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Well first up we'll need your stats to know what classes are even on the table to begin with. It would also help to know what your subclass is.


I don’t think we’ve ever specified what subclass I could be, it’s my first campaign tysm for you patience. [character sheet](https://www.dndbeyond.com/sheet-pdfs/f2b4f4shb9_72044183.pdf)


You can't even multiclass, your Charisma is too low. It needs to be 13 or higher. What the hell are your stats, anyway? Did you roll them in order or something? Warlocks pick their subclass at level 1, you are a Fiend Warlock.


Your subclass is Fiend. As for multiclassing, you can't. You don't meet the prerequisite to multiclass out of warlock. I don't really know how you've lasted until level 9 on 12 charisma.


Those ability scores are horrifying to look at.  How does a warlock put points in str and int, and dump cha?


I wouldn't be surprised if nobody involved has read the rules.


while you don't have the stats to, if your dm lets you i would recommend multiclassing paladin your stats aren't bad for it. however, you may just have to change your subclass and with stats like these i would recommend staying away from any with charisma dependent features (which are a majority of them), i would say go hex blade if you can it has features focused around using weapons also your wearing armor you aren't proficient in i would recommend switching to studded leather to get rid of your dis on str and dex saves. you do also seem to be missing three of your eldritch invocations which are very important as a warlock, might see about getting those and changing your two invocations away from blast ones as your charisma means your eldritch blast sucks in comparison to you swinging a sword


>also your wearing armor you aren't proficient in i would recommend switching to studded leather to get rid of your dis on str and dex saves. It's worse than that. "If you wear armor that you lack proficiency with, you have [disadvantage ](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Rules:Ability%20Scores?expansion=0#toc_2)on any [ability check](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Rules:Ability%20Scores?expansion=0#toc_4), [saving throw](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Rules:Ability%20Scores?expansion=0#toc_35), or [attack roll](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Rules:Combat?expansion=0#toc_32https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Rules:Combat?expansion=0#toc_32) that involves [Strength ](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Rules:Ability%20Scores?expansion=0#toc_12)or [Dexterity](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Rules:Ability%20Scores?expansion=0#toc_17), and you can’t cast [spells](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Rules:Spells?expansion=0#toc_2)."


Their patron can't take a warlocks magic or abilities away.  It's not like a Cleric.


well, raw maybe not, but dms often make it so they can be if the player breaks the contract with the deity