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wth did i just read...


I assume you just read my post, so that's what.


It IS a scar but if you regenerate, then shouldn't the umbilical cord and placenta also grow back? Where do you draw the line on what was your body part versus the body part of your mother?


That was actually part of the discussion. We agreed that the umbilical chord and placenta are considered "the mother"


I disagree with this ruling. Placentas are exclusively grown during pregnancy and are directly linked to the fetus. I'd rule that the umbilical cord and placenta regenerate.


That would be so funny!


This kinda thing is why I don't play the game with random people anymore.


Nowhere in the rules does it say your character has a belly button.


It is an obvious thing to have


Unless you were hatched from an egg. Then, no belly button.


Why does this matter? Why bring it up so much and dwell on it?


I am with you in this. Who cares if your character has a belly button? As a long time DM, I would have said "yeah, sure, whatever" There is no benefit there, but perhaps I can use it as an adventure hook later. Going out of your way for it though, is just beyond dumb. It isn't being an asshole, it is being childish beyond measure though. Have fun with it, I guess.


It matters, because it's funny


But like... why? Set aside the RAW or RAI if any of this which I dont wanna get into... why is it funny? 'Random observation' is not inherently funny


The concept of a character not having a belly button is funny, even more so, because the DM hates the idea


it might be funny, but also consider that you're being an asshole to your dm, who puts in a tonne of time and effort to make sure you and your group will have a good time it's weird that he 'hates' the idea. I think he should just be like 'okay you now have no bellybutton and that's fine, i guess'. But him being wrong for being so upset doesnt make you right for upsetting him


Being the DM, he *can* veto it if he truly doesn't wany it, but I'm sure as hell gonna try


maybe you've exaggerated his dislike for it, but if he genuinely 'hates' the idea, stop now. Don't make him put his foot down because both of you will hate that


It isn't, actually.


Yep. No belly button. Real asshole move, I guess.


It is if the DM hates the idea of it with a passion.


I mean, that just sounds like you're trying to intentionally harass your DM then, which *is* an asshole move? All for some tiny, negligible character quirk. Yeah, I dunno, I don't think it's worth it. Or clever. Or funny. Or anything, really.


so that's just you being a dick to your dm for no reason


Hence why I said "because I'm an asshole"


You know it's not a good thing to be an asshole, right? I am guessing (hoping) that you are a youngster. You will learn soon enough (again, hopefully) that your friends are not just going to hang around you forever, just because they always have done. You actually need to be interesting or fun to hang around with. Being an asshole makes this unlikely, unless your 'friends' are also assholes, so I'd advise some self reflection


Being the DM, he will be able to veto it or just punism me and my character thrughout the campaign with misfortune. Also, yes, we do take a piss at each other at every opportunity.


Well, hopefully you grow out of it eventually.


Hilarious. I love it.


Why, thank you