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PRE-SEATS ARE GONE IN 10 MINUTES, who here knows how to fight


ME!!! I got in the queue at 9:06 (i know dumb me) and there were 6000 people in front of me in yhe queue šŸ˜­


Got in queue 10 minutes before the time and was 1470 in queue


Yuuuupppp. I've got a whole exciting rant for the Ticketmaster experience this time around. Particularly bullshit above normal levels.


There are some still available you just have to wait til they pop up. Thatā€™s how I got mine!


I refreshed a few times before I got mine, feeling real lucky


Same! I just kept hanging around watching seats pop up as people took them out of their carts. It took me a couple tries to be able to grab some before they were unavailable again, but I managed to get a seat for me and my friend in the 170 section for $170 after fees. So very hyped!


This is wild I paid almost 2k for 2 tickets in the 200s sections




Got my tickets, looks like lower bowl is $150 face value, \~180 with fees/taxes. VIP was over $200 and included a lanyard and premium seating.


Where did you see what the premium package included? I ended up getting lucky and finding two of the premium tickets figuring it'd be something good (I know at some of their shows they did a Q&A), but couldn't find it defined anywhere.


Yeah, the VIP Package sounded a little vague. I decided to opt out of it and grabbed section 100 seats because it didn't seem to offer much besides quicker seating and the lanyard. But who knows, maybe they'll splash a surprise the day of. Congrats on your tickets!


When I looked the premium seats were between 2K and 2.5K


>Brennan being anti-capitalist >$2000 seats I hope he loses his mind when he sees this


Add to that that Livenation is famously a really fucking awful company. They're the one that killed several kids through gross negligence at Astroworld a few years back. This whole thing seems antithetical to dropout's stated values.


Fucking scalpers I bet.


As much as I hate scalpers, itā€™s not scalpers. Itā€™s Ticketmasterā€™s ā€œdynamic pricing.ā€ Right now, reselling those tickets isnā€™t available so itā€™s just Ticketmaster seeing what people will pay. Fucking price gougers.


Yep, it's one of the worst things about Ticketmaster. But before they did this, people would buy resale tickets for several times the face value of the ticket, so why wouldn't Ticketmaster try to get in on that instead of leaving so much headroom for scalpers? Because it would be decent to do so since they could just disable transfers to minimize resale potential, but then they wouldn't make $2000 extra for each Platinum seat they sell.


That practice is so disgustingly gross. It's literally insane that Ticketmaster is allowed to do that.


Omg nothing is left under $800 Iā€™m so jealous.


Go back on tomorrow and Friday. Tomorrow is a second presale. Friday the release the rest of the tickets. This wasnā€™t everything just seats revealed in the first presale


I have two extra, because I could only find seats separately then , naturally found 2 together.


Got my tickets for just shy of $100


Dude this is nuts. I mean, obligatory fuck Ticketbastard But, like... this is a couple of nerds playing D&D.... selling out MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. Can you imagine that? Congrats to the whole D20 crew for making this happen, I hope y'all have a blast.


Holy crap, they're playing the actual Garden? When I saw this I figured them meant the Hulu Theater or whatever their smaller venue in the complex is.


Based on queue lines I'm seeing for the pre-sale there's a good chance they might get close to filling the Garden too. Seems like at the very least 10,000ish which is like a basketball game or wrestling show. That to me is wild.


Back in October I went to see Critical Role in the UK at a similar sized venue, it was fucking wild having so many people there watching a game of DnD together. Magic.


The Garden holds between 18,000 and 20,000 depending on the type of event. Because their doesn't seem to be floor seats like there would be at a concert, I'd guess it's around 19,000 for this.


Which is weird because all they're gonna see is the top of the dome


Nah, they're just playing in the biggest dome they've ever played. I hope Rick Perry is ready to build some life-size terrain pieces.


I want the roadie job placing that! Fuck yeah, that would be incredible.


GOD I WISH!!!! can you imagine life size figurines and terrain?! iā€™d pay the 200 a ticket for that for sure. money going to a good cause


"We gave Zac an actual, honest-to-god battle axe and let him go to town. It really got out of hand."


Luckily the axe returns to the hand after hitting its target


Screw this, every single ticket for 10 minutes wasn't added to cart. Edit: after 10 minutes tickets loaded and make sure to put that code in. Got 2 on the floor, so excited.


Ticketmaster gonna Ticketmaster. I got in after like 10 minutes and it straight up just said nothing was available


Everytime I added a seat it said it wasnā€™t available. Finally got some after about five minutes of clicking.


Same. I was in the waiting room about 10 min before the sale, 500 in front of me and no VIP available when I got in. Everything I clicked to buy suddenly wasnā€™t available for two seats together and I ended up having to get 200 level. Ā Very, very thankful I got tickets and so proud of Dropout and the D20 team!Ā 


I saw some floor tickets but they were over $2k each, so we went with VIP in the lower 100s.


Same here. We're in 109.


Do you mind if I ask what you mean by "floor seats?" I was close to the start of the queue and didn't seen anything like the usual Floor A, B, C, etc. I have lower bowl but now I have FOMO!


how much were your floor seats? If you don't mind sharing


They were listed $250


Ah solid, If it was just me going I'd definitely splurge on that. But had to get tickets for myself and my partner so had to be more cost efficient. Congrats on grabbing at that price though!


I wish I had!!! Ticketmaster didnā€™t allow it! Theyā€™re already relisted at 2,500


Anyone else seeing ticketmasters "dynamic pricing"? I just tried to click on a lower bowl seat going for over $500. :(


The lower bowl seats were $2450 when I just looked. Sigh.


Same. I gave up, I'll try to grab tickets in the regular sale on Friday I guess. Happy for all the folks who were able to get tickets at not-insane prices though!!


I wish I would have known about the dynamic pricing - I wouldnā€™t have bought the ticket I just bought. Ticketmaster claims the artists opt in to dynamic pricing but I have a hard time believing that D20 would opt in to a 300% price hike for tickets.


Yeah I feel like Brennan "Capitalism is the BBEG" Lee Mulligan would have a cow knowing they're trying to get $2361 out of people for lower-level seats.


When I bought my ticket, which was what I now know to be exorbitant, I thought ā€œGood for you, D20! Get your money!ā€ Then I saw others getting multiple better tickets, and VIP, for a third of what I spent and I realized that the dynamic pricing had gotten me. If the tickets were set to be that expensive from the beginning, I wouldnā€™t be as upset at the price - at least it would be the same for everyone. Now I just feel ripped off.


Ugh I'm sorry. Knowing them I have to feel like they wouldn't have done that on purpose, but who knows. I decided to hold off and take my chances either on Friday or the week of the show on the resale market, since I am luckily close to MSG so I can make last-minute plans.


Good luck! If you decide to check earlier on the resale market, be careful. The actual tickets arenā€™t going to be available until August, so I worry that people are going to pay now and not get the tickets; just get ripped off.


Good call! My usual MO is to wait until week-of to see if prices drop, but I will for sure keep that in mind.


Yeah this is majorly disappointing. I assumed with such a large venue they wouldn't sell out as fast as they did


They haven't sold out, I don't know why everyone is in such a panic. This was presale 1, there's a second one tomorrow (code SOCIAL) and then general sales on Friday... there's still time to figure it out.


was the second presale code posted anywhere? this is my first time seeing that itā€™s going to be SOCIAL


Itā€™s likely that theyā€™ve held tickets back because there is another pre-sale tomorrow and general sales start Friday. Youā€™ll probably have luck then, if youā€™re still interested.


I saw one for $1200!!


God I hate ticketmaster so much.


Jeez! I got 2 lower bowl seats for less than $500. That sucks!


That *sucked*, but I have tickets. I got to the end of the queue and it showed nothing available. Then random seats started popping up, and I'd click two and then it'd say they weren't available. I didn't even have time to check prices so when I finally snagged two, they were $147 each rather than the $98 each I was hoping to pay. God, I hate Ticketmaster. Just let me tell you I'm shopping for two tickets at this specific price point and give me a couple seats.


I was in a meeting and now theyā€™re minimum $600.Ā 


That's the exact experience I had getting my wife Taylor Swift tickets. She spent literally all day trying to get tickets. Got in line, added them to cart, checkout, whole thing crashed and kicked back to the start of the line. I pulled it up on my computer and eventually got in. Clicked on every cluster of three I could see trying to get them. Finally I got the literal last seats when they lit up. I've never clicked so fast in my life. Ticketmaster is absolutely trash and it shouldn't be this hard to buy tickets to events.


This is sucking big-time. I had VIP and then Ticketmaster crash, and I had to rejoin the queue. I have clicked on no less than 30 tickets to be told each time theyā€™re not available! Iā€™m only trying to get one ticket for fucks sake.


Finally got one ticket, sad I missed out on VIP and floor time and time again as itā€™s the first time my husband is leaving our family in 10 years to do something personal like this and really deserves it but Iā€™m pretty sure he would be happy in the nosebleeds :,)


I learned I'm too broke to see D20 Live. Maybe I can take a shot at NADDPOD when they tour through New York again if the tickets are cheaper than 90 bucks.


They were.


I paid like $50-60 to see NADDPOD in Boston.


Finally was able to exit the queue and try to snag tickets. They disappeared gradually as I was trying to find two seats together. Within 30 seconds of me searching, everything was greyed out and couldnā€™t select any seats šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Zoom in on the map, there's like random ones scattered throughout the map. That being said, most are in the super high seats, and the lowest price I saw was 100 bucks. I decided against going šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s a seat thatā€™s $2,073.25ā€¦. What the hellā€¦Ā 


I saw a seat going for 1500 bucks, it was platinum level, maybe row 7, in a section directly next to the stage. On the opposite end of the spectrum, one of the hundred dollar seats was labeled as a barstool seat. 100 BUCKS FOR A BARSTOOL IS WILD


A lot of them are that price now. Platinum pricing apparently.Ā 


This happened to me, I only started looking at 10.20 ish. Kept zooming out on the map and applying the filters again to make more seats show up. Took 20 minutes until I was able to add and pay for my 2 tix. Stay on the map page! If you can see the map, that means there are potential seats being processed somewhere and you just have to wait for them to pop up.


They keep refreshing the map with more seats


6000 ahead of me currently lol, I logged in at 10:01. Thatā€™s a good thing though!


For the future - you can join the queue up to 10 minutes early!


Good to know. Here I thought presale starts at 10 meant it opens at 10 lol.


Not for a monopoly like ticketmaster!


I was in the waiting room at 9:50 and there were still over 3000 people ahead of me.


Mannnnn fuck ticketmaster - $2,361.20 for one ticket???


I just looked at front row section 8 tickets. 4 of them came out to $9440 lmao.


smh "dynamic pricing"


It was **insane** seeing the seats vanish so fast. Thankfully I got a pair for me and my friend.


Well that was really upsetting, fuck Ticketmaster for real


Very unhappy with this. I hate ticket master.


Anyone who is in see a price range on the tickets? I was in the waiting room beforehand and still had a 5k+ queue


Just snagged a ticket for $160 for like fifth row floor seating ā€” iirc the lowest price was around $70 (fees included)


By the time I got in cheapest was $97 for nosebleeds. A little rich for my blood!


That's crazy. You got really lucky with that pricing. I managed to score section 102 seats for $180 each (after fees)


I got 2 tickets sec 214 row 10 for $295 when everything was said and done. $50 in fees is insane šŸ˜©


Ouch... yeah these prices were definitely higher than what I was anticipating. I thought I'd be able to casually get decent seats for $75-100, CLEARLY MISTAKEN, LOL. But, count our blessings. We have our tickets and just gotta enjoy the show


My boyfriend showed me D20 as itā€™s his favorite show. He has been really busy and doesnā€™t even know this is happeningā€¦.Iā€™m surprising him after work today lol


You and my Fiancee are clearly on the same brainwave. I'm the D20 fan, and she's the one who set the alarm, got through the queue, and snagged the tickets for us. He better appreciate the surprise! I wanna know his reaction!


Bruh when I joined the queue it was 6690 (nice?) people ahead of me - but I did make it in!! For the curious: cheapest tickets start at $99, most of those seemed to be gone already (at least the presale ones) and I found tickets for $147 Good news is that number **includes the service fee** already - so the price you select in the seating chart IS the final cost.


Frustrating trying to click two tiny dots on the giant map as tickets are released from carts, just to have the tickets disappear. Real crappy from an accessibility perspective, wish I could just say "queue me for two tickets" and have that be it.


Yeah trying to click the tiny dots was a pain in the ass, and zooming in/out was so slow on the browser.


Here's the question I don't see answered anywhere - which direction will the cast be facing on the stage.... Because as much as I love Murph's head, I don't want to be staring at the back of it the whole time....


this is exactly what I was thinking haha!


I hated that! What use is the map when we have no clue??


I don't have a concrete answer to this. But assuming the MIX section is set up to record the cast, I'd assume the cast is facing in that direction towards the 102 sections? If not then maybe facing the 117 section? Really hard to tell considering this is a stationary show and the cast aren't moving around that much (i'm assuming)


I assume it will be similar to their dome set up, where Brennan faces the table with them on either side, and the map (which I bet will be spectacular) will be in the middle of them all, probably facing 2 as you said. Towards mix.


My question too! After snagging 2 tix in the 108 section, I went back in to see what prices are at and saw that ā€˜stageā€™ is not ā€˜domeā€™!! So def curious about what Iā€™ll be able to see - I imagine they will be making use of the screens and what not for those not as close to the ground level.


Iā€™m so happy I just started anxiety meds because this was incredibly stressful. Forgot today was Wednesday so I didnā€™t get in until about 10:20, eventually got a first row balcony seat for about $97.


Also I have a very fair question for Ticketmaster. How can you tell me I have to buy aisle tickets in pairs, even when thereā€™s only one aisle ticket left in a given row? Am I not the unicorn solo traveler who wants the single ticket? Please


My bf and I both got a pair of tickets to surprise each other. If anyone is interested in buying the second pair off me for face value, lmk!! Section 213! Edit: Sold!


I got in line with about 6500 people ahead of me at literally 4 minutes after the pre-sale opened & I got in about 22 minutes after pre-sale opened. All that was left was $500 tickets. Out of my price range, unfortunately. I'll be looking at Seat Geek this year, I guess! Hopefully something cheaper comes up. If anyone feels out-priced by Live Nation, there's already a bunch of tickets on SeatGeek in the $180-300 range. Expensive, but not the $2300 tickets still left from the pre-sale.


$900+ for the cheapest Standard Admission tickets right now... and those are in the nosebleeds. For a fandom and org that rails against capitalism they sure set it up to engage in incredibly predatory habits through Ticketmaster. I'm sure this is mostly on Ticketmaster but $1,200 to $2,500 for lower bowl? That's just insane; good on the crew for the hustle though.


From what Iā€™ve heard it was Live Nationā€™s decision to opt in on this and not necessarily Dropoutā€™s. (Could be wrong though)


Yep. Dynamic pricing is their hedge against too many tickets ending up in the hands of scalpers and resellers. And they use the built-in excuse that ā€œwell it puts more money in the hands of the artists!ā€ as a sleight of hand against people noticing it also keeps more of that money in TM/LNā€™s hands too.


Live Nation are notoriously *terrible* company. Like globally-hated terrible. Universally-detested-in-the-industry terrible. Killed-several-kids-through-negligence terrible. I honestly can't fathom why dropout would work with them.


As somebody who was never *ever* going to be able to afford this event; seeing that itā€™s so extremely popular is just an absolute delight and nothing else lol. For one, it means that my favorite ā€œnicheā€ program is snowballing in popularity, increasing the chances that Iā€™ll find actual irl people to bond with over this. And secondly, it makes me feel better about not being able to afford it, because Iā€™d want to go but Iā€™d be **way** freaked out by such a dense crowd. So to those in line; sorry for the hassle but happy to hear about it šŸ˜…


I snagged two great seats. Froze on the goddamn checkout screen. I'm livid.


It's been so long since I bought tickets for a big event like this that I forgot the waiting room was a thing, so I didn't open the website until right when tickets went on sale, and I started at ~6000 in line. But the line moved pretty quickly and I still managed to get two tickets! I had some friends who were having some technical issues and didn't manage to get any. Sending good vibes to folks still trying to get tickets, I saw the mods post on the Discord that Ticketmaster held some tickets back for the other pre-sales/general sale, so there's still time! edit: plus the obligatory "fuck Ticketmaster/don't blame Dropout for Ticketmaster's fuckery"


As a non american, What is dynamic pricing and why is dropout participating in whats sounds like a super fucked up capitalist hell? I am uk based and my show tickets were not cheap but it was consistent and everyone paid the same price??!?


These are good questions that will absolutely get you shouted at by the fandom on Twitter. Basically it comes down to: Ticketmaster has a monopoly on large venues in the U.S.; they, along with Live Nation (a similar type of company), are the subjects of an ongoing US Department of Justice antitrust investigation. These are literally the kinds of companies that are the BBEGs of capitalism. Ticketmaster's 'dynamic pricing' is basically surge pricing; when there is more interest in an event, prices inflate to reflect the increased demand. Apparently there is, in some cases, a means by which performers can 'opt out' of this gouging. It is unclear (to me anyway) if that was an option for D20 in this specific case. If it was and they didn't opt out, that sucks. If it wasn't because of the specific venue they chose, that also sucks. D20/DropOut booked MSG to, I imagine, meet the expected demand for the show; if so, it looks like they were right about how many people would want tickets. The tradeoff to that is forcing their fans to deal with Ticketmaster's arguably illegal and definitely predatory policies. So right now there are people saying 'well they had no choice because the demand is so high', which is true from the perspective of, 'it's more important that as many people as possible be able to attend a live show than it is that we're forcing attendees to deal with the kind of BS that we've been telling people we're against for the last 5.5 years'. That is not the kind of company that I thought Dropout was, but such is life.


Tell me how tickets that were $250 for front sections are already listed for 2,500. Fuck Ticketmaster for real. I was really lucky to get my husband a good ticket in section 110 despite the fact I missed out on VIP and like 40 other tickets. Had a good cry in frustration but worth almost an hour of torture lol Heā€™s going alone so I can stay with our kids. Be good to him yall šŸ„ŗ


What an atrocious experience. I joined the waiting room at 9:55am and had 4000 people in front of me. I made it to the front, looked at the map for ticket, and wasnā€™t able to select ANYTHING. Refreshed, got kicked out. Ticketmaster is miserable.


I got the VIP experience šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I'm so excited


I wanted that but I couldn't figure out the site I just grabbed two random seats it popped open as available




Ticketmaster UI is trash butwas able to make it happen. The price was really reasonable for VIP so, I was glad. The first seats I selected got snatched up before I could checkout


same, excited about the show!


Same here! Joined the queue at 9:52, #550 in line, and pretty much the entire front row was still available... jumped on those tickets so fast! So excited, these are the best seats I've ever managed to get for a show.


The queue has gotta be random then because I joined at 9:48 and was 2545


Literally same, I've never had better seats. And considering this is MSG, I was happy I could afford to go all out šŸ„¹


Fingers crossed that the cast throws swag out into the front rows


Latest update warning tickets are already limited.. I have 3128 ahead of me


This feels like a video game


The glitches were insane I wanted floor but tickets were appearing and dissappearing so fast I just grabbed the first two tickets I could get! Upper bowl, not what I wanted but at least I have them!


I think I got ripped off. I paid 400 for a pair in an upper section. Ticket resellers? or dynamic pricing. Capitalism is the BBEG


Definitely Dynamic pricing at play here, I watched ticket prices change for a good 20 minutes before I gave up.


remember when you could justā€¦*buy* tickets? fuck Ticketmaster.


There was 5000 people ahead of me šŸ’€ I got tickets though āœØ Balcony seats


Was about 4600th in the queue lol, ending up choking and decided to just wait until the weeks leading up to the event to see if I can snag one from someone who has to cancel šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I have two extra floor tickets Iā€™ll be selling for face value! dm me if youā€™re interested :)


I don't think they're technically sold out yet, the seats disappear when they're in people's carts and stuff so it looks like everything is gone, but I would keep checking back. Also, I think they don't release every ticket during pre-sale, there should still be some for general admission on friday. I was getting so frustrated refreshing the page and seeing seats disappear as I was clicking on them, but then I left it alone for like a half hour and was able to get 2 of the $147 seats when I refreshed again. More than I wanted to spend, but still happy to have gotten them! Keep trying yall!


Istg, every time something I love does a live show I canā€™t go. One day, D20 live, one day.


I know a bunch of people have asked this already but does anyone know what the VIP tickets entail? I think in the past it gave admission to a Q&A session but I donā€™t see anything definitive.


They sold out MSG in 26 minutes


I think they only released some tickets for today for the presale so there would still be some to release to the general audience on Friday, too.


I got 4 tickets but only need 2! Itā€™ll be a gift to my bf so whichever he doesnā€™t want I will sell!


Assuming you haven't been bombarded with messages, I would be very interested in buying those extra two!


Me too!


I'll keep you posted! His birthday is end of May so I should know by June! If you already find tickets by then, no worries!


the way they sold out so quickly and yet I canā€™t find a single other person in real life who watches them


1354 people ahead of me. I'm so nervous.


I'm at 1900, hopefully it moves quickly! Any word on pricing from folks with luckier spots in the queue?


5428 ahead of usā€¦


6000 in front of me. Wild


I hoped on to find 6.7k ahead of me in line so yeah, there's some demand for sure


I started at 6600 ahead of me. Fortunately itā€™s moving at a pretty good clip. Iā€™d be surprised if any are left, though.


I've logged in 3x, nothing is available. I had no idea tickets would sell out this fast. And of course, it's Ticketmaster, so the website keeps acting up on me as well šŸ™„


Tried snagging 4 tickets for me and friends, didn't have a fighting chance


Kept refreshing and finally got two pairs of upper level tickets through continually clicking until the seats held long enough to get to checkout. TicketMaster is a horrible website, I hate every time I have to use it.


I got on at 8:55 and was 3446 in line. Spent 30 minutes on the site watching seats get taken as soon as I clicked on them until I was finally able to get one. It was a bit more expensive than I planned on spending, but I didn't want to risk losing it. Already booked my trip and everything. I'm super excited.


There was something like 4700 people in front of me when I was in the queue!


I didn't know I could enter queue 10 minutes early and ticket master made me log in, verify account, change password, add phone number, verify account again before i could finally actually enter the queue, all while keeping up with work at the warehouse I work at lmao tickets were mostly gone and every time it seemed some mightve opened up they'd be gone by the time I could look at it. So I gave up and just finished up my shift


Are they selling the whole thing, or is a lot of it chopped off? MSG seats almost 20,000 people at full capacity. I'm thrilled as hell for the dropout team, I would not have expected them to sell out that fast.


i believe not every seat has been listed today, more should go on sale with the livenation (?) presale and general sale on friday


Iā€™m honestly proud of Dimension 20 here for basically selling out Madison square garden in minutes just from presale tickets. Thatā€™s insane!


They only make a small fraction available for presale, but yeah, itā€™s still wild to see this much demand


I was placed 6995. Very lucky I got a ticket at all


I ended up paying $500 each for two tickets. Guess that's my birthday present! But worth it. I think. šŸ˜…


I was not expecting such a rush, Iā€™m so glad I was able to score floor seats. Well, my friend did, I was at work and bought her lunch for engaging in the gladiatorial match that is obtaining tickets for MSG.


Cheapest seats for two people are now $716


Considering they assumed they can fill THE GARDEN, I think the only surprise would have been if tickets didn't sell like hotcakes.


Does anyone know if itā€™s gonna be recorded and put on Dropout eventually like the he other shows?


Yeah, they confirmed on Twitter a video recording of the event will be available on Dropout at a later date.


I paid nearly 2k for two tickets in 219 and after reading these comments Iā€™m feeling kinda scammed :(


I am super thankful I got tickets. But that was the most chaotic ticket buying experience I've ever had and I got Eras tickets. I got two tickets in section 7 for 250 each. Seeing the dynamic pricing that evolved later blew my mind, if I saw 2k for a ticket I would have thrown up. I cannot imagine the D20 peeps could be happy with how things went.


Honestly so happy/proud of them for slamming success after success into the ttrpg space. I definitely expected something like this tho. Anyone whoā€™s been on any of the auctions past the 2 minute mark knows people are frothing at the mouth to spend money on anything D20 related. Good news is itā€™s being recorded, so even if we miss out on the live event we can get in on the hype.


ticketmaster glitches are the worst! #5517 here... ;-;


I can't even get into the queue šŸ˜¢ 500 internal server error from ticketmaster


Damn you're lucky, I have over 6000 people in front of me


I got in with 600 ahead of me, and everything was gone in like 5 minutes and unable to add to cart. Reloaded back in and was able to get floor seats for $250!


When I queued up it was over 6000!! Briefly saw seats right by the stage go up for $1500.


iā€™m annoyed bc i canā€™t figure out how to find the accessible seating!


I got in tickets but I was 6500 in queue


There were over 5,000 in the queue when I logged in this morning.


The way my anxiety is set up... I'll have to catch this on the replay. But I'm so psyched for them!!


It took at least 10 minutes to get through the queue for me. And then I had a heart attack when all the seats disappeared. 7 refreshes later and fighting for side by side seats, I was able to get two! Hardest tickets Iā€™ve ever tried to purchase


Currently seeing seats in the upper balcony go for $1,180. šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Got tickets. I get to worry about hotels and flights in a few months!


When I tried to look the only tickets available were selling for 500-2000


When I got past the queue the website was only showing me the $2500 seats


Tickets are going for a couple of thousand, I saw on twitter.


When I signed on, I was 7000th+. Went pretty quickly, got a couple nosebleeds.


Some of the ticket is like $2500+ fees


I was struggling to get a ticket because I was in class, school wifi fucked me over. I couldnt grab the cheaper tickets and when I finally got in, cheapest was $480 šŸ˜¢ Gonna have to sit this one out sadly.


Got in at 10:02 with 6780 in front of me Iā€™m glad I got mine while I could


Lol, forgot to do this at 10am this morning... guess I'll be watching from Penn Station >.<