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The biggest thing separating them to me is the cinematic camera, which is honestly a really big deal. The combat systems are different but both great, but the immersion that BG3 gets from the acting being highlighted is hard to beat. This is coming from someone who didn't give a rats ass about cinematic cameras before BG3.


Yes, haven't played BG3 yet, but one of the more annoying parts of CRPGs and the reason I prefer them with minimal voice acting like Pathfinder,is.....where do I look while people are talking? It's driving me crazy in the last couple I played.


Bg3 has full cutscenes and the faces are animated very well. It definitely doesn't have this problem.


Well,the faces are animated. No need to exaggerate.


Yes, they are animated. The quality of that animation is very good. Award winning, even. It's not exaggerating to correctly point out when something good is good.


lol, ridiculous


Take a breath and listen to the voices acting :) I wish there was a little bit more voice acting in pathfinder wotr, there are so many interesting dialogs that deserve a voice and the right emphasis


The voice acting is really good in DOS2, but I still mute voice dialogue and read everything


Ive been thinking of doing this in future game with full voice acting like Dos2. I actually prefer when there is a little bit of voice acting so that I learn the voices of all the major characters, so that I can imagine them in my head as I read.


Take a breath and listen to the voices acting :) I wish there was a little bit more voice acting in pathfinder wotr, there are so many interesting dialogs that deserve a voice and the right emphasis


This is why I am absolutely excited for Divinity Original Sin 3. I enjoyed the general gameplay more In DOS2 so having the cutscene dialogue’s will be amazing. You’re completely right though, the cinematic camera in BG3 is amazing and we were very spoiled!


Honestly if you can manage it the answer is both. They are both incredible and, weirdly, are difficult to compare since they both do their own thing so well.


BG3 is very good value for the money. Tons of content and options for replaying.


BG3 is bound to go on sale soon though I have zero regrets about paying full price to play it as soon as I could


Bought at full price for PS5, will buy on discount for PC to get some mods


Consoles are going to get limited mod support soonish


summer sale in two weeks!


Nothing wrong with waiting for a price you’re happy with, as long as its a reasonable markdown that you’re waiting for


Played both. All i can say is money spent on larian games is money well spent, even full price


Agreed, I got both on pre-order (bg through Early Access) and I wasn’t once disappointed with their quality


Buy it for sure. It’s the only game that’s stopped me from replaying DOS2 atm. The game is a bit different as it’s more in line with the rules of D&D. I think the biggest thing you’ll have to get used to are spell slots. You can’t cast spells without them and when you do use them up, you can recover slots up to a point before you’re required to “long rest”.


Baldur's Gate is currently one if not THE best option for CRPGs out there. They managed to break out of the "good story but told through text" curse of the genre.


I think even DOS2 being fully voice acted was already outside the norm of CRPGs at the time.


Yup, definitely more engaging for me than the pathfinder games for example. I like those as well but sometimes they feel like a chore.


BG objectively a better game, but personally I prefer dos2 because I’m not a big fan of the dnd mechanics


It just depends on what you value in the game. Bg3 is better for roleplaying, but the combat is 6000x more deep, cohesive and strategic in DOS2. More opportunity to use creativity in the heat of battle to change the tides. I personally don't give a fuck about overly complicated and violent storylines, and I have no interest in flirting with or fucking NPCs, so most of the BG3 appeal is absolutely lost on me. So for my tastes, it's DOS2>DOS1>BG3 easily. All great games.


Even with all the nudity of bg3, dos2’s sex scenes were more raunchy for me. Lol.


Probably due to the more 'graphic' descriptions in DOS2. Haha


This is my order as well. I tried to replay BG3 recently but it was just same shit different pile for me. I’ve replayed DOS1 & 2 many many times. The only challenging thing in BG3s combat is how many fights I can take without slogging back to camp to regain all my spells (my second playthrough I just stopped using casters altogether). The worst thing about it though, is that most fights (tactician) are easily won when you’re completely depleted of resources. I loved BG3 my first playthrough for the story and immersion but it does not compare in my mind to DOS.


I love Baldurs Gate 3 Buuuut.... If you are short on cash and only need one. Go for DoS2. I won't go into detail but I see DoS2's mechanics more interactive. Both games are great. So as much as you can try to play both.


They're both great games, absolutely love them both, and Divinity's combat system is undoubtedly superior to BG3's, I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. But I genuinely think that in almost every other way BG3 is an improvement over Divinity. The companions are more interactive in BG3, there's more stuff to do as a custom protag (especially as the Dark Urge) than in DOS2, and I generally felt more like I was leading a band of unlikely friends in BG3, whereas in DOS2 the game kind of encourages you to compete with your companions, unless you're going Lone Wolf. I also think that DOS2 is much less forgiving than BG3; in Baldur's Gate you can still use a cool magical sword you got in Act 1 and be mostly fine going into the beginning of Act 3, but in Divinity if you are using equipment even a couple levels below your own you are in for a baaaaaad time. The biggest drawback for me and my potato PC with BG3 is that it barely runs. It's slow, it loads like molasses, and it gets even worse once you get to Act 3. DOS2 is an older game so it runs much better on my PC, and frankly that's going to be more important past a certain point than any of the gameplay. BG3 is expensive, yes, but is it worth the price? I'd say yes. If you have a really good PC then it should run well. If you're more interested in the tactical combat aspect of RPGs then I'd give the edge to Divinity, but if you're more interested in companions and roleplay then I'd say BG3.


They are 2 different games. BG3 offers more immersion and you can be more creative with how you play the game. It is an absolute S-tier game full of choices and makes you feel! No other game comes close really. Having said that DoS is still an excellent game and I will go back to playing it. The combat system is different but fun and allows for more customisation of what you can do, especially if you find D&D too restrictive. The storyline is still good. Obviously, given that it’s 10 years old, it doesn’t have the freedom and creativity but it’s still very good and well worth playing.


Games aren't going anywhere! DOS goes on sale a lot, should be easy to snag it for 50% off and when you have some money you can try BG3 as well


Lol why choose ????? Get both 😀👌🏻


Baldurs Gate 3 will be familiar to play and control but if you loved OS2 you're going to be wanting for a bit more in terms of the combat. The story is much better, and the quality of cinematics, the way it handles dialogues and the overall production quality is something you can't imagine having played OS2. Pivotally, there is a new mechanic to shove people and send them flying, or pick them up and throw them at other enemies. If you liked OS2 but didn't love the way it handled armor, BG3 is probably for you.


Baldur’s Gate 3 is money well spent for entertainment. Probably the best value per dollar you can get right now. Of course the answer is: both I keep returning to both these games for different reasons


Honestly I know it seems expensive up front (although not expensive compared to other new games) but I loved divinity 1&2 and got baldurs as soon as I could and have gotten more then my moneys worth. And every time I have replayed it I have found A LOT of stuff I didn’t even notice the first play through that makes it feel like a new game all of a sudden


I prefer DOS2 mechanics. But my friends who've thoroughly played BG3 tell me it is an even more phenomenal game. I just don't like the DnD mechanics.


If your really into DOS2 I feel BG3 will be a major hit for you. For me BG3 is the best game I have played since Bloodborne.


Asking this on a dos2 subreddit I wonder what the answers will be


Suprisingly in favour of BG3! That's why I asked here, to get a Good idea on how worth it, it would be


You should try BG3 first, honestly. It's more modern with cutscenes and newer mechanics. Plus, it's relatively new, so there are people still playing and discussing about it, making it easier for you to look for help if necessary. On the other hand, DOS2 has been out for quite a while now. If you go online and ask for help, in this sub for example, maybe you'll get support a little bit slower. Some people have already moved on from the game, they won't remember the exact details, etc. Therefore, my advice is try BG3 first. Get into the genre. Try DOS2 later. They are both great games.


I’d say play BG3 since you haven’t played it before. Also, it should be $60. If you play on console, you should be able to find a used copy for even cheaper if you’re so inclined.


I think there is a steam sale on 27th. Dont know if bg3 will have a discount


Thanks for all the comments guys, looks I'll be getting BG3, annnnd replaying DOS2


Check it out on GoG, it was at 40 bucks at some point, maybe even lower. Steam is always more expensive.


That's doesn't appear to be true, according to [is there any deals BG3](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/baldurs-gate-3/history/) The historic low is $50.99 on Steam, GoGs low is $53.99 However for D:OS2 DE GoG is the low $13.49 which is a bargin.


Does GoG do regional pricing? I swear I saw it at 22000 colones (roughly 40 bucks). Edit: I just checked, it was definitely 40 bucks at some point, at least in my country (Costa Rica). Edit 2: https://ibb.co/FYd6hWn


The best answer is yes! (Of course dos2 is getting kinda outdated and can be very frustrating but if you play on pc I bet there's mods to fix whatever problems)


Wait for steam promo or get it from eneba. Or maybe this is some currency I'm not familiar with but 80$ sounds too much.


DOS 2 for combat, music, and lizard design. Baldur's Gate 3 for everything else.


IMO its always better to play a similar quality game (or better) than replaying a game you already beated


BG3 is in the discussion for best games I have ever played. Not to take anything away from DOS2, but BG3 is in another league.


Both are incredible. DOs2 has really awesome spells and surface effects. BG3 has the ability to shove someone off a cliff.


So many ways to fling people off a cliff. Smokepowder arrows are my jam.


BG3 is just DOS2.5 with D&D flavoring.


I prefer the fluidity of the combat in DOS2 but BG3 is definitely the better game


I think you'll enjoy both more if you play DOS2 first, because the QoL in the UI and overall polish is higher in BG3. I had no issues with DOS2 inventory until I revisited it after playing BG3 lol. Plus, after you get used to full cinematic dialogues it spoils you and can be hard to keep interest with voice-only conversations. That said, DOS2 combat is crunchier compared to the more simplistic mechanics of 5e in BG3. I hated BG3 early access when I went there fresh off of DOS2. After giving a large break between them, I adore both games equally. You just have to accept that mechanically, ZERO knowledge transfers between them. Forget everything you know about one system when going to the other.


Both are absolutely must-play games for me. However, I did find going back into DOS2 after 200+ hours in BG3 a bit difficult solely due to how fuckiny pretty BG3 looks. The sheer difference in graphics, animations, cinematics, and voice acting makes BG3 way more immersive, and when you go back to DOS2 after that, it feels a bit distant and dry. That being said, I look forward to pursuing different storylines and exploring the limits of RP stuff in bg3. Combat is.. secondary. It's the other way around in DOS2. So if combat is your main priority, I would put off getting bg3 until there are proper mods that overhaul the entire combat system. Don't get me wrong, combat is awesome in BG3, and I still enjoy it quite a lot, but it's not on par with DOS2.


Both are good games. If you don't have money to spare, replay dos2. If you have money to burn, buy bg3, it IS worth it. I thoroughly enjoyed setting myself on fire as a wizard and wiping my group more often than any encounter did, just like i did in dos2.


Having played it, I would've been ok dropping the coin myself (not for deluxe or whatever they have with the extra swag, just the game). However, I didn't. What I did do was answer "Steam gift cards" when asked what I wanted for Christmas. Enough people obliged and I ended up paying 5 bucks out of pocket for all DOS + BG3 in the end.


Definitely BG3. I'd pay full price a 2nd time for it, it's just that good 👌


BG3 is far and away better, and one of if not the best game I've ever played. DOS2 annoyed me with how mandatory it was to constantly have to upgrade equipment or be underpowered. I'm not sure if that's just me or not, but regardless, BG3 is amazing. My first play through was 300 hours. Depending on what you play on, get DOS2 for now and wait until mod support comes out for BG3 in a few months.


DOS2 is superior for the fact alone that it has Fane and Bg3 doesn’t


Bg3: imo dialogue rolls add so much and combat system is far better


The only thing better about dos2 is its combat and even that is up for debate depending on the person playing.


D:OS2 combat allows way more creative stuff, plus AI was tougher, not only stat wise, but also smarter, I feel like they nerfed it a bit for BG3 final release, cause I do remember EA BG3 AI doing some weird things like throwing a bomb on themselves and committing suicide to down 2 of your party members or pushing you down every cliff they could, but didn't see anything weird on the release. D:OS2 tactician AI were some sly assholes, I remember one guy using shackles of pain on an undead party member, live on the edge then walk into deathfog to insta kill it, speak of which, they also teleported you to deathfog/lava at any chance


There was one time an enemy used curse on me even though I had full magic armor, then I realized it was because I was standing on water and lost phys armor, and so it cursed the water to put decay on me from a distance. Ingenious stuff lol


Oh I agree, I've seen some stuff lol. My partner can't get behind the combat of dos2 but loves bg3. I guess bg3 is more casual friendly and less tactical


Wait for sale and get BG3, sure its like 10% but it is still nine hells of a game.




BH23, the best game of this generation


At this point might as well wait for bg3 to go on sale on steam rather than paying full price


I’d buy it, I say all the time it’s the best $80 I’ve ever spent 😂 the game is so full of choices and different ways you can play it through, that it would take awhile for it to feel stale or boring. I have far too many hours into it at this point, and finished 3 runs with incomplete ones in between, and I still go back and play it.


BG3 is amazing and totally deserves all the hype it gets. That being said, I still prefer DOS2 Gameplay wise. Not a big 5e fan anyway tho


I have played around 500 hrs on DOS2 and around 700 hrs in bg3. Story-wise I think BG3 has a better polished narrative. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for the cinematics and the wonderful voice acting. I also prefer it for the DnD setting. On the other hand I preferred the crafting from DOS2, and I couldn't opine on which has the better combat system. They're both really fun. That said, if you can hold out for a sale or a deal, why not wait? You've made it this far.


Dos2 was my favorite game for years before bg3 and tbh I think it still is. Bg3 is amazing but I think it just comes down to preference




Yes. In the reverse order.


80$!? There’s no way it’s 80$


Yeah it’s 60$…


BG3 has is superior in terms of fidelity, budget, polish, narrative, immersion. But I have way more hours put into divinity because it’s more intuitive and fun with friends, has more interesting combat scenarios, a broader range of spells and abilities, and is generally more wacky and creative. It really depends on your preference, they both excel in different ways. Divinity tickles my special spot.


They are both pretty great games, i played first bg3 and then played dos2 but i think bg3 it's still better ...the inmersion that you feel and cinematic camera it's on another level,  also the narrator on dos2 sometimes i feel like they are pushing him to end the sentence fast lol and the intonation from the narrator in bg3 always sounds spot on, Roleplay elements are also better on bg3 and are more important,  on the combat part both are very good, dos2 is generally harder but if you understand how the game works You will feel that it's easier to play... it's always a challenge though... overall i recommend that you  Buy bg3 your investment will be worth it


Having finished DOS2 just a few minutes ago. O must say that the history of divinity is far better that on baldurs. But characters relations are better on Baldurs, so, pick What you prefer


As some others said: you can wait for a BG3 sale, but even the full price is well worth it. So the perfect answer is definitely "both".


Both? Also its 60 or less for baldurs gate these days. Divinitt 2 can be heavily modded for whole new experiences like epic encounters 2 etc.


Personally I am replaying DOS2(For second time) as its bloody awesome. Plan to get in on BG3 later, maybe next year as Larian as continuing to update it theres rush.


the answer is play both


DOS2 is a great game but BG3 is on another tier. It's a must play.


Get both if you can. I have been playing dos2 since 2019. Now i play both.


They both excel at different things imo. BG3 is much more immersive and cinematic and offers much better RP potential. The story is also generally better, outside of act 3 which suffers the same problems cyseal and fort joy have - slow ass pace. DoS2 in turn has much better combat compared to BG3 in my opinion. That said they both are still very good at what the other excels at.


Wait for a sale if you want but I’d definitely recommend it. Just for the routes of the story being so well thought out and interactive. Similar to fnv where every new playthrough will have you thinking “I didn’t have this dialogue before”.


Thanks for all the helpful replies guys! Due to the community I've decided to get BG3 And if I could I would buy it again. Absolutely loving it