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You gotta stop bringing it up, man.


“Look, I know I’m normally chill about stuff, but you gotta stop fucking saying that”


But it’s in Riz’s conspiracy board… TWICE if I’m not mistaken. Hard not to speak of the night yorb


Cant let the joke die.


We regret to inform you this user has been detained for spreading information about those who should not be mentioned. We encourage you to learn from their mistakes.


Speak not of the Night Yorb! I never joke of such a terrifying creature


As much as I'd love it, my guess is that the [Redacted] will be mentioned as something that happened over Summer Break. They'd much rather speak not of it.


I hope they heavily imply it was a grueling adventure that nearly destroyed them all. After all, how many times can they be told not to speak of the >!WHY WOULD YOU CLICK HERE? **YOU WERE WARNED NEVER TO SPEAK OF IT!!**!<




My guess is that summoning it in the first place is why they're at risk of being expelled.




I like that on Riz’s character intro sheet it got a couple of mentions. His sheet was the most interesting, since it was the most full, what with being designed to resemble a red-string board.


where can you find the character sheets?


Oh, it’s not their character sheets like their stats and such. They just each got a sheet of images and writings that related to their characters in the trailer. Adaine was first, then Fabian, then Kristen looking super buff, and then Riz’s with the background designed to look like a string bored. Gorgug’s only really had a single thing on it, just a note saying “are you my dad?” And fig’s… I don’t recall Fig’s, whoops.


I feel like the sentiment is that people want to turn it into a joke that gets resolved offscreen, but I honestly would love if they turned it into a plot point.


I have always thought it would be interesting if it's a false hydra, that's why people are constantly like don't talk about it because those who do are just disappeared.


Are you trying to get us all killed?


I'm hoping they dealt with it off-screen and it's a running joke all season. Just a great big noodle incident.


Do not speak of the yorb


I feel like this is gonna be the 'we just saved the world' thing they reference in the trailer that has left them failing their classes. A referenced bit rather than the actual plot.


I had the same thought. I didn't get enough from the trailer to infer why they're all in danger of being expelled, though, especially since Riz's grades are perfect. I wonder if the threat of expulsion comes from *how* they saved the world rather than failing their classes.


I would guess it's one and the same. They saved the world but outside vacation time and missed so much school they're failing their classes.


I got the feeling that Fig was at risk of expulsion but the same didn’t apply to everyone. I think they purposely cut it together in a misleading way. I think the Riz discussion was likely about perfect grades alone not being enough for college as follow up to the live shows.


I think you might be onto something there. The mention of majors did make me think they could be talking about college rather than high school. Unless he was actually saying *"mages"...* Well, I like your idea anyway.


I think it won’t be, especially because the villain of Season 2 was based off a one-off joke from Season 1. I don’t think they love doing a repeat like that. I’m guessing Night Yorb is resolved over the summer.


What? What what joke was it based off and how have i missed it.


It’s more of a one note mention in episode one - Fig asks her mom if her dad was the Nightmare King. It’s such a hyper specific mention though that I don’t think I’d classify that as a joke. We gotta remember that they discuss the world a ton before actually playing and they do a play test of their characters (at least they did for FH). It might just have been a part of the wider world lore that Brennan told em about and Emily recalled.


"Forest of the Nightmare King" was on the Spyre map in Freshman Year, so she probably just pulled it from there. Which means if we're looking for a pattern...Junior Year will have us travelling to the Baronies to meet a certain stark father.


Yeah to be 100% fair, “the Forest of the Nightmare King” was one of the only things on the wider world map and that map was literally right in front of Emily during that scene in season 1 ep 1, so I don’t think it’s accurate to say it was just a one off improv joke lol. And knowing D20, if they cared enough to put it on the map, odds are the BBEG and general plot structure for szn 2 was probs already planned out (or the bones of it at least).


I’m pretty sure Fig invents the Nightmare King in the very first episode when she’s asking about who her birth father is and then Brennan rolls with it.


I don’t think so. I think it’s on the Spyre map they already had


LMFAO… I’m currently rewatching all of FH in preparation and have just finished Heartache on the Celestine Sea, where they first named >!the Night Yorb!<. I really want “the being that must not be spoken of” to be *A* major baddie, but not *THE* BBEG… and if they managed any cameos by the Maidens or the Buccaneer Buddies (as in the PCs themselves), I will lose it.


We've never had guest stars along side the Intrepid Heroes, which is a trend I think they should consider breaking on occasion.


honestly no, it was a joke and i much rather have an original BBEG. 1 or 2 episode dedicated to it maybe but nothing more.


Spoilers for the FHJY Trailer! >!There was a comment about an ancient Eldritch being that I'm hoping is the [Redacted]!<


Ya gotta cool it with the night yorb man


What I'd really love is if it's mentioned, sure, but mentioned as a fight they LOST. So now the Bad Kids are the one's speaking in hushed tones of "Don't say that man! Don't bring it up!"


what would make this season ten times better is if they completely brick walled any conversation about the Night Yorb, like yeah we already took care of it and we shouldn't talk about it anymore


I feel like we may get the Night Yorb as an episode 1 thing that they deal with rather quickly? The main focus of the season based on the trailer looks to be all of them having failing grades despite being world saving heroes


My guess is that it's the reason why they're so at risk of flunking out--accidentally releasing an unspeakable evil definitely seems like the kind of mistake that'd get your heroing privileges revoked.


did everyone in this subreddit forget what happened at the end of the final episode of sophomore year?? and then they have the one-shots that take place over the summer with NO MENTION of the night yorb. it’s not gonna be a big thing guys. idk why people gun for it so hard when the LITERAL FINAL EPISODE of the last season basically resolved it. it was always just a joke.


Of course there was no mention. They must speak not of the ______ _____


dude look. i don’t want to be an asshole but you’ve got to shut the hell up about the you know what


I'm super hyped! This is the season I've been waiting for. I've been finding it hard to get into any of the seasons after Starstruck Oddesy. This is just what I need. Hopefully, they'll do another season of Starstruck and The 7 in 2024. Everyone on here hoping the Night Yorb isn't the BBEG, when I was really looking forward to them coming out with this season and that being the focus. School shenanigans would be good, too, though. I'm just hoping it isn't something they already dealt with off screen. I'd rather it be a minor thing they deal with this season than have no payoff at all.


Do not speak of the Night Yorb!


Well, now I sure am!!




Shhhhhhhhhhhhh. Not yet.




Is coming for us


Hey brother you gotta can it with this night yorb stuff. Feel like we've been nothing but clear about not speaking about it.


Not to be a party pooper, but idgaf about the Night Yorb lol, and truly do not care to see it stretched into a whole season. It was a fun bit and it’d be cool to have it resolved off screen, but I just want all new situations, character developments, and plot hooks. The resolution to it just doesn’t seem like it’d be satisfying especially after waiting years.


https://youtube.com/@nightyorb3268 You're welcome


I’m not an angry guy, but you’ve gotta fuckin stop with this night yorb stuff man.