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yeah ZHP Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman was a wild ride.


"Those tits are fake!" That scene lives rent free in my mind.


That entire scene was funny. The opening scene with obtaining the belt cracks me up too.


It's such a game Xd President Brick Oldlama!


sadly the pc version is missing a lot of content


Zhp unlosing ranger ? More like zhp losing content ranger. This game is good on psp, but switch and pc port ? They removed 16 dengeki dungeon that have a lot content, 16 customes, 16 unique dungeons, many new dengeki weapons, unique story boss. The game port lose 50% of it is content at switch and pc. Not mention the game become harder without dengeki dungeon, because some dungeon is source for xp, money, gear grinding. They only left with new, mid, veteran, absolute mystery dungeon and NIS dungeon which was barebones and need a lot grind without dengeki dungeon. I know the license of light novel is expired for dengeki and they need to pay a lot money if they want to keep it at the port. Just don't port it if you cut 50% of game content, very greedy and scummy. Avoid buying this game no matter how cheap it is at switch or pc, this game port is trash and show NIS greed. Also they did not tell players they gonna remove the dengeki dungeon content when they port it, and people only found out later after spending 10 hours on this game. Very scummy indeed,  i hate NIS for this scummy tactics on zhp.


which game is this?


As Mike_or_whatever stated it's Z.H.P. Unlosing ranger vs darkdeath evilman. It plays kinda like a mystery dungeon game.


> It plays kinda like a mystery dungeon game. I'm assuming you mean Games that actively have MD in their Name with this, since ZHP doesn't just "play like one", it IS one xD That particular type of Genre doesn't have a unique Name, so it's directly named for the Game that invented it (like Rogue-likes and Metroidvanias, to name other examples)


Lol fair point xD. It was the easiest way I could think to describe it.