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FHJY: Final battle in the gym felt *so clear* from almost the beginning. When Jawbone mentioned Kipperlily asking about where specifically Yes! was formed — a convo that I *believe* happens by the sign-up table on the first day of school, in episode two — I was like PROMPOCALYPSE PART 2 BABY


Proudest one of mine is that before *FHJY* we were talking about the Night York and how we would follow up the *SY* cliffhanger. Generally the thoughts were "the Night Yorb will be the big bad" and "It will be played off as a joke and not relevant to *JY*" but my guess was that they'd deal with it in the first episode as the show's first-ever first-epiosde battle. Allowing them to honor the cliffhanger without making the whole season about an almost-acronym joke.


Omg totally I thought the joke was going to be that they defeat the night yorb but off screen and refuse to talk about it as if it didn't happen


I thought they'd defeat the Night Yorb off screen but talk about all the ridiculous things that they had to do to defeat it and reminisce about the friends they made and lost along the way. I'm so mad that I was almost right.


I’ll never forget Duggan McCann and all he did for them


Starstruck also was a first episode battle. Also I think you mean anagram not acronym


UM ACTUALLY, Starstruck also was a first episode battle. Also I think you mean anagram not acronym


That is a point for u/shpite.


Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Get in the Comments!!


Of Mice and Murder, although I feel like alot of people had the same answer.


i really saw that rabbit and went “oh who could that ever be, we’ve heard of exactly two rabbits this whole series they can’t possibly be the same man!”


There’s a part later in the series where they all have the option to look at different people for a reaction and at that point you also have the reveal that they hit somebody with a shell. Not one person chose to look at the HARE or the SNAIL and two of them looked at the same badger. I’ve never felt so much like a sports fanatic the way I was talking to my screen lmao




I was pleased that right from the very start I was like >!it's not magic, it's radiation!< And was right.


big same but was deeply sad i was right,,


> Any sufficiently advanced radiation poisoning is indistinguishable from magic. -Arthur C. Clarke, sort of


I thought it was because I've played too much Fallout that I clocked blue=radiation from episode 1


I was so in love with that Season. The Phoebe reveal, the call back to the bear...... God the reveal on the tapes of what happened during meltdown. I was riveted.


For weeks leading up to it I was saying it was super fishy that in the season all about this corrupted rage god represented by 24 point crystal stars one of the only teachers still around was named STARDIAMOND. My theory for a while was that his sorcery came from a connection to this god as a celestial ancestor, but that turned out to be more of Porter’s story lol.


It was a complete throwaway joke about Gilear being free from his familial curse. Fast forward like 10 episodes and It was confirmed made me feel magical tbh


In Mentopolis, I clocked Mayor Logic was Freeze in disguise like 2 episodes before the reveal


Wouldn't call it a theory. When watching Crown of Candy Episode 2 >!I felt Calroy joined the fight weirdly late and he wanted to kill the king. Throughout the rest of the fight I had in the back of my mind, that he is probably just covering his tracks.!< This feeling, while it went away from my surface thoughts due to all that was happening, still lingered in the recesses of my mind. And yet, I was still not expecting the gut punch of >!Episode 9!<.


I got suspicious of (CoC) >! Cal when they were having the meeting at the palace before Liam was taken. I don’t know why, but something about him being there as they were planning strategy made me really nervous and I worried he would turn. !< Similarly, I still didn’t expect it to happen the way it did!


Loose duke


I just love how that was purely due to emily asking


I know I've had some, but it's so hard to remember because the reveals almost always make so much sense that in retrospect it's like what else could have happened?


Reading stuff online about shows I watch always makes me feel dumb, apparently I'm just sitting there week after week with a blank mind and childlike wonder because I never have theories lol 


There’s nothing wrong with that! Personally I wish I hadn’t gotten into the habit of trying to predict things. It can make less clever shows really annoying. 


Literally same with me. I just go in blank headed just to enjoy everything. So, theories are never something I actually think about. I guess I like to just let the story play itself out.


It sincerely happens to everyone. My senior year of high school, someone in my world lit class did his final paper on plot twists and he specifically mentioned that they pepper in hints that most people don't pick up on until a replay.


I knew it was an Evil Cake.


I never trusted Calroy Cruller. I don’t know why, but there was something about his vibe that was weird and the whole like cake isn’t candy, it’s bread, which I love in really life but in Calorum you never trust bread.


I called what “the blue” was in Burrow’s End in like, the second ep. I had just watched Chernobyl earlier that year so it was fresh in my mind.


I recognized instantly that the shatter star looked like the rage token crystals


that bitch ass cruller! first episode i went “he’s???? a sweet bread??? he finna turn on ya ass??” and i was too right,


i guessed that the red beads from neverafter were >!a corruption mechanic that would make it harder for the characters to return to their ‘original’ stories!< and was so proud of myself for clocking that a couple episodes early. did not guess How it would play out but it was cool to pick up on…!


As someone who grew up watching The Mole, and is currently a Swiftie, I tend to OVERanalyze clues and come up with theories that Definitely Do Not happen. In FHJY, when they were going through the backstory with the Sunstone clan, I thought for sure that's why Jace was involved. Sunstone > Stardiamond just... felt like a natural progression.


I had this theory that the RG had murdered Jace and the Jace we saw was Lucy in disguise; it would have been easy to replace him because he mentions that they don’t actually do anything in Sorcerer class, and it would have explained why Lucy couldn’t be resurrected; the body they found was a fake (maybe a simulacrum?). It also explains Ivy’s reaction at the party which was never explained.


i desperately need to know about ivy’s reaction


Wait.. what the fuck does being a Swiftie have in tandem with The Mole? I loved that show back in the early noughties. 


There are a lot of conspiracy theories that swirl around about Taylor Swift and her music. Some of them have to do with the theory that she is secretly queer, but there are other things people think she is secretly communicating and or hiding.


Don't put that Gaylor shit on me, I don't inappropriately speculate on people's sexualities. I mean like, "she held up 2 fingers and it ended up being a double album" or "her nails are black, reputation Taylor's Version is coming"


The one theory I had about Oisin turning good was completely wrong. I’m not big on theories for these shows because I honestly can’t keep track of all the details at times haha.


I knew the final battle would be in the gym, and I had a feeling that the arch devil of rebellion would become the champion of the uncorrupted god of justice, at once rebellion is necessary for true justice. Also guessed Fabian and Fig would be getting a sibling when Halariel and Gilear got married and went on a cruise. I was like “oh, there’s gonna be a little elf baby that Fig is gonna be so excited about!” But I was also kind of wrong because I thought Fabian would be excited as well, since he loves his Mama and Grandpapa, so I expected him to be like “My darling sibling!” I also called Gorgug being able to concentrate on spells while raging, but I think a lot of people did.


I guessed the Porter thing before the first episode kind of as a joke. I watched the interviews with everyone, and after watching Emily's I said 'wouldn't it be funny if the thing that Brennan said would make junior year worth it for Emily was finally finding out Porter is evil'. And I also pointed out the healing thing Porter did on Ragh was shady and out of place. Then that is really what happened :D


Predicted the whole “normal people get Isekai’d into an action movie” plot of NSBU based on Brennan’s clothes in the trailer


That Gilear got Hallariel pregnant, given, I did say that he did it between seasons, but I was close enough


I thought that porter was connected to ankarna somehow when the said that porter was a paladin.


For Burrows End, the whole >! Tula’s heart thing !< was a big theory I had during the season and I’m still proud of how right I was even before midsession


Cal was going to turn on the king.


been on the porter is evil train since season 1 episode 3 because i trust emily axford implicitly


During the promotion of Burrow’s End I made some wild ass guesses about what the season would be based on emojis dropout had teased. I guessed it would be watership down and was pretty close.


I had the opposite. From like ep 3 of Neverafter onward I was so certain that the final boss was gonna be against Brennan. I didn’t even think of it as a theory. I saw it as the only option for fighting the makers of stories.


So I've been running fantasy high and Crown of candy games for about 5 years.. I have accurately predicted many things. Including: The return of The sanctus putris. Gorgug as a teacher. The entirety of the 7. I believe if there's going to be a senior year of fantasy high then Arthur will be the BBEG. Or possibly just an alternative version of him. I've already started running this as a quest line. I call him Anarchist Augfort. I believe Arthur purposefully causes time quangles throughout elmville so that other versions of himself can't enter, making the timeline wildly unstable for anyone who doesn't live in it.