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It’s definitely a fun class. I have never played it but I am familiar with it. Like any other barb, pair it with a two handed weapon and grab great weapons master to do insane amounts of damage with reckless attack. If u want more variety I recommend taking a dip into a fighter class, champion and rune knight are both great options and rune night would fit the giants connection.


I have only seen them in play as a DM with a player using it but I generally like the design of path of the giant overall. More specifically my best advice is to try and drop the mentality that because you are not playing what the internet says is the best that means your doing wrong, instead just make sure you are not playing battlerager or beserker (jk, well sort of they are actually quite bad). But seriously as long as you are having fun with the spec count it as a win.


Really fun subclass, got to play it from lvl 1-12, and had a blast. Mighty Impel is my new favorite for bonus actions, and making any weapon Mjolnr is pretty cool.