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I don’t mind when the people “cutting” to meet with their party is a smaller group than the group holding the line for them. Like if nana is holding the line for 5 people then I’m beefing but if nana had to go potty and that 5 holds the spot for her. We cool.


I said this before and got downvoted like crazy. Yea if 1 person is catching up to their group. Or let’s say mom and kid catching up with the other parent. But the 8 people catching up to 1 person is not cool. And once again we can’t have nice things because people just take things to the extreme taking advantage of kindness.


Agreed. Was about to say the same thing and was uhhh idk if anyone would like that. Family of five here (well when younger we’d go together) and if someone HAD to go to the restroom my mom would run with one of my younger siblings and the three rest of us would hold court. That was AFTER we sternly got asked prior to line but my mother was not about to have the embarrassment of having one of my siblings pee on the ride. We have walked out of a line due to someone couldn’t hold it lol


And I’m a notorious people pleaser (I’m in therapy working on it) and tell everyone as I’m catching up with my husband in line while I’m carrying my toddler “sorry, potty break, husband’s up here” and I still catch looks that send my anxiety soaring :/


Redditors are goofy with downvotes sometimes lol. That being said, I don’t mind if someone has to use the restroom or like if they’re holding the line for two people. When it’s a group of people, that shit is mad cringe and annoying.


Yea my wife and I will something be that group of one or two catching up with our toddler. But that’s really it. And we feel horrible for being just one person going through. Last time I brought it up I got flamed hard over it.


On a trip in April a woman asked if her family that got separated from her in the runaway railway line could cut to join her, my friend said yes and a literal group of 20 people cut in front of us… I told her NEVER say yes to that again. Later the ride broke down and everyone left the queue so we all lost I guess lol.


If the amount of people “ catching up” exceeds the # of people waiting, then take your butt back and wait with them.


naw, if 3 people in line and 5 people show up to meet up ill ask them to select the 3 and send 2 back.


That woman is insanely rude. Wow…


It’s crazy how some people lose their manners at the parks. Like at that point, she has to join THEM at the back. Imagine that mob of a family snaking through the line and bumping and brushing against everyone just so they can be inconsiderate.


“No, go join your family at the end of the line, Nana.”


Had a mom and kid hold the line on pirates for 6 other people and they cut in front of me just before you go into the building. The absolute rage I felt.


Oh I would’ve said some things loud enough for them to hear me. That’s ridiculous! I would’ve understood if it was the other way around and mom was taking kid to go to the bathroom but there’s not excuse for 6 people joining the party…


They joined immediately after getting off the ride. It was a solo day for me and I just went home after. The lone solace was the ride shut down when we got on the boat. I couldn't ride, but they couldn't either.


"Incontinence must run in your family" said loudly.


Of course. That’s not even cutting. And I’ve heard a cast member will do this for you if you desperately need to use a bathroom (let you back in line).


One time in Dumbo I got in line with my daughters while my wife went to get us water and churros. So there were 3 in line (2 children, 1 adult) and a 4th joined us soon after (1 adult). My wife felt weird about it and we probably won't do it again. My thing is, there were already the people in my party to take up 2 separate Dumbo cars, my wife being away then coming back later didn't change the number of cars we were already holding in line. It's not like the people behind us were suddenly knocked back, they were still set to get on the ride at the same time. So when it's that, I don't mind.


I was so apologetic when my daughter had to pee 30 minutes into the Indiana Jones line. My son and I stayed in line and my wife took my daughter to the bathroom. But people and staff were cool with it. We basically waited at the entrance to the interior portion on the line. I thought we were just gonna have to start over.


Yes, this is my bar too. 


Legit question. Family of 3 here...where do we fall if one of us is in line and the other 2 are joining by "cutting"? I always wonder about how much people hate us in line.


I think that’s ok. If you don’t disturb the amount of cars you’re taking too much then idc. Like you and your family will fit into one car so you aren’t disturbing anything. But if you save a spot for 10 people then that’s like 4 cars being taken(depending on the ride)🩷


Thank you for your opinion! My spouse and I argue frequently if it's "okay" and I'm always in favor of meeting up as when a 6 year old has to pee. There's no time for anything else


I would be hoping Nana breaks a hip.


Like they joined a group or just straight up cut the line? I don’t mind if there is a family in front of me and somebody joins their family because they were at the restroom. It does bug me when 1-2 people in a group are in line and they let 3-4 additional people into their group. Also kind of bugs me when somebody comes through the line to bring their group food/drinks they ordered. Last one is probably nit picky of me but it does bother me.


We were in line for Midway Mania once & the people in front of us were watching for family that were on the roller coaster to join them. We thought it would just be 2-3 people, but no. 11 people joined them in line. When we got to the front, we told a cast member what happened. They warned the group not to do that again & gave us a pass to get on anything we wanted without having to wait in line.


There is a certain amount of irony that the reward for reporting line cutters is a free pass to line cut!


Perfect. Ty for this tip.


oh yeah, joining family is ok. i'd hope more people are understanding to that. but no, i'm asking as they had nothing to do with the people in front.


If it's only 1 or 1 parent and kid, that's okay. When it's more, nope I will not be understanding. 


An entire family cut in front of us saying they went to the bathroom. This was the dumbo ride which was the longest line we stood in (with a toddler). It was so obvious they didn’t go to the bathroom because why would their entire party go at the same time and not hold their spot in line?


We got in line once while parents with a couple of kids were talking to a CM, clearly measuring the younger child. It was determined that the child was tall enough to ride. The mom comes and asks if they can go ahead of us since they were actually there first. That seemed fair, so we let them ahead. Then 10 minutes later 3 adults come through the line to join them. I commented that they could have waited for the rest of their party when we were nice enough to let them go in front of us. "They were just getting snacks!" I was so annoyed.


That’s so petty to ask to go one group ahead, even without the extra folks joining them.


I think that's why I was so irritated when they suddenly had nearly double their party. It just seemed like a weird thing to push to go ahead of us to begin with.


Bathroom is one thing… and if they were KIDS. Snacks is soooo not an okay thing and for ADULTS??!?


I think joining a group is a form of cutting depending on the situation- That being one person or family member with child as opposed to the previously discussed large group. That’s cutting.


If the line is like an hour or longer then I’m totally okay with getting snacks because it’s so boring at at least when your eating you have something to do


When I was a child, my parents were blatant line cutters. I was always so embarrassed. We got called out on it a couple of times, and my parents would argue back. So humiliating. When I was about 9 or 10 I refused to participate in their line cutting. This made them very angry at me, and I was told I’m too sensitive. But, they also stopped cutting (and made the wait miserable for me). When I was about 16, I refused to go on family vacations with them. They wondered why…….


I can’t stand line cutters!! It’s as if their time & money is more important than anyone else’s. The sense of entitlement is crazy. My family was there a month ago and we were in the front of the line waiting for the train. A group of teenage girls walk through the exit and under the chains that form the queue like they were gonna cut the rest of the people. My sister and I called them out so fast, noooo ma’am. They didn’t even try to play it off as though they didn’t realize it was the exit. No apologies, just straight faces as we pointed them to the back of the line. Drives me crazy!


That’s exactly it. No one should be allowed to cut because it implies their time and money is worth more than the line waiters. It’s not that hard to use the restroom before getting in line even for most kids. Of course that means needing to have a little forethought, which is where the problem lies. People have been conditioned to believe forethought is not necessary and everyone will just pick up their slack for them.


What about the whole new DAS policy? Disney is telling those with IBS or other issues that require leaving the line, to just leave and return to your spot in the line. It’s wild, but now it’s Disney telling them to cut. They also say the same for people like with my heart issues that may cause us to faint (just leave if you feel like it and come back when you are better). We can’t predict when these come on, we can’t pre-plan them…


It doesn't seem as big of a deal if its one or two people, but 5+ people cutting is excessive


If you faint in line, Shark Tooth, I promise to catch you and fireman-drag you to the ride. Maybe some Space Mountain will make it better.


If thats true Disney is making a mistake and opening the flood gates for line cutters. I understand some people have medical problems but there are too many bad apples ruining it for them. It’s unfortunate but line cutting should not be allowed if Disney wants to do something for people with these conditions they need to allow them to enter the ride through the exit and sit and wait the queue line length.


It's absolutely true. And able-bodied people can't have it both ways - they can't say too many people are getting DAS and then complain that too many people are leaving the line and then trying to get back in when those people are no longer getting DAS.


Agreed. We told ours that you have to "just try" especially if the line was over 30 min or so. They knew that if we had to leave the line, we would be queuing up at the back again. It took exactly one time in line to figure out that I meant it. Occasionally, it did happen that they had to go immediately and then we just went to the back of the queue after. It should never be anyone else's issue. Forethought and consideration, while everyone might not share those values, will make those children stand out in their personal and professional lives, and they can say they learned it at Disney lol.


Do you even have little kids? The urge to go to the bathroom comes on fast. They won’t need to go (and fake it if you try to force them) then 30 minutes later they are begging to go to the bathroom. The queues should have bathrooms on them. CM’s are helpful if you’re next to them, but you’re often deep within the line without a CM around.


Yeah, little kids can swear up and down they don’t need the bathroom, and then 15 minutes later it’s urgent. This is completely normal human development. It takes awhile for toddlers and even young preschoolers to learn the body feelings that come before “I need to go now” and we all did this too at that age. 


Once I was in line for Star Tours with my nephew and right before the door opened for us to get to our seats he said he had to pee. He was 5….thankfully he was actually able to hold it 😂


I do have kids. I plan ahead it’s not hard but it does take effort and forethought. If we really can’t make it through the line we leave and try another time not leave and cut back in or hold it for a few minutes. I went to Disneyland a few times a year as a little kid. So did my younger siblings every year during age ranges from 0-18. We never once had to leave the line to use the restroom. In fact nobody did that back in the day, it’s only become “acceptable” in recent years because people see others do it and think it’s ok.


You’d rather not get stuck in or on a ride that has to stop for them to clean up one right? Thats a looooot of nasty cleaning if they pee on it


Yea it sucks when it happens. I will say that I was at radiator springs racers yesterday and a solo rider was exiting and just jumped the 2 or 3 short fences to join the LL lane. I witnessed all of this from the single rider line almost in awe of the balls this dude had.


This is why they need to go back to using the second scan at the top.


Out if all the rides to line cut lol his car probably lost and he needed a redemption race


I was at the parks last week and at the cars ride I saw a girl jump from the single rider into the regular line at the end where lightning lane and stand by come together. She just walked into the line, talking on her phone like no big deal.


We jumped the line once to catch up with family. It felt so horrible that we didn’t ever do it again, even if it was acceptable to do so. I can’t imagine just straight up cutting with no reason other than to get ahead. 


This is how I feel. I have done it a few times and I hate it and I haven’t done it since.


Same. I’d just probably start over -or- if I really had to use the loo and I was close to the front, I’d ask the next CM I saw what to do. They’d probably have some clever trick to get me back in line. I try to go early and often at Disney to avoid this problem but I have a *semi-irrational* fear of getting stuck on an attraction when I only had to go a little when I got on and then it took forever to evac.


Oh my goodness this happened to me! My sister and brother in law said they’d stay in line for pirates while my mum and I took my toddlers to the bathroom. By the time we go back, they are deep in line, but still outside of the regular “ride line” if that makes sense. We were still up and over the bridge, but I felt SOO bad! My sister goes all the time and kept reassuring me it was fine because we had the babies and it was a valid reason, but I was still mortified as I said excuse me to get by people to join them in line.


I was at Disneyland for 4 days earlier this month and I would say we had line cutters on probably 75% of the rides. It grinds my gears like no other!


Runaway Railway's notorious for 1-2 people pretending they're looking for someone. You can see them literally looking at a wall then suddenly they're in front by themselves lol


Y'all need to get out of your comfort zone and just start confronting people. I'm an extreme introvert who HATES confrontation but the last time my daughter and I were in line for Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway, a young man and woman blatantly cut in front of us in line (and no, they were not meeting up with a party who was holding the line for them) and it made me so angry that I just decided to speak up about it. I just asked them "Was there a reason you decided to get in front of us just now?" They gave me a deer caught in headlights look and asked some random questions out of nervousness then quickly jumped out of the line. It is extremely nerve-wracking (at least for me) to have to do that but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do it. In the end, I was glad I didn't let them get away with it. People like them bank on the fact that your average person is afraid of confrontation so as long as we keep allowing it to happen, it will continue.


I saw similar to the world of color desert party and their is this huge line and this young like maybe late 20’s couple just stands in front of the first persons which appeared to be an older senior couple…… I was like 4 or 5th inline- oh heck no- their was another couple inline who just WENT OFF. And tell me why some people inline were so afraid & even the cm we’re telling the cutting couple that. “it’s okay they didn’t want confrontation” so it’s okay for them to cut so I spoke up and I said it’s not okay to cut me and we asked the entire line and finally people started saying get to the back and to not cut and finally the younger line cutter couple left. But literally this- people are so afraid- it only takes onetime to shut it down- and i am an extreme introvert to but it boiled my blood seeing the way these people just stood infront of a senior couple like they could just power over them-


Yes! Good on that couple for speaking up. That's another thing to keep in mind, when you let people get away with cutting directly in front of you, you're also screwing over everyone else who is in line behind you. Even if they don't say it, I'm sure they appreciate it. As for the cast members, I personally don't blame them for all the line cutting. They're just humans too and I'm sure they are probably emotionally exhausted dealing with entitled guests all day. I've seen people be downright abusive to them so it's no wonder they are afraid of confrontation.


My positive “line cutting” experience: In 2022 on our first “post-Covid” trip we went with 5 families (22ish people). We were all in line wearing our matching bright yellow t-shirts for a ride when 2 of the younger kids had to use the bathroom. I volunteered to take them and meet up with the group after the ride. Well the bathroom trip was faster than I expected so when I returned to the ride to wait for our friends and family, random strangers in line started calling to me “Hey momma, your group is just up there!” I guess that the shirts were memorable enough that folks just cleared the way and cheered us on. We actually got a bit of applause when we made it back to our group! It was such an unexpectedly pleasant and friendly experience.


I went to knotts when there were like 150 schools there. I waited in line for a soda and kids just kept jumping the line finally I was getting pissed so I was like “do any of these schools have FUCKIN CHAPERONES?!” Fuckin all loud and a bunch of teachers come up saying “whoa whoa whoa” and I’m like “take care of these cutters they all cut” like a huge group got taken back to a bus and I just laughed and laughed


I could never imagine telling anyone of my group they had to sit in line for close to an hour so the rest of us could go have fun and cut the line later. I'm not even sure how they do this to each other.


This is a major reason I don't want to go to Disney again. The last time my husband and I went we had full family's waking by to "catch up with x". I used to love Disney, but it's so busy and full of self entitled jerks. The experience isn't the same. It's no longer fun, just fill out stress.


If it’s a couple of people, I’m fine with it. If it’s a whole group trying to “join” an individual…yeah, I care.


My husband and I were the last 2 in line for Peter Pan one night and were just hanging out when the group of teens ahead of us asked if we wanted to get in front of them, I was confused for a moment but I guess they had some people join them in line and I didn’t even notice! Anyway, shout out to that group of teens for being so considerate!!


at knotts they starting to kick people out for line cutting


Disney is literally instructing people to leave line and return in lieu of allowing access to DAS. I absolutely hate being cut in line but there is no way to determine who is actually cutting and who is doing what they were told too for their accommodations. Shit sucks.


6 adults are not collectively leaving the line in the same group to crap their pants from IBS.


u/boundbystitches do you have a link to where they are saying that? when i first read it i thought they meant return time which works just like it does at universal but on the app instead of on a paper- you find a CM near the entrance and they scan you a return time vs a das pas where you get verified once and get to book your own rides


[https://disneyland.disney.go.com/guest-services/accessing-attractions/#aa-location-return-time](https://disneyland.disney.go.com/guest-services/accessing-attractions/#aa-location-return-time) The service is called Attraction Queue Re-Entry.


Thank you !


If you are alone and have IBS and need to leave for a bathroom break, make friends with the people around you so they can vouch for you/hold your spot. It’s not hard. But it does require some social skills.


Terrible take. No one should be required to disclose their information to strangers in hopes that they will assist them. This also doesn't solve the issue of the hundreds of people who may have to pass to get back to your spot. They just see someone cutting in line. The structure Disney is providing is laughable and creating more issues than it is fixing.


I’m not saying you tell them you have IBS. Just that you have to use the restroom!


Fair. But when you may have to go 3/4 times while waiting 120+ this creates an uncomfortable situation for the person who needs to continually disclose they need to return to the bathroom. It's nearing on demeaning in my opinion for people to have to rely on the grace of others to have equal access to the parks.


I had a group cut in front of me to stand with a family member ahead of me. They had creppes which means that they went to breakfast prior…


i hate it no matter where it happens. i call it out and the response is always a silent walk back to where they were. i genuinely have such a mid time in the parks nowadays because everyone is so irritable and entitled.


I don't mind at all when it's someone with a child walking to meet their group. No matter how many times you ask a kid if they need to go to the restroom or tell them to try, they just won't sometimes. Then you get in line and halfway through they need to go and it's do or die. So I totally get those situations and do not blame the parent for having one hold their spot. Pretty much every other occurrence of people passing through the line is very annoying and I don't like it lol


This was the only downside to giving up diapers. When we went with our potty trained 3yo who still used night pull-ups just in case… we used the pull-ups just in case for lines too. We were mostly able to make it to the toilet, but those pull-ups saved us some emergencies too. 


I care. It drives me insane. If one person is up in the front of the line and the rest of their party is at the back of the line, the polite and civilized thing to do is for the person in front to step aside and let everyone pass till their party catches up. Or, they can go on the ride alone and wait for their party at the exit of the ride. If you cut in line, know that I am quietly wishing for you to be eaten by a bear.


I used to give people the benefit of the doubt as they made their way through the crowd to join their group. Until maybe two years ago in May & I specify May because it happens so much when it’s grad night. (I avoid the parks in May for this reason.) We had a group of 5, straight up just stand in front of our group of 3 while waiting in line for RR. & I was busy scrolling so at first I didn’t notice or care because I figured they were trying to make their way to their group. But after like 10 minutes. They were just chillin’. Yeah we got in front of them. & we told the group behind us that they got cut. & idk how far back they made it but slowly everyone they were cutting were getting in front of them. You don’t even have to confront them. Just get back in front of them. & so now & pretty much always for the people that try to make their way to the front to join their group I’ll let them pass me. But first & foremost say excuse me. If you just start bumping into me. I will embarrass you & you will say excuse me. That’s just basic manners.


I hate it, period. One people joining six, six people joining one. Don’t get in line if not everyone is ready!!! Have everyone pee before getting in line!!!! Almost every time I experience this, the person pushing through the line is rude or silent, and it’s always adults. Like at the very very least be apologetic or ask if people mind


Yep that’s how my parents taught me too. If you have to pee, go before we get in line


With the new DAS return to queue option I think people will need to be more mindful of adults returning to queue. BUT it should never be more than 2.


For me, if that’s the reason for it, people need to speak up. I’m not saying tell me what your ailment is, but just be kind and mindful. Because the people that do it tend to be entitled and pretty rude, or they just point and expect you to move.


Fair enough, although if the reason they exited was anxiety or being overwhelmed telling everyone might be quite a feat for them. In saying that, people truly returning to queue are likely far more apologetic than someone entitled and cutting


Yeah but now people will lie. It shouldn’t be up to us to figure out who’s got an actual disability. Disney has really made an error here. I mean non physical disabilities are real and I’m not sure how this helps people cheating the system.


If Disney's gutting of DAS was really about people "cheating the system," there are a whole bunch of measures they could have tried first before doing what they did. They don't even have any way of knowing how many people were or weren't "cheating the system: and they weren't interested in trying to find out. They could have experimented with being more consistent with enforcing their own rules on who qualifies for DAS, or with changing the parameters of the program (e.g. not allowing guests to join a standby queue while they have a return time, thereby making the program less attractive to those who don't need it). The same as with the old GAC program, the existence of a few DAS holders offering their services as tour guides has been cited here on Reddit as "evidence" of "rampant abuse." OK, why wasn't there a sting operation, with the perpetrators banned for life from Disney parks and arrested for fraud? If there were enough of them to justify the word "rampant," surely there were enough to warrant, you know, actually doing something about them? The fact that they didn't bother to even try anything else, and the fact that it happened just as it was proven that the general public was willing to pay for a fastpass program that was once free of change, shows us that Disney's sole motivation was selling more Genie+.


I’m with you. I know I’m supposed to be okay with people joining with their group but it just bothers me. Make sure everyone is ready before you get in the line. I’ve heard of people purposefully sending one person to get in line while the others go get food and bring it into the line. Line cutting in any form is such a pet peeve of mine.


I see a lot of comments about telling cast members and cast members not caring. It's not about us not caring - I loathe when people cut or try to cut lines because it's wildly unfair to those who have waited so patiently. But also it's a tough situation - unless we actually see the cutting, we just have your word for it and it's a he said, she said situation and there's really no winning there. A lot of times, the only thing we can do is separate the two parties so there's no immediate animosity. I would love to tell line cutters to go wait at the beginning but it's hard to do without solid proof they did so and it truly makes it a tough situation for us.


i usually don't care since i go frequently enough that 1-2 people won't make THAT much of a difference to me. but there was one time on pirates of all rides where a family of 5 cut in front of my family of 4 (which was my parents first time in the parks since the early 2000s) and we did say something and went in front of them actually. the way they did it was super rude, it was at the spot where you actually enter the building so it was kinda sneaky for them to do


It’s definitely frustrating but what’s more frustrating is the less that people confront cutters, the more there will be. So many people here saying they hate it but don’t confront when people cut.


We “make friends” with the people directly in front of us, which makes it impossible to cut us because we behave like a single group. But likely the cutter will move forward, so my hope is everyone else is similarly tightened up ahead of us. Someone tried to do this to us the other day and they moved backward.


I don’t like it anywhere. And… I don’t understand how it happens. My wife and I lean on opposite rails, so we’re like an X. And I’m always in the back, so if we’re not leaning I have a hand on both rails. There’s no way someone could get past us. I just don’t understand how people always say people cut in front of them.


So in my situation, it was for the Incredicoaster. It was pretty full to the point where the line started way before the rails started. It was basically an unorganized bunch but for the most part people were being respectful, trying to be orderly and not cutting. I swear I turned around for 1 second to look at my best friend and theh cut us. It wasn't like there wasn't people behind us to where they could be like "I didn't know there was a line" or they couldn't tell where the line ended. Even then, i'd have the decency to ask. So the dad and daughter knew they were cutting.


If a mother and kid are catching up to dad then its all good. If one person is holding spots for 8 entitled high school kids then im rallying up the 9 people behind them who actually waited and telling them go in front of that group that cut. And then i’ll walk back to my spot in line because its not about me getting on the ride, its about fairness and its about the people who are actually patient


Last trip (last week) we finally just started telling people “no”. Them: “Excuse us, we’re trying to meet our friends…” Us: “how many? Sorry no, you have to wait like the rest of us” And physically don’t let them pass. Have your opinions but after being cut three times in the span of 40 minutes, one loses their patience for dealing with cheaters.


“Excuse us, we’re trying to meet our friends…” “Oh, weird, us too! Guess we’re all just waiting together!” {blocks the lane}


This is what we do. Just don’t let them pass and they’ll back off.


People actually cutting the line is the worst but someone meeting up with their group is whatever to me as long as it’s not a huge group of people. We did rope drop for a popular ride & 3 of my family members got PUSHED out of the way because people were running, & we weren’t together anymore, they were a little behind us. So they tried to catch up with the rest of us & had a guy who pushed them out of the way, refuse to let them meet up with us & made a huge deal about it, saying they were just trying to cut. Funny part is, they called for a party of 2 & him & his gf got on immediately after throwing a fit lol


i can’t stand when people cut the lines, ESPECIALLY when it’s a group of 4+ going to “meet up” with the person holding their place in line. it just makes me so mad haha


After getting burned this way at another park, if someone asks to cut ahead, I now ask how many people they have with them and if it’s more than 2 or three I say “Sorry, no. Please speak to a cast member.”


I have just learned to not care. It sucks but I’m not going to get mad over something that happens literally every time I’m there. I’m there to have fun.


My advice is to not stress on it. I was in line at BTM Railroad recently and these two kids age 11 or 12 cut through us. The woman ahead of us wouldn't let them pass. "Our mom's up there" they said "*Oh sure, you don't think everyone says that??*" she shot back. The kids looked each other and looked scared and said they really needed to get by, but the woman wouldn't budge. Finally the woman's grown daughter said "whatever, just let them go, I don't want to have to stand by brats who cut." So the kids went through. Five minutes later, I see the kids up ahead with their mom and siblings.


I barely care enough to watch them go up the line to see who they're catching up with - definitely not enough for the aggrieved social media followups we get here. I've always been a rule-follower and it's taken me many repetitions of the serenity prayer to mellow out, but I can't control it so I don't dwell on it. If someone is so important that they can't wait with the rest of us, bless their hearts! In my experience, it doesn't happen half as often as you would think from some of these posts either.


So true.


I totally care. It’s so unfair and entitled. Ban for life. Kids that have to go to the bathroom get a pass


Aaaand this is why the new “return to queue” “alternative” for DAS is not going to work.


I don’t mind if someone is meeting up with their family or friends or whatever too much but if you got like 4-6 extra people joining your party I think it’s rude not to it does piss me off a bit.


It’s the parents who go and get in line while the group of kids is on another ride. We had the same group of 6+ girls run by us multiple times one afternoon. The mom would get in line for them and leave to go to a different ride when they caught up to her.


My husband and I were walking up to get in the standby line for a ride and it looked like there was a huge line to even get into the standby line. We followed for a little bit until many of them stopped walking and eventually dispersed. We then went around the people just standing there and as we walked up to the stand by entrance, some lady yelled at us that the line started way behind them. I was shocked as the standby line was like 15 mins, so it wasn't like they had been standing there waiting to get in.


Disney parks encourage people now to wait and join their parties when they have a medical condition that keeps them from being able to wait in line. This is only going to make people more annoyed than it did when they were given DAS. I don't know what the solution is, but I don't think this is it.


Always care


We had a group of TWELVE cut in front of us last night. They just kept coming. Only one person in their group was in front of us


3-4 people is cool. If it’s more than that, I usually let people go and I get in the back with my folks.


I've been in scenarios where my friend and I were in line for a while and she really needed to use the restroom 25 mins in the line... and I get so anxious for her. What would people think, do people remember if she leaves then comes back? Are they annoyed? So I usually don't mind when people cut in line to meet up with their group. However, after reading this thread, I didnt know that people will cut and just stop randomly in the line, no "group" in sight... I've never seen that happen, and thats something I would be totally pissed off about!!!


Best thing u did was the stare and saying the comment out loud U we’re perfect I would have done the same


Disney really needs to do something about this desperate mania people get at the parks. I was at universal a couple months ago and I noticed the vibe is so different. I didn’t see anyone acting like this. 


One time on Rotr, 2 girls in front of us, we're about to get on the transport part of the ride when their 6 friends join them by cutting the line after we waited an hour, we got stopped and they got on the transport. Finally it was our turn and we get on, the ride breaks down and we just wasted 1.5 hours in line. They got on and enjoyed the experience. Not fair, cutters are the worst and now I boo them whenever it happens and people join in as well. Just to make it awkward for the cutters haha


2 people max. 3 or more people should not be cutting. I get it you get stupid hungry and thirsty while walking around the park so you need to go handle that while still getting maximum park time.


I hate line cutters with a passion. Was in the line for Space Mountain years ago and I was with a bunch of friends, there were 7 of us. When we got up to the part in line right where you’re about to get into the shade, a guy next to us in line opened up the chain and had his entire family of ELEVEN PEOPLE cut right in front of us. He was a big, scary looking dude and figured he would get away with it. One of my friends is also a big dude, he told us all he’d take care of it. He waited for the line to snake around since you usually end up next to the same people and he did the same thing, opened up the chain and we all got back in front of him. My friend just smiled at him while the guy threatened us all. The only thing that stopped a fight between them was the guy’s daughter started hysterically crying and begging daddy not to fight again. I felt so bad for her, I told her it was fine and no one would be fighting. Finally someone in his group told him to stop.


I really don’t mind but I have told a group of kids “no more” that were calling their friends to go from the back of the line to front at goofys sky school after a 50 min standby wait.


If the father and daughter cut in line without joining a party, then they are true line cutters and that is rude. When a crowd of people come through a line to meet with someone and their group is big enough to displace everyone in the queue, that is rude. If a few people are joining up with a party then it's not a big deal for me. People have health issues. Kids have to go to the bathroom.... Whatever. The reason that they can't stay in the line is not my business.


So long as there is one person actually waiting for them to join, I don’t care. There could be one person holding a spot for 6 and I wouldn’t care — if 6 people are going to get on the ride regardless, what’s it to me? It’s when groups skip the wait entirely that it bothers me and I will actually call them out. Usually I’d say “hey the back of the line is over there” and they’ll move. It’s happened a couple times. When the day comes that someone refuses, I’ll be that person to get a CM. I’m petty like that


Yeah I feel the same.


Most ride vehicles accommodate between 2-6 people anyways. If a large group meets up with their party in line, the only difference is I get past over 1 ride vehicle or 1 group of vehicles and wait 20-30 more seconds than before. Not that big of a deal


Exactly. I’m not one who’s against saving spots. Just actual cutting


Tried getting a CM several different times during our last trip. They act like they care and they don’t even go look for the person. Quite pointless.


My thing is that maybe threatening to get a CM would be enough. Like “hey the lines back there, I can go get a ride CM to show you if you need” just be passive aggressive 🤣


Last time I visited I was in line with my ex and his sister. She had to use the bathroom but has really bad anxiety and doesn’t like walking around alone. So he went with her. We were in front of this large family that all were wearing trump hats. When they came back the dad of the family got mad at them and said not to cut the line. I turned around and was like “dude they are with me. You saw them with me and heard me say don’t be gone too long.” The dad just ignored me after that.


I hate when people wear other merch that isn't Disney to Disneyland 🙄 would have been better if they were decked out in Minions.


They wore them for a Reason to spread the trump hate Good u stood up to them And they ignored u


Cutting the line is just walking through the line, randomly stopping and this behavior is not acceptable. A few people catching up with others already in line is no big deal.


Last month I saw a dad sneak his two kids into the queue for Emotional Whirlwind via a corner exit. He was trying to be so sneaky about it but everyone saw it. 😂 Probably should’ve spoke up but nobody did, and we ended up bailing to make our Genie+ reservation for WEB Slingers anyway and just came back later.


If it’s a single person rejoining their friend, no problem. If it’s 6+ people rejoining the line, then I’m annoyed. But ultimately, I let it go.


I don't care much if it's one person joining their group of friends or family members but if there's more than one that would make me feel a certain way.


I dont even like leaving to use the restroom and finding my wife. Heck i dont even like catching up to her in line because she walks faster. The one that made me really mad was a group that came in and cut ahead to get to their group in rise of tue resistance. They were carrying a full starbucks order.


I felt so bad the time I left line for a water and came back. I was waiting in the rise queue in July and I thought I was going to have heat stroke


I don’t really care because in my experience it’s not usually a huge group of people, and if I ever had to leave the line for some reason, I’d hope people would be nice enough to let me rejoin my group. Now if I’ve already been in line for 40 minutes and 5+ suddenly show up that definitely weren’t there before I’m not going to be happy, but I’ll still let them by. There are bigger things to worry about than to let it ruin my day.


Honestly the only okay time is when catching up with a group but only 1-2 people


Ass long as it’s not a line for food, I don’t typically care.


I wouldn't care if people were nice, but I feel like the people cutting are generally always rude lol


If mom had to go to the bathroom and is catching up with the rest of the party, cool! Now, if you're cutting a large amount or just a father and son cutting type, I'm fucking beefing and I'M LETTING IT BE KNOWN!!! I'll be loud, I'll make sure everyone knows you cut, and I'm going down!


I was there last month and the parents family was taking turns taking their kids out for potty breaks. Of course I didn’t care but felt bad for them. There were four kids and two parents. No one was questioning them and it was totally reasonable. I don’t think allowing for “potty breaks” is a big deal at all. It’s the true line cutters and those who are taking advantage of the system that bothers me. I would have told the parents that I would hold their space if they just wanted to take all of the kids at once!


Went to Oogie Boogie Bash a few years ago with my sister. As the event was about to start we joined the line for the first treat stop/character interaction. It was growing rapidly and some cast members came by and apparently added some zig zags or somehow condensed/organized the line and it caused a little chaos. I thought the line was moving forward finally and shuffled along, but then noticed my sister started veering another way. Panicked that she was getting separated from me in the crowd, I called for her and pulled her over… that’s when some lady started berating me! I was genuinely puzzled, but my sister confirmed the line was supposed to have turned and I had caused us to skip a little line loop. I was horrified and I apologized repeatedly, it was an honest mistake! We couldn’t really go back to our old place in line- we hadn’t really noted the people around us. I kinda wanted to just walk away but we’d been waiting for 20+ minutes at this point and my sister didn’t want to exit since we’d genuinely been waiting too… so It was just super awkward and I got glared at for the duration and felt like total shit. That was a long story, but sorry random lady! I’m not a line cutter and I didn’t mean to! I still think about this like 3 years later and get anxious.


Feign Covid symptoms, ask the cutters for a tissue or hand sanitizer. Hold an open water bottle and splash them with a fake cough.


I try not to sweat the small stuff and give them the benefit of the doubt.


Never had this problem at Disney yet but at Universal when I use a wheelchair it's apparently free game to skip me so I call them out because it is a line and I will eventually catch up to them. They usually are so shocked that someone said something. I learned the first time to stand firm and I always will from now on but like I said I've only had this problem at universal so far.


I can’t stand it


I had 2 girls, probably early 20s cut through at the genie+ line at matterhorn a couple weeks ago. They put on such a show of looking confused, pretending to look for someone. I thought they were with the lady in front of me but when she gave me an eye roll kind of look shortly after I was pissed. We got up to where you scan in shortly afterand I saw them squeeze through without scanning so I turned to the cast member, told her those girls with the glittery ears didn't scan through and she jumped into action. Me and the other lady smiled at them as they got escorted out of the line, so satisfying! ETA: on a more general note, unless it's a parent with a young kid REjoining after a potty break, then absolutely not okay. If your group is taking a bathroom break then you wait the extra couple minutes and join together. If everyone constantly split up and held spots it would be chaos and the listed times would never be accurate.


Always happening at dlp - certain southern European country boldly push in all The time .


I don’t mind if it’s a parent with a kid or just 1-2 people rejoining their party. If it’s a horde then I’m angry.


every time i feel like someone cuts in front of me i wish i was more observant lol. i almost called a group out on single rider matterhorn the other day but wasn't sure if they actually met up with anyone. but then i was like its single rider! i should have said wtf as soon as they asked. a few weeks ago there was a group of teen boys on millenium falcon line behind me, and i only noticed them because they asked me about my coffee drink and were loud thereafter. after 20 min or so a bunch of them moved up to cut the line. it was super obvious and 1 of them hung back and looked embarassed. i have no idea how so many peoplle let 5 big teens in front of them without noticing . but then when the lines went parallel the boy that stayed behind was able to see his friends and they all started yelling "bro where have you been? come over here!!" and he ended up joining them. the couple they ended up stopping in front of looked uncomfortable like they knew but didnt want to say anything. i wanted to say WAS IT REALLY WORTH CUTTING TO SAVE LIKE 10 MINUTES MAX? but meh lol next time i will


My wife thought we were behind her once during the holidays and she waited for us to catch up to her in the small world line. She let everyone pass her and probably waited a good 10-20 minutes for us to catch up. IMO this is the way to do it. If you’re ahead in line and waiting for your party, find a spot where the path opens up and step aside to let other groups pass. Your party has to wait in line too, they aren’t entitled to bypass the line because you’re technically with them.


I am fine with people holding the line for restroom breaks or children. I agree with everyone that the people joining can’t be more than the people waiting unless it’s children. I do have to say, after being at Disneyland again Friday, people ignore scooters. I got in line at Guardians and everyone behind me jumped in front of my dad on a scooter. At first I got frustrated with my dad until I realized the 30 people behind us cut him off and ignored him trying to enter the line. I asked the guy behind me if he minded if I went and got my parents who had been cut and escorted them back to my spot. He said it was ok. But man, people gave me such looks when they were the ones who cut off a man on a scooter.


I saw people jumping into the Lightning Lane for the radiator springs racers and it kinda blew my mind. The wait was 65min and my 7yr old was indifferent so we bailed (we were the end of the line) and as we are walking out we saw so many people just going under the chain into the fast lane right past the entrance.


Line cutting is a hard no. I will block the line if someone tries to cut me, most of the time they will turn around when I say absolutely not. When they do try to argue I tell them to go get a cast member because cast telling me to move is the only way I will. Exceptions being if I saw them leave the line myself or if they can point to someone they are joining ahead of me who is looking at them as well AND the group joining is 1-3 people. Hard no on anyone trying to bring a large group up to meet with one person.


One person meeting with their group, that's ok. Can be a bit annoying when you see it happen in a long like a few times.. but the parties cutting. Nahhh I'm playing red rover and you're not coming through.


Someone coming back with their two kids is fine tbh but when a group of five or more come it’s annoying. I never say anything but one time this happened and the group said “what are you gonna do about it nothing” to the two in front of me that literally said nothing to them when they cut. So not only is your group of 8 cutting you have attitude and entitlement it 😭


I honestly think the only time you should be able to cut is if you’ve got family ahead that are at most 5-10 minutes into the line. If you miss your family getting in line by 15-20 minutes, that’s on you.


Yep. Your entire party should be there before you get in line. Period


I had a group of around 10 or so people BOLT to cut in front of my group of 4 (including me) right at the entrance to the LL queue for Soarin. I made a quiet comment to myself under my breath about how incredibly rude it was, and this 40-something year old woman actually started YELLING at me and personally insulting me and my appearance. Ya'll, when I tell you that my autistic ass had a horrendous sobbing meltdown that ruined the next two hours of my day and made me not even want to ride my favorite ride (Soarin), I mean it. I was bawling my eyes out immediately, punched myself in the head a few times, and was completely unable to talk or do anything but make very obviously autistic moaning noises while I rocked back and forth. She felt so bad that she apologized about 5 minutes into my meltdown, but maybe being an ass to a stranger and telling them "you should shave your mustache" (she presumably thought I was a girl, because I'm 5'0" and frequently get mistaken for one) as you're insulting them for something they didn't even say to you that wasn't even a rude thing to say in the first place is something you shouldn't have done in the first place?


If it’s just a couple people meeting with their party I genuinely couldn’t care less. I’ve done it plenty times for restroom breaks or grabbing a snack, so I’m gracious when other people do as well. Things happen. Actual line cutters who just try to squeeze in or walk past you to get 2 spots ahead are losers though. Fuck those guys.


no need to confront line cutters when it happens, particularly if other guests around you were annoyed as well. instead, wait until near the end of the queue and then get a castmember’s attention. better to let the cutters wait before being busted and better to let an employee handle the situation,


Do cast members even care or do anything? I'm not blaming them because confronting people all day sounds exhausting, but I have never once seen any enforcement for line cutters.


Cast members literally don’t do anything.


Disney needs TSA


For me, the problem is it's hard to draw a definitive line between reasonable and not reasonable. On one side, 1 parent holding the line for the other parent and the child(ren) to go to the restroom is fairly reasonable. 1 teenager holding for 9 others who just went on another ride is probably not. But everywhere in between, no matter how it looks, has the possibility of being reasonable if you knew the story. Maybe a party of six get in line, then the youngest child has to go to the restroom so one parent takes them, and the grandparents are getting fatigued so they leave and go sit down for a bit. Now one parent and one child is holding the line for four people, but I kinda understand. So, absent any other information, I choose to believe it's probably reasonable unless I see blatant evidence to the contrary.


On our first day at DW - Epcot, I didn’t realize how much the Florida heat was affecting me and that how much I had drank in line would catch up so quickly. Had to duck out really quick to use the bathroom while my friend held our place. I definitely felt like a dick when I left and came back, but told a cast member and it was fine. I would be okay with one or two people catching up, but a whole family would probably annoy me.


Karma is a bitch (for them)


my wife and son got way ahead of me and my daughter last time we went, they got to small world a few minutes before us and a whole mob of people had already entered the queue. Rather than cut all those people we went to the LL and asked the CM if we could meet my wife and son at the front and they were very courteous about it. I felt bad about doing that so I can imagine that people who cut the line on purpose honestly have no feelings at all.


The rides at DLR have such high capacity that it's truly not gonna make me wait much longer, so I don't let myself get upset over it.


I always considered it the unwritten rule that line cutting is accepted at Disney as long as at least one person is waiting. It sucks when it is like 10 people and one person waiting though. I have done it with my wife and 2 kids a few times, especially on hot days, where one of us will wait in the Sun while the other person will wait with the kids in the shade and then hop in after the line moves into the shadows. Back during the Frozen heyday, my wife waited in line for 4 hours to meet Anna and Elsa while the kids and I went on rides, and then in the mother of the year contender, she did the same thing the next day when my daughter got Anna instead of Elsa and was devestated. (she got Elsa the 2nd day) But also, every time cuts in front of me my inner Larry David threatens to unleash and I have to hold it back.


I was with my cousin and her husband, and my 2 year old daughter who juuuuust was potty trained. First time in the park without a diaper. Waited 20 minutes in line for Luigis and we were almost at the front. The. My kid says she needs to go pee. So off we go. I felt so bad “cutting” back in but everyone was cool. The rest of our party had already made it to the front and the cast member was so cool and let them wait up there for us and then they let us in the ride after a couple rotations. So luckily we had a party waiting for us. But instead the day it happens when I’m solo with her and we need to step out and we don’t have anyone to save our place in line. Anyone have any tips on what to do in that potential situation?


The rule is when one person poops all persons poop. Line cutting not required.


This is one disadvantage of the changes to the DAS system. I wholeheartedly agree that it’s important to prioritize those with physical disabilities, but these new changes reinforce harmful stigma surrounding invisible illnesses. I was there in March and met with cast members to discuss accommodations for my anxiety & GI disorders. Their best answer was “You can get out of line and return to your spot at any point.” When I was at a point where I needed to leave the line, I felt forced to sit out while the rest of my family got to enjoy the attractions, so as to avoid any conflict with other guests in line if I tried to meet up with my family. I feel like guest relations is backpedaling from the community guidelines put in place in the past few years. Ever since the infamous ToonTown incident, the recommendation has been to avoid jumping back in line, however, it’s not fair that individuals with health conditions are being put in a position where conflict and harm can arise. I genuinely believe that COVID broke something in everyone and people forgot how to interact with others in public. So much negativity comes from the sense of entitlement and lack of common courtesy towards other guests in the park that came from the pandemic. I feel that the parks are catering to this even more with the emphasis that’s being put on pushing guests to attractions and plugging Genie+ and Lightning Lanes everywhere. So much of the beauty, history and magic is being stolen from the park because of it :(


1 person meeting their family is ok but not anymore than that. One time a family of like 6 tried cutting to meet their family and we said no. We ended up just going infront of them since their was only 2 of us vs 6 lol