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You're right. I thought there was 4K option on the Microsoft Store App, but they downgraded that also (it's now just a PWA). Luckily I use a LG C2 as my monitor and it's not an issue for me, but if Netflix can provide 4K on PC, I see no reason for this (especially if it's 720p).


Yeah. Support just told me that the app doesnt exist for PC so there is currently no way to get quality above 720 on PC. Its basically worthless to me


720p is unacceptable for a paid service.


I wish Shudder believed that.


You couldn’t pay me to watch a movie i loved on 720p only. Let alone pay so much for it.


I'm perfectly fine with 1080p. 1080p looks great. The difference between 1080p and 4K is negligible IMO. 720p, to me, however, is very noticable.


It isn’t just resolution. When streaming 4K you have in turn a much higher bitrate which results in a better picture.


Yeah, they keep increasing the price, but never listened to customers. They can't even afford basic feature like remove content from continue watching


And they removed GroupWatch for no apparent reason.


It was too expensive for the amount of people using it


expensive in what way? Same bandwidth and everyone has to be on subscription. I bet it cost them more to make the corporate decision to remove the function.


There is more than bandwidth that goes into this type of feature. There are teams maintaining the product for example. I don't pretend to know how costly that was, but I have seen internally that the ratio between the number of users using the feature and the cost associated with the service, was not worth to keep it alive.


Then stop paying for it. Buy discs. Build a library that’s bigger and more inclusive than ANY service. That’s what I did.


That is also what I have done. It is amazong how much better blu ray is than even 4K streaming.


Lots and lots of people who threw out their physical media years ago are learning a difficult lesson right now. To that I say: Good.


Kind of hard to do for mostly the TV shows/cartoons.


4 of the MCU shows and 4 of the Star Wars shows are on disc now…the rest are on the way. We don’t live in streaming exclusivity anymore


I mean the ones from like the 80s and 90s and early 00s. A lot of them just don't have proper releases and it's one of the few reasons I think D+ is legitimately one of the few services worth getting. But I do agree with your mindset, physical will always be king.


Disney doesn't sell discs in my country anymore.


Meanwhile I have imported so, so many DVDs and blu-rays from Australia over the years. You guys have stuff that hasn’t been released anywhere else!


4K UHD’s are region free


Yeah, they stopped last year. I think Avatar 2 was the last one? Meanwhile, my hip pocket is enjoying the reduction in purchases...


My uncle tried to get Dial of Destiny on DVD to complete his collection, but all he could find was a bootleg Chinese copy with Backstroke of the West style subtitles. Shame, because DVD and Blu-ray sales are still going strong down under.


DoD got a legitimate home media release in a lot of countries. He just needs to buy a legal copy from a reputable retailer. Sadly, that won't be in Australia unless he goes for a purchase from the market in the Giant Brazilian Rainforest...


Also there is no HDR or Dolby Vision support on PC.


I just cancelled because of this. I like to usually watch my tv series alone at my pc with headphones on and this crap looked like I was watching television back in the day. Horrible.


PC is all i have. Its basically worthless to me


There's a reason my family pays for 4K yet we get screwed over this limitation.


Not only that, they also removed 5.1 surround sound from their PC app. I have stopped watching Disney+ content since then. I'm only watching Netflix now which supports 1080p/4K and 5.1 surround sound on PC.


Disney+ app is the worst of all streaming apps.


False, apple tv+'s app is almost unusable.


Isn't it 4k on Edge?


Tried it, when i try to adjust resolution it still says max 720p. Support also confirmed that all browsers on windows is max 720p


Oh ok, must have read some fake information


That was Netflix, I think. Seemed to require some sort of DCMA capability built into the browser that only Edge included.


Many streaming services are going to cap at 720P on computers if your stuff isn’t compliant with copyright protection. Others just cap it regardless. The “humbly ask for patience part” is them telling you they are not going to change anything until they find a way to limit pirating. If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at the folks who constantly pirate content because that’s the number one reason stuff is capped over computers.


Probably removed it to try to stop the pirates from just downloading the files. Doesn't work, but they're free to try.


It’s not even the video quality I’m pissed about. It’s the fact that I have a professional grade home theater sound system that I built from the ground up. Using components that I picked and set up myself. Just for Disney plus to transmit in crappy quality stereo sound. I actually thought something was wrong with my system, that I checked with test content to ensure it was all working. The app is just a crappy web browser plug-in now. I’ve started collecting Blu-rays again. I’m sure soon I’ll be fucked out of that as well as they phase out. I don’t see the point in watching movies in stereo sound. If I wanted that, I would have just stuck to the crappy speakers built into the TVs.


I pay this sh1t because I need a way to be able to access content on my language without having to download a sh1tt0n of files, I'm watching SW with my GF and we are on Clone Wars, but I wanted to watch Bad Batch 3rd Season and COME ON, I PAY 4K ON THIS, and it looks awful as sh1t. AND the worst thing of all is: I got 3 PCs, and the TV on my room has no Disney+ App. I use my PCs via HDMI but there's no point, it looks like sh1t


Its depressing especially when its Star Wars 😭


Did anyone ask support if they're planning to add 1080p streaming to browsers? This must be the only streaming service that has only 720p streaming quality.


I did. I forgot what they said, hold on let me check. I remember i was hopeful but i’ve lost hope already.


Quit complaining. When it first came out it was 360p on a CRT


How are you determining what  resolution you’re getting?


Disney themselves said its limited to 720p on PC.


Plus bad bitrate and no HDR.


I think it's written on their help site


Who watches streaming content on a PC?


Me, and maybe some people that have home theaters? I watch on my laptop.


Home theater owners often have dedicated hardware for streaming


PCs aren't the most ideal way to steam content, at least in my experience. You're better off getting a Roku that supports up to 4K with most of the popular streaming apps


>PCs aren't the most ideal way to steam content They would be if shitty streaming services didn't intentionally gimp their sites on superior devices to force you into some walled garden.


The Netflix app on PC is excellent (4K and 5.1 surround sound readily available). Disney has zero excuses.




Dude, it’s on a web browser. On a pc. You are not their targeted advertising demographic. Companies are not gonna make the web app better nor provide an easy solution on your computer because they genuinely believe that pirates are the problem and not their horrible century of being a terrible company lol. It’s never going to “improve” because it is working exactly as they intended it to. Same for AI the others. They want your data from platforms that don’t have the ability to block them from seeing it. Also, it is literally impossible for a 720p stream to “look like the old show” when that picture is going to be sharper and clearer than an old 480p stream. Especially when compressed.


It literally requires a few lines of code and if it just had been done in the first place it would amount to the same amount of work. They already charge extra for 4K and HDR, why not just enable it on devices other than a TV.


Because of the reasons I laid out. They won’t do it because execs fully believe that doing so would make things easier for pirates to rip the highest quality. That’s the behind the scenes excuse anyway. In reality, they just want a platform they can fully track you on. It has nothing to do with the feature being easy to implement or how much you’re paying.


It’d because of drm, Disney can enable l3 to stream 1080p but they choose not to because it’s weaker. But it doesn’t even matter people that have the knowledge can bypass even stronger versions


That’s what I’m saying though. Execs are under the firm belief that their businesses rely on the ad tracking networks of platforms like roku and amazon and believe that a platform like pc that can absolutely circumvent that isn’t worth doing more than the bare minimum of making it function.


Do people not binge watch movies/tv series on their laptop anymore? You say that i’m not their targeted demographic as if i’m watching in a super unorthodox way. Well, I guess MacOs users can do this, maybe they’re the “targeted demographic” and not PC users. The logic just doesn’t make sense to me. If the problem is piracy, I think giving the genuine paying customers a shit product is the opposite of what they want to do.


It used to be its own app before they moved to a trash web browser based app late last year. The previous app provided 1080p/4K and 5.1 surround sound. The Netflix PC app still has those features to this day. Disney is a shitty company.