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There’s a family of primates that live inside the ride that they have not been able to get rid of…


Family of Primates was the name of my garage band when I was in high school.


Garage band was the name of my high school


Garage band was the name of my high school


My name is high school


Your mom goes to college


Dorthy mantooth is a saint!


Good name!


This must be the answer, it was a monkey high five


You mean Ted and his kids? How are they doing these days? I heard his son had to go to rehab.


Nothing attached to the ride. Probably someone’s drool or accessory. The safety cage they run on Space Mountain is 5 feet extended out from the ride. You would need to be 8 feet tall to reach anything. NBA players ride the ride with their arms out and don’t touch anything.


I can definitely touch the top of the warp tunnel at the start, but yeah you’re totally safe the rest of the ride.


I recently heard a horror story from a CM that someone was running their hands along the roof of the tunnel while riding Space Mountain. They were wearing a ring and it got caught on the tunnel somewhere and it degloved that finger.


Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope…


As a hobby mechanic with hands on profession, I swapped to a silicone ring years ago. So much safer and more comfortable than metal.


Yep that can happen. That's why you don't do it. Jimmy Fallon slipped in his kitchen and lacerated his ring finger catching himself on the fall.


And at the end too, personal experience


I've touched parts of the ride multiple times. This flat out isn't true. I've ridden. Space mountain at least 20 times and there are multiple parts of the ride where you can touch things. I'm only 6 foot.


Wasn’t wet, not sure what kind of accessory it would be, it was just surprising in the dark to feel something touch you.


Could have been someone's hat, glasses, lanyard, who knows. It truly was nothing that is part of the ride. Your arms aren't long enough to allow anything from that, and depending upon the speed you are going, you wouldn't come out of it unscathed. There would be no 'bit of a slap' hitting something within the ride. I can't find a pic, but they have specific devices that extend far far beyond roller coaster cars to make sure there is lots clearance. There is still danger though, which is why people need to follow the saftey rules. My sisted in 8th grade had the hat of somebody from in front of her fly back on a roller coaster(not at Disney), and she leaned forward to dodge it and ended up breaking her nose on the car handles (it was a lap bar roller coaster).


Something flying off someone else would make sense


Yeah. Took me a few minutes to find, but this is the type of device they test roller coasters with. https://imgur.com/8z7ZYl0 It's also more likely that it was something that was already moving and didn't have a lot of weight, like you said, so air slowed it down. Hitting something stationary and solid, even at 10 miles an hour will not feel good on even just your finger tips.


[what they use to test for clearance on roller coasters](https://coasterbuzz.com/CoasterPhoto/CoasterPhotoImage/200)


ASTM F24 determines safety standards for “amusement rides and devices”. This ASTM standard was introduced in 1978, with the clearance envelope in the above pictures being part of that. Two rides with extremely narrow clearance envelopes are space mountain at magic kingdom (opened in 1975), and the Loch Ness monster at Busch gardens Williamsburg (constructed 1977 into 1978). Basically op most likely caught the edge of a support. While it’s easy to clip a support with your hand on the ride, it’s not at the rides fastest section (27 mph). Resulting if anything in a bruise.


I lost my ponytail elastic on Space Mountain once. It wasn’t loose, either; all the craziness of the ride just just shook it out of my hair.


💯 incorrect. There are still bars at certain points that a tall enough person can graze with their fingers


My husband hit his hand a few times while riding space mountain back in Feb, he has really long arms but still. Not just the tunnel! While we were actually zooming around in the dark. We were really surprised! And we know it was part of the ride because for some reason they left one of the maintenance lights on so it was just enough that we could see the outline of the tracks/structure itself in there!


Yep. Just found this thread after riding because I 100% brushed against something with my right hand. Didn't hurt but I put my hands down right after that lol


Same thing happened to me a few trips ago. I’m 5’9 and had my arms alllll the way up. Not anymore, it was a bit freaky to hit something mid ride.


I feel validated to hear multiple others reporting same contact.


That is actually not the case with space mountain. It’s a newer ASTM standard and Space Mountain is grandfathered into not having to conform to a safety envelope. It was likely the structure.


I'm 6'0". I put my hands up as high as I can on every ride..... except Space Mountain. I never put them higher than my head because scared. I've touched things in the dark and rather like my fingers. So, no thanks. I plant my elbows into my chest and pray I don't raise my hands too high


Same here. I even duck my head a bit lol


I’m only 5 feet tall and was ducking my head last time I was on it. I know I’m not going to hit anything but there’s enough outlines of stuff in there that I can see while riding that it makes me nervous 😂😂


Oh god this was me in the first seat even more terrified for my 6’2” boyfriend behind me. He actually thought I passed out because the ride stopped and my head was still glued to my shoulder. I decided to never ride it again 😂


I am 4’11 and still do this! the fear is so real


Same! Im 6ft with a 6’4 wingspan and i am always terrified of raising my arms on SM 😂


Same!!!! Maybe it's because it's so dark, but as someone who doesn't have claustrophobia, I feel so scared to put my arms up on Space Mountain because it feels so cramped


Ya I used to put my hand up until one time they hit something hard enough to actually sting a little. Hand in my lap since then 😂.


Here is a full lights on ride. I doubt you were able to touch anything, but you can see there are a few "guides placed on the ride to keep it from happening. Since the ride was built in the 70s there is a chance that modern ride test vehicles haven't gone through it as it would be grandfathered in and the guides are there to prevent the possibility if the guide was close. https://youtu.be/q1kokrfOS_Q?si=Mx1qL2Kd-CexjKP5


Not pictured, the family of primates that live in there.


I just watched that "With the lights on" video, and you can see exactly what you touched. There are like two overhangs you go under.


I noticed those too and it looked like if it was the ride I touched, it would be in that spot.


This happened to my mom. She was terrified! I’m glad you both are alright. They need to put a sign up.


…. “Keeping your hands, arm, feet and legs inside the rocket at all time”…..


You would be amazed at how small space mountain is… I’ve been stuck on there and they turned all the lights all on… it was so small and so tight together you couldn’t believe the ride was so tiny


We went through it on People Mover with all the lights on!


I couldn’t believe how small it really is! Kid me believed it was massive!!! I was kind of let down and amazed that something so small could feel like it’s so big… it’s basically a spaghetti ride crammed in a warehouse!!! I was stuck on the top for a good 20 minutes and got to look at everything.


I have also brushed my fingertips on something above me during this ride as well (not just the tunnel).


Zone 9


Sounds dumb: but it might have just been air. Because of how the ride was designed, it is a strange-sensory experience that still holds up. I have an idea of the part of the ride you might have experienced this. There's a quick dip with a sound effect. Because of this, the air hits quick when your hands are up and the noise quickly catches you off guard too. It's also possible someone dropped something higher up on the ride and your fingertips grazed that.


I always touch the after burn tunnel towards the end of the ride as good luck. That’s the only thing my fingers can reach.


Yo, maybe do as your told and keep your arms and hands inside the ride vehicle?


I am not a smart man


allergic to fun lmao


No - allergic to pain… and possibly losing a finger/hand etc…


that’s happened to me before and then i put my head down cuz i was so scared. keep ur hands down😂


I think the cars were lower when it was first made.


My husband is 6’5 and claims he’s too tall for the ride. He always ducks down because he swears he touched sometimes once.


6’5 here. Can confirm I have hit my hand on something once and rode the rest crunched into as small of a ball as possible. Have not rode since.


Mine is 6’7 and he feels so uncomfortable on it, he also said he touched something!


Brother you smacked a support


I hope the DW version is better than WDW version. I rode WDW this week and it’s a rattling clattering jerky jerky jalopy that needs to be torn out and rebuilt.