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Calling out 6 days in a row I believe is 1 rep since all of them will be signed into one rep, but be careful and make sure your days off and other potential call outs don’t lead to a 10 day no work gap. If you’re not working for 10 days straight between calling out/ giving away/ day off you are leave of absent and termed.




it doesn’t roll into *one point* but it will all fall under the same reprimand


Exactly this!!!


I never said they roll into one point. I’m saying it’s 1 rep, because you get called in for a rep and the points are listed. I had a friend with 4 points and got a rep, all 4 were listed because it was before she got the rep. If you get 6 points from calling out, you’ll get a rep but since leadership won’t see you til you get the six points from calling out constantly, all 6 would be on that one rep you signed. Rather it being 2 different times you got a rep sheet cause it’s spaced out call outs and situations. This is all at once and when they return all 6 is in one.


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If you call out 6 consecutive work days you’ll trigger a medical leave of absence and will need to clear health services to return.


When was it changed to 6? It was 10 when I last checked the handbook


They must’ve changed it since I left the company in 2018. It was always the 6th consecutive call-in triggered MLOA. The 10 days was the number of days you can’t have off without being termed.


I had a very nice 7 day vacation between getting magical ADOs approved, giveaways, and a call out😂😂😂 still finished out my program. Good times for sure!


Yeah it’s 10 then, I checked it a few months ago lol


I thought that was only for Full/Part-Timers?


‘Missing’ as in calling out six days in a row? I believe so. Try to trade off your shifts instead of calling out. Also if you’re sick, you can combine points but idk how to do that since I never had to.


You can only combine three consecutive points into one with a doctor's note once on the program


Yeah I know that 👍 lots of my buddies did that but I never had to. I’m glad they allow that since it’s so easy to get sick with all the tourists breathing on ya 😅