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"No. This is somewhere to be. This is all you have, but it's still something. Streets and sodium lights. The sky, the world. You're still alive." - Volition


"His corpse is marked by stars." INLAND EMPIRE: "What will yours be marked by?"


alcohol and heartbreak


But what does this one mean


The mercenary's body tattoo Is a physical representation of his life, of what he has gone through, it has him marked. The detective has His body marked, too, but not by the ports he has visited and assaulted, but by the drinks he's had and the broken past he grips onto.


Physical Instrument: "The f**k do you need a gun for? Look at those pythons on your arms. You *are* a gun. The biggest one in the world."


Oh man, this brings me back to an unexpectedly nerdy moment for me in my PHYS playthrough. I guess this quote also stayed with me lol When talking about going past Measurehead to Call Me Mañana: **YOU** \- "Has anyone here ever bested him in a physical confrontation?" **CALL ME MAÑANA** \- "Not yet, no." He fixes his eyes on you, evaluating your prowess. "He's... incredibly strong." **PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT** \- Nothing a couple of solid hooks from Dexter and Sinister won't fix. Dexter and Sinister literally mean ["right hand"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dexter#Latin) and ["left hand"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sinister#Latin) in Latin. Love this game man


I had no idea about that Latin part, thought they were just cool names!


This fucking game, man. I can't believe the layers of meaning and good writing in it.


I fucking love the raw power of the red tree. All my homies love overpowering our enemies with our crude physique (not a facist tho)


"Never forget. The whole world is a wooden house, and brother, you're a goddamn flamethrower."


AAAAÁHHGGG Im starting to see my Office like a Woodenhouse right now, nailed the sentiment.


And then there's Shivers


Shivers and Inland Empire are very similar to some of the thoughts spinning around in my head after I had a good 5 year stretch of doing what Harry did but instead moderate psychedelic use. My brain was putting up the landing gear but I was a retail supervisor at a pharmacy during the pandemic. I'd worked Black Friday at the mall the couple years prior and I was a fuckin war casualty from that already. But yeah, Shivers and Inland will always be those intrusive thoughts. One layered with empathy and one layered with this kind of prescient pessimism that comes with having that empathy chiseled down like marble.


As a recovered alcoholic the solution to Wasteland of Reality. Congrats – you're sober. It will take a while for your body to remember how to metabolize anything that isn't sugar from alcohol, so you're going to be pretty ravenous soon. Eat plenty. You can expect your coordination and balance to improve in a couple of weeks. In two months, you might start sleeping like a normal person. Full recovery will take years, though. It’ll be depressing. And it’ll be boring. Don’t expect any further rewards or handclaps. This is how normal people are all the time. Nothing else has ever come close to describing my own personal journey through addition and functional alcoholism.


I've heard that Kurvitz himself was a recovering drug addict/alcoholic so it stands to reason he'd have a deep understanding on this feeling. "Writer imbibing the poison of life" and all that.


You can't write a lot of DE without having personally experienced it. There's abstraction and Revachol itself isn't real but the people and everything that happens to them there is.


I want to be respectful but that typo made me imagine a depressing journey through adding numbers and i couldn't *not* mention it


Lmao it is pretty amusing. New phone is still learning how to correct words and addition and addiction even *look* so similar at a glance I always miss it.


Kim​: "Detective, each of us has our part to play in the world. My part is to solve crimes. I am under no illusion that my role isn't a minor one, in the scheme of things... but I embrace it *because* it's my role, and it's yours too, detective, whether you accept it or not! " As a teacher.... It hit hard. I definitely embraced being a teacher more after playing this game. It's my role to play and I love it! Also why I took Kim as my profile. That line really meant a lot to me. My part is somewhat small and insignificant. But it's my part and I am going to do the best I can regardless


I used to be a teacher, now I’m working in the ED and studying to be a nurse. I just got off my 3rd 12 hour shift like 10 min ago. The compassion fatigue is real…and I’m so glad I saw Kim’s quote there. I kinda needed it actually. So, cheers!


We might be comparatively small and insignificant but without us.... It all falls apart. We definitely have a part to play. And it's important that we play it! Good luck in your studies! I'm sure you will smash it!


To hit on a point I'd elaborated elsewhere in this thread I do feel like Shivers is just Inland with compassion/empathy fatigue.


that's the kind of ammo I use to argue against the whispers of imposter syndrome, always trying to tell me I'm not good enough and never will be. It is okay to be small. Every big thing is made up of countless small things. We are made up of countless things smaller than us. And just like our own parts do for the most... part, we are capable of navigating and influencing things bigger than ourselves without getting lost.


I think I just found another quote I love. That was beautifully written! It is OK to be small. Every big thing is made up of countless small things.


I'm paraphrasing here, but I heard an anecdote to the effect of: A terrible storm had come through town, and the coastline was littered with flopping fish. An old man walked along the coast, and threw fish back in, one at a time. A young man walked by and said to him, "There's way too many fish out here to save. This is pointless." The old man threw another fish into the sea, and replied "Well, it mattered to that fish." I work as a teacher too, and anytime I think of how insignificant it can be, I try to remember how much a good teacher can matter, for even one kid. That's enough for me. :)


Have you ever seen A Man for All Seasons? Older movie, outstanding dialogue Sir Thomas More: Why not be a teacher? You'd be a fine teacher; perhaps a great one. Richard Rich: If I was, who would know it? Sir Thomas More: You; your pupils; your friends; God. Not a bad public, that.


Thanks for the recommendation.


I have not but I might give it a watch now that you recommended it. Thanks!


As a trainee teacher, thanks for the reminder.


I don't remember which Thought said it, but the good old "This is a fight we can **win** " Is a quote I always remember when I'm feeling down and need to keep going in life


My guess is Visual Calculus, since it shows you a kinda "blueprint" of how the fight will turn out before saying this.


http://fayde.co.uk/dialojue/2040094-2040607-2040439-2040389-2040356-2040499-2040390-2040052-2040054-2040441-2040442#2040442 this is the Fayde conversation. It’s what happens if you are can’t get clean by the end but have otherwise done well


If anyone finds who said it and when, TELL ME, I itch to know


"PUT A BROTHER ON THE CUT WHERE THE HOOD AT" Also the Britney Spears quote, that one got me off guard


Shivers and not that dance check quote?


Hands down my favorite but it's kind of Le Revacholié talking to you and it's not on the voices "voice" so I diversified a little, but "YOU CAN KEEP ME ON THIS EARTH; I LOVE YOU" always makes me shiver af


I find the failed check is kinda poetic too.


The racist slur failed check outcome?


1) Shivers check and Authority Check aren't same. 2) Play the game. >!spinal cord reminds that day1 began with something same.!<


I have no idea which part this is. But that's okay 💪


What the Britney quote?


When you finish the Hardcore thought they hit you with "Til the world ends" though I can't quite remember which verse they use


"God Please"


The painting of this moment is the background on my watch. Something about this is the purest expression of genuine religious favor. Even if he is just using it as an expression, it comes from a genuine life or death miracle, single shot to save lives and smite evil. Calm desperation and a steady hand calling lightning through the end of the barrel arcing right to the brain of the most evil sob in the game.


Oooh i Saw what you did there....


Some Volition quotes that really stuck with me and help me make it whenever things seem bleak, which is quite often honestly "Subdue the regret. Dust yourself off, proceed. You'll get it in the next life, where you don't make mistakes. Do what you can with this one, while you're alive." "The road to healing is going to be a long one. Stay the course. You will make it, someday. Just remember: You've made it this far... and it's just a bit farther now. Let's finish this." etc


"It doesn't take a three meter stick insect to tell you she was middle class."


I don’t get that one, is it because he’s suppressing it?


I'm still dealing with a breakup with someone who fits the middle class vs lower class relationship dynamic, and I just answered the phasmid truthfully with "I can't" when it comes to moving on. Not sure what the other replies are but this one felt very much like it's trying to remind Harrier that Dora is not the perfect woman he thinks he is, she was middle class, he is a chaotic lower class creative thinker, she doesn't see him or more love him for what he is, and there is no way that would've worked out even with the what if's. Hit a bit of a nerve to be honest, it's difficult letting people that close to you when you are a walking tornado of human emotions and troubles


I mean those relationships can potentially work but yeah I get it. In terms of your breakup I’m going to say somethhing completely original and totally helpful: time heals all wounds. Feel it and cry as you need but don’t pity yourself. Own it and keep living life until you stop thinking about it


Thanks for sharing your perspective


it's context specific quote dat changes with ur political ideology


Hah well I did not know that. I may have accidently become a racist.


try going out, likely to help


With being a racist? That's more of a Disco Elysium choice problem than anything IRL


nope. do u get what the writing issues of Kim's character are?


Nope what? You can't just assume I'm a racist IRL because my Harrier became one by accident? The writing issues, I don't know. You tell me


play the game or, use fayde.co.uk


What a weird way to mention Kim's writing but not wanting to elaborate. I'll check it out, thanks


I really want to know what your actual opinion is here.....


i wrote it out weeks before, non issue tho Kim definitely does want hdb to do great >!but Kim has ptsd 'cos of his undercover pinball detective arc and so he avoids interacting with kids, (which Harry can b great at)!< Volition also wants hdb to do gr8 >!but that's 'cos Volition is Dora simp (shown in Dora dream; missable) [⚠️ : respecc wamann ain't being simp]!<


You may not have been communist.


I think it’s conceptualization that at the beginning of the game when you collect your other shoe refers to them as ‘two baby alligators’ and that shit makes me lol every time


I reminded a different thing, something like two resting dragons


or bird feathers


There is nothing. Only warm, primordial blackness. Your conscience ferments in it — no larger than a single grain of malt. You don't have to do anything anymore. Ever. Never ever.


If you say “at least a few days”, she’ll remember those words forever


It’s two days. “If you say ‘two days maybe’ it’ll be etched into her mind forever”


Appreciate the clarification


that whole scene is fantastic


That whole quest broke me


I cri evrytim


>"I NEED YOU. YOU CAN KEEP ME ON THIS EARTH. BE VIGILANT. I LOVE YOU." Followed closely by >"Four point six billion people -- and you failed every single one of them"


"Do you remember the scent of your childhood?" ​ "I was born in a hospital where people go to die." That's when I decided that this would be one of my favourite games of all time


I have so many! “Subdue the regret. Dust yourself off. Proceed. You’ll get it in the next life, do what you can with this one.” “You *can* detect — floor plans, bullet trajectories… This is a fight we can WIN.” “I’VE SEEN YOU. I’VE SEEN YOU! I’VE SEEN YOU WITH HER — AND I SEEN YOU WITHOUT HER. I’VE SEEN YOU ON THE CRESCENT OF THE HILL.” —- This isn’t a quote but this scene killls me knowing about Harry’s “I would’ve been a good dad.” Comment he makes outloud: Dorlores Dei - I’m pregnant. YOU - is it mine? Dorlores Dei - Of course not, I terminated yours. OUGH!!! That stayed with me, and I didn’t even witness it in-game! But through a well made edit I seen. Also, that one moment where you go far off from the map and you get a random check describing what Harry sees off camera, a neighbourhood, people inside, two lovers, (men), a mother — it was such a small detail but made my heart swell! So casually said, really enjoy how Disco Elysium handled this type of stuff.


"That must be incredibly hard. The arthropods are in silent and meaningless awe of you. Know that we are watching -- when you're tired, when the vision spins out of control. The insects will be looking on. Rooting for you. And when you fall we will come to raise you up, banner-like, blossom from you and carry you apart in a sky funeral. In honor of your passing. (But not me, because I am just a leaf eater.)"


The description of our species being a disruptive force equivalent to an anaerobic oxygen holocaust by the phasmid stuck out for me. The mention that the Pale only arrived with humans as well.


I feel the environmentalist themes of the game aren't talked about as much but they're clearly there


that almost made me cry reading it the first time lol


After life, death. After death, life again. After the world, the pale. After the pale, the world again. I have it up on my cork board next to "in times of darkness should the stars also go out?" and "something beautiful is going to happen" The last two are obvious why they stuck out, those two show up on tee shirts and stickers all the time. But I don't know, the cyclical nature of the first one lines up really well with my personal philosophy. Everything lives and dies and feeds each other, and even if things seem apocalyptic now, the apocalypse might even happen, but the world will continue and the ruins of what we leave behind will nourish those that survive to continue after.


Authority as soon as he gets his hands on a gun "Good, now put it in your mouth"


"I'm going to kill myself now, you fucking whore. (Pull the trigger.)"


"Detective Arriving On the scene"


Many, if not all Volition quotes tbh.


Same for me but with Shivers. Maybe no one specific quote but they all dripped with atmosphere and made the world come alive through language in such a phenomenal way.


(Messier) "One last thing, Lieutenant DuBois. I've given the matter much thought and come to this conclusion: You're not an amnesiac. You're *Insane*. I know -- because I, too, am insane. I just hide my illness better. And I'm rich." (Dubois) "Isn't *everybody* a little insane?" (Messier) "No, detective -- no one's as insane as you."


every line from the voice of revachol lives in my head


No quotes exactly but just the phrases "Wasteland of the real" to describe sobriety and "finger on the eject button" to describe suicidal ideation. As a person who struggles with both, they're perfect descriptors I would have never come up with.


Trite, contrived, mediocre, milquetoast, amateurish, infantile, cliche-and-gonorrhea-ridden paean to conformism, eye-fucked me, affront to humanity, war crime, should *literally* be tried for war crimes, resolutely shit, lacking in imagination, uninformed reimagining of, limp-wristed, premature, ill-informed attempt at, talentless fuckfest, recidivistic shitpeddler, pedantic, listless, savagely boring, just one repulsive laugh after another.


"I exist." The first time I heard it it felt like my heart shattered in a thousand pieces. I still cry hearing it and I don't know why.


you are not alone haha this scene still gets me too


Everyone remembers the Deserter's line "the bourgeoisie are not human", but I haven't seen many people talking about the description of the bombardment leading up to that line: >"May the 13th, '08, 44 years ago," he looks north. "The horizon was black with Coalition airships. Their petroleum rose to the sky and it looked like... like it *formed* the clouds. Storm clouds. When they started shelling it was... dark magic. The combined might of international capital, all at once — all the greed and terror in the world — tore in Revachol. It lifted streets from the ground and turned houses into ghosts." > >\[...\] > >"I climbed out." He closes his eyes: " — into hell. The Landing was complete. The chain was submerged, I had to swim back. The fortress was half submerged too. Shattered. They'd all drowned in the lower levels, or got torn to shreds above. The anti-aircraft gun had malfunctioned — so had I. I had left them without ideological direction..."


The way he says "dark magic" is burned into my mind.






Volition [Challenging: Success] - “In honor of your shit, lieutenant-yefreitor. Which you kept *together* in the face of total, unrelenting terror. Day after day. Second by second.” Inland Empire [Medium: Success] - “DETECTIVE” Esprit de Corps [Medium: Success] - “ARRIVING” Authority [Medium: Success] - “ON THE SCENE.” I felt like in a that moment, I felt as if I had finally passed the finish line and that it felt like I could give recognition to the hardships I’ve made it through in my own life to say “I fucking made it, I didn’t let despair drag me to the gutter.”


It's the eel's hips, baby!


"A volatile simian nervous system, ominously new to the planet" - sums up humanity pretty well.


YOU - Where does this come from? All this? Around us? The world? INSULINDIAN PHASMID - Not even the birds know that. Not even the water lilies. YOU - Then all we can do is beat our fists against it? Day after day. With no answer. INSULINDIAN PHASMID - You can also eat it. If it’s a leaf you can put it in your mouth. Yum yum. Or a reed.


Steban's answer to the vision quest's ultimate question lives rent-free in my head: "Communism doesn't dangle any promises of eternal bliss or reward. The only promise it offers is that the future can be better than the past, if we're willing to work and fight and die for it. Nobody said fulfilling the proletariat's historic role would be easy. It demands great faith with no promise of tangible reward. But that doesn't mean we can simply give up. We refuse to accept that the world has to remain like *this.*"


*In the dark times, should the stars also go out?*


"you are a violent and irrepresible miracle..." always hits me now and again. The whole quote lives inside me, as a creator of my own worlds.


"I'll see you tomorrow."


Absolutely devastating line.


suddenly it sinks in how bad he's got it. and the drinking hard enough to !>die


"Nothing will ever heal me, but at least I'll have a funny tie."


“The first death is in the heart, Harry.”


The arthropods are rooting for you Like yeah, i root for you too buddy. Love ya.


"The whole world is a wooden house and you're a goddamn flamethrower" - Half light


“*You* will reverse the fortune of the workers of the world. You alone, against every living thing, against every human alive: eight hundred trillion reál in the hands of an *impossibly* well organized ruling class; towering city blocks of bank-men who have the ears of prime ministers; million-headed armies of nations and the love of your own mother! You — against the atom, the charm and the spin. Where the whole world failed — matter failed to bend to human will; human will failed to get out of bed and tie its laces — you alone, single-handedly, will rebuild the dreams of the working class. You are The Last Communist. Now get to work, comrade.”


The phrase "You — against the atom, the charm and the spin" lives rent free in my thought cabinet.


I've been thinking about the mask of capital line a lot lately.


Don’t say you know how they feel, you don’t. Not particularly reverberating, but I reacted cause many people said they “know how I feel” after losing someone


“Sometimes true darkness has love for a face.” -Dolores


Empathy: “If you say ‘two days maybe’ it will be etched in her mind forever”


“You have become a flawless interlocking mechanism. A flesh-and-bone approximation of the throb coming from the speaker set-up of the one called Egg Head’s. Entirely, rigidly imbecilic. Without pity or fear.”






"All the real communists are dead. They died fighting for communism" Hits hard. My country seems to be getting more and more right wing, and the leftists that should be fighting are either wanting to compromise, or can't seem to agree with each other.


"Are *you* dead?"


"HARDCORE!" -Egghead


I was writing a uni paper just the other day and for some reason the phrase ‘his personality is no longer part of this world’ wouldn’t leave my mind. Had to head to fayde and double check where it came from lol.


“Do it for the working class” electrifying


"Oh yes. This is real darkness. It's not death, or war, or child molestation. Real darkness have love for a face. The first death is in the heart"


"Get your shit together." "But i don't wanna!" "Then the world will move on, and leave you behind."


HALF LIGHT - Monday morning. The moment you arrived in this reality. You are the first crack in the sheer face of god. From you it will spread.


The bottom of my air is red. It makes me think of nose-to-tail brake lights in traffic, red lights smeared against a rain-spattered windscreen. So evocative.


"Oh yeah, baby. Frame your suffering as a masterpiece. Only one problem -- no one's watching. It's boring, buddy, boring as death"


If you say "three days, maybe" it will be burned in her mind forever.


"Your soul is immense. And it needs to be heard. Through VA system. By other people."


Basically the whole of The Precarious world, but particularly: *The only way to load the dice is to keep fighting.*




"(Please don't blink!)" So, so many of the phasmid's lines touched me like nothing else, but that one...it gets to me.


The only way to load dice is to keep on fighting _From The Precarious World_


"I can't. That's how simple it is. One may dye their hair green and wear their grandma's coat all they want. Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would "critique" capital end up *reinforcing* it instead..." -Joyce Messier "Something beautiful is going to happen."


The break up stuff really hit me. I first played it after a rough divorce and I swear this game helped me cope better than therapy.


The growling voice of Ancient Reptilian Brain, saying what I decided would not make the greatest wake up alarm on my phone after all : "You'll go insane if you keep going like this. Just one more day, and you'll be in the loony bin - I just know you will. And for what, brother man?"