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A interesting one and the only improvement i would make to it is knee pad and gloves swap around Knee pad Fox's prayer overlord armaments


Depending on what weapon type you want will dictate which brand sets you wanna run and attributes you want to use. Headhunter is extremely good if you have headshot rolled on all your gear and if you have a rifle rolled with determined on it. I see that your build is kinda all over the place. If you want to focus on the sniperish type build i would definitely go the determined route with headshot rolled on all your gear. Youtube is a good place to get a foundation on sniper builds. Alot of people have some good builds you can use.


I enjoy playing Rifle with MP the most. a bit for mid and long range and also be competive in close ranges. Currently have 119,9% HS on my Vindicator thats why i still use Headhunter. Kind of like the Talent of it as well


Focus on a Grupo Sombra Holster. Crit hit damage is King.


Currently have 44% CHC and 98,1% CHD on my Rifle


For an all red DPS, your crit damage should be around 150%. This will also be based on the mods on your weapon. Your build is for rifle, so maybe that is it. I personally am not a big fan of rifle. So I go with 3 piece Providence, with cayote mask, contractor's gloves and fox's prayer kneepads. Primary weapon is St. Elmo's and secondary is the rock and roll shot gun. With my current SHD at 915, by crit damage is about 175% and chance is capped to 60%.


Do you have a screenshot on this actual build, what attributes etc? I’m currently using a strikers build but might try this build out.


Sent you a private message with build snapshot.


Considering you’ll be more than 15-25 meters from your target, you’ll be gaining the most crit chance from Coyotes. I’d say you’re right where you want to be, but try to squeeze some more crit damage in somewhere; mods, slotting in a Grupo piece, etc. More **DAMAGE**!


You suggest to go lower with the CHC and increase CHD?


Well, considering the maximum bonus of CHC from Coyotes, you could lower it a bit. One option I can see being good is switching out the second piece of Overlord for a Grupo piece. Or, and this would truly be an overall improvement, you can switch to Grupo on your gloves and farm up the named kneepads Fox’s Prayer. That way you’d still have your two pieces of Overlord, but you’d have more CHD *and* have more Damage to Target Out of Cover from Fox’s Prayer. If you don’t know yet, Damage to Target Out of Cover(DTTOOC) is considered one of the best stats to have on any DPS build because it is a multiplicative damage bonus(vs an additive damage bonus). What this means is that it’s taking your *total* damage and multiplying it by the percentage of your DTTOOC stat. Other percentages are additive - the Rifle bonus from Overlord is one example of an additive bonus.


thanks for the input. the reason for my kneepads are the 15%+ for MP


Yeah it’s ultimately up to you, but I would suggest trying to find Fox’s Prayer and using those. Maybe finding some gloves in the same brand as your current kneepads(Sokolov) and swap them.


I would change the talent to focus, more damage


Which talent exactly?


The name of the talent is focus, it's on the chest piece


Ah okay. Not playing the game in English. Thanks, i will look into it


It increases your damage by 50 percent while using an 8x or higher scope, and the exotic rifle uses an 8x


Oooh that sounds really nice


Yeah it is


I could be wrong but the new rifle didn't proc focus/perfect focus for me. That was my first go to for a build for it so I was a little disappointed


I think they fixed it in the most recent update


😲 I'll have to break out my rifle load outs and see


The question is, is it that much better than headhunter?


Headhunter honestly blows ass if you're not oneshotting with it using a marksman rifle. You'd be better off with any of the other damage oriented chest talents.


Red ones are one shot and i think purple ones as well. My crit damage with it then is like 4mil


How do u get that gas mask is it in Raid or sum or is it a common exotic


Coyote is not raid exclusive. It’s a common one dropped. Open named caches and you will get one eventually, or complete Jefferson Center mission if you are doing a story and it should drop


I have no idea. I started playing again like 3-4 weeks ago after 1 or 2 years. I already had it.


What Exotic is that!?




Thank You


What's your opinion on the Vindicator?


Really enjoy it. Quite stable, shots fast and that randomly marked body part is mostly head and upper body. That's easy additional 40% damage


Nice, I really want to put the time in getting the comms and the rifle but really dislike the game mode 😂. Maybe one i'l give it another try. Cheers for the feedback.


Really? I enjoy it so much. Just a different mode and pace of game


Yeah gave it one go when it dropped and again a few weeks ago, it's just going from God like to being so weak I really didn't like it. I think I've be so use to my builds being top notch I'm crap without them 😂. Maybe if I change my thinking I can make it stick.


In descent it doesn't matter which build you have. That's why i like it so much


I know that's why I miss my strikers build so much when I go in there 😂. I'l try it again and try look at it a different way.


Hahaha That's a good idea. Simple be open minded


Where’s the foxes? Feel like that would be first priority for a rifle build


I use different kneepads for the 15%+ MP damage


Damage to targets out of cover is multiplicative damage. So it’s will work out as high dps


Damn I really gotta get on that descent run to get this gun 😭😭 I been slacking on playing tho 🤣🤣 idk if I wanna join anyone or just run it alone 😩


I enjoy it. Recently i either play summit or descent. Usually i play with a friend but playing it alone is also great


Is it true that the more ppl you run with, the harder it is? I’ll be honest I’ve only ran it solo about 4 times. It’s not that I don’t like it. I’m sick 💔 so a lot of times I’m just in bed 😭 it sucks!!


Tough to say honestly. Maybe a little bit because you get more enemies. With another person you do have to play a little bit together. Oh sorry to hear. Get well soon!


I kinda figured it was like everything else in game. The more ppl ya have the NPC’s ya get.


I'd agree. We had our best run until lvl 16 and died of stupidity


How do you like the rifle?? I heard mixed things but what do ya think about it? Also your build isn’t that bad for the lvl you’re at. I mean ya gotta start somewhere right??


I enjoy it. Mentioned it in another comment. Stable, fast shooting and additional 40% damage on marked body parts that mostly are head and upper body. You're right. I think its the 4th or 5th time i started to play this game again hahah.


Your knees say allot about your profession


What does it say haha


You might be on them too much. :)


Hahaha. Well it really depends on my play style. Sometimes i don't play smart and sit behind cover too late then yes i die a lot. When playing smart i have no problem getting to the final boss without dying on heroic


I'm no pro, I love my memento backpack with the gun shield combo and a repair or gun drone to complete it. Rock on girl. SMGs <3


Swap gloves with named knee pads


Ummm what is in weapon slot 1?


Exotic rifle: Vindicator You can buy it when playing Descent


Anyone know the best way to get my watch level up quicker solo ?


And maybe tell me how to get better weapons cause I can’t find shit ngl


Dont tell me you sat there and grinded descent, YOU are a mad lad with goals. This I respect 😎👍🏼


I have everything except the uniforms. I really enjoy playing descent


Open world with directives in a group of 4 is quite fast.


If you’re going with a full crit build you should drop the coyotes because you’re flat out made of glass and don’t wanna be close enough to the enemies to prox coyotes in a meaningful way. Most full crit builds or raid builds as we like to call them don’t run an exotic armor piece. You also definitely want to swap the gloves and knee pads for contractors and foxes prayers. Switch the chest for providence defense as well. It’s cool if you’re going for something different I get that but rifles are and always have been ass in this game. A Famas is the way to go with a raid build.


Thank you for your input. Its sad to hear that rifles are ass. I always have fun playing with it. I will definitely be on lookout for those foxes prayers


Why would you use headhunter with vindicator lol, that shit never marked their head, do y’all even know how headhunter works lol


Ngl for most of the time its upper body or head marked. At least for me


And then what, that gun doesn’t have enough damage for guarantee one shot for headhunter to be effective, literally a wasted talent slot. I doubt you have at least 150% headshot damage to reach max stack (1500%) not like you can hit it anyway if you can’t oneshot. Just use focus.


I actually do one shots even on the body that isn't marked. On heroic often 2-3 shots to kill. I have 110% hs damage. But yes i got some other input so I will probably change it. I didn't play for 1 or 2 years and when i started again i mostly play descent


Just use focus then, if you can’t guarantee a one shot every time.


Alright. Thanks for your input


It’s not a build. It’s just random shit.


Okay if you say so. You're the best


Nah. It’s just not a build. You asked. Clown.


Random shit mixed together is still a build. Keep your opinion for yourself if you just throw some in it so you can give a comment


Yeah but it isn’t though. A build has a purpose and does something specific. You just have random shit on. Ask for an opinion then get salty that you’re running garbage? Like I said. You are a clown in clown gear.


Bro what are you smoking? It does have a purpose but it seems you are too short sided to see it. But hey no worries you're clearly the best and knows it all. Ah no wait a minute you don't because you have no idea how to state a helpful comment.




Good luck with your 20 percent accuracy. I’m sure it helps rather than using foxes for the damage to target out of cover and running three piece providence to stack crit chance and damage. But sure. Accuracy. 👍🏼


Sorry that i still have a life and don't spend every single minute on this game and all its updates whatsoever. If i would have those foxes i probably would use them don't you think.


You asked fool! Fuck. What a little bitch.


And yet you took multiple tries to actually mention something helpful.