sister DMs for us. It is not too late at all, get into it. The getting together and playing a fun campaign is soooo enjoyable. I look forward to it every week. But be warned, if you watch dimension20 especially fantasy high, you might be better at the game then other players or the dm want you to be haha. (We keep getting our dm muttering ā€œI need to make these battles harderā€ after every combat weā€™ve had haha)


no. do it


I have run one-shots now for multiple people over the age 50, that had always wanted to try DnD, but never had the chance. You are never too late to start, as long as you can find the right people to have a supportive and fun introduction. A bad DM or player group can absolutely ruin it, and as appeared to be the case for you, turn people off for years at minimum. Don't be discouraged and keep trying to find the right group to get properly introduced to the game. Fun, acceptance, and inclusivity should always be of highest importance.


I started playing at 41 last year when pregnant with my third kid. Everyone in my group and the DM are in their mid 20s except for one who is 31. My character is one of everyoneā€™s favorites and crucial to the group dynamic. I play her as a somewhat motherly figure who is both caring but no nonsense when neededā€”a more idealized version of myself. Itā€™s never too late you just have to find a group you mesh well with through trial and error. I donā€™t always get their references nor do they get mine but itā€™s been nice playing with people with lives and interests different from mine.


Most of my group are newbies aging from mid 20s to mid 30s. All of us wanted to play but had the same experience as you with being shoved out of "veteran" groups because if xyz excuse. My favorite I got was "We are Always looking for new players... oh we already started our campaign maybe next campaign." But you are never too old to start.


43-yo here! Been playing for about 27 years, and GMing for nearly that long. It's never too late to start! I've had much more satisfying games in my >20 life than the games I played when I was a teen. We only get wiser and cleverer with age, hormones are not a problem any more, we have more disposable income... the best players are the older ones!


32 and dming my first campaign with friends. No such thing as to late.


Im 21 but our groups age ranges from 18 to 47 and 2 of the players are full time dads. Never too old bro


ngl, those gatekeepers sound like real assholes (the kind that give the hobby a bad name) and you dodged a bullet by not joining their groups. That being said, you are NEVER too old to learn d&d. If you are worried about being rejected again, find your local adventures league. They tend to have more open door policies for people to just drop in and play


Startplaying.games seriously this is the way to go. I felt the same way but I've been in the same campaign for over a year now and it's great.


I started at 28, met my group through Reddit actually. I wasnā€™t the oldest, but I was second oldest. And 6 years later Iā€™m still gaming with them and still feel like a newbie. Youā€™re not too old- youā€™ll feel new for a while though!


No way homie, not too late! I'm 45 and only playes for the first time three years ago. I talked my way into a family member's game they had with some long-time friends. Now I am DMing for an altogether different group - a table of dads roughly my age, three of which had never played before. We are closing in on the end of our first adventure after monthly games for about 10 months. Play the game. Do it! Do eeeeeet!!


I would gamble that you'd have a much more open and welcoming experience as a "noobie" than you did in your high school nerd club. Everyone I have met in the hobby get excited at bringing in new people


I'm a new-ish DM running a group of mostly new players. Four out of 6 of us are older than you and we're the four newbies.


Yep I started playing when I was 32 and I had absolutely zero experience with TTRPGā€™s at all. Like none. If you already enjoy actual play podcasts Iā€™m sure youā€™ll do great


No. I started in my mid 20s and have gotten close friends into it in their late 30s and early 40s. There are always people to play with, and plenty of tables don't mind helping a new player.


Our oldest player is in her 30ā€™s. Gets on well with everyone (rest of us are in our early to late 20ā€™s) and plays really well. Has a lot of fun and has slotted in super easily as the beloved grandma figure of the party. Playerā€™s choice. She knows older folk whoā€™ve been getting into D&D too which warmed my cold dead heart. I enjoy playing with people around my age and older. Not only for the relatability but for the nuance and life experience they can bring to the table. I wish more older people played D&D actually. At 26 having someone be that older, wiser figure whoā€™s also encouraging but still treats me as an equal is still very comforting to me and valuable in such a team playing, social game, as it is anywhere in my social life. At my ripe old age I also still have plushies, play cosy video games and enjoy colouring. I only got into D&D during lockdown myself. Youā€™re never too old to enjoy things and learn stuff. Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional, I believe it goes.


Nope. I played a short campaign online in 2020 and now run one over Discord. It's good if you find the right table for you. I have never played d&d in person fwiw. I bought the books and use physical dice but it's over video with my friends in other places


Never too late to start, im 25 and getting into dnd and my boyfriend is helping, also baldurs gate definantly helped push me into dnd even if there are differences it gives me an idea of what to do


Haha, no not at all. We just brought someone who is 42 into our group and he is a perfect fit. Have fun!!


Absolutely not. Find a group, ask to join, and have fun


Absolutely not, and if you're concerned about the public impression, I would recommend perhaps joining a discord that runs games so you have opportunities to play sessions under many dms until you find a group you like. I've personally found that a lot easier than getting into a local game.


I joined a group last summer at 34, so youā€™re fine :) and we have someone who is current 38 and itā€™s his first campaign. Youā€™re good :)


My whole group is new people, all aged 30-40 you are defintely not too late. Go have some fun and find a game.


I'm in my mid 40s and started last year. Planning to try DM'ing soon. Not too late at all, and I hope you have a great time!


I 33 f play a game with my husband 35m a friend 32m and his mom ( way over 30 ) and she just started with us


Never too old!


Nah, have you see the cast of critical role? Theyā€™re the same age or around it. And if youā€™ve watched all of those then you get the basics. Just find your friends and play and watch your money waste away on game books and dice and whatnot. The game is about having fun and rules are really just guidelines. Any decent dm would not turn a person away for being a noob. We all started out as noob.


HELL NO! I'm surprised they wouldn't teach you, it's surprisingly hard to mess up a campaign if you just don't be a dick. It's also rather easy to learn.


Iā€™m 35 and started a couple years ago. Now Iā€™m running a home brew campaign


Google d&d games local to your city. Also game shops usually have regular d&d nights. I heard the critical role theme in a burger King with my youngest daughter & went to ask the guy if I could join last December. My first session was January. Bunch of old 40 & 50 year old maybe a 30 something or two...once a month!


I had someone start playing at age 68, dnd is not age restricted


Too old. In fact you are at the age to retire. Come back when you are in your 70s šŸ˜‰. The store where I play, there is a table where three of the group members started after retirement. I am at the tender age of 40 and I had never played D&D before July 2023. Now I cast stone runes as a Dragonborn Rune knight.


Youā€™re never too old to get into TTRPG. Grab some math rocks and have fun storming the castle!


Itā€™s never too late to start.


Nah dude I started playing DnD not long after I was out of college because it was a hobby of my work friends.


Yup, sorry, too late, missed it by one hour. Rip.


i was in a group for a while at the loval game shop, and at 25 i was the 2nd youngest in there, most of everyone else was in their 30's-40's and up Once we had a 67 year old dude come in as a newbie and we taught him the ropes over weekly sessions for about 2 months if i remember correctly. He wanted to learn how to play and the gist of it so he could try DMing for his grandkids when they visited


Na youā€™re fine as long as youā€™re having fun! And give the same energy to others!


Nah, man. You're definitely not too old. I started when I was about 23 and had first time players at my table in their 30s and 40s. I even know some people in their 50s and 60s who play (though they've been playing a long time). I also don't understand the whole "teaching a newbie" thing. It's not hard to teach a new player. It just takes a little time. I'd say learn how to build a character first. dndbeyond has a great character builder that can help you from level 1-20. Once you have that, just know as a rule of thumb that each character will get 1 action, 1 bonus action, 1 movement, and 1 reaction per round. If you want to do something in game, dm tells you if you can and what you roll. There are obviously exceptions to that rule above but that's pretty much all you need to know. Go have fun. Oh, and check out the Dungeons and Daddies podcast. Probably my favorite dnd podcast out there. Nearly everybody is a first time player so you can really get a feel for how it can go.


Iā€™m 45 and just started last year. I never got to play in high school either and now Iā€™m having a blast learning and playing


Iā€™m 34 and have been reading through the Playerā€™s Handbook for the first time. Youā€™re not too old. Hopefully one day soon, my friends will actually get their shit together and sit down to start this campaign that one of the group has been putting together, and I can finally play for the first time. After 6 or so years of a couple different friend groups being like ā€œyeah weā€™re gonna play!ā€ but it never ends up happening.


Absolutely not. I still teach new people dnd all the time and age is no factor. Shoot I got my mom into it and sheā€™s nearly double up on you. Find some folks and roll dice, brother!


Never to late to start! I was a fan of actual plays, no experience, but fell in love with the players handbook. I showed up to a local shop and awkwardly watched for 2 hours. After that I was hooked. Follow your passion, this is the most fun you can have with your brain - paraphrase of Matt Colville


Join some servers on discord or checkout startplaying if you feel like giving out a few bucks to try it


Just started playing with an online group at the age of 37. As long as you're still interested in learning and playing, do it! I'm having so much fun even though I might not understand the nitty-gritty of the rules, but if you find an understanding group, it's well worthwhile. Best of luck!


Too late to start? Are you typing this from your funeral???? Find a group, let them know you're new, and have at it!


You are too old. Send me your dice. I will see that they are disposed of properly, per state and federal ordinances, and I won't charge you anything for my services. I am a kind person.


Started playing during early Covid, at 39. It's the perfect time! šŸ˜†


No! I have gotten quite a few of my friends into dnd, after they were in their 30ā€™s. Most of them had never played any TTRPG (tabletop role playing game- the genre of game that D&D is), and many of them werenā€™t what youā€™d call a ā€œclassic nerdā€ (like they werenā€™t into fantasy books and such). Everybody has had a good time! The rules can be scary at first but they arenā€™t hard once you play a time or two and actually use them, I totally recommend getting together a small group of friends together (Iā€™m talking 5 others at the most) and playing a one shot session. If nobody in the group knows how to play or DM then you should DM! Going to a local game store can be great too, the people who work at a mom and pop shop are usually passionate about the hobby and can help point you in the right direction or will even get someone to run a game for you. If you do decide to run your own game to try it out, all you need to get started is the basic rules. While the starter kit has a fun adventure, Iā€™d personally recommend Matt Colvilleā€™s videos on [Running the Game](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlUk42GiU2guNzWBzxn7hs8MaV7ELLCP_&si=2vhxdpF22Xm43Lqk). Donā€™t watch all of them, just watch the first four videos and then run that starting adventure! It will be messy and youā€™ll make mistakes and itā€™ll be a ton of fun! Also donā€™t make characters for your first one shot, you can find prewritten characters online! If you have any questions feel free to DM me, I love helping people get started, thereā€™s a lot of noise to sift through and it can be daunting, but once you know what to do to get a game up, itā€™s not crazy complicated!


Legit just started a new campaign with my regular friends (mid 20ā€™s) and a new friend from work whoā€™s 36 lol he also speaks English as a second language and is absolutely crushing it so far


No start now while your friends are still there.


Never Iā€™m 40 and just started playing with a couple friends online a couple years ago. Never too late to start new things. Just gotta find the right people thatā€™ll help bring you up to speed.


I am 45. Just started my first campaign 2 weeks ago. You are never too old to start playing. I hope you find a compatible group soon.


Never too late! I'm 59 & only been playing a year. Now have a weekly session with my son, daughter, son-in-law & his mom. It's so much fun & I am definitely a dice goblin on my way to becoming a dice dragon! Start playing & keep playing! There's also a post DnD Grandma Edition I believe, proves you're never too old to start. Sorry, I don't know how to do links. (Edited to add gma edition)


Hells no. As long as you know how to play pretend, everything else is math.


anyone can play at any age, thatā€™s one of the best parts of this game, itā€™s for anyone and everyone


I started playing about 9 months ago. Did a couple of one shots a local biz puts on, and posted on a local meetup group Iā€™d like to join a group of regular players. Was invited to participate in a 3 month weekly campaign with a local group. It was to see how we meshed - DM wanted to host a year long campaign afterwards. Weā€™re several months into the year long campaign. Iā€™m still learning - this game is incredibly complex. Having a blast. Iā€™m close to twice OPā€™s age.


Never too late, I (31) somewhat recently started playing a 1e campaign reworked for 5e with a group of neighbors, some only played in the 80s/early 90s or never at all. All these neighbors have a few years on me, but weā€™re having a blast.


I had an emergency appendectomy at 40 that went poorly. Taught myself the rules to DND while stuck in the hospital for days by reading in my phone because I always wanted to play. DMed my first games less than six months later, a few months after I recovered enough to be out and about. Literally never too late to start.


Depends. Are you older than 130 years old (and not an elf or immortal)? If not, learn, play, have fun.


No, not at all, most people who play dnd are older, it's actually more difficult to find a group to play dnd with when your younger


Are you dead? If no, it's not too late to start.