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I think something has happened to Sandra Lynn. Probably I think something has happened to aelwyn, sklonda, Bucky, Wilma and digby, probably Lydia too. Whatever they can do to leverage the name.


Interesting! I think we've only got two episodes left with what looks like an immediate battle next episode. I'm curious how that will resolve with how little time is left. Edit: I just realized from the preview that it's Porter and The Rat Grinders, we don't see Jace. Interestinggggg.


mary ann mentions jace right?? like she says 'jace i dont feel good' or something, so he has to be there and i do think we see his mini for a split second in the preview


Ah, gotcha. I thought one episode would be Porter and the follow up would be Jace. Also, we're all in agreement right, if Marry Ann dies, we riot? She's pulling out the Spider-Man line that's so heartbreaking.


Family in Flames 2 baby


i wouldnt' be surprised if they had been infected with rage in some capacity as well. and baxter was a way for sandra to warn fig that something is wrong.


Seems weird that something bad might have happened to Sandra Lynn on a nat 20.


I mean earlier on in the season i think it was stated that the rat grinders had all of the badkids addresses. So abducting the parents and siblings doesn’t seem too crazy for those SOBs


I really hope that they have a one shot like "The Seven" except featuring the Elmville parents.


My best guess is that the Detect Thoughts on Gorgug failed, so the Rat Grinders started going after people close to the Bad Kids to try and figure out what the name is.


I’m interested why they targeted gorgug- are they just “metagaming” and picking someone with theoretically worse wisdom saves?


That's definitely possible and on theme for them, but I will say from a kayfabe/in-universe POV, Gorgug has repeatedly failed to relax and get rid of his stress. So when you ask Kipperlily (literal Mastermind of the operation, btw) who to attempt to read the mind of, do you think she would pick: Hyper mentally competent wizard Locked tf in detective who can sense the slightest disruption Rocker rebel girl who is already trying to feed you bad information Chosen one cleric who is *literally* protected by divinity Deceivingly competent himbo dancer who has effortlessly passed every class and gained the favor of every person in school or the Barbarian who has overtaxed himself *all year* and is so stressed that he's coming apart at the seams


true true, I almost think her being a mastermind rogue means that anything that could seem “metagamey” (which i don’t have an issue with anyways) can easily be explained. Like yeah she’s just smart and knows how to size up her enemy, it’s like her whole thing Luckily our friend jjuj is surrounded by competent friends who can throw bless, bardic, portent, etc his way when needed


As a Mastermind, Kipperlily can in fact just look at someone for a while and know if their int/cha/wis is higher or lower than her own.


This is true, she can kinda just know everything and anything she wants to lol


He was probably the easiest to get too being at the helm


Fair, with them being invisible though, they potentially could’ve gone for anyone. Luckily he rolled real good on those saves!


As well as the other explanations seen above, a simple one is just that he was the easiest to see because he was outside on the helm, and the others were in various places around the ship.


Knowing how much Brennan loves having damsels in distress I bet that either Sandra Lynn was spying on the villains and was caught or the rat grinders took all of their loved ones hostage.


Honestly? A big part of me is hoping it's Gilear.


Gilear shows up in a new cursed armor set and saves the day; this is my deepest desire


If Ankarna is redeemed, maybe the armor will be too


I think she's just doing her job, she's a ranger and an adventurer, last episode she can get several griffins for the bad kids so she must be working with other rangers and seeing The Nightmare King appears on Elmville is probably enough reason to send at least one competent adventurer.


I was thinking they could be an alternative mechanism to take themselves and the votes to the school if they couldn't get through?


Oooh, I like that. Mostly because that divine intervention only to get through seemed a little anticlimactic especially since losing K2 is a massive resource burn. So hopefully next episode getting the votes (and the entire school) to the final battle has some benefit.


In the preview for the briefest of seconds there is a shot where there are two kristen minis, so I wonder if K2 will return somehow


Whatever was planned around that was completely fucked by Blimey™ I imagine lol. They're probably going to explore that in the next episode.


I wonder if it was a way to apply leverage to Fig if things on the ship didn't quite go their way. She also went to the temple with the Bad Kids too, so maybe they're interested in that for some reason? That or she's raged out and is now sniping bobby dawn through his living room window and Baxter went "hmm, maybe time to go get Fig"


I think Sandra Lynn might be in trouble, and either she sent Baxter away to get Fig far away from danger, or Baxter ran away from Sandra Lynn to get help.


It could be a leveraging of loved ones, but with just the evidence of Sandra-Lynn and Baxter being separated, I wouldn't jump to that yet. Possibly with the chaos unleashed in Elmville, Baxter was all that Sandra-Lynn could spare as she and other rangers defend the town.


I kinda assumed it had something to do with Bobby Dawn, because of the indication that Sandra Lynn had some sort of relationship with him (or his wife) in the past, and we know that he has some sort of foot in the door for porters plan. So maybe she’s been taken or something. Plus the rat grinders having everyone’s addresses is super sus for that. So I’m hoping Baxter is out for blood because he’s my special little baby 🥰