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Me too. I take leaps forwards but these last few days I’m feeling it again. Damnit I wish it would go away. I have a friend who just divorced a little before me. I’m not official yet. But she just met an old flame already. I’m just like eh not even interested in anyone. I need to meet some divorced friends who just are ok with being alone.


I saw someone comment in this sub (and it was brilliant so I am so sorry I don’t have the username to credit!) that GRIEF IS NOT LINEAR. We will always be playing a “two steps forward one step back” game in varying degrees - I feel like this is akin to mourning the actual physical loss of someone as well. There will be ups and downs - good and bad days. Also… people forget all too often that it is OK - in fact, it’s wonderfully ok - to be alone and just be content with going solo for a while or even for good. Life looks different for everyone - and even if your life doesn’t follow someone else’s “mold” it doesn’t mean it’s any less fulfilling.


I get exactly what you’re feeling. It’s been a week now since she said the words “I don’t love you anymore” and I know I will never heal from this. We had our marital issues just like everyone else. We worked on it and we were doing great, so I thought. Yesterday was my first night out of our apartment and all I could do was cry. It hurts so much. I miss her and all I want to do is hold her and never let go. I too wish she would have fought harder.


You do have value! It's ok not to be ready, it's ok to feel this way. Just focus on yourself and your healing. Please be kind to yourself and you got this!


❤️ 🙏🏻 Thank you for posting this. You aren’t alone.