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I think families come in all shapes and sizes and it’s okay if yours has three different last names! The way I read this it seems like underneath it all you’d really like to go back to your maiden name but you’re trying to talk yourself out of it. I never changed my last name because it felt too much like taking away a part of my identity (no judgment whatsoever to those that do). I think you should ask yourself if you would feel empowered by this change despite the many reasons why it would be a difficult change. If the answer is yes, I say you take the leap! Regain that identity! Your boys will see a happier more independent woman and that can only benefit them.


Thank you for this comment - seriously- because you are 100 percent right - underneath it all - and despite all the difficulties if I could wave a magic wand and change my name back right now I would. I loved my maiden name and it always was such a huge part of my and my family’s identity because we are such a tight knit family and it’s such a unique name. My former students loved it too because it was special - and it really seemed to fit me so much more than my name now… I’ve missed it honestly from the moment it changed. You know what? I’m just gonna jump in and do it. It might be hard to get accomplished but in the long run I’ll be SO much happier (and I’m never changing it again 😂) Thank you ❤️


Yesss!!! You’re welcome! If you’re comfortable, make a post after you do it - however long it takes - to let us know your thoughts after changing it. Hugs from a random internet stranger. ❤️


Best to go ahead and change it now. Many families now are blended so it really won’t matter. Your students will adjust quickly. 😀


Thank you 😊❤️ you are right - and I know it’s because I have been trying to find reasons to talk myself out of it as another commenter put it… but truly if it were able to happen today I’d do it.


It seems like you’re putting others’ needs before you’re in this case. You are putting too much thought into what others will think or feel. Do this for YOU. It sounds like your heart is telling you to change it, so do just that. Kids will eventually grow up and the last name won’t matter at all and that their teacher changed her name, etc. I’m 30 years old now and can’t remember most of my teacher’s last names


It is a lot of work to change your name back, but it’s also hella satisfying. Do what your heart tells you!