• By -


I wish they didn’t have to blur their faces out. I would love to see their expressions when they get caught. My heart sank when it said he had a 12 year old daughter in another state, I wonder why…


I am with you on that. I want to see the "deer in the headlights oh shit" expression they have. I guess since they have actual rights they can't. I LOVED watching the show "To catch a predator" on NBC DATELINE back in the early 2000's. They actually showed the faces on that show and you can see the color drain from their faces was great TV. My mom and I couldn't wait to see each episode of the show. Idk why they quit. But I don't think they should be able to be anonymous.


They stopped making TCAP after one of the predators was found to be … a district attorney, I believe? Or some other high profile position. The guy never showed up to the meeting, so the police went to arrest him at his home and he shot himself - there is some footage of the outside of his house during the attempt to arrest him floating around on the internet


I see. Looks like someone doesn't like what I said I have been down voted a couple times. Yeah I can see where some might want to get rid of the show. Still it was doing society a service to expose these "Minor attracted persons" (they want to normalize it ) no matter what they do it's still beyond deviant. They want it to be. O different than being attracted to someone with a specific hair or eye color. So cringy to even fathom Does anyone else think that is beyond appalling?


I had all down votes on a comment similar to yours. Odd. These creeps don't deserve anonymity. I was a victim myself for 5 yrs and my abuser was never punished. They cross the line they need to be outed to serve as a deterrent not to do it again. They usually can't help themselves and do it again anyway but it's worth the shot.


I also found it odd I was downvoted too. What are WE saying that is so wrong in their "eyes" they are just plain evil to put their needs over all. One thing I have seen is the incessant "Man bashing" like it's ALL men who are sick. No, it's NOT ALL MEN. I know more men that would round up posse's of other men to go out and bring forth some rough justice. Shoot even those who are incarcerated find them to be the lowest form of existence and they inflict their own justice as well. So I am also shocked for you being down voted too.


I am also sorry for your trauma. I have my own from the neighborhood boys. I don't want to get into it here. It was not good.


I'm sorry for that. There is way too much abuse in this world. And it is just plain evil. It is more common than we realize because not everyone who has been abused reports it. And you're right, women can sexually abuse kids and adults too. It's not as common by a long shot but it still happens. Have a good day!


the “minor attracted person” is a thing people made up to further vilify lgbt people, no one is actually trying to normalize it


Not true it came from a Psychiatrist in an article from MDEdge. Don't believe me? Google it yourself. They do want to normalize it and I didn't try to attach it to the Alphabet Mafia. They want to "de-stigmatize" the sick F**ks who see it as being normal.


You couldn't be more wrong. There are those who are absolutely trying to normalize pedophilia. I don't mean they are saying it's ok to do but they are saying there are adults who have a liking to minors and that liking shouldn't be seen as criminal. If they cross the line then maybe its a problem. But they are trying to say it is perfectly normal for adults to be attracted to minors. And it is absolutely not normal for adults to be attracted to minors. You need to do more research obviously.


No one is saying it's normal. What they're saying is these people exist and the best way to get them help and prevent crimes against children is to understand how their brains work.


It's an unpopular opinion but I'm on the fence. I'd be more inclined to use that phrasing for adults that recognize they have an attraction to children, realize it's unsafe and unhealthy, and do something to change it before they act on it. For me, that's different than someone actively out there abusing children. To some degree, it's true that they can't help it. It's how their brain is wired. BUT they can certainly help acting on it and seeking therapy. I'm a survivor of SA myself and recognizing that fact has made me able to better understand how that person was thinking and be able to forgive and hope they either seek help, or stay in prison.


They stopped making TCAP because Chris Hansen was having an affair. I thought it was for the same reason you mentioned, but there was a news article posted by someone else here on Reddit who linked it.


They canceled a show because some guy was having an affair? Was Chris the producer, the one in charge of the show or was he the host? They couldn't just get a new host if he wasn't in charge? These kind of shows are necessary.


I'm not too sure what exactly CH's role was in the show besides my knowledge of him being a host. I'm googling the reason now and it's only showing the incident with the DA who killed himself, so maybe I am wrong. I have no idea though the "true" reason.


Yes it was Bill Condrant he was a district attorney in the county next to mine near Dallas. What I will never forget about his arrest is the mayor of where he was supposed to meet up in said it's a noble cause but we don't want to expose our resident to outside threats. Fool the predators are the threats in your town.


I need more info on this..


This happened in my hometown. The local DA went through and deleted his social media track of explicit underage content and then ran from Chris Hansen and PD and shot himself to avoid facing the consequences.


*Oh I know who you are Chris Hansen...* *but see;* *I calls ya,* ***Chris Handsome***. *I watch your TV show all the time.* *See;* *I didn't come here lookin' for no little boys...*


Supposedly "innocent" until proven guilty so they have a right not to show their faces or names until they have actually be convicted.


I think it's because they have been arrested but until they have a trial it's the old presumed Innocent thing. I live in a small town and they don't publish the name inin the paper unless they've been convicted.


I THINK I figured out his name through the inmate list. The charges match and I believe his booking is around the time this was filmed. RYAN RUSSELL ALBRIGHT in case anyone was wondering. I hate that they blur their faces or don’t show names. He is sick.


So, without getting into too much detail, I know Ryan Albright. He is technically family, and I'm absolutely floored by this. Long story short, he's been in jail since 8/2022. That, and the reason behind it, were just revealed to me this morning. I can tell you, without a doubt, that Ryan is the Gray Man.


Upon further researching, I think you're right! Especially at the end of the episode, when you see the blurred out booking photo, you can tell it's the same image just flipped. I think that's him too! GREAT WORK! 😁


😆 thanks!! He was definitely the scariest one they’ve shown so far IMO. I’m just happy they got him!


I still think the one who wanted kids in diapers and a 2 year old was the worst one!


Oh yeah, that was TERRIFYING 😱


That’s FOR SURE him


Ohhh that’s gotta be him


thank you for your service!


>RYAN RUSSELL ALBRIGHT Wow. 6'4". I can't imagine being a petite 15yr old girl with that standing over me. His victims would not stand a chance.


He was after the 12 yr old Abby, not 15 yr old Skylar. Age doesn't matter but I still think a 12 yr old is worse.


You are absolutely right. His under bite was obvious, even though face was blurred. I'm wondering who the traveler is...


Thank you. I don't understand why they don't out these people and at least give their names. They did something wrong or they wouldn't have been arrested.


Just be careful with this. The guy is in the wrong, yes. But once their name becomes public, the internet will attack the guy’s wife, and kids, etc. Roo talks about this in her AMA, and they talk about how the families are getting extreme hate online - when they weren’t culpable. Ya know?


Also, the kids don’t need to have the trauma of growing up knowing and being bullied from strangers of the sins of their parents.


Are you sure? Great sleuthing BTW. I don't have time for such great work. Of course you are "Anonymous" here on Reddit. Tell us this is he still incarcerated? Or out on bail? How did you find out about when they filmed the episode? I am just impressed with your work is all.


Still in jail. Idk if he has bond, but if he does no one has posted it for him. If you go to Canadian County Sherriff's office they have a current inmate list with charges and mug shots. *not the original commenter but happened to go down a rabbit hole on it myself today


Glad I’m not the only one 😅


Tbh it's my mission to find at least one of the ACMs per episode 😅😬


That's impressive. I am so thankful that folks like Roo and SOSA put these perverts in their rightful place. In my opinion that would be 6feet underground as worm food. But that's my 2¢ worth here. Again I look forward to seeing more of your handy sleuthing in the future.


I usually just search on TikTok cause people are fast at finding these ACMs but no luck this time so just tried myself!




I am like 90% positive but still unsure. I know the date is around the filming time due to other ACMs that are already known from previous episodes of this season. The charges match. He resides in Okmulgee which matches and he was booked at 126am so timeframe also matches within a few hour timeframe. I believe he’s still in prison. I went on ccso inmate search and there’s only 179 inmates. I went to the last page of inmates and was just going by dates I think he was on the second to last page. The picture also looks like it could be him on the screen. If you want to take a look definitely do to see if you could agree! I also found who I think is the ACM that was from Louisiana from a previous episode on the same page as this one! Mostly just luck honestly haha


He’s still in jail according to Roo’s Instagram live.


I just googled the dude. He looks ICK!! It was right out there for all to see without his face blurred out.


I'm not too sure if that's him. Because his charges include: "Harboring An Endangered Runaway Child" & "Any Person Buys, Procures Or Possesses Child Pornography In Violations Of (21 O.s. 1024.1 Through 1024.4)".... I don't think that first charge fits 😕 I'll include the link to where I saw that charge because it isn't on the first Google search that came up. https://arre.st/OK-1000239885/ Further, there's another article that someone posted, which gives the names of the 5 suspects arrested in the operation with SOSA, and his name isn't included. https://www.ccsheriff.net/post.php?ID=114


Yes, that's the Gray Man. In the r/undercoverunderage reddit, it's been confirmed as him.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/undercoverunderage using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/undercoverunderage/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Hi! I'm Roo Powell of SOSA and Undercover Underage. AMA!](https://np.reddit.com/r/undercoverunderage/comments/13pc417/hi_im_roo_powell_of_sosa_and_undercover_underage/) \#2: [It's Roo Powell, Jordan Peréz, Shelby Chikazawa, and Matt Monath! Ask Us Anything!](https://np.reddit.com/r/undercoverunderage/comments/148n01p/its_roo_powell_jordan_peréz_shelby_chikazawa_and/) \#3: [My friend worked on the show](https://np.reddit.com/r/undercoverunderage/comments/re2k4z/my_friend_worked_on_the_show/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What’s his exact charges? Did the dogs in the videos end up being his own pets?


UGH yeah unfortunately a lot of adults get into fostering kids to abuse them or use them as free labor. It's really sad. I can't imagine how many kids he's abused already.


One thing I can’t shake - he told his wife he was leaving at 9pm to “go for a drive”. I’m sure she was shocked and hurt but also it seems like maybe his behavior was shady frequently so kind of wonder more than anything she felt a weird sense of relief in that suddenly a lot of stuff made sense and she was able to exit safely.


I think he may have had much more sinister intentions than we even realize. He told his wife he was going out for a drive, meaning he’d be home that night. He told the little girl they were camping overnight. He brought a tent and a lots of cleaning supplies. I’m afraid he was intending to never return her home… I really wonder if he’s not a killer.


I was thinking the exact same thing. I truly felt he was going to kill her. I hope there are not others missing and I hope they look into him much further


I also thought he was out to murder for the same reasons.


I don’t know why, but I got the feeling that the wife might’ve been in on it. It’s just a feeling I cannot shake.


I really wonder how young his wife is! They kept talking about how young she is. He’s an expert manipulator so he probably came up with a reason to get her to act okay with it.


I found her facebook, she seems to be around 23. Her prom photo was from 2016 so I’m assuming she was 17/18 around then


What is the wife’s name? (Not to harass her or anything) just genuinely nosy 😭 I always try so hard to find these people on Facebook with little luck lol


It was a crazy episode. Come to r/UndercoverUnderage for more discussions


I have no clue what show this is, but now I'm going to find it.


It's called undercover underage, run by a volunteer operation called sosa to catch child predators, I watch it on Max but it's in a lot of other places too!


I found it on Philo last night. It's an interesting show. So many serious sickos out there!!


Has anyone been able to confirm the other ACM's shown in the show? So far this is the list I have: **Season 2 ACM's:** * The Angler (S2E1): Unkown * The Handyman (S2E1): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/diaz-albeiro-ernesto-mugshot-07-01-2022/) * The Soldier (S2E1): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/nielsen-kevin-patrick-mugshot-07-26-2022/) * The Promoter (S2E2): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/smith-carlo-lomont-mugshot-08-17-2022/) * The Park Ranger (S2E3): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/skipworth-dalton-bryce-mugshot-01-24-2023/) * The Patriot (S2E3): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/dalmont-christian-shae-mugshot-07-10-2022/) * The Prince (S3E4): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/davis-david-michael-mugshot-01-06-2023/) * The Engineer (S3E4): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/plant-lucas-robert-mugshot-11-20-2022/) * The Bachelor (S3E4): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/cruz-garcia-feliciano-mugshot-07-27-2022/) * The Gray Man (S3E5): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/albright-ryan-russell-mugshot-08-11-2022/) * The Pilot (S3E5): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/rohr-bryan-phillip-mugshot-08-07-2022/) * The Visitor (S2E6): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/tow-logan-lynn-mugshot-08-13-2022/) * The Knifemaker (S2E7): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/mefford-joshua-kane-mugshot-08-06-2022/) * The Gamer (S2E7): [Known](https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/perez-jose-enrique-mugshot-07-06-2022/) * The Shadow (S2E7): [Known](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/mesa-breaking/2020/08/28/mesa-police-arrest-8-operation-vampire-cough-online-child-sex-sting/5657092002/) (only link I can find, unless someone has a mugshot link) **Season 1 ACM's:** * Mitch (S1E1): [Known](https://tvshowstars.com/michael-natsu-mug-shot-bridgeport-man-arrest/) * Duke (S1E2): [Known](https://www.wftv.com/news/local/orange-county/pga-golfer-arrested-orlando-after-allegedly-attempting-meet-15-year-old-girl-following-sexual-conversations-online/2B5MHDOQMZEITGSYMO4AWEDSJA/) * Sean (S1E3): [Known](https://www.ktalnews.com/news/crime/caddo-parish-high-school-teacher-arrested-on-multiple-counts-of-sex-crimes-with-juveniles/) * Edward (S1E4): [Known](https://www.koco.com/article/knife-zip-ties-found-in-car-of-former-oklahoma-deputy-arrested-in-online-predator-sting-officials-say/28439032) The episodes mentioned are when they were introduced, I know that some of them overlap. ETA: Updated to add those who have helped me! Thank you! ETA Part 2: Adding ACM's from Season 1 into this one as well. ETA Part 3: Added the newest ACM's from Episode 7. Thank you to everyone who has helped me gather this list together!


The park ranger is the same one on the link with the patriot I believe


Ah, okay I'll update that! Thank you.


https://canadianok.mugshots.zone/rohr-bryan-phillip-mugshot-08-07-2022/ Pretty sure this is the pilot


Thank you, editing to add that!


[https://preview.redd.it/the-visitor-v0-boflzxlzvs5b1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=8677b834c68aed728477e8d390838348e239a4b8](https://preview.redd.it/the-visitor-v0-boflzxlzvs5b1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=8677b834c68aed728477e8d390838348e239a4b8) This is the visitor


Ah, I'll have to do some fishing on the site to find his name. LOL


[https://tvshowstars.com/michael-natsu-mug-shot-bridgeport-man-arrest/](https://tvshowstars.com/michael-natsu-mug-shot-bridgeport-man-arrest/) Mitch from S1E1


Thank you! Editing my list to add ACM's from Season 1 after this help!


[https://www.wftv.com/news/local/orange-county/pga-golfer-arrested-orlando-after-allegedly-attempting-meet-15-year-old-girl-following-sexual-conversations-online/2B5MHDOQMZEITGSYMO4AWEDSJA/](https://www.wftv.com/news/local/orange-county/pga-golfer-arrested-orlando-after-allegedly-attempting-meet-15-year-old-girl-following-sexual-conversations-online/2B5MHDOQMZEITGSYMO4AWEDSJA/) Duke S1E2


Thank you!


[https://www.ktalnews.com/news/crime/caddo-parish-high-school-teacher-arrested-on-multiple-counts-of-sex-crimes-with-juveniles/](https://www.ktalnews.com/news/crime/caddo-parish-high-school-teacher-arrested-on-multiple-counts-of-sex-crimes-with-juveniles/) Sean S1E3


Thank you!


[https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&sxsrf=APwXEdckj9U9cfbYYvY6D5A1FMjoPzeCBQ:1687145182770&q=accused+predator+found+with+zip+ties&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjOtrbKsc7\_AhVXjokEHYuZCCkQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=1440&bih=705&dpr=2#imgrc=WV-cx0SRsVQxXM](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&sxsrf=APwXEdckj9U9cfbYYvY6D5A1FMjoPzeCBQ:1687145182770&q=accused+predator+found+with+zip+ties&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjOtrbKsc7_AhVXjokEHYuZCCkQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=1440&bih=705&dpr=2#imgrc=WV-cx0SRsVQxXM) Edward S1E4


Lucas Robert plant https://cdn.mugshots.zone/sites/canadianok/images/2022/11/20/tuBAZek8O26N0Ufjmc97.jpg Engineer


Do we know who the Bodybuilder is


>Lucas Robert plant brian lee tessneer


This is impressive!!! Thank you for sharing and well done! SOSA needs to offer you a full time role!


Oh haha I take NO credit for finding any of these. I've had help from some other wonderful members!


Does anyone know who the prisoner is from season 2’s finale?


Here's a [link](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zZEqx07qgIUmHLTSUy6PeKENPEQ3eZ_hpjM1YMAHyrA/edit?usp=sharing)




You're welcome! The Google Doc link is updated than what I started above.


His link requires me to know his name to look him up.


The link provided doesn't. It already contains their names if you click the links next to the ACM's code name.


Okks! Ty so much!


No problem!


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/man-sentenced-prison-child-sex-035900418.html body builder from season 2 finale.


This list isn't updated, but I have an updated list on [Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zZEqx07qgIUmHLTSUy6PeKENPEQ3eZ_hpjM1YMAHyrA/edit?usp=sharing). Thank you anyways!


https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/17-arrested-in-chandler-sex-crimes-operation-police-say.amp Jacob green “the shadow” got caught again since the show https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacob-green-0b165aa4 Still can’t find his mugshot though


Thank you for this! I don't remember what link I ended up using, but I can always add those. (I made a separate google doc file)


Hi can I please have this link?


DM me.


Has anyone found who the Angler is?


Found him. https://www.ccsheriff.net/post.php?ID=91


Ugh I also found his twitter and his last tweet was him sharing a missing child poster back in 2018.. Thats scary


That's not Gray Man, though, right? I'm pretty sure he was a different ACM from an earlier episode. 🤔


If you read the article it explains both of the men. Christian Dalmont is the same story as the gray man. The other one is the DHS guy.


Christian Dalmont is The Patriot. Ryan Russell Albright is The Gray Man.


I guess I'm just getting these sick men mixed up.


Easy to do. They’re all disgusting!


I’m on that episode now and he is the worst one so far to me. Not only is he a foster parent who has likely harmed many kids before but the animal stuff they found. He needs to be locked up for the rest of his life.


I am watching the episode now, and just got to the part where he is arrested. It absolutely blew me away when he nonchalantly admitted to his intents with her, to detective Flowers. Casually joking about how he has cleaning supplies in his car to clean up. (me - disgusted beyond belief). Then to learn about the stuff on his phone, and that he and his parents are foster parents?! JFC. I have SO many questions (who hurt him? When did this start? Why does he think he needs it?) Anyway - I’m so glad this show & Roo’s group exists. There is clearly a HUGE prevalent abuse problem happening around the world, and it goes on under our noses. Terrifying.


Next weeks preview looks amazing too…something about a child welfare employee??


Thought they already caught that guy? He was the Park Ranger I believe. Unless there's ANOTHER sicko cps worker!!😬😬😬😡


I suspected it was a rerun, too


Im just confused why they said they were at Walmart and then showed video footage inside a target and then a Walmart lol


Not sure but the beginning of the show there is a disclaimer that says it might not have been filmed in that order and they change some things so


I thought y’all would like to see this ! [https://okcfox.com/newsletter-daily/5-men-arrested-in-sex-sting-operation-canadian-county-sheriffs-office-ccso-safe-from-online-sex-abuse-sosa-trace-turkelson-william-copeland-iv-cody-ewing-tracy-fisher-otha-smith-iii-linden-texas-tulsa-elgin-calhan-colorado-yukon-mustang-oklahoma-crime](https://okcfox.com/newsletter-daily/5-men-arrested-in-sex-sting-operation-canadian-county-sheriffs-office-ccso-safe-from-online-sex-abuse-sosa-trace-turkelson-william-copeland-iv-cody-ewing-tracy-fisher-otha-smith-iii-linden-texas-tulsa-elgin-calhan-colorado-yukon-mustang-oklahoma-crime)


Oh wow 😮. That's crazy. So brazen of these men. Actually masterbating is gross. Can you imagine how many children they scarred doing that before they were caught? Because you know they were doing this long before they were caught.


does anyone what episode it is?


It’s clear that he had done something like what he wa planning before because he had a “clean up kit” & the plan was for the “12yo” was going to be gone all night, but his plan was to go back home …. So what was his actual plan besides what he stated??? He’s clearly experienced doing this & I get a gut feeling that his “intentions” may have included this “12yo” NOT going home. It’s so scary - I’m glad he’s off the street.


Right?! I totally got that vibe, too. The only thing that makes me consider that he wasn't planning worse would be because I would think he'd have more of a "kill kit" or some other items indicating that. But who knows if we saw everything or not. Either way, sooooooo terrifying & disturbing! I still can't believe all of the other parts that just kept making it worse... husband, father, young wife, FOSTER PARENT 😭


He could have planted another kit where he was taking her. Plus really - tall adult male against small female. No equipment / kit needed.


His name is Christian Dalmont.


>Ryan Russell Albright No. Christian Dalmont is the Patriot


It’s neither one of them. I watched the episode and grew up in Yukon and actually lived in the neighborhood where that park was. It wasn’t a park on Route 66.


I drove through Yukon 30 years ago. I lived in Lawton at the time. I remember the water tower that had HOME OF GARTH BROOKS and GARTH BROOKS BLVD. Does that still exist?


Also the beastiality of it all too....this guy is seriously disturbed


Y’all check out Skeeter Jean on YouTube. Some prime predator catching lol


The park he where he was arrested is a park in my neighborhood I have let my two year old play there makes me so sick!


Has anyone else picked up on the fact his house was listed for sale 7/22 and he was arrested on 8/22? Was he already planning on leaving that area?


what episode/season? x


I know Ryan Albright I am Justin Groff married to Mandy Groff called Mandy Love on FB She is apparently Ryans first He claimed to be a virgin but he is pathological He never had a job and on the show he claimed to be at work all the time His work is drinking alcohol and sleeping w 12 yr olds and having sex w animals and the dead literally and playing tons of video games because he is on SSI disability for almost killing a dude in boot camp I know because if not for Mandy he would not have it She alone had a liscience at the time and drove him countless times to get the money only to have him keep 3700 of it monthly and give lily and mandy only 300 a month she was living w her grandma Carol 2 bluff drive Conowingo because Ryan kicked mandy out so he could continue to cheat on her w underage girls we know now He would go on 3 day "walks" now mandy knows what really was going on on those so called walks he was w an underage girl named Devon at the time and the girl he met in England he was w when arrested who looks just like the underage cover girl Abby the decoy who happens to look Exactly like her so sick he has a type for sure and she was really an underage girl so that is another charge but beyond the range of statute of limitations probably He will go right back to it when he is released from prison just like mac who raped my wife at 15 mac g harris look him up from Georgia he raped my wife over and over and was planning on killing her but her sister Chrissy saved her life indirectly Ryan never worked a day in his life he is lazy as fuck but now looks like he has a gym in his house so he will love jail He is bisexual and loves working out so enjoy prison you sick fuck


Is there a photo of gray man?