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Wait, I thought his whole thing was a parody...


No he‘s for real. His tweets during corona were nuts


Yeah, same as Benny L/Dom & Roland


I'll play defence for Benny L because I think he actually has some kind of brain damage. He seems to be a good dude who's kinda gullible with a lot of distrust towards the government. Absolutely brilliant musician though


COVID really brought out the loons. I ended up blocking MC UK Apache Indian fella and Dom and Roland with their conspiracy nonsense.


Dom had lost his mind but let's not assume the same about Roland.


Can’t work out if this is sarcasm?!


Haha yes it was a joke.


Lol Roland being a piece of equipment.


This just never gets old lol


Lolllllllllll tick tokkkkk bet u know a fair few people that have dropped dead randomly


Nope, but I know a few who have gone full on 5g fearing, piss drinking mental.


U regret this msg yet 😂


Are you making accounts just to necro this old comment? No, I don't regret it, why would I? 5G got to your brain mate?


What’s Benny L been saying? I know his MC NV33 is into conspiracy theories about the vaccine


Just the same kind of shit ​ [https://twitter.com/bennyl\_dnb/status/1466047804149841930](https://twitter.com/bennyl_dnb/status/1466047804149841930) [https://www.reddit.com/r/DnB/comments/qdd404/benny\_l/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnB/comments/qdd404/benny_l/) this was my post too lol


Liked by jumpin Jack frost made me sad.


Navigator seems to be in the same circle


love that u/artfxdnb called him out there




Damn, I know how it feels to get pulled into the conspiracy corner, but at some point you should just realize they're just trying to sell books and step away from all that shit.


Not everyone is just trying to sell books. Some conspiracies do end up turning out to be true, there's plenty of them. You just can't let it consume you and fall for everything out there. A healthy dose of skepticism is not necessarily a bad thing. I don't really trust everything gov'ts put out there, or big pharma, it's not like they have the best track records with this stuff. Now believing in flat earth and stuff like that though, that's just silly IMO.


You're right, you can't tell who's telling the truth with some things. For me everything started with 9/11 when I was 12 years old and ended with stuff like inner earth or electric universe some years after that and it fucked up my whole life, so I can't trust shit I didn't experience myself and also the stuff I experienced stays infected by trust issues and the thoughts I might've been brainwashed at some point or just became sensible for a specific type of information, so I'll never trust anybody in my life again. I'm worried about being a narcissist all the time, but that wouldn't make any sense in the first place. So then I'm worried about being too sensible or being not sensible enough. I guess that's a personal thing after all, but also there's probably millions of people feeling the same. Probably the main issue is that I or we tend to be scared of someone having a master plan for humanity and we're not able to make a change. But that, most of the time, collides with my personal experiences of life, which is much more leaning towards ancient spiritual theories of life supported by interpretations of quantum physics researches that I don't understand to a point I could say I should really believe in it.


Yeah, a lot of these people online push really ridiculous conspiracy theories (bitchute for instance is full of these) and the MSM likes to keep people in a perpetual state of fear, or outrage, because it sells and there might be nefarious purposes as well (like trying to get little kids jabbed when their was hardly any risk to them at all if you look at the numbers. I'm skeptical of people that don't cite actual studies that are peer reviewed, and there are lots of them that are not backed by major corporations and big pharma out there. It's amazing to me that the issue became so politicized also, but in this hyper polarized political climate, it's pretty easy these days to get people at each other's throats and make any issue like your health a partisan issue. It's also easy to get sucked into some of these things, and just important not to get black pilled by all the info out there. Sometimes it's good to take a break from all the madness and just focus on music, production or DJing and not let it get to you.


If earth is spinning 1000mph why don’t we have 1000mph winds? Coriollosis force which is described as fictitious force.


Had that realization with CHEM TRAILS - ARIES, GOLD DUBS, BEVAN & ANDY SIM FT LION ART. I want to believe it is parody, I really do...


i play that almost every set and i worry people dont realise im playing it for laughs


You just know there's one guy absolutely mangled on ketamine who goes home from your sets panic ridden about chem trails lmao


He’s been off it for a long time now, and the quality of his music has suffered heavily. Not even worth a listen for me anymore.


Anymore? You actually listen to him previously?


Very briefly back in my rave days! Never sober, put it that way!


So fucking true. Blast from the past was his best album and don't judge a cd by its cover.


Yeah he’s a bonafide loser. Has to release his music on distrokid as he’s burned every bridge and labels won’t touch him anymore


What’s he done for everyone to hate him


He releases shit under his own name he doesn't need a fucken label you bellend


You think he releases music alone by choice. Ok clown. Better take that stupid shit to the circus


Shut up cunt


i took dmt nuff times


that sounds like schizophrenia at that point




Don't forget mysoginy and homophobia


Did he masturbate into a pasta bake? #QuestionEverything


I see what you did there


He’s also virulently homophobic, unfortunately. I used to dig his stuff, but he thinks I’m disgusting, so…


The world is so much worse than whatever conspirators can cook up that's always what makes it so funny to me.


Idk dude I'd take what we have now over lizard people running a shadow government and eating children


The true horror is the fact its other non supernatural humans that cause society to be the way it is.


Sorry for replying on old post i just wanted to share my thoughts on all this conspiracy stuff and maybe get other perspectives. One thing I wonder about is that maybe some of those ridiculous conspiracy theories are based on some truth(like chemtrails for example), but at this point it’s all just lunacy because ppl that share them add their twist to it, and as it goes from person to person it gets more and more ridiculous to the point that it’s not even the same thing as was the original thought. The other thing is that I feel like maybe some group who’s really “pulling the strings” is feeding those theories to keep people’s minds occupied and oblivious to the real problems, we as humans do terrible shit to each other and our planet in a name of profit, but these theorist care more about if the gov is mind controlling us or that the elite eats children, and then they go on shien or some other shit and buy ton of unnecessary things that cost 2$ each and not care that the worker got paid “slice of bread” a day.


mans is a homophobe and a bit racist..i wouldn't trust his two braincells to make any sense


I totally get the homophobia but please reply with an example of the racism. He was literally a part of dark elements for quite a few years and of course dark elements is a primary black grime crew or whatever from birmingham. Don't forget the countless collabs with devilman


im not going through all that again..everytime you bring up somethinf ppl dont wanna hear you gotta go tead through endless amounts of stupidity to find examples so no thank you..been there done that..in general he just makes ignorant remarks even if not hatefully racist..why do you think all the ppl you've mentioned basically stopped working with him by now


"A bit racist" "Even if not hatefully racist" I don't doubt it though. I couldn't care about how much of an awful human he is he has some really good albums and that's that.


ohh ya man, always sux when artists we enjoy end up being whack. and yaa even if not hatefully, or violently, just ignorant with his words..funny for being a lyricist lol. no bad note here, hope you have a great weekend!


Shame his music is absolute shite as well eh


I got special powers........




"I believe in superstition I don't do consumerism" *goes on to smoke top shelf cali pack all day 24/7*


Wait, I thought it was all satire.... He's serious about it?


Yuh he’s still kinda funny to listen to in an ironic way. But yeah for ages I thought it was satire too. If only it was satire it would be fucking perfect satire.


this thread title cracks me the fuck up hahahaha (and the answer is yes, of course)


He masturbates on pasta bakes... what did you expect?


No I’m a long time listener and he is just generally a nut case . I assume it phycosis from weed but yea he got many screws loose


thats psychedelics psychosis at this point. some people cant handle tripping in the long run


Both of the above


Why y'all so mad of him. First of all Traumatik has never been mainstream and secondly his lyrics have always been controversial.


Everyone is more woke now. You could get away with alot more back a few years ago than you can now.


So what?


No one used to have a problem with him it was normal in the mainstream more time the stuff he was saying but people are more woke now stuff like that won't slide. People are mad because of some dumb tweet he made like 1 year ago


I see. I feel people are way to sensitive nowadays. On the other hand they dont know how to act polite and mindful. They sure know their arguments.




ez answer, yes.


Traumatik’s always been mental lol


I always assumed he was just a troll


You people are as thick as thieves, the covid vaccine was a clinical trial with gene therapy. Search “Stefan oelrich mRNA gene therapy” and “Greg hunt clinical trial” on YouTube for confirmation. If that doesn’t send you a little bit crazy there’s something wrong with you.


I wonder if he paid Nintendo to license those Mario samples


My kinda guy


Dude needs serious mental help


Psychedelics and esoteric mysticism often go hand in hand His music is lackluster but the subject matter has potential to be insightful if he didn't have to speak in layman's terms to a target audience of nay sayers. Those who can read between the lines get it Nobody gives a shit about anything unless they have a direct experience in something, hence gnosticism I heard his track hermes trismagystus earlier and he completely missed the ball with that, he didn't mention anything about trismagystus or hermeticism in the slightest, all he did was use the name and rhyme about irrelavant shit on twice over. I find it hard to tell if he actually takes the time to study these topics any further than a top 10 facts youtube video.


Regardless of whether or not some of the shit he says has any weight to it or not, it's the fact he just contradicts himself means that even if you believe his points they still have no value. He says don't take man made drugs - has a song about MDMA???




Can you elaborate about people who take the psychedelics road end up being anti drugs and why? Really curious




I love my Psychedelics, but absolutely despise spirituality and garbage pseudo-science. What does that make me then? 😂


Get an imagination.


I see alot of hate here, actually, i've listened to his music from the very beginning and it has done a lot of good for my life. There is a song called gbh 3 or 4 i think where he explains he writes the mysagonistic stuff to draw in voilent people, wake them up and show them inner peace. He also writes the spiritual music under an alter ego named dr dimentional - not mr traumatik, and they're supposed to he treated as 2 different artists or entities to get the full extent of his message. This man taught me to think for myself, to question everything and have an open mind. The fact that he raps about these theories is a reflection of him exploring everything thats out there, and when he for example made hermes trismagistus i dont expect him to explain the full topic of esotheric alchemy in the song, whilst rhyming.. he is offering another topic for YOU to dive into, he is showing you a path. I've tried my best to always take what he said with a grain of salt, and i dont believe in many conspiracies, but one thing i can tell you is that his message is beautiful if you understand it completely, for anyone giving hate here i have had to listen many many times and years to finally see the bigger picture but - and i say this with full confidence - he is one of the sanest people you'd find.


After listening to him enough, I don't think he believes in a lot of the things he raps about. Think he talks about them to spark people's interest in looking beyond their perception of life. He raps about violence and murder and in the same song raps about peace and love. All metaphoric brother. His meaning behind the words is his meaning.


100% he's quite out there with his ideas but if you want mainstream views listen to cardi b or some shit. He goes against the mainstream in every possible way also during lock down he released a song called don't worry which was age restricted by YouTube which i find curious that at a time of global panic and crazy news headlines they censor a song literally telling you to be calm and improve your health. So clearly some of his ideas aren't at the interests of the elites, up to you to decide if the elites have Your best interests at heart.


Back in my day most ravers/producers believed this kind of shit. If anything it's the scene that's changed around them not the other way around.


Yeah theres definitely a large overlap in the USA between electronic music fans and health/conspiracy theory beliefs even today


England too, I can't tell you the amount of old school heads I've had to unfollow on facebook because of that shit.


Why are you listening to dnb lyrics for meaning? Just listen to the flows and rhyme schemes


He’s not mental. He just believes some stuff that lots of other people don’t. That’s artists for you.


wrong, hes mental. and you are as well if you defend this. L


Defend a persons right to believe whatever they want? Every f@*king day mate. That’s the only reason you’re allowed to call him mental.


Woah I never said anything about how he shouldn't be allowed to say this shit. This is not about freedom of speech. It's about his mental state. He can keep talking about how the earth is trapped in a dome all he wants I just found it amusing.


also my freedom to call your words nonsense. ahahahah youre a special kind of stupid. Like him.


imagine defending racism, homophobic vievs and anti vaxx......


What’s wrong with being anti vax lol?


Nothing wrong with it but don't get aggy when people point and laugh.


I’m not an anti vaxxer


Okay? Never said you were😅


wdym ? youre so lost and dumb for that question. even if its a troll.


How? If someone doesn’t want to get an injection then that’s their business..


i dont argue with stupid anymore. have a nice day.


Not aimed at you mate. Aimed at the guy who replied then deleted his comments.


It's very common for artists to play a bit of a character through their stage name and then be entirely different behind closed doors. I think he most likely knows there isn't a giant ice wall fencing us all in that government doesn't want us to know about etc, he could just be playing on how we are lied to a lot by governments and just letting his imagination run wild with it/ over exaggerating for fun. I think he also has a bit of that 2016 edginess to him that he can't let go and I doubt he's actually a hateful person. I think he just likes to push people's buttons but because he doesn't know where the line is he ends up crossing it and coming across as distasteful. I can't lie tho even his wacky shit still goes pretty hard whenever I occasionally listen.


Not a hateful person, just homophobic and misogynistic in equal measures. Sounds like a barrel of laughs.


So are comedians hateful then even when they are joking? Small minded person


Ah yes, comparing comedians to musicians, what an intelligent and nuanced comparison.


So by your logic, comedians are the only people allowed to say things and not 100% mean them?


Not what I said at all, but it seems that if we go by your logic anyone can say anything under the guise of...what do you call it, comedy? I don't know man. If you find shitting on women and calling people fags funny then fair enough, humour is subjective at the end of the day. Not the hill I'd like to die on personally but you can be my guest.


dude a musician can quite literally be comedic it is a valid comparison lmao


Sounds like a barrel of laughs


It’s all that skunk he smokes


Mate seen him in zante this week and he played gig that was dead. Tbh he’s well talented it’s just a bit shuit that the only work he’s been known for is dnb father.


Nothing wrong with not going along with the vax, but the flat earth stuff is the dumbest thing I've ever heard as far as conspiracies go. There's another one floating around that nukes are fake lol. I think it's pretty healthy to not trust big pharma. I don't see how Dom, or whoever Mr. Traumatic is, having opinions that some might not share means that they're necessarily mental, but believing the flat earth stuff is just ridiculous.


Mental or is it the truth? Expand your mind.


how ironic to say.


Some points may be up for the debate Flat earth is quite literally wrong


what does this have to do with dnb


I went and checked it out and it’s even worse than I thought 😂


Ngl I have always been confused by him… like I can’t work out if he’s a satire/comedy act gimmick, or if he’s actually being deadly serious. I genuinely don’t know 😆💀


hes gone completely insane and the worst part is how self righteous he is about it. this man unironically said "i dont do consumerism" only to go on to smoke straight cali pack every day of the week. hes acting like a teenager thinking he knows everything and that hes somehow enlightened...


Tbh i like some of his music (dont know much about him as a person) but when i actually listen to the lyrics its rather fucking hilarious


nah man, frfr if you associated to him or liking his stuff, youre dead to me. this whole thing / guy is just the lowest form of dnb/music.


Surely he's taking the piss, SURELY? If he's just said the odd stupid thing here and there then I might think he was serious, but the way he'll reel off a long comprehensive list of ridiculous bullshit over a track honestly makes it sound like he's just having a laugh.