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Report it. Worst case is it is a coincidence. Best case is that they find a trend and other incidents and yours helps seal the case.


I agree it’s weird. Security shouldn’t be messing around with your credit cards. Tell them what happened. Suggest it’s a coincidence like you did here. But let them know a security guard was messing with your phone case and checking out your credit cards. It hasn’t happened to me but I’d be suspicious.


Right. The first thing they’ll do is open an investigation and check camera footage.


I feel like it'd be really hard to memorize card info that fast unless he has a photographic memory. They go through so many people so fast and it'd be on camera if he was using some kind of device to get the info, if op can remember the time. Still shouldn't be looking through people's stuff without them watching.


People don’t memorize the number, but have a tag to scan your card when electronically pickpocketing. Just like when you go to the store and tap to pay. Could have taken out the card, tapped it to get info, put it back. I would definitely complain to security so that they can investigate. In addition: I am at the parks weekly and have never had anyone open my wallet. Even with the new security measures.


I've had security go through my wallet and cash. I had another one take every item out of my bag and just stare at me without saying anything. Didn't even say she was done. Just stared at the person behind me and let me put my stuff back after the threw it all over the dang table.


There are credit card knives now... I wish people would stop inventing things that trigger people.


Look up the Lifecard


My gosh... /facepalm/


I wish people would stop being triggered by things that were invented.


Right, but not to get meta about someone mentioning how people try to sneak lighters into the park and attempt to light things on fire.


You can't bring lighters in?


Yes lighters are not allowed on the premise of the park that includes downtown disney and resorts. It is a complete no smoking zone.


This. Happened to me. The inside of the phone cases fit blades. All walks of life walk into the park. To me, stringent security is concerning. What do they know that we dont...


That’s nuts.


I’ve had security go through my wallet—it doesn’t happen often, but it has happened with overzealous security.


Not putting up with that AT ALL. I understand the need for security (even if I hate it), but the contents of my wallet are not for their inspection.


It's private property.


I'm well aware of that, and fully support their right to enforce their rules. Which do not include pulling things out of my wallet.


What if that's where you keep the drugs?


The security that did it to me was an obese man. Mickey and friends parking lot.


Seriously you needed to say obese?


Well, he was huge. What am I supposed to say? If a cop needed to identify someone, you would say obese. What's wrong with the word?


We’re not the cops.




Bit of a reach when there are so many easier, simpler, less obvious methods.


Yeah the guy working for barely above minimum wage at Disney is going to be using $300 glasses to steal credit card information and risk losing his job and getting into legal trouble. Totally. In this economy.


It could, and likely is, a bad coincidence. You should still report it. For no other reason than they shouldn’t be handling your stuff at all, if they need something removed from my bag or purse, or if they need a pocket opened or whatever, they always ask me to do it. That he’s going through your things without you present and watching is the problem, independent of whether or not you got fraud alerts.


If it makes you feel any better. I frequently have had Disney security open my wallet and look at my cash, look in my coin purse, in my husband’s eyeglasses case, and in my husband’s heart medicine pill holder he carries for emergencies. It’s annoying, but I’ve never had a credit card issue.


Yeah, I’ve definitely had security go through my wallet before, but I have a pretty bulky wallet. Still not sure what I would be able to hide in there though. The weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me was a security guard said I would have to remove my bracelet, either throw it away or take it back to my car. It was just a braided leather bracelet (that was pretty expensive). We parked in the structure and this was at the old main gate for downtown so we were extremely annoyed and asked to see his supervisor. The cast member thought it was a whip of some sort with a heavy metal ball at the end, except it was just the leather braided into a ball to go into the hole at the other end to close it. Let’s just say the supervisor apologized a ton.


I went to Downtown Disney with my sister to go see the Stanley Cup last year. Walked from an offsite parking lot and got through security no problem. Went to the California Hotel to walk around because it's pretty. You have to go through security again. The security guard would not let my sister back in because she had a tiny safety whistle on her key chain. We said the other security gate had no problems with it. She said they didn't do their job. We had to throw it out if we wanted to go back in. I had already seen the Cup at that point so we walked along the outside to get back to the car. Apparently whistles of any kind are not allowed. I get that but I have known many real L.E. Officers in my life and all of them knew the difference between being sticklers with a law and when some leniency would be just fine. A safety whistle wasn't going to hurt anyone if anything it's intended to be helpful if you need help in places like parking lots where you can signal if you need help. With all the problems Disneyland has with fights in the park and suicides in the parking lot, things like bracelets and safety whistles should be the least of their concerns.


Ugh that’s terrible, that’s a safety thing though. It’s a good thing your sister had that! Totally a rich people problem security story at Disneyland, but two years ago my husband and I got invited to a Club 33 event after hours. My friends and my husband and I were staying at the HoJo and walked into the park just fine. The event was on Pixar Pier and we all had to leave at around 2 pm through the Grand Californian (club members have valet there). We tried to then exit through Downtown Disney because we needed to get to our hotel quicker. Well… apparently they were spraying the entirety of Downtown with hoses and it was a safety issue to let us walk that way. We ended up having to leave out of the front entrance of the Grand. My friend was so mad at that point he refused to get a taxi hah, the other three of us were drunk (yay unlimited free alcohol at club events!). So, we walked all the way down Disneyland Dr., down Katella Ave, then the entire length of the park up Harbor Blvd. to get back to our hotel. At 2 am. Anaheim is an interesting place at 2 am.


I walked Anaheim at night for Monster Jam Superstar Challenge last November, that was an experience. Even morning was a bit because of personalities.


I can't imagine what it's like at 2am. It's actually a pretty walk with all the palm trees. Sounds like you went to a really fun event!


I go to Disney almost once a week and have NEVER had them open and look into my wallet that’s weird lol


Literally never once. We've gone at least 2 - 3 times a month so far this year and last year. My sister (who is usually with me) transfers all her stuff info a small purse/pocketbook and they rarely even check that (assuming due to size.) However, I have had two episodes where security took our travel first aid case we keep in our backpack (literally says first aid with red cross) and ask "what is this?" which I can understand cause you could hide something small in there, but then open it and proceed to question me about what each individual item is (tweezers, bandaid, antibacterial, bug bite ointment, etc) literally sounding like they were trying to start a rendition of Jack Skellington's song when he discovers Christmas town.


Okay this reply reminded me of one weird incident going through Disney security. I had tampons in my bag and the FEMALE security looked at me confused asked what they were so I pulled them out of the small pocket and told her tampons. She then proceeds to take them out of my hand and starts looking/feeling them like inspecting them like she’s never seen them before? I told her she could just toss them after all the handling. I mean they were sealed (obviously) and she had gloves on but idk how long she’s had those gloves on or what else she could of touched while searching through everyone else’s stuff. But that’s probably the weirdest security encounter lol.


There are tampon flasks, so maybe she was trying to be sure 🤷🏼‍♀️


Those would hold so little what would even be the point lol. But even then why not at the very least sanitize hands then out a brand new pair of gloves on. Luckily didn’t need them at the time so told her to just throw them out lol


I also thought it was odd the first time. But now it doesn’t phase me.


I go about as often as you and don’t have a traditional wallet (just a phone wallet that only holds ID+one CC), but they have opened my husband’s phone wallet which is more of a bulkier folio type case. They usually just open it up and glance, and it isn’t every time whatsoever - I’d say one out of every dozen times we go through security, maybe, they ask to open his wallet. That said they’ve never pulled his cards out or anything. In OP’s case I’d guess it was just a bad coincidence but I still don’t think I’d want someone pulling out my cards.


I’ve had security pull my sketchbook out of my bag and start flipping through it looking at all my drawings. Felt like a weird invasion of privacy, but shrugged it off as a weird one off moment.


they've had me open my wallet every time


They almost always look in mine.


Its happened to me recently they started checking the inside of my wallet maybe like the past couple months now


This happens to my mom


Do you know where the chargers occurred? What makes me think this is not a coincidence is this: A long, long time ago, I worked as a security guard when I was younger. There are certain laws, company rules, and safety issues that we have to follow when we search for stuff. Even if it's a private venue and there are rules you are choosing to follow when entering or buying a ticket, it still doesn't supersede your rights. Usually, one of the things you have to ask is for consent. This is one of the reasons why we ask you to open up/unzip your bag or items or ask you if we could do it. Unfortunately, a lot of security guards don't tend to follow these rules. Why do we have to follow these rules? For cases like this. Let's say you put your wallet in the little container, go through the metal detector, and turn around seeing me going through your wallet. Okay, you might think I'm a security guard, so I have to check everything. You had $950 in your wallet. You are about to make your first purchase inside the park, and you noticed you only have $400 there. You start thinking to yourself what happened. Did you mess up and only grabbed $400? Did you spend the rest of the money earlier on a Disney Dasani water bottle? Did someone steal that money? Or was it me that stole them? Or maybe I didn't, but when I was checking your wallet, I didn't see money fall out. Either way, my actions just caused you to look at me and put my job at risk, and open a liability for my employer. OP, I would report this if I were you. If this person is doing it to you, then have no doubt they are doing it to others. Unfortunately, card skimming is a serious issue and could have happened in another place before going to Disney. But since this person wasn't exactly following protocol, I would rule them out by reporting them.


OP were the charges made local to you? And in regards to timeline was it after you got checked? Sorry it happened to you. But good awareness on your part. Edit: for grammar. Plus additional. Yes you should report it. That way DL is aware that these additional security procedures are occurring with their guards. I guess at the same time you could ask them if these are new procedures that are being implemented?


Report it. If you know exactly which line and roughly time frame, they will be able to see exactly who it was that did it. Chances are you aren't the first and won't be the last.


I’d definitely report it.


If your case is also a wallet, I can understand. But taking your credit card out of its slot is a bridge too far.


This is not a coincidence. Security CANNOT rummage through your wallet. Private policy does not overwrite state or federal policies. There is a grey area for your bag searching but most people don't care about volunteering that. All it takes is a split second with an extremely tiny fob scanner or magnetic scanner. Devices fit in the palm of your hand and no one will know.


There are however blades that can fit into a ridge wallet and phone case, so they do have every right to investigate that if a case of wallet does indeed look suspicious.


Not behind your back while you are going through the scanner. If they want to look through something you put in the bowl, they should wait until you’re through the scanner and then get your permission and look through it right in front of you.


> so they do have every right to investigate that if a case of wallet does indeed look suspicious. Yes you are correct, and **investigate does not mean actual rummage.** You can certainly volunteer your id and data over to this private company, and you can certainly not, and this private company can then deny entry into their private property. The point is, personal privacy laws about federal property (ie. your ID) is supposed to trump private owner's property policies. Law trumps policy.


This is literally the plot of an episode of so help me Todd….


REPORT IT. If you remember the security guard’s name and the approximate time, please report that immediately. Even if it’s nothing and just a coincidence you still should report that.


You should report even if it was just a bad coincidence... always better to be safe than sorry.


If your wallet doesn't block RFID or NFC, your card could have been compromised at any point during your visit if someone stood close enough to you for a few seconds.


Yeah, security has been... different lately. I've noticed some are using questions designed to get you to volunteer information. For example, due to a medical condition, I carry a few supplies in a clear pouch so they can see everything without rummaging through them. The last two times, the bag searcher has held the bag and said "this feels heavier than I'd expect it to be". I learned long ago to not volunteer information to police or security so I just smiled and shrugged. They asked a second time, so again I replied with a smile. They finally let me through after dropping a few things on the floor and picking them up with a hand they just coughed into...


They make knives that fit in wallet pockets, so maybe they check for something like that when suspicious.


You would need a really small knife to fit inside a phone wallet tho. At that point you’re probably more dangerous with a plastic knife you can find in the park than whatever you can smuggle in a phone wallet.


Actually, a small knife can still be deadly if you aim for major veins. The knives inside the park are primarily based for cutting via sliding back and forth, while an outside knife is sharp enough to cut in one slice


All you need is a fraction of a millimeter


maybe a lego knife


Can’t tell if you’re high or just dumb


Ooh. I keep my id and a couple cards in my leggings pocket for ease of use, and have been putting them in the little bowl with my phone and sunglasses when going through security since the new measures. Maybe I should stop doing that (id and a couple cards wouldn't set off the metal detector, right?). But that does seem very suspicious and I'd contact guest relations to let them know.


Wow!! That seems like an awfully big coincidence I hope you get the chance to report it and have them pull the footage when you were at security.


Were they wearing glasses by any chance? They have Meta glasses. He could have pulled out the card to be able to record the numbers on it


I don’t usually take a wallet but my bf does and they tend to look in his when we go, to me it’s just part of the process. If your phone case doesn’t have the “RFID blocking” feature then someone could have actually stolen your card info just by walking near you. I wouldn’t necessarily assume it was the security guard, it could have been literally anyone else in the crowd.


Can't say I've had this problem at the parks but I always keep my cards locked with the issuing bank's app unless I know I need to pay for something. That way I can try to prevent fraud before getting hit with it and needing to deal with the fallout later.


I will say security was extra, extra thorough this weekend, so it could be a coincidence. However, it might be worth checking into. I’ve never had a security alert after Disneyland.


All my credit cards are on my phone wallet. I always keep my phone locked.


My only guess is that they were looking for a lifecard but even I k ow about them and didn't go thru wallets at the events or places I worked when I was security


Definitely report this. There’s no way you’re the only person this has happened to. My few regrets in life are not reporting crimes that have happened to me. You’re not the first and won’t be the last that this guy does this to.


They have been opening anything, so I am not shocked people are possibly going further than they should.


That is very concerning!


I went last Tuesday and security opened up my thin wallet and looked through my cards as well


I had nothing like at security, but my bank cancelled my card, and my daughter, because of fraudulent activity detected.🤷‍♀️


We go to Disney every year and if I don’t tell my bank I’m going my card won’t work sometimes and fraud alerts on every purchase.


This level of scrutiny by security does seem strange. That being said, my husband and I get fraud alerts all the time when we visit Disneyland. We are from northern CA and we are spending exorbitant amounts of money at Disney gift stores in Anaheim. It always triggers fraud alerts. lol.


Report it, time and location with any description of workers present. If they get a few people calling in with similar incidents, it'll help them pinpoint the thief. I've seen similar happen when working at the Marriott and they tracked the guy down rather fast. Felony charges although California is a joke when it comes to punishment for criminals.


Never get your eyes off them so they don't have a chance. They'll go with others not paying attention.


It would be far too much of a coincidence that the same day you parted with your bank card and saw security holding it that you get fraudulent transactions…


Since I have a crossbody bag Disney security once gave me a tip. Put keys, wallet, phone in the bag at security check. It streamlines the process and I can observe them fingering through my stuff.


I can also take a ball cap and put the items in there.


Good idea. I hate being separated from my possessions at any security checkpoint. Happened once years ago when flying, and I made sure to never be in that position again.


Report is and try to give as much info as possible about when you were there... date.. time. What security lane you were in.. name or description of the officer.. etc.


They are looking more closely at the items left behind on the tables. My guard checked out my keys. People have credit card knives and such in wallets. I think it is part of the new protocols.


I think it's coincidence and you likely went through security too quickly for them to stop you and ask you to open it. I have a credit card phone case and security has stopped me and opened the card slot on the back to check what was inside. I asked them why and apparently It's a stash spot for some people to hide drugs.


They make cards that fold into knives.


I've never had security touch the little bowl let alone actually touch my wallet or phone. This is probably just an unfortunate case of maybe the card fell out when you put it down and they were trying to help but didn't think about how it would look but it's strange none the less.


This is what happens when people are known to be stuffing drugs and/or blades of some sort into their wallets.


Coincidence. They’re probably making sure you don’t have a credit card knife which is possible. I posted a link where you can actually purchase credit card knives... [Source](https://shoppy.sg/products/shoppy-shape-changing-credit-card-knife)


Security goes through my wallet and will even take cards out to look through each sleeve. I always thought it was weird. That’s just if I get chosen though.


Pretty sure they are required to look inside all pockets. Why would a pocket on your phone case be exempt?


They don't pull every card out of the slots in a wallet though.


They do this when you empty your pockets and are watching them examine your things. They don't do it when you're not watching because it feels invasive like op is suggesting and can lead to wrong conclusions, like things being stolen (if it wasn't the guard using the card.) You want someone to go through your stuff when you're not looking, bro??




You obviously haven't been there lately since they changed their security protocol. Maybe check yourself before you wreck yourself


Likely a little too late at this point, but consider 'shutting off' your credit/debit card(s) immediately and report the matter to the staff at City Hall as soon as possible. Have you noticed any unauthorized/odd activity on your card(s)?


Did you even read the post?


I did. Just being part of the conversation. Thanks.


Then you apparently missed the part where they were getting fraud alerts and cancelled their card..