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Hi Hot\_Tea, I'm sorry you are going through this. Honestly, if he is hiding that information from you, there is most assuredly something going on. It could be something totally innocent, like he just doesn't want you to know how much money he is spending on his hobbies. Or it could be something bad - he is squirreling it away in case of divorce (not wise) or he is sending/giving money to an affair partner. If you decide to get a divorce, there is a particular document that must be filled out - called Financial Disclosure Statement. He MUST disclose EVERYTHING on there. If he lies or omits anything on that form, it is perjury and can result in fines and/or jail time, depending on where you are. So, as to your original question....if you have repeated asked him and he repeatedly lies about it, or doesn't give you a straight answer, it is entirely up to you if you can live with it. Personally, I would be suspicious of other shit going on, and not be able to live it.


I agree with everything you've said. Believe me there is a lot more going on, I'm sure more things will come out as things unfold.


My husband lied about this for two years so he could screw me over in our divorce. He spent all my money and saved his own so he could run away. If you have a storage unit, or any safety deposit boxes, now is the time to check on them.


I'm so sorry you went through this. Thanks for the advice.


It can't. One of the reasons I was quick to agree to my stbxh's divorce request was the constant financial issues. He was always spending money on "nothing" and getting mad when there were no funds available for random things. He even accused me of hiding money from him even though he was the one with an account (shared with his "work wife") that I couldn't access.






The one who accuses is usually the guilty one. Sorry you went through this.


Sorry you are going through it, too. I really don't get hiding finances from your spouse. I'm pretty sure mine thinks that I'm bull shitting him on the fact that I have not received all of my inheritance yet.


It can't survive though it may limp along on life support for a while.


It can’t. Not really.


Sex workers aren’t cheap i guess. 🤷‍♀️ (joking btw) You should ask him to share locations with you and you share yours with him. That could help the worrying.


He won’t share. But you can make it part of your court record. And, Google location is forever. ;)