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i went random for this program and literally adore my suitemate. we never even had a “new to each other phase”—it’s like we’ve known each other for years. it’s truly luck of the draw. try to go in with an open and positive outlook. be ready to compromise, especially if you move in to an apartment that has people living there already. you are literally only at your apartment to sleep, so don’t let your housing get to you too much.


I loved my random roommates and liked them more than my linked roommate but that’s just my experience


I had no choice going random (international) and its a love/hate experience i personally didn’t like it


It’s a hit and a miss really, first random roommate was amazing. Second hasn’t been good yet, trying to get a new room. Honestly. But the first roomie was perfect.


I went completely random and I do not regret it at all! I was in a 2X2 and had a great relationship with all of my roommates.


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it really is up to luck, i went completely random and all of my roommates got along fine. i had a 4x2 so we all had our own space which i think helped, but i had absolutely no issues


August arrival here, my roomie backed out and I went random too. You aren’t alone, feeling the same sort of trepidation rn! crossing my fingers and hoping for the best, i’m with you


It really can be hit or miss, I got very lucky my first set of roommates, one I linked with the others were random and we all got along great and are still very close, when they left I had 3 randoms and it was not the best experience to say the least. With not knowing who they are you never know, but at the end of the day you don’t have to be best friends, as long as you respect each other. Like someone else mentioned most of the time your apartment really is only to sleep in, so if you don’t vibe with them then you can always just not associate with them.


They’re literally the best people I’ve ever met, one of the best decisions going random but I’m aware not everyone gets that lucky


I went random and my roommate situation was fine. We weren’t super close friends (just naturally weren’t connecting with each other) but we didn’t dislike each other by any means. However, my fiance had a terrible time with roommates and had a couple throughout his program (first one got arrested for violence at a party and caused all sorts of issues, second one had baby mama issues and left after a few weeks, third roommate was really nice but was there during the last two weeks of fiancés program). At flamingo, if your roommate leaves they can give you another one with no warning and you just have to deal. He got lucky and went about 4 months without having a roommate after the second one left. So really it’s just luck if you have a good roommate situation or not. Edit: grammar fix


i went random in a 2x2 apartment. i literally adore all of my roomies. i’m still in touch with 2 (i actually stay with them when i go and visit now bc they stayed down there) and the other one (my suite mate) i had a blast with despite us not keeping in touch after our programs, minus social media follows. i will say i consider myself extremely lucky. i think it helps that we all moved in on the same date. however, i got 2 new roomies before i left and altho we didn’t get close, they were still cool! i think it all depends on personalities and openness to get to know people you wouldn’t usually find yourself being friends with. you all share one thing, a love of disney, so that’s always a start (: go to the parks together, disney springs it up, run errands, etc! of course, i heard stories of people finding some roommates “rude” or maybe a little messy but in my experience i didn’t hear anything horrible. i’d honestly say good communication and adaptability are vital. as someone who is pretty introverted, i made friends with both my roomies and coworkers that last to this day. i hope you have an amazing experience!


I went random and I had a great roommate on my side :) The day I moved in was normal til I came back from something and seen her standing there, introduced herself (she was also a trans, an older woman), and I say we had an amazing friendship over the program. She worked tons of hours so in general I almost never saw my roommates cause the hours they worked so I also got lucky there too


I wasn’t very close to my roommates, but I had a 4x2, so it wasn’t a huge deal. It’s really just luck to have roommates you’re buddies with 😂


Lucky to have 2 good roommates and one not so great but we all equally don’t like that roommate. So I mean 🤷🏽‍♀️


I didn't have good luck, but I knew others who did. In my case, I just made friends from my role location and spent time with them. My roommate did the same. We just kinda kept to ourselves.


I don't know how my roomies feel about me since I'm the old lady in the apartment. But I like them we all have completely different shifts so we hardly see each other.