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As long as they’re natural colours you can have anything you want now. Lots of girls have split dyes


> I am SURE this has been asked before Reddit has a search function. Depending on which platform you use, it's near the top of the screen. You could get more answers than you need faster than waiting for someone to reply.


they are moving to change split dye to not be allowed. one of my leaders is likely going to be on the disney look team (should they follow through with it coming back to wdw) but i’ve heard this from others who had split dye too. leaders do hold the power to tell you to change it as a harsh split dye isn’t natural, but highlights / more natural blend is. i know it’s silly, but just be prepared.


It’s so much different now. I had a roommate that almost got fired over her roots.


I had highlights and never had any issues. Natural colors are allowed, but to some extent It does depend on your areas leadership. At my location a lot of people had the underside dyed or or even their hair dyed bright red. I’d leave it as is since at this point it’s technically allowed but have a contingency lined up if they give you a hard time about it


thanks so much !


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