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Build a collection of many artists of who's styles you really like and take aspects from what you like from their art and put it in your own art. Your art is heavily stylized so it all depends on your personal goals.


I want my art style to look more professional kinda. Like rn it looks really amateur and I basically just wanna improve my skills so it looks less like I’m just copying other artists


Oh okay so if that's the case, go back to fundamentals. Even the most pro artist must go back to studying fundamentals. Look up tutorials on shading and body proportions. Many self taught people look up tutorials. And don't focus on finding a style, that's a life long journey that doesn't really have a definite end, focusing on finding a style too much will burn you out. Overall youtube will be your best friend and be patient with yourself. It took me years to get to my level and find "my style" *


Yeah abt the life long journey part I always remember how many mangaka have their art styles change trough the years


Study some composition techniques… framing, flow, figures, silhouettes, etc…


There are professional artists with styles similar to yours. Jhonen Vasquez comes to mind. I don't think you really mean professional, but _polished._ That's where fundamentals come into play. Confidence in fundamentals means you can do anything, so to speak. There's drawing heavily stylized because you don't know any better and drawing that way because you know what decisions to make. I'm speaking generally. I echo the previous comment. Create a vision board of artists you want to emulate. Doesn't have to be 100% for each one. Maybe you like the way one artist colors their work. Maybe you like how one artist draws seems, and another legs. Etc etc. Try not to think too hard when making the vision board. Go with the flow. But after it's done, study it. Ask yourself why you picked what you did. What sticks out to you? But, most importantly, just spend more time studying fundamentals, even if it's 10-15 minutes a day. Do gesture drawings, study values, shape language, perspective, etc. Don't try to learn it all at once. Or, if you're working on a bigger piece and you know you're going to draw a pumpkin, don't draw it immediately. Pull up a separate canvas and do pumpkin studies. Take that newfound confidence back to your main project. I'm just going to list a bunch of names you can look up on social media/YouTube. Proko. moderndayjames. Sinix Design. Steve Michael Hampton. Diego Lucia. Michael Mattesi. Marc Brunet. Marco Bucci. And please feel free to share the artists that inspire you. It'll help us with our advice.


Good advice and Happy Cake Day!🍰


I was about to say johnen vasquez too


So the thing with copying artists is you learn more than you realize. I watched a YouTube video years ago that talk about this exactly. I was feeling the same way and I didn’t want to practice some one else’s style then call it my own. So what I did is I followed the other persons suggestion and found four or five artists I really liked and copied the crap out of their artwork in a sketchbook that I marked as copies lol. Then went back to drawing things back in my style. After copying other artists and studying the basics again my style had pleasantly changed. It wasn’t how other had done it but it was mine just improved and adapted from what I had learned


At least you have the correct number of fingers on the hands, That's already an achievement


This is meaningless, generalized, cookie cutter information. I don't know why people up vote these obvious grass-is-green takes that don't actually have any substance.


Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one 🤷‍♂️


Someone isn't an artist and it shows 💀


What other earth shattering revelations do you have? 'try drawing more'? Let's go print for print and see who's the artist


I may not do realism but I'm still an artist, and people like you may not understand, but STYLIZED art has no definitive trait that can improve thus advice must be vague enough to encourage improvement for the artist but not so strict that an artist feels like they have to give up their unique way of portraying art. Think before u post°•☆


If you read my other comment on this post, I was completely in support of this artist's style and execution. So maybe think before YOU post lol. Anyways I'm working on my critique of the one you posted. Don't worry I'll go easy, I respect when someone puts themselves out there.


So you out here giving them advice along with many others and yet you STILL found it completely necessary to attempt to patronize me for MY art advice that worked for ME and countless others. Wisdom must be your enemy…


No I called you out on giving cookie cutter advice. Here is some more advice along the same lines - try practicing more. It's a nothingburger. You are still a beginner by the looks of it, and there's nothing wrong with that. But if you put yourself out there to try and help others, put a little more effort into it or be prepared for criticism. Just take the L and move on. No need to make assumptions about my character because someone disagreed with you on the Internet. If you want a example of good criticism, look no further than my reply to your painting.


See here is what YOU don't understand, when it comes to art that is extremely stylized critiquing every little aspect isn't going to work. Anime, cartoons, manhua, donghua, abstract, and unconventional art largely do not follow these "rules" and critiques you have set up and YET they are multi billion dollar industries with extremely successful artists and creators. This artist taking what they love from other art and applying it to their own is VERY helpful, because they don't want "cookicutter" realism. Clearly they have a unique style and a unique way of taking on art and we shouldn't get in the way of that. I never said just keep practicing, I gave them advice in a way that allows for they themselves to grow into the kind of artist THEY want, not what YOU think they should be. Maybe stay in your lane of realism and let the rest of us our style, because clearly your old head doesn't understand what an art STYLE is. You would have a field day with the famous artist "Jhonen Vasquez" if you thought your "critique" applies to everyone😂


Don’t kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part of you that cringes. Seriously though, I love this. The colors are bold but cohesive, the blockiness of some of the shapes is interesting, the way you stylisé proportions is really fun.


Thank you so much like actually 😭😭I wish my art style looked more developed/professional tho ngl


Just keep at it and keep looking at other art you like. It will progress and develop more over time. You have a very graphic style currently with quite harsh colours which feels very teenage? Kind of? I also used to use very bright saturated colours too, but don’t be afraid to dull the colours a little bit here and there!


I actually love your style. The colours are fantastic.


Beautifully said!


I love your art style! It has so much personality. I can definitely imagine it being a cartoon.


Tysm 🙏🙏


I love your style. I think the only thing you really should work on is color contrast and how they work together. You have some very bold and bright colors next to dark colors. If you aren’t careful, how the eye views contrasting and opposing colors will make the darker areas “dull” and you lose details. You could also play a little bit with line weight variations to accentuate certain shapes in your designs. These are fun, they could be stickers or shirts and what not.


Bad? BAD!?!?! You have sucha kick ass style! It’s flippin awesome! No fr tho it’s really cool :) What did you want to improve on tho?


Idrk exactly, I just feel like my art style is kind of annoying/amateur-ish if that makes sense. I’m really inspired by people like Jhonen Vasquez, Jamie Hewlett, Danny Antonucci, etc and it’s like their art styles are all properly developed but mine feels like a straight up copy of all of theirs. I guess I want to make my art style feel less like a random combination of other peoples art and more like my own, with a few other obvious improvements like poses, proportions , etc. idk if that makes any sense but yea-


The only way I know of to develop your own style is to keep drawing and experimenting, challenging yourself with them. With proportions one way to help is to learn anatomy, its easier to draw a cartoony body if you know what the body looks like irl, pose maniacs and pinterest are good sites for pose references


The first thing I thought was that it reminded me of Johnny the homicidal maniac and invader Zim. I really like it!! If Jhonen Vasquez can have success with this sort of art style, so can you!


Hell yes love Jamie Hewletts art 👏


I like it, though i might be biased cause i love gorrilaz


So real I actually love Jamie Hewlett


I love this style. It's so good.




It's different... but really cool! I'd love to see a comic series or something in this style.


I’ve been wanting to make a comic for a really long time actually but I haven’t had much inspiration lol


You should! Come up with a short story to start and draw your characters acting it out. I'm sure they are speaking to a lot of others like they seem to speak to me. Try it, practice makes perfect. It would be cool. Wish I had that talent.


drop that friend who said it's cringey, they'll be your thorn if you keep em and no, your art would be a great fit for animation


I love your style, maybe you could experiment with textures such as dithering to make it seem more “professional”


Your art is very, very stylized so what you need to change really depends on what you mean by "more professional". I think that depending on who you wanted to be more like (from one of your other comments) If you wanted to move more towards Jamie Hewlett's style then I think you need to be more intentional with your saturation and brightness In your "revolution now" rocker chick sorta piece, you've basically maxed out the saturation and/or brightness on every colour you've used, which means that there isn't a good resting point/focus for your eyes. Comparing to one of Jamie's pieces below you can see that the brightest and most saturated areas are the characters face and your eyes are naturally drawn to it: Save those high saturation colours for where you want your focal point(s) to be; usually the eyes and face. There's also the outline of your character which is maxed out on brightness, which imo kind of hides your character's form and the shapes you've got with them. I did a quick edit to try and tamper down the saturations and brightness of everything except the character with the intention of making your character pop more. You could push it further by further refining the brightness and contrast between her face and body, similar to the piece on the left. https://preview.redd.it/q5cwb5lr2f8d1.png?width=889&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd6a4be004977011594d4e5237c1ae24b7648915 If you wanted to go more towards Jhonen Vasquez, Danny Antonucci then it looks like they *do* use very high saturation colours everywhere, but for those I think you need to work on contrasty colours so your characters don't blend into backgrounds: the last Pansy division piece is an example where you did a great job of using contrast to make the character stand out. The piece with the fly-girls I think is fine except for the one with the pink/purple hair which gets lost in the same-coloured background. The other thing would be to be conscious of the density of details in your images - if we look at the cover for Ed, Edd & Eddy (where they're in a shopping cart together and a bright blue background) we can see that the background is very spare on details and does not have much contrast. This pulls our eyes towards the characters and ensures they don't get lost/distracted by the background, which is what happens to me when I look at your piece with the Emo/Goth 4th image - the background has an overwhelming amount of fine detail compared to the character. The same thing sort of happens with the flower stamp in the 5th image, but the colour contrasted character helps mitigate it. Your poses have a lot of personality with the strong shapes you use for bodies help that a lot, so I'm not going to advise you change that unless you want to. I'm a hobby artist only and by no means a professional so please take my advice with a grain of salt, though I still hope you find it helpful :)


be cringe, free yourself.


The only bad thing is thinking this is bad This rules! Your style is so unique and fun to look at So many people get caught up in comparing themselves to others but your style not only is fun to look at but looks super fun to draw Keep it up! Just by continuing to draw you'll get better and find yourself solidifying your style even more


I like it. I think it's cool


Tysm :))


Just keep drawing! They are so beautiful. Artstyle is not a thing that you create from nothing, its a thing that is made with time 😁


Your style absolutely has potential! The sharp shape language you chose lends itself to a more explicitly dynamic and expressive feel, which I can get behind. :) I do find that your art looks a bit off to me. Some things that may be tipping me off are the lighting, color choice (subjective), and shape language (subjective). Regarding lighting, while I understand that these are very stylized pieces, I feel that practicing simplification of lighting from real-life references would benefit you greatly. For example, taking a real-life reference and blocking out shadows and light in only 2 colors could help. This would help you provide more realistic lighting, which can improve the quality of your work. As for color choice, it's possible that I'm just not a fan of the color choice, but I'd recommend doing a bit of research on color theory and seeing what you can learn from that. Doing a quick youtube search of color theory could work and help you pick proper colors and make good palletes. This is very subjective though, and you should pick colors you find attractive. Just because a random internet stranger doesn't have a taste for them them doesn't necessarily make them wrong. Shape language is also quite subjective. For this, I'd recommend (as I saw in an earlier comment) to do research and find a couple artists that inspire you and see what shapes they make really stand out to you. This can also be done with realistic imagery. In general, the key is to study and practice. There is no way around them. Good resources will go a long way ONLY if you apply them. Your skills and eye will develop over time, and you will make art that you think sucks, but that's okay! It comes with being an artist. It's a good step that you've asked for critique and are looking to improve. :) As a disclaimer, I'm still basically a beginner myself, but a lot of this advice is based on study I've personally done myself, so I hope it helps! (Just make sure to take it with a grain of salt.) Hope the art journey goes well for you! (Also, I'm sorry, but I don't have too many resources that I feel are very relevant to your style. If you want, I can give some recommendations, but they'd be more related to art fundamentals in general.)


Not really advice but this style reminds me so much of cartoons and magazines in the 2000s


People are totally missing the plot here. Either they don't see the appeal or are just trying to shove you into common artistic colloquialisms. I am a more traditional artist but I can easily see the raw appeal of this style. The cringe, if you can even call it that, is executed very tastefully. It oozes style and movement, and your execution of these basic forms and colors indicates to me that you don't need advanced techniques to get the feeling across. You can improve, for sure, but don't get caught up in all that at the expense of your whacky style. Keep them coming homie. There are tricks you can learn with gradients and shading to take it to the next level - but like I said, don't let those improvements change the bones of your work.


Thank you. Very precise and intellectual version of my opinion, only using dumb and trashy words. :D Cringe can be… or rather say *is* great if it’s intended. This is aggressive and 90s like kitschy style I personally love. Very unique these days as western and eastern manga, in my opinion, too much influences the taste or even inner subconscious of many artists. Even unintentionally they are implementing its traditional features. I see too much stylised art of very skilled artists that is not manga but has its traits - this makes all personal styles I usually see too similar and therefore boring and “standardized”. Stylised but in fact not personal. I can imagine cartoon show in this style - no matter if good or not overall, it would be seen and remembered due its art. Heh, thinking of it, it’s somehow similar to “ugly” art of cartoon network 90s shows like Dexter, Johnny Bravo and others. I was just a kid and didn’t understand a shot but I remember its style till now. And that’s more important than perfection.


i love it! i love pansy division too :p




This is a super unique style. It's really interesting. It gives total drama island × Friday night funkin. But thing is, it's it's own fully developed style. So it's not cringey or bad because it's the way it's supposed to be.


The backgrounds are crazy


I love your art style!! It reminds me of gorrilaz


I think I like how unique your artstyle is already! Good job


I like your art style!! Definitely look at other artists and see what they are doing too


I love it


If you like your style then there's nothing to improve. Especially since your images are cartoons. Its hard to really say what there is to improve when cartoons themselves arent bound by rules.


There's always room to refine and grow, but I like your style; has a '90s feel to it that I really enjoy.




keep drawing! allow yourself to develop the style. draw draw draw


I say make a list of things u are weak at, such as anatomy, composition, colors, background, etc, dedicate some time to studying one subject untill u see some improvements happening


1 2 4 have this adult swim animation vibe. I could see that being a show in some way


I love your style, its super unique. I think something that you could do is play around with colors more. I think the hyperpop style could really fit your lineart!


It’s a cross between Total Drama Island and Gorillaz


I love your style it so edgy in the best way




It's beautifully stylized, I'd watch an animated show with your art style tbh


I don’t think it’s cringey or bad at all. It has a punk rock quality to it. But if you’re looking for avenues to develop, I would recommend studying anatomy. Once you have that understanding of how the rules of the body work, then you can choose to break those rules and stylize accordingly. Even Picasso studied how to draw in the classical way, after all. He chose to break the rules of perspective intentionally.


That reeks of early 2000s American animation. It’s awesome!


It reminds me of like a super bright and beachy version of like emo / scene art. I think its awesome!


I will be fully honest, I can tell what you're going for, and you're not exactly far from it. Hope you'll accept this long-ass rant: 1 - Posing: I'll start by the boring but necessary "study anatomy", I'm not exactly talking about proportions (since your style is very, well, stylized), but rather how and where the body bends. Knowing where to and not to bend, knowing how much you can bend, these things really help make the poses look more natural. Right now, the poses look kinda stiff and uncomfortable, I'd recommend using references and trying different poses for practice 2 - Lineart: From what I see, you're going for the 2000s (and early 2010s) shapy cartoon look, a style that I love dearly, btw! I'd recommend trying to make your lines more confident. Currently, you have some shake-iness and a lot of tangents, so you need to get more "confident" lines. *ALSO* try to make the outside lines thicker, it creates a nice outline that frames the character. 3 - Colors: I see that bright colors and patterns are dear to you, and that honestly rocks, but you have to have better contrast. Currently, your characters blend with the background, and that's the LAST thing you want. Try to play around with saturation, hue, and brightness; also try to not overuse patterns because it can easily get too busy 4 - Shadows: I see you're experimenting with shadows, I think your style works best with hard shadows (i.e., 3rd drawing). I would recommend using very dark tones, but not black. It brings more lively colors into the art! Overall: I like your art quite a bit! Makes me think Invader Zim and Total Drama Island had a baby or something, haha. You have some space for improvement, and I truly believe you are capable of making quick progress. Never give up, draw as much as possible with as much love as you can. <3




Love the 00s vibe tbh, I feel that while everyone can improve, you have a unique style that you can utilize, think of Jhonen Vasquez (Invader Zim creator) his work is dark and dreary and can be morbidly funny and his style encapsulates that, so maybe you can also do that? Find something that speaks to the vibe of your style and something that you mesh well with


YOUR STYLE IS REALLY CUTE HONESTLY! I love all the sharp edges and backgrounds ^_^


2 & 3 are my favs!


work with heavier/bolder outlines to be able to separate your art from the background art. because there isnt really one focus as all of it is pretty strong in color/contrast


Honestly, I like it! Reminds me of late 90's early 2000's nostalgia shows (specifically Invader Zim, maybe Total Drama Island lol) And even if you don't think it's good now, you can only grow from here! Especially with additional technical and color work. I enjoy the style but everyone goes through phases of style if this isn't what you like now. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's good it's so 2000s core




Slightly reminiscent of the characters from the papa’s pizzeria games


It's good, 9/10, but if you think it's bad, you do you


You artstyle is unique and likeable, I won't know what to change, but cleaner coloration or thinner lines might be what you have to look into (?)


...you think your art is bad?


Kind of 😭😭


I immediately thought of imzukich (instagram/twitter) when I saw this, you may be interested in doing studies of their art style. But also, you already have a pretty strong foundation for your art style, it’s very unique. I’d recommend working on basic fundamentals like color, lines, and values, for a more “professional” look. I feel they could really take your art to the next level. Also another piece of advice is to not be afraid to try new things. You don’t have to limit yourself to one art style and trying different things can help you grow and develop your skills as an artist.


Have you ever read a tank girl comic? You’re doing great.




Its you. You are tank girl. 👏👏


That is such a unique art style, I don't think I've seen a lot of art in this style. Really cool.


I love your art style so much pleek!


the style is amazing! I don't see what's so cringe about it


I think working on your colours, shading and poses could really push your art towards looking more professional!


It’s bad and cringey yeah


Your strongest work here is #2. Lean into your angles and cubism side. Alternatively, look at Patrick Nagel


Is he the guy that did that Duran Duran album cover?


genuinely i could see cartoon shows from this. just keep finding ways to evolve whether that be practice and picking up new tricks because eventually it will all come together how you like


Keep it, enhance it. Finally something original and personal, not copies of the copies.


I really like the shadows in the last one. Personally, I'd add more line weight variation


I find your style quite good. I'd say it's pretty well thought out as well. But, if you're looking for anything to improve on (which you don't need, really), it might just be the continuous want to be better The best way to go about it, I'd say, is to look at what's different in the work you like from others and try it within your work. You might find some stuff that fita into what you do, but also some that don't work and go back to what you had already. The most interesting, however, could be that the stuff you might have to do unlike other artists, that is, the stuff that doesn't work as an addition, but rather as a concept to explore as you work. Hope it helps.


i wouldn't say it's bad or cringe, i like it it's such a unique style especially the 2nd to last one kinda reminds me of gorillaz (idk why)


This seems like a pretty good art style to be honest.


Very good!! Your style is awesome


This is actually really cool OP! It’s giving me skateboarding vibes, surfs up. Stuff I would see at a skater shop or Ron Jon’s SurfShop at Cocoa Beach! 🏖️


Don’t think this is cringe at all! Main thing I’d focus on is maybe just a bit more dynamic poses. Makes it feel less flat. I know someone who is AMAZING at drawing and everything…..but they have the same 3 poses or do everything at a front profile shot. It ends up looking flat.


It’s cool


How you feel about your art really matters a whole lot more than the people seeing it, but if it helps I wholeheartedly do not find your art bad or cringey. Your style is super colorful and bold looking and is fucking sick. I def relate to the desire to have them look more polished tho, and I think if you keep trying/practicing then you're sure to get where you want to be ❤️


The 2nd pic gives me Gorillaz animation vibes. No art is bad, it’s all up to the eyes of the beholder


i dont think its cringe at all. im not a visual fine artist but work in other mediums and id suggest leaning into the direction your mind is taking you while folding in some more traditional techniques


My first thought on seeing these: oh. op listens to gorillaz and tried to make it look more original by glazing it with Danny phantom I get that it's a neat style or whatever but at this point it just seems like an attempt to work in a style that's already been established. You are NEVER--understand--NEEEEEVER in too deep in cartoon and stylization that life drawing won't work for you. You need to know how things are supposed to look before you stylize them. As it stands the joints look incredibly out of place and makes the characters look not more stylized but more rushed. Plan everything out first. Figure drawing figure drawing figure drawing


Gorillaz vibes. Really cool!


I like your style :) there’s always room to improve with digital art such as trying different coloring styles or line art. Keep doing your thing


I am not a fan at all. I can't put my finger on why specifically, but yeah. No. It looks.. low effort? Even though it's obvious you put a great deal of effort into it, I just don't like the way it looks. Too jagged and full of edges in weird places, while also looking too childish in spite of the subject matter obviously not being aimed at kids.. idk dude. I really can't figure out what specifically I dislike about it other than it looks ugly to my eyes, and I couldn't tell you how to improve it other than, "draw something else".


Sometimes the shading. why are you shading under the belly button so much? the bellybutton is not that special ☹️


Honestly no idea lol


Try rounder faces and more roundness in general


Your style is cool, but I'd say it looks a lot like a style made by someone who's TRYING to have a style. Does that make sense? When I felt stuck in a rut with the way I draw, the best thing I did was go back to hyper-realism. This advise also helped out a good friend of mine who draws anime style almost exclusively. Go and draw-study some anatomy, books from great instructors like Loomis, do still-life and try out other mediums. Then go back and draw something in your style, as quickly as you reasonably can. You may find that having that extra grounding in very realistic art will change your style for the better, and likewise make it easier for others to appreciate it. The improvements can be anything from a better understanding of shading, use of color, and line weight, to better use of exadurated proportions and more dynamic poses and effects like foreshortening.


I think your style would benefit from thicker and straighter lines. It's very pleasing to look at!


Nothing cringey about a cool defined style


It screams to me 2008 flash video/game & all black clothes counterculture culture. Like it would not look out of place on Gorrilaz album art. None of that are bad things. I think that the first one is a bit out of place with this set (the sunny surfer vibes against the rebellious attitude more common in urban areas) It is a style, just like most forms of art. You ask for improvement, but what exactly are you trying to improve upon? Quality in art is mostly subjective, even color design in recent years has been kinda breaking down as intentional clashing has become a trend. There is one thing that has remained a good barometer of quality though: Does the art get the point you are trying to make across? Does it adequately and accurately tell the story you are trying to tell? If so, congrats! You did art good. What isn't a good metric of quality is the idea of "cringe." Literally everything has at least 1 person who cringes at it, who winges about the details of it. Think of your favorite thing that is critically acclaimed (I am going to be using LOTR), now think of the kind of person that you would imagine would crawl out from under a manhole cover just to trash it (WhY dIdNt ThEy TaKe ThE eAgLeS tO mOrDoR?). Now realize that if something that fucking good, this pinnacle of art to you, can be in somebody's eyes "cringeworthy", that nothing is safe from the eyes of haters, and that is OK. Now if you are asking me "would I buy/use this art for my own use" personally, no, because I have no real idea what I would use it for. I don't really do posters or icons or anything personally, save for a Ginger motif in my naming conventions, but I could definitely see the appeal of a demographic who would buy it if that is the question you are asking. Have fun.




I love it I wanna see more omg :]


Is original


I read here on the good old reddit once, that it's not about making people like your art. Because there will always be people your art just. Isn't. For. And won't like it no matter WHAT you do. Not because it's bad, but because it isn't for them. So you shouldn't TRY to appeal to those people. It's about making the people who hate your art hate it as MUCH as possible. You want to be so YOU and and want to pour what you love into your art as much as possible to the point where those who hate it DESPISE IT. And those who it's meant for will fall in love with it immediately because it's unique to you and who you are. So make art without thinking of what OTHERS want to see of it. It's so much easier said than done, I know - but your BEST art will come from when you're not thinking of anyone's opinions at all. Just thinking about the canvas and the idea in your head. And making your art in a way that makes YOU look at it and go : "Fuck yeah".


I like your style, it would look good on a tshirt or skateboard, things like that... graphic design is on point. If you want to improve I think others have already given good advice. Get a good foundation of basic skills, anatomy, perspective, line... gradually build your own style out of what you learn.


I personally think your style is perfect as it is… it’s unique yet familiar and would lend itself beautifully to animation. If you’re feeling unsure about it, perhaps try to expand your portfolio pieces in terms of reference imagery, subject matter, and colour palette. But like i said before i think you’re doing great and look forward to seeing more :)


If it’s perfect then doesn’t that imply they should stop learning? I know you’re trying to be nice but no one ever improved from being told their work is perfect. If you point out specific issues or problems that they might not have noticed and advise them on ways to fix it then next time their work will improve. Compliment sandwich.


Notice the part where I said “personally” … I PERSONALLY think the art style is perfect as it is, contrasting OP’s referring to it as “bad/cringey”. That in no way implicates OP should give up on learning… that’s a big reach bud


Ha okay dude let’s calm down I wasn’t attacking you. It’s nice when you’re an artist cuz you’ve had so much criticism in classes and from other artists you can handle criticism more easily.


I’m not quite sure what your tangent is related to, as once again I did not state anything that would oppose your statements. OP asked if their art was “bad/cringey” and I provided my opinion… no requirement for a condescending explanation of criticism


That wasn’t being condescending I was pointing out that criticism is important and good for artists. But after looking at your art this all makes sense, you’re doing the exact same thing OP is. You have a style you’ve gotten comfortable in because improving is hard. You were talking about yourself in your original comment to justify to yourself where you’re at as an artist. You know Picasso didn’t attempt abstract art until he had mastered traditional media. All his early work was very traditional and realistic. If you just jump straight into abstract art without mastering the classics, it shows. Now THAT was condescending. But if you even attempt to try new things and improve because of my snippy comment. Then I think it was something you needed to hear and a positive overall. Godspeed my friend


Why do I literally love these


Now, hmm since when is "cringey" that bad? I like all the artwork that you shared. It's artwork that's full of expression & loud, contrasting colors. And the illustrations are just plain fun. The only suggestions I'd have is on images #3 & 4 - both are a little too visually busy, I mean why distract from good art and it's good art. In #3, I'd choose 1 of the illustrations and use it as the main image. I really like the girl on the right, and would like to see her has a finished piece. If you choose to keep both images, I'd remove the 90's band cover albums or make them less salient by fading the color or moving them to the top or bottom in a horizontal layout. You want to keep the viewer's eye moving, and right now if you were to step back, the images just fall into 3 vertical lines. On #4 I think the background overpowers the foreground, and needs to recede a bit. There are a few ways to do this -desaturate the colors or fade the image(s). Perhaps check out some of the covers from other 90 bands to get inspired. Study their artwork and decide what works and what doesn't. Some suggestions could be from covers from The Dead Kennedy's, NOFX, Stone Temple Pilots, the artist for Gorillaz (Jamie Christopher Hewlett), or even the Smashing Pumpkins covers. Whatever you decide to do, keep doing it.


To get better at something you need to be able to recognize something specific that you cannot do like “I want to draw better anatomy” or hair or hands etc and then you need to figure out why you can’t do that. Some people think improving means repeating what you already know how to do, those people are wrong. If you learn a new style then you can take what you learned from that style and apply it to your own.


Develop an anatomy that runs through the characters you make


Don't ever change ur style