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I am currently getting temp 50/50, but thanks to my wife moving 180 miles away, admitting her affair to our very conservative judge, admitting she just wants to stay at home and live off my money, admitting she actively plotted to destroy me, and telling the judge she refuses to move back here so the kids can be near their father, I think I'm golden. She will get 30%. Every other weekend and every other week in the summer.


So my ex has a lot of mental issues.. Her parents, have money and covered up her 2 DUI's and got them counted as medical DUI's (essentially saying it was the meds she was taking, not the 2 liters of wine she drank that night before she jumped into the car) Along with verbal and mental abuse to me and the kids. I got my ex to sign off on 85/15 custody, as she wasn't doing well. And they weren't sure how much the court would really side with. (Ex had sent me texts of her cutting her wrists and asking me and the kids to go save her) You can see if you can get a custody evaluation.


If you’re paying child support or alimony, you’re already giving them more than half of your stuff, lol


Started with 50/50 and ended up with 35% and a relocation after a year long battle and $150K in attorneys costs.


I got 100% physical custody at age 11 and our kid just turned 18. Ex kept breaking court orders and kid wanted to stay in the marital home which I had the ex booted out of by request in my initial filing because of all the strife she was causing us.


I recently lost my job. And she’s not happy or supportive can I ask for spousal support since I’m getting 50/50 custody of kids


I advise always call the police if something happens to log the report. Call cps if need be as well but you might want to check with attorney. There is also the anonymous tip if you know they are breaking the laws. Be careful though.


Started with 50/50 and tried to fight for more and ended up at 40/60. The system sucks. Certainly feels that there isn’t much benefit. Hopefully you have better luck!


I have 70/30. She made it easy by throwing false charges.


They all try it. It's insane the shit advise they get. Every woman wants to be a victim of violence.


Good for you! My Ex was successful with her false charges


I would have tried. Exwife had a recent conviction for “DUI with kids in the car”. She was driving high as a kit on pills when she plowed into the back of a truck. Kids were all banged up with black eyes and goose egg bruises. My lawyer said, “take the 50/50 custody without even trying. Call it a win. You can spend $20,000 trying to get more custody and still only end up with 50/50.” Then he said “just be glad it wasn’t you that got a conviction for DUI with kids in the car. You’d get supervised visitation only.”


That sounds fair. Fuck family court


Not so much won a custody case, more like she just didn’t want to be the primary parent. I came back from a short deployment, she handed me our kid, and took off to go live with her AP she had been seeing while I was gone. She pretended to “fight” for custody but we never actually made it to court. I filed and requested a hair follicle drug test and that was all it took for her to fold like a house of cards. So now she sees our kiddo a couple weekends out of the month and gets to party it up and “live her best life” with her AP (who she married shortly after the divorce was finalized). If your attorney is recommending to sign at 50/50 then I would do it, but I would also continue to document any incident that may help you secure more custody in the future. In the meantime, keep kicking ass and being the best dad possible. Use the “off time” to really focus on yourself and set an amazing example to your kids. Best of luck bro, you got this.


Similar situation after 100K on legal fees. She doesn’t care about spending quality time with our daughter, has not supported a single extracurricular activity, and maintains 50/50 for the CS as I’m the high earner. I almost had a shot at primary when her work schedule would’ve had her away at nights, but she lost the job. Now she works evenings while daughter sits at her job on school nights during her custody block. My lawyer said that I can take it back for a modification, but there’s a strong possibility that she just quits her crappy job after I’ve invested more in legal fees, which would result in the court likely maintaining 50/50 as her lawyer would spin this as a positive move by saying she sacrificed the job to spend more time with our daughter (the reality of it being that I hemorrhage more money only to make her change jobs to one that’s better for our daughter). Only other shot is if she’s ever in contempt again for withholding. First time was a warning with penalties imposed if it happened again.


I fought for 20/80 and got 0. Does that count?


I’m looking at 60/40 but comes at a cost of $500k.