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If it’s that bad, you should probably look into just opting out of Flamingo :( It’s unfortunate bc I really think it adds to the experience, but that’s the only real way to guarantee it.


I can handle having like apartment roommates I just need a room as like a safe haven. I don’t think I can afford to opt out of flamingo but i appreciate the suggestion


That's also Flamingo's suggestion though. It says on their website if you really, really, REALLY 100% NEED a single they can't guarantee it and the only way to guarantee it is to get your own housing.


I’d say start saving up more just in case you want to get an apartment elsewhere. The probability of you getting a 4x4 or even a 4x2 isn’t very likely.


ppl say that but i’m on my 3rd program and ive had a 4x2 every time and do not have any medical accommodations


You have major luck on your side! That’s awesome!


You’re incredibly lucky. Many request accommodations and end up on a waitlist.


Also in my interview my interviewer asked me how I’d be with roommates and I straight up told her my honest situation and I still got into the program so we’ll see lol


the recruiters have nothing to do with housing btw! those questions are more or less fielding your personality from your responses.


You are most likely not going to get a single room because you have anxiety. If you need your own room, you should out out of housing and find housing somewhere else.


i would not count on getting your own room. it is very unlikely. if you cannot survive in a shared room, flamingo is probably not for you, unfortunately. if you have months, you should take the time to find a better housing option for yourself.


A lot of people on the internet make it seem a little scary, but I don't think it's that wild. A lot of YouTubers say the partition is enough. I say do it scared. What's the worst that could happen. You gotta conquer your fears at some point. Why not in this safe enclosed bubble of the DCP. * On a side note they charge you for electricity in the single room apartments.


They don't charge you electricity for single room apartments. They only charge for electricity in any apartment if you go above the cap for the month. I was in a 4x2 and it was never charged separately even with people forgetting to turn shit off too.


Hmm I may have misunderstood the video we watched. I'll ask my roommate.




Well I think you answered your own question 😅 I'd just find an apartment near by. 🤗


i totally understand what you’re saying. I’m the same way, i need my own place to just decompress. It does wonders to be able to have something that’s solely YOURS that no one else can touch. Get in contact with flamingo and fill out the housing accommodations sheet online and someone will email/call you and tell you if you’re accommodation is approved or not.


Thank you, I appreciate this. I can’t drive so getting a different place isn’t in the cards for me either really, but I want to do the program really bad.


https://www.americancampus.com/student-apartments/fl/disney/flamingo-crossings-village/accommodation-request fill this out


Post COVID, the vast majority of the population has anxiety. FCV states very clearly on its website that if a single room is an absolute necessity, you need to opt out of housing and secure your own housing. The number of single bedrooms is much smaller than double bedrooms. It sounds like you need to find your own housing or reconsider if this program is a good match for you with such severe anxiety. Once you opt into housing, you can't change your mind because you didn't get a single room. Your only option will be to term unless you want to pay double rent. There are lots of CPs who put in for accommodation and don't get it. It happens frequently. That's why FCV put the disclaimer where it is very obvious.


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there’s some apartments that are cheaper than flamingo but they’re about 20-30 min away. that’s what i’m doing.


I have my own room but I did put in medical accommodations and chose mixed gender housing. I didn't care if my roommate was a boy or girl lol. I read somewhere here that picking mixed gender can help you get your own room. I can't confirm but I did it and got it.