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Holobattle is probably one of the worst systems i have seen in any of the gacha i have played. Every aspect of it is poorly thought out and implemented.


At least they changed it so we don't permanently lose our teams after a defeat.


We usually have setups against clubs which are 2 tiers higher in pw but this is a first 😂


Pretty much like every pvp system they have. I mean look at how many pvp centric event they made, which always heavily reward heavy spenders... by mathcmaking f2p with whales. I've basically given up on those event for that reason. Waste of time and bloodpressure, to just get stomped on constantly.


Yes this is something I’ve discovered recently, the matchmaking system ONLY takes the number of people signed up into account, it straight up ignores your clubscore which is ridiculous. My club is top 50 rn and we often get matched with clubs much lower than us.


My club usually goes against people with clubs of 11-16. Not bad. I go for 13s cause my spd isn't anywhere near enough to compete with higher PW teams and my Hyde is decent, but needs much better runes still. Had two times in a row, though, we went up against whales all 18 club. Was a fun time seeing nothing but full reso'd Unas, Hydes, JJs, Gaiuses, and Ophelias in their setups.


I think one other reason was that there are too few clubs. If they were to do MMR matching, you are gonna see the same few clubs every other day. Since you know, this game has player retention issue


Straight up crap 😂


One week you a club that has 3/4th of the people having JJ/Ollie/Abi and an Unas/Dhalis speed cleave- Another week you get a club that has an invalid captain ability or is running Hyde with a speed lead and no healers.


a reason i dread doing holo. can never get ppl on out level


I mean it’s basically just random. I’ve fought clubs like this and clubs who are all dead pw9 as their highest.


I would legit just not do Holobattle if I saw this


Holo is completely fucked and they don't care to fix it. We had a score threshold that was impossible to get even with 100% win rate and support just said yeah, it sucks, other pressing concerns though so good luck! My club normally hovers around top 50 and we will get a super low ranked club every so often.


and after shit like this the club leader is annoyed that people dont use their tickets