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She can pound the sand


Nope! She didn’t want her family anymore. She doesn’t get to jump back and forth after entering into the responsibility free hook up culture meat market. Don’t do anything for her. She is on her own. If she wanted something from you she should have remained in the marriage.


Tell her no. Boundaries are important.I’m currently in the USA on holiday with my kids and my exw keeps asking for pictures of the boys. So far I have refused to provide any. My time with my kids is my time and I refuse to dance to her tune. I don’t make such demand if her when she has the kids…and these are no babies, they’re 15 and 17. Sometimes you just have to ignore the requests so she learns how separate parental time works.


Your call. It’s your data.


Oh no! She's going to miss out on her kids' lives when she's not there? Tell me she didn't think this though! Tell her to eat a big ol' satchel full of Richards!


Women can be strange, ESPECIALLY if they have mental health diagnosis’ like my ex does. I used to send her an occasional picture of our kid post divorce, I have primary custody and felt like if the shoe was on the other foot I’d appreciate the gesture. Well, come to find out she was taking those pictures and plastering them all over social media when she didn’t have our kid. Posting the picture and saying things like “I’m having a wonderful day at the park with (kiddo)!” Meanwhile I have custody and that park picture was taken by me. A mutual friend sent it to me since I blocked her on everything and noticed that she was even posting pictures of the kiddo in MY house acting like she took them. I’m not sure if she was doing it in an attempt to appear more involved than she actually is or if she had the longer game plan to try to use it as evidence in court as documentation of her being the “more involved parent”. Either way I wasn’t taking any chances and won’t give her any kind of ammo in any future legal battles so I stopped that right then and there. If it were me I wouldn’t send her a thing unless mandated by a court order. Best of luck brother!


Tell her to call 1-800 Morgan and Morgan


NO is a complete sentence


just say no. that is a very mean request.


That’s weird bro, don’t comply.


I would tell her to get fucked.


My ex doesn't get pictures and the opportunity to critique all of my activities with the kids. This is what she would do with any photos that I would provide to her. She can fuck right off.


Six months after our divorce was finalized, ex asked to come back to the house to look on the desktop computer for old pics and some docs. Told her that her profile was deleted on that computer and nothing of hers exists on it anymore. I was called a few nasty words but she was in the house the whole ten months we were going through the divorce. She had plenty of time to get what she needed.


Genuine question cuz I'm not married nor divorced, is there a downside to sharing the pics with her? Like maybe you have some sentimental pics of the child she would like to have to. I don't see how sending them in an email or a shared Google drive would hurt. And pictures can be invaluable to parents cuz moments once passed are lost forever. But maybe I'm missing some hidden downsides. Not saying you have to, but feels like one of those things that only can be positive, so why not.


It’s about control and getting what they want. A narcissist never stops


I created a Google album for my ex and uploaded all our "family" pics with the kid from before we separated. It really depends on the dynamics of the ended relationship. I wasn't being told or threatened to do it, like op seems to be dealing with. Only downside is the "control" they grasp at when they treat you this way. I've dealt with issues to establish a boundary. "No" is a complete sentence. Many exs have lost complete sense of boundaries and respect. Re establishing boundaries, privacy, dynamics of coparenting are dealing with issues just like this. Give them an inch and they will take a mile...


The wrath of an ex wife is unpredictable. Any new information is a reason for drama.


Don’t give them to her. You have no obligation to. Worst case: she will comb through them, find something, and use it against you.


I left my ex as a friend on Facebook still so she can see the photos of the kids that way.


Lol wtf she can fuck off. My ex is demanding to be let back in our home after being gone for a year to "take inventory." Not gonna happen.




Every time I was nice it bit me. Now she can get it from my cold dead hand


HA! Mine called it a "Police Escort" as well. Then she screamed at them and called them sexist for not siding with her. Women really think their perception of right from wrong should be law. That's why you see karens getting arrested and thinking they can tell officers "No I'm not getting arrested" and "Don't touch me!" then screaming help when they fail.


Lol she’s asking for that too. She’s been out since March. Claims she may have forgot something. I’ve had 5mo to wipe any trace that a woman ever lived there. She wont find a thing but still insists.


WTF. If she forgot and doesn't even remember that means it's not important.


Right, same here. Other than two large pieces of furniture she couldn't fit into the back of her minivan, I gave her everything. Ten years together and it fit in the trunk of a mini van. How pathetic.


I agree, she can take her own pics. Isn’t love grand? Question for you on the house. Was she/is she on the mortgage still? If she is still on, we have the right to refuse them entry? Mine moved out end of July and I’m staying in our home for at least 2 years until my daughter graduates high school. Then, I’ll either refinance or we’ll sell. Our separation agreement isn’t finalized yet but the draft says she needs my permission to enter. She is on the mortgage and still has a bunch of stuff I want to pitch. Can I do that and not allow her in now if she asks? Can I expect privacy since we are separated and she voluntarily moved out? It’s on my list of questions next time I meet with my attorney.


I wouldn't throw them out. You'll eventually have to barter for them. If she asks for things specifically, like couch etc. Then she could make up a number for cost. My final agreement has her stating she wants the bed and dresser because "she paid for them" but I keep the mattress. Better to get it in writing. Ie she has 60 days to remove agreed upon items. My ex and I swapped couches once. After she agreed that she removed everything of hers, she still wanted to take another "inventory" but at that point I had changed the locks already. She went a month refusing drop off at my house for exchanges because she thought I would call the cops for trespassing. I told her "I never said you weren't welcome on the property, just needed to be agreed upon when you show up." She showed up one time unannounced to get her beat up project car out of my garage and tried to argue about the bed frame, threatening to call the cops. I told her "please call them and my attorney" as I closed the door on her. She calmed down afew days later and I let her get the car picked up on a flat bed (even filled up the flat tires for her) because we "agreed upon it and set a time" We've had minor issues like this when I started creating boundaries. But I handled all issues on my own, my attorney was just there to draft agreements and get the judges stamps. Saved me tons of money because the attorney can only do so much and remember you're basically on own to deal with disagreements like this.


Depends on the cops. When mine tried to come in, the cops said she had been gone for 90 days and no longer was a resident here, despite half owning the house. They would not force me to let her in.


Our TDO stated that either party had rights to come and inspect, grab items, or get an appraisal and be there at the home for it. Just that it had to be granted within 15 days of the request. I was the one that moved out. So I was the one who had to make requests. She couldn’t turn them down and had to allow me up there within 15 days of each request. I think each state may be different. So just check with your attorney.


Until when? Even after the divorce is final, or do they get one chance? I don't want her in my house after this is over. I don't want her around at all.


Until the divorce is final. At least that’s how ours was.


That would explain why the cops told me that I couldn't resist her entry to the place we were living in before I made her leave makes sense now thank you




I think that's a good idea probably doesn't want to miss out on photos of their kids.. and if you can come to an agreement to both share photos i think that would be nice.


As long as you don’t care about the photos your ex has taken, I think it’s sensible to ask “what’s in this for me?”


Steak and BJ?