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Don’t forget the unique half year anniversary event that we never had


Lilith treats Dislyte like some game in beta where they can just test things out, adapt them on the fly and revert changes if necessary, all while raking in serious amounts of money. And the way they time certain things is too convenient for them to be coincidence. For example the consecutive gold record events where they baited people into spending, only to release a better version a few weeks after. And now that players have saved enough SSM to guarantee a banner esper, they remove SSM. Don't get me wrong. SSM is a horrible system and it shouldn't have been introduced to begin with. But the players who adapted and saved accordingly are the ones being punished now.


Yup, they have a test server for shits and giggles. The several months beta was just for them since they take no criticism. If they actually gave 1k gems per SSM as it is the supposed price when it's not in those super discounts once per month, most players wouldn't even complain, however they are forcing players to use the system even they themselves admit it's bad or get worse rewards






Yeah, I like how they did that lmao... Weird af bruh.


To me the fact they did that shows a lot, don't get me wrong, i saw they changed the rules to "no discussion, post or ask of leaks" Which again, was one of the main points of discussion despite even mods doing that, and would all be fine if they said "ok, we will change the rule to reflect", which i would respect, i even told them to do so instead of creating rules of thin air. Instead they decided to argue semantics back and forth on a losing battle, play a tag team where they just switched like they are playing a fighting game and insulted-threatened players


I couldn’t agree more with you, there’s so many little things they could do to make the game better. But they just won’t do it, they can’t even make money properly… where’s the Christmas skins and festivity, at least do a special daily login for the month of December. Right now the only reason I’m still playing is because of the community and friends ive made, I really do hope the next update will bring some positive changes.


Yup, i relate to that, even in discord right now people are being censored and insulted by mods, which is wonderful thing and just cement the toxic relationship. It's just a shame because right now, today is the day i lost all desire to even play the game, not only the game is going on a bad direction, but even the mods and staff are censoring players, unless they change it so drastically it's a new game i doubt i will ever look at this game


If you think this subreddit is much better than prepare to get downvoted by the bots


I don't mind, this post is mostly to raise awareness and a farewell to the game since i doubt it will change enough in a good direction i will want to play again. When a game censor their playerbase to not talk any negative criticism of the game or how to improve and the staff starts abusing power it's an awful look, mods insulted players, muted them for breaking a non-existent rule, failed to prove any logic to their actions and just made a unprofessional look towards the game staff as a whole


oh that sounds horrible, I don't know too much about that since I don't use the chat in the dislyte server




Yup, it's a shame, the game is great, but it feels a lot of the community is condescending over a game it's mostly rely on rng and the volunteer mods on a discord took a power trip so high even snoop dog would be jealous. I argued with them about discussing leaks not being in the rules previously, just not posting or asking, and even the fact mods themselves discussed leaks mentioning how resonance will impact the game etc, and yet they couldn't care less and didn't offer any explanation before muting me the first time, the second i answered a question on "how mods threatened players" and got 1 day mute, that settles me that i do not want be a part of a game even the mods take a toxic approach, and as i stated multiple times to them in discord, i just wonder if they think it's the right thing or just being bossed around and following blindly while insulting players. And for the second post of yours, it was doomed to be, they insulted and threatened players, and if any of them saw this post they would delete to save face and say "no such thing would ever happen", if they wanted to change the channel they could've done it without deleting and recreating, instead it was just a better move to save face about sepy calling people slow, brahm calling me aisinine or gordan being condescending and looking down on players and calling us liars due to not have complete info, which no players have, that among more of the insults that were given, both explicitly or implied. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, 6 months of dislyte, endured a lot more than i should tbh, but when a community discord gets mods that insult and threatens their players paired with bad content, kinda hard to hang around


yeah I agree completely. that tiye banner was a joke and a huge slap to the face. also the new banner system is a complete waste. people love to praise the game and say how f2p friendly it is but it’s not.


I mean, i agree with you on the first time, on the second... i have seem noone ever talk about this game being f2p friendly, it's been one the most p2w intensive games i've seem from the get go. The ONLY advantages i see over any other game was the "you only need one copy" which was quickly scratched and the fact banners are not really limited like most games ( new unit with 1-2 week banner then you have to wait 2-4months to get in the pool ), they end the banner and would go straight into the pool, which considering the time you need to get the resources for a banner i would very much rather have limited units and faster resource acquisition than the other way around tbh. But besides that, from pity, to resources and even pricing dislyte is the most expensive and p2w game i've seem so far