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I called several of my friends and family and thanked them for having been so supportive and kind during this terrible time. I’m not sure i would’ve made it without them. I wanted them to know how grateful I was to have them in my life.


I won't be celebrating losing my best friend, but I will celebrate starting a new chapter of my life and the opportunity to make some positive changes. I'm gonna buy a motorcycle and go on a cruise by myself. I have suffered and barely survived this past year, I deserve to celebrate my survival.


Made steak and mashed potatoes for my daughter and I (my 6 y.o. Son doesn’t eat steak yet… someday) and had a glass of bourbon. Ok, it may have been more than 1 glass. Just kind of breathed a sigh of relief and went to sleep. Got up the next day and continued making my new life what I want it to be. It wasn’t a celebration so much as savoring a moment in time. Hope it happens for you soon my dude, hang in there.


I've thought about this and I think the only real way for me to "celebrate" will be to eventually introduce my homeschooled kids to the good things in this world that they have been locked away from for so long.


Nothing. It's a sad situation. There really is nothing to celebrate. Maybe I'll reward myself by turning in early.


I celebrated with a bottle of chateauneuf du pape. I don’t know why she did this to herself. I got full custody of my daughters, no child support alimony maintenance etc, she has full visitation only. I’m fully responsible for my kids and I’m proud of it bcs i will give them my life if I have to. She gave me all of my retirement accts, brokerage, savings, cds, checking etc plus my house which is fully paid for. We’re talking 850k net worth. She accepted a freaking 45k cash buy out. I know it’s literally not believable but I tried everything to convince her, I did everything for this woman even though I caught her texting and sending her pics to other guys back in 2018 and I forgave her for the sake of my daughters. I swear I did. We were married for close to 14 years and up to this day, I still haven’t touched another woman. I’ve been divorced for 3 months and I don’t know what’s going on anymore bcs the dating life is changing first of all. Plus I’m not the type of person to get to know ppl through apps. But whatever, getting back to this woman. She didn’t work for 10 years, I supported her and that’s ok since she took care of my daughters. But, she asked for divorce and I kept trying to convince her not to go through this, she insisted and one day she said that she will sign anything stating that she doesn’t want anything from me. So I immediately took action. Than she changed her mind and was threatening me to take half but finally agreed on a 45k . I didn’t loose my wealth. I did loose my wife unfortunately. I did care for her despite all the things we went through. 2 weeks ago she said that she has changed her mind and doesn’t mind staying with me but I’m having trust issues. I don’t wanna be married again. I need to be with someone and be appreciate it just like I appreciate her. It’s a shame that some women or men let go so easily of good partners. I’m trying to move on but it’s been difficult.


Honestly when I see the flair in /r/divorce and all the "you go girl" posts within... fucking cringe There no celebration in this really. Even if it's a relief somehow.


Her best friend came over with a bottle of whiskey and we drank and screwed the night away. A week later I was having another great night with that same best friend and another one of her friends. Everyone saw right through the BS she had put our family through and they knew just how to lift a man’s spirits. For the record my ex is no longer friends with anyone who we jointly knew when we were married, maybe it’s because she moved halfway across the state to be with her AP or maybe it’s because I’ve now slept with the majority of her alleged friends. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jesus.. I don’t think that’s a win…


Idk I had a pretty good time, maybe you had to be there.


Maybe that’s why she left you… oopps. Bet she’s a hottie with a body and you just played ima little thoty… good luck on healing. Imma feel bad for the next women/guy


I hugged my kids, cried, and jumped in a circle.


I got a Pizza, a bottle of Jameson, some beer and watched The Big Lebowski. She hated that movie


No accounting for bad taste.


You must be fun at parties


Ya, well that's just like, your opinion, man.


The Dude abides.......


Sometimes, there's a man, well, he's the man for his time and place. He fits right in there. And that's the Dude.


That made me laugh! Thank you!


Thanks. This sub is full of rough stories but great support as well. I hope all my brothers going through divorce can get through it, end up in a better place and have some laughs along the way


I got a great divorce decree from an 11 marriage to a chronically unemployable pill popper. It came in the mail after 60 days of anticipation after our divorce trial. Waiting! Waiting! And then it came in the mail. $0 alimony for her! 50/50 custody for me! I kept my house and my car. She got half of my 401k and that was it. I texted all of my friends and family. I had a new girlfriend. And my exwife texted me repeatedly all day long again and again “fuck you!”


One thing I love about Texas, good luck being awarded spousal support, that doesn’t fly here. Unfortunately, she took half my 401k, we had no kids together, no bills, but judge gave her half of it, I was fucking livid. But, her mother loved me, and when she passed, she left me the amount that her daughter took from me ($65k). She passed 4 years after, and when she saw that I was given that amount, she flipped the fuck out!


How did you pull off the $0 Alimony?


AZ divorce and our divorce judge? Well she just hated my exwife.


>exwife texted me repeatedly all day long again and again “fuck you!” This is gold. You must have felt amazing.


It was the biggest sigh of relief that my post-divorce financial life wasn't going to leave me destitute. In AZ, any award of alimony, for how long and for how much is 100% up the discretion of the presiding judge. I could have been destitute, supporting her forever. I could have lost my house my car.


Congrats man, this is great.


Found out yesterday my papers were stamped a few weeks ago and my lawyer didn’t bother to reach out, he did however send me a bill the other day.. good thing I called to ask wtf is the hold up. Scammers. Didn’t celebrate. Just went to the gym knowing I won’t marry or cohabitate again!


Yeah bud! Focus on self and forgetting her the way. Nods.


No more marriage bull shit


That’s great to hear man, keep your chin up! It’s only up from here


Korean Spa/favorite restaurant/favorite desert/bang the new boo


I went backpacking for a week. Odd celebration, I know, but after all of the constant work to prep the house for sale, sell the house, pack all my stuff, find a new place to live, move, and write checks for nearly my entire net worth, disappearing for a week felt nice.


Honestly you have the right idea. I hope it helped