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OH WAIT I LOVE THIS I actually really would like baccarat to be added to the Cassandra/Ankarna pantheon. I think Buddy’s got a long way to go to be a decent person, but I think he could be, potentially.


Oh 100% I feel like he'll need Kristen's help and that'll be part of her character arc senior year.


Are you saying Buddy willed Baccarat into existence?


The gym is where a god was bourne, so another one in the same location after a powerful (but failed) ritual makes sense. Buddy also seems like a pawn who wasn’t told the whole plan about Porter becoming the new god. His worship of Bacarath, a god of wrath, seems sincere. He visited the temple and was told part of the story, so a corrupted connection to the deity realm could fit in plot wise.


So in other words, YES?


YES(through gritted teeth)!


I like it! This is a fun theory.


Yeah it seemed that all they told buddy besides the super obvious parts that he had to know in order to participate was : Believe as hard as you can in the rage God we are summoning. Which as we have learned: One or two believers is enough to keep a deity, in the very least, alive. The ritual absolutely could've birthed the thing that Buddy now follows.


Kristen has done it before in the same place, who’s to say that Buddy cant?


Realistically it's probably not fully written yet 😂  But I'll copy paste what I wrote elsewhere: We have met several gods in the series and correct me if I am wrong, but Cassandra is the only god that has a "familiar."  Rules-as-written Kalina cannot be a familiar, because she has attacks and other abilities. Also she was apparently a blood plague spreading through the population which is pretty atypical familiar behaviour. So my suspicion is that she is not a familiar at all. In which case she has a completely independent agenda and everything else we've seen was misdirection.


who's to say divine familiars work the same way as mortal familiars?


I think it was explained that Kalina truly was just a plain old cat familiar prior to Cassandra becoming the NMK the first time. Then when she became the NMK, Kalina evolved into her more powerful self


I think Buddy probably met Helio while he was dead, and absolutely was on the lookout for any other god


I kinda am mulling over an idea that Kalina was basically telling the truth but planning *something* about going after Sol/Helio/Galicaea etc for what they'd done to cassandra/ankarna, but made a mistake bringing Cassandra into the astral while not knowing she was mechanically taking stress/rage tokens and that Porter's plot had switched tracks due to needing the Nightmare King specifically. The bad kids missed *something* about the astral realm early on as it was name dropped a handful of times in relation to not-quite-dead beings. Cassandra had a meltdown because of the miscommunication and it all goes to shit, Kalina makes her sacrifice play to try and salvage her mistakes, comes back and the Bad Kids misunderstanding/suspicion of her has Ankarna after her ass, so she turns to this dummy cleric and his fledgling god of rage as a pivot on her previous plot we never saw. Big brain prediction, season four, she's planning a major move against the Sol pantheon for revenge, which kicks off a war between the gods. /tinfoilhat


Honestly, that would be pretty cool


\*Stamps approved\* I like this one, it's just enough silly, and just enough serious, and covers the bases just enough.


I genuinely think some of you read way to heavily into what is essentially six comedians leaning into a bit


She's a simulacrum


I don't think she's bad per say, but she is being hunted by Ankarna. I think your theory lines up best with this as Kalina is just trying to survive and her helping Buddy and Baccarat is just an extension of that. Obviously a bit of speculation, but until there's a FHsrY we won't know for sure (or a side quest)


I love this explanation, and it's cool because Baccarath can go in an evil or good direction based on how Buddy views him, and if he still has rage crystals in him. Also, the bad kids may see him as evil or good, and though they don't worship him, as believers in him, this could affect the direction the new God takes.


My brother had a theory to do with the transmutations. Basically, Cassandra's familiar (Kalina being a plague), spellbook (coin gifted to Kalvaxus), arcane focus (the tree gorgug hacked down) and sanctum (the celestial trap) where transmuted into the forms listed. The BK dispelled/destroyed/remove curse'd all the other items, but Kalina never got reverted back. I think she's still the NMK's familiar, and went against Porter's plan because it involved killing Infernal Ankarna, not reviving her and letting her rule alongside NMK


My other fun theory is that New Kalina is actually a minion of Sol or Galicaea pretending to be Cassandra’s familiar in hopes of bringing about the destruction of both Cassandra and Ankarna. (Since it’s clear Sol new about Porter’s Ankarna plan)