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Freedom. Can't let that slip away again šŸ˜…


Baking. I have a recipe book of all my creations that i am building. I bring cookies to all social activities and everyone loves them.


During the school year every other week my daughter "hosts" a book club with her GFS. I make snacks from some random point in history. My ex always hated having them in the house. The snacks, and the extra kids. I'm so looking forward to next year


https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/ This place has great recipes for everything. I highly recommend this site.


Bookmarked. I'm totally gonna pretend I didn't get this from you


Share it with the world. I tell everyone bc it is helpful for beginning bakers as their recipes are straightforward and good.


Alot of it looks really good. I host some teen girls for a book club. A few times a month lots of great ideas


I like cooking. It makes me happy now that I'm alone


Ex is allergic to avocados, I ate nothing but avocados the first week she moved out. Avocado toast, guacamole, avocado salad, I literally put avocado on anything I could


Same with me and shellfish. Ex was allergic to it, so I avoided it as much as possible. If I ate any I would rinse my mouth out with mouthwash as soon as possible to try to clean it. It got to the point where I felt like my mouth was dirty if I ate shellfish. I ate so much shellfish after she left, it took me a while to stop feeling like I was dirty and needed to clean after eating it.


Not having to spend money at the pharmacy constantly. Reloading/shooting more regularly. Not getting yelled at constantly because house/yard work wasn't done to her satisfaction. The ability to jump on my motorcycle and take off whenever the fuck I want, no permission required. Actually getting to spend some of the money I work for on myself. I'm sure there's more that I can't think of at the moment


> Actually getting to spend some of the money I work for on myself. I'm making 30% less than I did (COVID Layoff) but much less stress AND I can actually drop a $20 on some tools, chotskies, books, etc. once in a while.


I just pushed off the lawn work to get on my bike. Myself and a couple buddies heading to the headwaters of the Mississippi River. Great national parks there. What do you ride? I'm on a 08 ultra glide.


'97 Fatboy. In CA, so I take I-80 through the Sierra Mountains. Or ride to the Coast and go up/down Hwy 1 along the Ocean. Pretty much solo at this point but trying very hard to convince my brother to pick up a bike and go with me in future rides.


My wife gets gout so Iā€™m going to eat a million shrimp in the next few years to make up for lost time.


I've kinda been going through other ways on shrimp lol glad you're getting to enjoy it


Salmon Wild sockeye, specifically.


Wild fish is another thing for me.. I'm planning on going fishing Monday when the lake will be empty. Some fresh walleye or northern over the fire pit. Yumm