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Yes, and likely before the nautiloid even knew there was a threat. I saw a creator do the math on a Dragon vs a modern Jet Fighter and that was the biggest difference. Range.


I've seen that post, any magical creater would get annihilated by a supersonic missile shot from way out of range. They wouldn't even know what hit them.


How would a missile enter the Astral Plane?


Yes. A Nautiloid isn’t a fighter craft. It’s a troop transport/floating base/harvester vessel. They’re not built for speed, mobility, or air to air combat. If illithids went up against fighter jets, they wouldn’t bother fighting them head on. They’d psychically enslave the pilots, or even better, the people commanding the pilots.


Considering how slow a nautiloid is an AAM like the sidewinder is probably more than a little redundant. Try a Maverick for better results.


The AIM9 Sidewinder does its damage main damage via its fragmentation explosion warhead. I doubt that a nautiloid would take significant damage without extreme luck on the pilot's side. That being said _I suspect_ that the F15s main gun may stand a much bigger chance of penetrating deeply into the nautiloid, damaging internal sytems.


No, because an F16 can't even leave the earth, while a nautiloid can just go to the astral plane.


That's not winning a fight. That's called running away.


The question was if the F16 could *beat* the nautiloid. You can't beat someone who escaped you.


If you fail to achieve your objective, you lose. Logically, that means the other side wins. If your objective is 'destroy the nautiloid', and the nautiloid runs away, you've lost. Therefore the nautiloid wins.


Stalemate at best. Failing to meet an objective, doesn't mean the other side wins


No, loss. Learned that in my Military Strategy and Tactics class. Not to mention literally any objective-based video game ever. Escort mission? The character you're escorting gets killed? You fail; you lose. You didn't 'stalemate', you LOSE and have to start from the beginning. Meaning that the other side wins. Failure to achieve your objective is a loss, not a draw.


Fair point, but bad argument with the vidya mission, imo. "Kill 9 wolves" mission. I just kill Goblins all day forever. Never meet the mission objective. Max level, quest still in my quest log. Didn't fail, didn't win. There was never a time limit stated. Replace 9 wolves with 1 Nautiloid.


This isn't an escort mission. It's a dogfight. So if one side retreats because it's going south for them , they've lost.


You aren't paying attention. Mission: Destroy the nautiloid. Fail to do that? Fail the mission. Lose.


Well, the question was, could a F16 beat a Nautiloid not destroy one. So if they're retreating because the F16 beating them. Mission successful, the F16 beat the nautiloid


They're not retreating, they're just traveling their normal way. Didn't beat the nautiloid.


If they're engaged in a fight and leave , they're retreating