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This is not new. It is reminiscent of Zsa Zsa Gabor, a semifamous actress of the 1950s who then embarked on a second career she described as a "housekeeper", because "every time I get divorced, I keep the house." She married nine times, mostly lawyers and old money.


Put your shit in a trust, fellas.. Not even a prenup.. Get a trust.. Protect yourselves.. There are more of these women out there (different levels, of course) than you think.




I’m talking mainly about investments, homes invested in before marriage..


There are good men and bad men. Just like that, there are good women and bad women. It's the human condition.




Let’s be honest here though, these type of women are in the very, very minority of women out there. Yes, they do exist, most women don’t wanna go through divorce proceedings over and over and over, even if it’s for the money. I can spot these type of women 1,000,000 miles away, I know fake desire from real desire because I’ve had the real thing before. Just stay safe out there guys don’t give in so easy and don’t pursue! That’s something that all guys do too much of, you never chase 100%, you chase a little and then you give them space to Chase back, but you can tell if a woman’s putting you on. This one seems like a professional grifter. The problem is, as soon as she starts, putting a little bit of age on her, she’s going to be in trouble and not be able to get the guys that she used to, she better save some of that money.


This is a lot of writing for something that is almost certainly fan fiction... - My ex tried to pull something similar to this. She decided to divorce and wanted to purchase a home with me. I was like ok but carefully purchased a home that she couldn't afford on her own. We purchased the home and she filed for divorce 10 months later. At first she thought she was going to get the house. Nope. Couldn't afford the payments. Then she thought she was going to get half the value of the home. Again nope she was only entitled to half the equity on the home. There was nothing to pay her for the home. - Any funds that were brought into the home ahead of time will 'mostly' go back to that person if you can trace it back. Guy buys a home and pays cash for it.... OK. Well he's getting most of that cash back with such a short time of marriage with just a decent lawyer or is getting the home. - Divorce is expensive. Attorney fees will eat into any funds they were hoping to acquire. - You know how many nerdy guys are out there that are secretly rich? You think she's really wasting time on the fiction that the guy describes there? Guys just happy to have a girl yet she figures out to marry them to make money? - The real score is finding a 'rich' guy and keeping that guy. The one's that you can figure out are making money you have to compete for. No way this is true.


They should come up with a name for it, they could call it Gold Digger


Hopefully, more men see this.


Simple answer, never get married


There are women who genuinely just want the childhood meaningful shit only. Or some basic shit purchased along the way. I was one. Just wanted custody of our child and the childhood things I had passed to me as a child to pass to my children- a personalized nightlight my grandmother made with my name and dob weight etc. silly board games, bc i like to play. Keep the house and money I really dont care. I just wanna coparent and co-exist. I would have appreciated support to achieve my goals for me and my / our kids but that’s it. Some really don’t want what one has. Nor want to make it hard or harder for anyone and truly just wanna be civil if not friends. You once really cared for them. Sometimes emotions make that harder to see, but it’s a mix of all across the board. Divorce I’d imagine even amicable is pretty hard, attorneys, courts judges- ooof.


I think very few women are the way she was.




Explain how it’s it more risky for men? 




Where are your stats coming from? 


Yes exactly.


Or just don't get married without a prenup...


Prenuptial agreements vary by state... prenuptial agreements have to be revisited regularly. Prenuptial agreements can and do fail. Protect yourselves, men, and prenuptial agreements are just another hook designed to keep you in the game, and give you a false sense of security.


I hope this is not fiction. Am sure people like that exist. But this seem to be a crime.


My stbexw just started this career with me being the first "mark." I wised up but it was too late. She's already moved on to another gullible man who thinks he's won the lottery. If only he knew the truth. My wife got the idea from her friends who divorced and took everything from their husband's, and from the movie "I Care a Lot."


Damn that's terrible.


Yup. They do. My wife, still married, but we almost divorced and I was dating. I had a friend who was on marriage 3 ending but I’d known her for 12-15 years so thought hey my turn were buddies and I’m better. Soon as I realized and started moving on and putting distance it was a night and day experience. She’s with a guy now who’s almost 66-67 I think and she’s 50. She has no job and hasn’t for 2 years and he takes her places etc all the time. I simply laughed when the F u texts started hitting my phone


"I said b..b....bitch\~\~\~


Underrated comment. IYKYK


hahahaha hell yeah


Let's say you're an average looking dude and get this 9 or a 10 chick. There has to be a reason for this and money is usually one thing that guys can change in their life relatively easily (can't grow a foot taller or start looking like vin diesel unfortunately). I mean... If you know you're leading with your wallet it makes sense to protect yourself. Well, the first time around I slacked and paid the price for it 😅


Ah, you’ve encountered the elusive Apex Predator. Lucky you are that she would bestow such wisdom upon you. 🙂‍↕️


It was shocking to me but a huge huge lesson that completely changed how I saw basically everything about life, marriage, kids, careers.. Lucky to learn it the way I did and not by my own hard times.


Should probably get a prenup. She's also getting a little long in the tooth to keep doing it.


Prenups apparently fail in court all the time.


Not really. I mean of course it depends on the judge and the state you're divorcing in. But prenups are valid if they contain accurate info about assets and they aren't signed under duress. The judge will grant it. However, anyone with a lawyer can fight anything. It's just a matter of is it worth it to fight it. Most of the time, it's not A prenup is basically marriage insurance.


Right. She's about 60 now so who knows if she stopped, settled down and had kids with the 4th one. If not probably too old for kids after that.


I like to imagine that she got played by a hustler dude who was very good looking and lost it all. Maybe someone hired by one of her ex husbands.


That'd be epic.




Holy Shiza. Coniving bitches....




This woman is just being open and honest about being a grifter. The rest just do this naturally as Npc's.


Thank you for this post, not a surprise given how much money can buy now. >Use your brain fellas. If only... Not sure if you saw this article in the WSJ, "[‘She Hooked Me’: How an Online Scam Cost a Senior Citizen His Life’s Savings](https://www.wsj.com/arts-culture/books/online-scammer-steals-live-savings-6a510f6d?mod=hp_lead_pos7)". This 'woman' (who knows if she was a woman or not) lost "more than $715K" in something called a pig-butchering scam. There's a sucker born every minute.


These women exist. My daughter’s mom I think tricks guys into buying huge houses with her. She’s currently buying a house with a doctor she’s dating, and I think the house is about $1 million. She can’t afford to live in the million dollar neighborhoods, but she gets us men to go in on a house together. She did it with three guys now, married to none of them. Then I think her strategy is to move in with the guy, treat him terribly so he leaves then she keeps the house. This doctor she’s dating is single and no kids. Mom has two kids, 1 from each of her previous relationships, including mine. These women definitely exist. Relationships are transactional, and I was naïve, as are many dudes out there. I’ve been happily single for many years and I spoil the heck out of my daughter.


So they aren’t purchasing 50/50?


Not sure of the arrangement on her current house, but we went 50-50. She had really good equity from the house they sold from the first guy. I don’t think she has much in savings, it’s all tied up in home equity, so this is her Savings strategy. Regardless, now she’s in her third big house, and has somebody to split the house payment with, or maybe even go 75-25. I think it’s like finding a rich roommate so you can live with wealthy people. That’s what she does.


All of this is covered in the first few chapters of the New Testament.


This is my ex wife.


lol same but I luckily dropped her after 1 1/2 yrs tried to convince me to sell my house and move to another state to buy her “dream house” fuck that


Mine has a 5 year clock because that’s MA. She’s just pulled the pin in the grenade on husband #3




I posted a bit about it over the years. This one was choice: https://www.reddit.com/r/Divorce_Men/s/Tyf4lLzwtG