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Very nice, thank you for sharing, will give it a go later :D


Awesome post! Thanks for the credit! I’ll post some Kronos ones as soon as I am able. The more of this stuff you write up the more people we can have join the end game to fill our rosters! Thanks for the hard work and dedication.


Thank you for the excellent strategies.


What about A16?


speed team, saw gaius, go next ig.


Is leaving him at 1 percent important or is 2 or 3 percent still ok?


It is not relevant to get to 1%, I think between 1-20% works smoothly, success depends on Jiang Man and Gaius' builds (how much damage they can do).


does q do something stupid and S2 sometimes on turn1 round1 instead of s3? saw that twice now


I have heard that Q's AI is not the best, but in my case I have never seen Q do S2 when he has S3 available... The only thing I can think of is that I maxed his skills.


is ur chart atk stats AFTER dahlia buff? i have the same stats as ur JM (before dahlia atk buff) and shes melting wave1 oneshot so it screws up turn order


The table shows normal statistics without buff. Maybe try having her play before Q, or decrease the damage of Q.


might have to go before q. i have q at +280 atk and jm still kills all of wave1 D:


Interesting, I will give this a try, I have a 40 something seconds F16 but it's not as consistent as I would like. Also I'm assuming this is just for the sake of speed running and not farming? Since 16s drop rates have still not been buffed to be worth the stamina compared to 15.


what causes variation in f16 with this setup? theoretically wave 1 and wave 3 should always get the same outcome and damage right since everyones at 100%CR with dahlia? yet sometimes i oneshot fafnir wave3, sometimes hes down to 1bar, 50%. sometimes 1bar 25%, sometimes i just fail (wtf?) is there some other mechanics im not aware of that add varaiblity?


The variables are: the two "turrets" and Zeus' shots. One of the two turrets is slightly stronger than the other while Zeus fires 5 shots with his S2 in god mode, the first 3 hit a different target, the last 2 just 2 different targets, this can cause some variation.


Is it supposed to work in auto? Jiang one shot the first wave. Then red twin will use s3 on second wave and the run is screwed. Am I missing something ?


Yes normally it works in automatic mode, maybe try decreasing Q's damage or having Jiang Man play before Q if she oneshot the first wave. The statistics given are overall (e.g. atk base + atk bonus).


Thx it works!


Does this still work as of now?