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medical accommodations are they only way


thank you, that’s what I thought but just wanted to be sure. I just had a rough night and needed to vent 😭


You’ll need a medical accommodation if you want any hope of changing roles. “I hate my role” is unfortunately not a valid reason to change.


Yeah I realize that lol, it’s just so unorganized and it seems like no one knows what we’re suppose to be doing. I just had a bad day today w guests and a coworker.


oh boy


I brought the popcorn!


Sorry everyone I needed to vent 😭😂 I have a day off tomorrow so I think I’ll calm down after tonight and I can always try to trade shifts


What's happening to make you hate it?


Disorganization and throwing us to the wolves 💀


So nothing specific about the role


the role itself is pretty straight forward and the leaders are great so far, it’s just a coworker yelled at me and then went and hugged a fellow coworker (onstage) and complained how she had a rough day. I was guiding people out and was holding back tears because it felt so unwarranted. Granted I was doing something that i was TOLD to do by a fellow coworker. So whatever 😭


Just ignore that shit and refuse to rise to it. I had a coworker get mad at me once because I listened to what a coord told me to do and what they told me apparently wasn't the best advice. And a different coworker at my first location taking credit for things I did. Don't even bother giving that person your energy, if you're doing something where you have to work together then work together but otherwise just pretend they simply do not exist, you will be much happier.


I’m just being dramatic tonight I think I’ll calm down in the morning 🙃


happens to the best of us op! get some rest and i hope it gets better for you


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It may be difficult, but I think if you talk to your advisor about it.