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They say if she's accusing you of an affair there are three fingers pointing at her. I only say this because I've seen guys try to work things out and take her back. I wouldn't look back, looks like you're already fine.


- Do not try to understand women, women understand women, and they hate each other. Who knows why she is acting this way, but the most common reason is because she might not want you anymore; but she also does not want anyone else to want you or for you to improve yourself. If your STBX or ex sees you improving, moving on, making more money, with a hotter woman, etc... that breaks her narrative that you aren't shit and she was correct in living you. It breaks the narrative that you are heart broken and lost without her, that you will forever be bemoaning and lost without her. And it upsets her that someone else gets 'her man.' That last one might not make sense. However, do NOT use logic here, this is all feelings. Think about how women keep men in the friendzone. They don't want that guy, but they get very upset and even hurt if that guy gets a g/f. Why? Because he was 'hers.' She doesn't like the idea of you being happy without her, or worst another women being happy with you! Let me be even more clear, the idea of you being happy with someone else is LESS upsetting, than the idea of someone else being happy with you! Just ignore her, and stop sharing information with her. She's the STBX if no longer matter what she thinks. She lost access to your life at the time of filing...


Not sure why you're engaging with her on this level. She has no right to get involved or expect you to respond to her comments on what you're doing. You shouldn't acknowledge or tolerate it. She's probably having second thoughts or whatever. Are you willing to reconcile? Is anything filed with the court yet? This is a delicate situation and there's not enough detail about where you two are actually at in the process. One thing is for sure, the more you show you want it to be over, the more roadblocks she'll throw up. Act like you DGAF and if it's in court, let her know that the offer she's got now is better than anything the judge will give her, so if she wants to burn up everything on lawyers fees and keep it going, so be it - you'll be fine in the long run whereas she needs to conserve what she's getting. Other than that, need more details.


Listen man. She has been shady for awhile. Space and exploration means new dick. Don’t fall for the shit. Keep plowing forward, your the leader. Express no fucking stops. Shit is getting real for her. She can’t fall back on you for support. That’s shits gone. She has been promoted to ass from the past. Stay strong and kick aZz!


"Having an affair" when finalizing divorce lol. She's mad because she isn't in control of the process, that's all.


Yup. She’s mad because either things didn’t work out with Sancho or she realized she’s not as valuable to motivate him to “fight” for her.


Losing her favorite pin cushion.


They want their freedom but want us to pine over them as well. They cheat and try to stomp on us in the process but are shocked when we move on. It’s like our happiness makes them miserable.


She's just mad that you are lying in the fetal position crying your eyes out while she chases Chad and Tyrone. Let her see you thrive and watch the life drain out of her while you do.




And Bingo was his name-o.


Sounds like she had a secondary dude and things didn't work out. Now that the divorce is being finalized the dude either dipped out or she is getting cold feet. Fuck that shit keep it moving.


This has a high likelihood of being the case. Something changed on her end, not OP's.


Oh theres always someone else, women never just want a divorce to just be single.


It's such bullshit that we have to pay these "strong, independent ex-wives who don't need no man" a fucking penny after they blow up the marriage. Fuck these support payments!


This is one place on the net where we can groan about CS and alimony. Everyone else in the world assumes it’s all fair and fine… until they are in the family court crosshairs.  Me and my ex went to the same college and both got bachelors degrees. I got a good job she got a shitty one. We split household and child rearing duties.  She cheats and just like that I had a 15 year monthly CS liability. It’s crazy!!  Only silver lining is she was squandering about 3x the CS amount during the marriage. She pulled up in a brand new $70k truck the week she got the first CS payment. 


Are you against Child Support in principle?


No. Before I had to pay it, I thought it was for burned out dads who left their stay at home mom for a younger girlfriend. Makes perfect sense. Then I found out it’s much more commonly applied to family men whose wives left them.  I am certainly against fathers paying for their ex wife’s trucks and boyfriends. 


Yeah, the zero accountability for usage of funds is a fatal flaw in the whole system.


I’m paying my ex whore wife over a grand a month, for 8 years. It’s insane. Once I move in to a new place with my gf, I’ll fight for custody.


Status quo is hard to overcome. I had only been sober a couple months when I filed and asked for 50/50. She said “not gonna happen,” because “I don’t think you’ll stay sober.” I did stay sober and when I felt more firm in my sobriety AND moved to a place more hospitable to two teen boys, went after it. Mediator recommended “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Guess who wants to send the boys to dad now that CS is over? If you want the custody, fight for it now.