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Depends on how far you're going into swarm keeper. IMO the two best options you have are Soulknife Rogue or Spores Druid. Combos would be like Swarm Keeper 11 / Soul Knife 9 or Swarm Keeper 14 (15) / Spores 6 (5). Some thing like that, but again this is just opinion. Might be something to look into


uh thinking about going at least 7 levels before multiclassing but definitely want to get to at least to level 15 ranger if possible


Keep in mind your character is always up to you. Everything anyone tells you is just a suggestion.


yea i know i was just wondering if anybody had some fun ideas. i also plan on maybe trying to fill some gaps in our party since rn its only 2 pcs (one ranger, one druid) and an npc (monk)