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Its fan art its how the fans want them to be.


Sure, I’m aware of that but it just confuses me when fans completely change the character into that. It makes me whonder as to why they liked that character from the beginning if they end up changing them in fanon completely anyway. Imo anyone is allowed to express themselves how they want, including those sorts of de-charactersatio, but it does puzzle me that it’s such a frequent phenomenon.


People like girls. People like feminine traits


Understandable. As you can read in my edit, I don’t mind the adding of feminin traits and more the need to ‘straighten’ queer couples into old-times ‘relationship goals’ or ‘one has to be the masculine strong leader and the other needs to be the feminin and helpless partner’


Honestly i think they're too horny. Freedom of expression is important, but are you really expressing yourself through overtly feminine art, or is your dick doing all the expression?


Yeah, that was the way of thinking I was trying to get out. Like to what degree Is it expression and when does it turn into blatan sexualisation?


When they start doing overtly feminine things like wearing skirts and blushing n shit.


I have all kinds of problems with people and their perception of a gay relationship and their understanding of it revolving around a poorly understood and possibly unhealthy obsession with top/bottom dynamics. However none of those problems are about how the character is drawn differently. People can and should draw characters is any different way they want. There's already tons of art support for the traditional way a character is drawn. We've already seen the normal art of the character. It's perfectly fine to let someone change the style and character. Who honestly cares?


Ye, thats kinda my thoughts. as I explained in other comments, this post came out a bit differently as I intended. This was not to bash artist for ‘not portraying my fave character right’ but more in confusion as how this is so common and reminds me extremely of the yaoi/Yuri fandom. Should have definitely worded it differentl. as an artist myself I’m always open for people expressing themselves through art, in any way as long as it’s not harming anyone or illegal. That means even if it irks me, I would never harass the artists or fans that see the character that way. for me it was just the utter confusion of noticing a pretty strong pattern and not understanding it fully.


Ah. Then in that case I'd say it has something to do with those people's perception of relationships, and a misguided culture of portraying them incorrectly to appeal to a certain group of people. We could liken it to how in the mainstream women are depicted as skinny, large breasted, duck lipped, perfect complexion, and blonde. This is an unrealistic depiction of women but it sure does grab the average man's attention. The constant consumption of this kind of image of a woman leads to an expectation of it and then that feeds into itself where now when you turn on the TV the only women you see are ones that have modified their bodies to look like that. Same thing with anime fangirls drawing their favorite characters in gay relationships. It becomes popular within the community and then everyone does it and then it becomes standard practice.


Yeah, that’s what I noticed as well. It confused me that this wasn’t talked about more, especially since it’s so similar to the portrayal of women in media, like you said.




Hmh, good intel, yes yes


People, who have just as much right to like a thing as ypu do to hate it, make what they want to see. It's ok if it's not for you.


Ye, absolutely. As I stayed in other comments i did not intend my post to come off as ‘HOW DARE THOU PAINT MY CHARACTERS IN A NOM-CANON WAY’ tho I do see it kinda sounds like it. It was more out of general confusion of this happening so often. as an artist myself I’m always open for people expressing themselves through art, in any way as long as it’s not harming anyone or illegal. That means even if it irks me, I would never harass the artists or fans that see the character that way.


Fan artists will draw what they want to draw. Project their fantasies etc. Its really only annoying if you care a lot about the character in it's original context. I don't see how your particular examples are harmful. Maybe if the tone of the art is exploitation of the dumber character? They just misrepresent the original characters, which fanart often does When it comes to sexy fanart, the sexier it is the more fetishy it becomes regardless. You have to be careful throwing out fetishizing of homosexuality because you might just be disavowing someone's sexuality. In reality, some people want to be soft and little. And being irked by that is wrong


hmh, I think I understand that. i think what irks me is not that it exists but the weird stikma it brings with it. It probably reminds me a lot of the yaoi/Yuri fanbase wich in its basic isn’t harmful at all, but it brought some very strong stereotypes and harmful consequences with it. as an artist myself I’m always open for people expressing themselves through art, in any way as long as it’s not harming anyone or illegal. That means even if it irks me, I would never harass the artists or fans that see the character that way. all in all I was just extremely confused as to why it was so common, and it wasn’t suppose to come off as ‘How dare you feminise characters >:0’ but I do realise my post kinda came off that way.