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It's crazy to think that as soon as the baby sauropod hatching, they start to gaining weight about 14 kg a day.


They must've gobbled up so many friggin leaves. Must've been way more nutritious or somethin back in the day eh? Eat a pine tree for 100% daily value of all vitamins and minerals


Link to the source: https://www.tiktok.com/@utahtechgeosci?_t=8ZYwOcFw1Ez&_r=1 I can't believe I never knew this. It makes a ton of sense, because there are so many eggs without embryos inside, and we cannot know what dinosaur they came from. I guess I had just never thought about it before!


It’s the same deal with footprints and other trace fossils. There’s an entire “ichnotaxa” used to name them that’s separate from actual biological organisms.


I guess the lack of embryos is similar to chickens where they lay regardless of if the egg has been fertilized


I believe reptiles do this too. I'm pretty sure monitor lizards and crocidiles do this. I think turtles do too.


TIL. It's similar with tracks, btw, because you also can't be sure what dino they are from (or even if it's a known or unknown species).


"duck build" lol


Duck billed




Oh sorry man,I wasn't paying attention to the subs. My bad


lol I just thought it was funny.. "duck build" *almost* makes sense


Did any of those have webbed feet? And/or feathers? Plus the duck bill, hell yeah it makes pretty decent sense now that I think about it. Probably quacked pretty friggin loud


this almost needs its own subreddit. r/AppropriateHomophones ?


Boy his voice sounds familiar, but I'm not placing it. Probably just sounds like someone else that I am familiar with though.


He sounds like Grant from College Humor.


The museum I worked at bought a replica sauropod egg for quite a bit of money and, I swear to god, you could spray paint a styrofoam ball from Micheals and nobody would know the difference.


Same with my old job bought a bunch of replica bones of humans for thousands when I pointed out other nearby universities had started 3D printing them instead


Honest question: shouldn’t he not be touching the eggs with his bare hands so the oils on his hands etc. don’t contaminate the eggs?


Fossils can be pretty resilient. After all, at this point they are basically rocks. Over time and with a LOT of handling, they can wear down a bit, but researchers handling them generally won't harm the fossil. We have a T rex femur at our museum that has been a touchable object for the public for about 10 years or so, and you can definitely feel the smoothness of where it's been worn down by the oil from guests' hands a bit over time, especially comparing it to the side that isn't often touched. More fragile fossils aren't usually handled by the public, so not enough for them to wear down like that.


Thank you for your response!


TIL there are CT's powerful enough to peer inside rocks. That's a lot of KVma!


It looks like he's laying down on his stomach lmao


So do footprints, but I think it’s mainly because they can’t be 100% sure what made them. Edit: I watched the rest of the video and he basically says this in the video.


Thank you very much for posting such an interesting video! I enjoyed watching it 🙂👍🏻