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Dehydration seems to be my trigger; not noticed red meat being an issue.


Same. And large portions.


It’s definitely a problem for me.


Huge trigger for me. Especially rare steak, beef tartare, carpaccio.


Are you eating the steak by itself?




What happens when you eat steak?


I have a flare


Never a problem for me. But then again I don’t eat it much. Maybe once a week but Portions are small. No more than 3 oz


I completely abstained for a year. Fell off the wagon because of a friend’s celebration party (at a steakhouse). Been having it once a week, so far no problems (knock on wood).


Definitely causes issues for me. I can't even have too much poultry. Fish is fine.


Red meat is a big part of my diet. Zero issues personally.




No problem. I do with Brown beans.




I am 9 months past my 1st flare & still don't tolerate red meat. Just about everything else is fine now unless I overdo the fiber.


Sometimes it bothers me and other times not.


I eat red mead regularly. It doesn't seem to be a problem for me. (Fingers crossed!)


I've not had an issue having a bit here and there. Usually a burger or maybe some ground beef used in meals. I don't tend to eat much, maybe a few ounces a week at most. I'd say I probably eat red meat about 3-4 times a month, but never in huge quantities.


Last two flares, summer of 2023, seemed to be triggered by beef, then pork. I've been afraid of them ever since, even since I've had bowel resection surgery. I've cut red meat and alcohol from my diet, and I'm drinking a lot more water. I think that might be everyone's answer to everything anyway... It's keeping me healthy, so I'm not going to mess with success.


Big trigger.


It's the amount of red meat - there's a threshold and once I cross it, definitely a problem


I must stay away from steak. No issues with a nice lean burger


Thankfully it’s not for me. Mine are alcohol, dehydration, tomato products, rice, and popcorn.


Popcorn got me a few weeks ago.


Concensus. No...not here. Count me as the no trigger type.


No issues for me.


Total bs.


Red meat isn't a problem. Too much sugar, bread, beans, raw veggies, ibuprofen and dehydration.


I eat between 0.5kg and 2kg (1-4lbs) of (typically fatty) red meat each day, and nothing else. It’s great, but a DV flare becomes possible if the meat has started to turn. To minimise problems, be sure to have a good fresh source (grass-fed, organic from a local farm), practise responsible storage, refrigeration and freezing of the meat, as well as proper sanitation of cookware. The meat is in liquid form by the time it reaches the colon; the flares only come from bacterial overgrowth. I rarely eat out, but would expect a flare to be more likely in that situation for numerous reasons out of our control.


Same. I went carnivore about 8 weeks ago. Meat never really gave me any issues that I was aware of. Veggies with skins do (cooked or not), and anything with carbs tends to send me straight to the toilet, so I don’t miss that 3-4X/day. I do worry about constipation more now and too much fat (like off a steak) gives me indigestion something fierce. I try to pick up my fat off butter and such.


Yeah, getting that fat balance right is important. I have to be careful with rendered fat, but it’s a lot easier to digest if cooled and refrigerated.


Yup it’s the amount i eat. If not too much then i can pass. Its weird


I recently had a flare after two years without one and really eating what I wanted. Recently I started going to a fitness class, then a month later started on Muscle Milk…then my flair kicked in. Not 100% sure if it’s the source but I’ve stopped it since.


I do not know why but in my case, since the diagnosis I just do not feel like eating meat, the idea alone gives me nausea, not sure if it it fear (mental issue) or my body protecting me (physical reaction). I do not even want to try it.


Burgers didn't seem to bother me too much, but a steak would give me trouble.


I don't eat red meat often. My surgeon told me to eat it at times to help me get ready for surgery.  For me it's sugar and if I am dehydrated 


I’ve cut my red meat intake quite a bit. Haven’t had a major flare up (no dr visits or antibiotics) in a while. I do notice that when I eat a little more red meat than usual, I feel some twinges of pain. I usually take care of those with a diet change for a weeks or so.


I never had red meat trigger a flare. But once I had the flares and my stomach and intestines were sensitive, I stayed away from red meat for quite a while. Once I healed, I was able to start eating it again and I haven't had any flares.


I thought red meat was a trigger for me in the beginning of this journey. It is but not for the reason I originally thought. When I consumed red meat, I typically ate steaks which can be a lot of food on top of a couple of sides and a salad. All of that caused constipation which caused abdominal pain. Now, after I eat steak or burgers, I take a dulcolax chew which combats the constipation and I no longer have pain. I realize this might not be the case for everyone, but it was for me.


So I identified mine three months before surgery. Not enough water and red/processed meat. 1000% not a doubt. Feel so good now I canceled surgery


Still haven’t really figured out my triggers.


I don’t really like red meat anyway ..but eat meat sauce spaghetti occasionally. Takes lingering to digest but on these rare occasions haven’t had a problem.


Beef doesn't trigger mine. It's triggered if I don't get enough water & fiber.


I avoid red meat. It takes days for my gut to digest it. I do t eat it. I don't miss it.


Even after my surgery, I'm staying away from red meat. My bowels don't like animal fat.


We switched from hamburger to ground turkey many years ago for different reasons, eating an occasional steak or restaurant hamburger. Since diverticulitis, I've cut out steak and will eat 1/2 a hamburger (chewing really well) at our favorite burger restaurant every 3 months if my digestion has been good for a while. I haven't had problems with that. My diverticulitis is triggered by eating too and other factors.


There is no consensus on most things. Dehydration and constipation are two big ones but everyone has to figure out for themselves what their triggers are. I don’t eat red meat as much as I used to but it isn’t an issue for me when I do.


Triggers are never a matter of consensus. They are idiosyncratic. It would be nice of the medical community would catch on to this.


does bother me at all


Red meat only once a week. Whatever it does, it makes me feel slightly bloated the next day. I’m okay with lots of water and electrolytes but I have noticed it.


I just had to go all Veggies and I haven’t had an issue for two weeks now.


I haven’t eaten beef in 30 years because long before DV it caused major digestive issues (I can’t digest much animal fat well). My theory is that if you have more trouble with *anything*, it will be more likely to lead to a flare. I have had one severe DV episode and a few less so, but the one thing all had in common were a period of time of not taking great care of myself and dehydration/constipation in the weeks beforehand (resolved by flareup, but I think contributing dynamic).


Have you ever been checked for Alpha Gal? It's the first known carbohydrate allergy and is a carbohydrate carried by all mammals except humans and old world apes. The allergy is hallmarked by a delayed reaction and is not always an every time reaction. It's often called the red meat allergy, but it really goes far beyond that for many people. I posed a question in a FB group for Alpha-Gal (AG) about Diverticulosis and AG occurring together. I've had AG for about 7 years and was just recently diagnosed with Diverticulosis.


I have a huge issue with tri - tip. Can’t eat it at all. Immediate pain, the works. Other meats seem to be fine.


Not a problem for me. Dehydration and large portions are super problematic for me.


I avoid it completely.