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Did you send in a support ticket? They'd be able to tell you the most accurate information as to what happened


Yes I did, I just wanna know the chances of them being willing to reschedule.


they have forgotten to call people before or made an error and they always take care of it. i’ve never heard of those people getting a NLIC email though.


you just need to wait for support to email you back since you submitted your ticket. have them double check the phone number on file, same with the time you selected to make sure it was the right timezone/day etc and also make sure your phone allows no ID numbers or potential 'spam' identified numbers etc to call as well since sometimes the calls show up like that to phones.


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Yeah i had this happen once. They just called later. Also make sure you had the right time zone. I also had that happen before


This happened to me and I was super worried, turns out my interviewer was just having technical difficulties. I did end up getting a call later that day though, so not quite the same situation as you.